The Billionaire Hit Woman

Chapter 30


He pulls up in the company’s lot, parking his car at an empty spot. He looks over at Cassy to see her inhaling and exhaling, and he knows she’s nervous and so he reaches for her hand, and gives it a light squeeze. “You’ll be fine, I promise.” He says reassuringly, and she nods her head, calming her nerves.

They both get out of the car, and together, they walk into the company. The staffs in the office greets him politely as he walks past them to the elevator leaving them wondering who Cassy is. “What if I say nonsense? Or I fall to the ground?” She asks him as soon as they her in the elevator, her panic rising.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

He kisses her on the lips, and she forgets all about her worries. He pulls away, “You won’t say nonsense, and you won’t fall either.”

“But what if I do?” She asks, taking deep breaths of air.

“If you say nonsense, then I’ll laugh it off, and if you fall, I’ll be there to catch you.” He says, and she relaxes a little.

“Thank you love.” She says, regaining her confidence, and standing tall.

The elevator door opens to a group of people outside Nicholas’s office door. He had called Laura, his secretary, this morning on his way to the office and had told her to gather all the executives in the company, including herself, and that they should wait at his door because he has important information to pass across to them.

“Good morning, sir.” They all chorus respectfully, as they turn to face him. Nick nods his head in approval.

“I’m sorry for gathering you all here abruptly, but as my secretary must have told you, I have very important information to pass along.” He says, pausing for their reactions and they all nod, while wondering if Cassy is an important, or big business woman. “Cassy, please introduce yourself.” Nicholas says, shocking Cassy as she didn’t think she’d have to say anything, but she quickly composes herself, stepping forward so they can all see her.

She takes a deep breath, and then smiles before introducing herself. “Good day fellow staffs, my name is Cassandra Johnson, and I’ll be working in this Company as Sur Nicholas’s P. A, I look forwards to working with you.”

Everyone starts to clap, and welcome her, except Laura who is at the back of the crowd, glaring at Nick with anger, and at Cassy, with hatred. When Nick had first called her name, she shrugged it off thinking she was hearing, and now she can’t believe what she is seeing and hearing. It is already bad enough that he would talk nonstop about Cassy to her, and now he has brought her to the company to work as his P. A, a position she thought she was going to get. Nicholas dismisses all of them, and tells one of the executives to take Cassy around the company and introduce her to the other staffs, before walking into his office.

He has just taken his seat when the door bursts open, and a fuming Laura walks in. “Laura, what is wrong with you? Have you forgotten your manners?” Nick says, displeased by her actions.

“Why would you do this to me Nick?” She says in anger, ignoring his questions, “You know how much I love you, and yet you bring her to work here as your P. A, just because she’s your girlfriend.”

“Laura, I suggest you go back to your desk and stop all this nonsense.” Nick says, not wanting to get into an argument with her.

Laura ignores him, “You talk nonstop about her, making my heart break every time you do, but I don’t complain, and then you bring her in, and not just as any staff but as your P. A, a position I deserve.”

“Laura, I brought Cassy to work for me because she is more than capable to be my P. A, and you can’t tell me who to bring into my company, or tell me what position to give people. You are very capable but she’s far more capable than you are, and you really don’t expect me to not do what’s good for my company because of how you feel. You shouldn’t mix your personal feelings with work Laura, it’s not professional.” He says irritated, “You should go to your desk Laura, before I suspend you, which I am supposed to do.”

“Suspend me? Because I love you? Nick, what kind of love potion did she use on you for you to be so in love with her, have you forgotten she once attempted to kill you? She could always try it again.” She says desperately, breaking down in tears.

Nick gets mad. She was always telling him how Cassy would one day try to kill him again and he is always warning her to not say things like that, but she just won’t listen, and now, he has had the last straw. “Laura, that’s enough, get out of my office right now, before you make me do something I don’t want to.” He says angrily.

Laura snickers and clicks her tongue. “Fuck you Nick. I’ve always looked out for you but yet you don’t seem to care or even want it, and despite knowing how I feel about you, you keep talking about Cassy, and pretend you don’t know how much it pains me to hear you speak about how much you love her.”

Nick goes silent for a while before speaking, “Look, I’m sorry Laura, I understand how you’re feeling because I’ve gone through this before, and I’m sorry for being insensitive to your feelings, but you have to accept the fact that I can never love you, and move on to someone else.”

“Don’t tell me what to do and what not to, you asshole!” She yells, “You know what? I quit. I don’t want to have to see yours and that bitch you call your girlfriend whenever I come to work, so this is me resigning.”

“Laura, you’re overreacting. You need to calm down and think about what you’re saying.” Nick says in alarm. Laura is a very hardworking and capable secretary and he didn’t want to let go of someone like her, despite the way she has been acting.

“I quit.” She deadpans and turns to storm out his office when the door opens to a beaming Cassy, and Laura’s face turns red with Fury.

“Hi.” Cassy chirps in a friendly manner, but Laura just storms out of the door, pushing Cassy out of the way in a very harsh manner, and slams the door shut, leaving Nick speechless and Cassy, confused. “What was all that about?” Cassy asks I wonder, as she walks towards Nick’s desk.

“I’ll explain to you on our way to the park, for now let me tell you exactly what you’re to do.” Nick sighs.

“We’re going to the park?” Cassy says, her eyes gleaming.

“Yup! After work, just to loosen up and spend some time together.”

“But we are always together.” She laughs.

Nick rolls his eyes, “I know how much you want to go to the park so just be happy about it. Anyways, let’s get to business.” He says and Cassy nods.

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