The Billionaire Hit Woman

Chapter 33


“Oh, Hey Frank! I was just about talking about you; why don’t you take a seat?” I say sarcastically, this time getting really angry. How could they not even bother telling me about their relationship? I mean, they’re my only two friends that I actually talk, and now that they’re in a relationship, they keep it from me. I’m starting to wonder what friendship truly means to these guys, because they clearly don’t get it.

I suddenly feel a wave of fatigue wash over, and I start to feel dizzy. I stagger slightly and since I’m standing, I drop to the couch. I’ve been feeling this way since for the past two days now, and I’ve vomited at least seven times since then. Nick said that he’s taking me to the hospital when he gets back from work, and I really don’t want to go, because personally, I hate hospitals.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

They both rush to me to make sure I’m fine, but I just give them a death glare making them halt in their steps. Much better. Turning to Frank, I say, “As I was saying, I was just about talking about you, and the fact that you two are in a relationship, that I as one of your closest friends don’t know about. When did you and Julian start dating? How did it even happen because I recall she has had no time for anyone within the past three months? Why was I not informed about it?” I ask.

He is silent for a while, as if looking for the words to use. “We’re really sorry Cassy, we didn’t mean to-

“Just answer my questions.” I cut in sharply, hurt by their actions.

“We started dating around the time when you went missing and we didn’t know where you were, and at first, we couldn’t tell you due to the fact that you were missing and when you came back, you had a lot of problems and we felt telling you about Julian and I would just add to your stress…” He trails off as if not knowing what to say, while I sit on the couch in shock, disbelief and hurt.

I open my mouth to talk but the words don’t come out as I look at their guilt filled faces, wanting to hit them both across the face. “So, you guys were already dating and you didn’t tell me? You felt it would add to my stress… I don’t get it, are you even thinking? You kept something like that from me… Julian…” I look at Julian, who tries to speak but I continue with what I’m saying, “Well, it’s really nice to know you guys think of me as someone who’ll find her friends happiness to a problem and burden on her, thanks for clearing that up guys. You know what, I needed that kind of news in my life at that moment, because I was so down and nothing seemed to be going the way it was supposed to go, and I felt so lost and lonely, and the fact that you guys are together would have really made me happy because I’ve been looking forward to the day you’d both be together, but it’s cool.” I say, standing up to take my leave.

Julian blocks my path and I can see she’s about to cry, but it doesn’t move me, “I’m sorry Cassy, I really have no excuse-”

“Yeah! You don’t. I called you back then tell you about Nick, which was the perfect opportunity for you to tell me about you and Frank, but you didn’t and yet you were the one talking about how I wasn’t being a good friend by not telling you about my whereabouts, which was actually necessary. Just let me pass Julian, I need to go home to my fiancé who has been there for me all this while.” I say, showing her my finger that has my engagement ring on it.

Yes! I forgot to mention it before but Nick bought a beautiful ring the next day, and proposed to me at the company, so now everyone knows I’m his Fiancée.

“Fiancé?!” They both exclaim in shock.

“Yes, he proposed, and this I-”

Julian’s eyes brighten up and she interrupts me, “This is so amazing. When did he do it? And how did he do it? Have you guys chosen a wedding date? I’m gonna be the one in charge of the catering for sure. Oh my God! I’m so happy for you. Come on, tell me everything about it.”

“I came here today to tell you how it all happened but I don’t think you need to know. It might just add to your problems…” I quote them, and continue, “…and besides, you probably don’t even have time to listen to me, you’re too busy with Frank and your business. Goodbye, at least now I know I don’t have a bridesmaid.”

I say and start to leave with Julian and Frank begging me, but I just ignore them, not willing to listen to their bullshit. Just then, I feel a wave of dizziness hit me and I lose my footing, crashing down to the marble tiles, and hitting my head on it. My vision starts to blur, the only sound I can hear being the panicked sounds of Julian and Frank and something about Nick, and then everything goes black.


Nicholas is watching a football match in his living room at home, feeling really bummed about the fact that Cassy didn’t let him go with her to Julian’s. He has gotten more protective of her since she started vomiting and getting sick, and doesn’t want anything to happen to her in his absence, because he feels he would lose himself if something is to happen to her.

He starts to feel thirsty and goes to kitchen to get a glass of water, and just then, his phone starts to ring, and he immediately dashes to the living room to pick the call, hoping it is Cassy because he is getting worried about her. He told her to call him when she got to Julian’s but she still hasn’t called and it made him really scared that something has happened to her. He sees that the Caller ID is Julian, and he lets out a disappointed sigh, and then starts to panic.

Julian has not called me in a long time, and now that Cassy has gone over to meet her, she’s calling ne. Did something happen to Cassy?

“Hello, Julian.” He says unsurely, placing the phone by his ears as his heart starts to beat wildly, while hoping Cassy is okay. He hears Julian crying, confirming his suspicions that his Fiancée isn’t okay. “What happened to Cassy?” He asks.

“I don’t know, she just staggered and fell. She hit her head on the floor and fainted, but she’s bleeding badly. We’ve taken her to the nearest hospital, please meet us there.” She cries from the other end of the phone. Nick freezes before nodding his head. He asks for the name of the hospital, and when she tells him, he cuts the call, dashing to his room to put on the first shirt he sees, since he is wearing only a pair of shorts. He gets into his car and starts driving. Cassy, please be okay.

Nick dashes into the hospital, and then to the front desk where two nurses. “Good day, please I’m looking for a Cassandra Johnson, she was checked into the hospital a couple minutes ago, what ward is she in?” He asks the nurses, who are at first awed by the fact that Nicholas Bennett is at their hospital, before they check their records, not even bothering to ask him any questions. They tell him where she is and he races to her ward.

“Cassy!” He yells, bursting into her ward only to see her crying with Julian and Frank smiling and congratulating. She looks okay, except for the bandage wrapped round her head.

He lets a sigh of relief and runs to her bed, planting kisses all over her face, “You had me worried.”

She looks at him with happy tears in her eyes, “Nick…” He looks at her, wondering what she wants to say, “You’re going to be a father. I’m two months’ pregnant babe.” She laughs, and Nick hugs her tightly, tears of Joy rolling down his eyes, not being able to believe his ears and starts showering her with compliments on how amazing she is. I’m going to be a father!

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