The Billionaire Hit Woman

Chapter 10


“I’m in! Cassandra, you are in.” I chant as soon as Nicholas leaves for work due to whatever emergency he has. I don’t get why Victoria wants to kill a nice man like Nicholas. He’s so nice, gentle, thoughtful, and definitely interested in me. I caught every single moment of him staring at me with a distant look, and that one time when he looked at my lips, and looked away quickly. He’s definitely falling for me, and hard.

I don’t know; is it because he’s too rich or just stupid, because I would never let a stranger that I met on the road live with me, and even pay her money. I guess he’s just too quick to trust people, but either ways, it’s a very stupid thing to do; picking up someone from and dumping them in your house without knowing them, and the fact that he just believed everything I said to him is even more baffling.

I could have been lying, and he wouldn’t have known, and yet he just believed everything. I wonder where he was raise, because he definitely raised in this cruel, despicable world, where only few can be trusted. I push Nicholas and his foolishness to the back of my mind, and check if there’s any CCTV cameras around. After confirming there isn’t any, I bring out the burner phone Victoria had given me from my bra, and dial the only number on the phone.

“I assume you are calling me because you have an update on the job I gave to you.” She says as soon as she picks the call. Where in the world did they get such a snobby, self-centered bitch from? And how was she role model for five years? I really wanted to be like her, but now, I just despise her. If not for the money, I wouldn’t even be talking someone like her.

“I already told you that if you don’t have any news, don’t call me. Since you’re calling me, I would like to assume you have good news for me.” She says, irritating the shit out of me.

“I am in Nicholas’s house.” I say and she laughs out, delighted by my news.

“Wow, that’s good news. Mac, you really found the right person for the job.” I hear her say while laughing.

“How did you do it my dear Cassandra? Although I was the one who came up to you for the job, I still had doubts about you and your capability but since you were pretty and Nicholas just can’t refuse pretty women, I knew he wouldn’t resist you and so I hired you. I’m glad you are doing what you’re meant to do.” She praises me

“Glad to hear that.” I say sarcastically, a deep frown etched on my face, as I quickly add, “Since you know him so well and you are pretty yourself, why didn’t you approach him and kill him by yourself?” I ask her.

“The first reason is that, I don’t want to want to get my hands dirty over someone like him, and the second reason is that, Nicholas is a very fine man, and I’m sure you can testify to that since you have seen him for yourself, and I know I’ll fall for that bastard if I get too close to him.” She says

“You have nothing to worry about Victoria, because I do not care about love or romance, all I care about is money. I assure you that there will be no falling in love with Mr. Bennett. I just want to do this, get my money and leave town.” I assure her.

“I’m so happy to hear that; that’s the spirit Cassandra. Keep up with your determination, and the finish the job as soon as possible so you can leave.” She says. “If that is all you have to say, I’ll be going now.”

“Wait!” I yell into the phone before she can hang up.

“What?” She asks, clearly displeased by my disturbing her.

“Can I ask you a question?” I ask.

“Go ahead, but make it quick because there are people who are too busy to hold pointless conversations.” She says and again, I really want to rip the bitch’s head right off her body, she is just so rude.

“It’s about the target, Mr. Bennett. Why do you want to kill him anyways? He doesn’t seem like a bad person and from the little I have seen; he is an extremely nice person. What could someone like him have done to make him deserve death?” I say and the line goes silent for a while.

“Don’t ever ask me that again, it’s none of your business; what I do and why I do it has absolutely nothing took top. Just do your job and get the hell out of here. Next time you ask me that or any other stupid question, I will not only have Nicholas killed but consider yourself dead to.” She says and the line goes dead.

“What a bitch” I cuss out in anger before dropping the phone into my pocket again. This house is insanely big for me to clean each day, and all my myself at that. I can’t hire someone to do it for me because that would mean splitting my money in half again which I do not want to do, and besides it will be suspicious if I hire someone right away. My phone rings and I bring it out to see Cole’s name on it. Wow! Look who decides to call me. He hasn’t been picking my calls for several weeks now and after sending him money two days ago, he decides to call me.

“Hey Cole.” I say, not asking him anything. I don’t have time for arguments because I’m tired right now.

“Hey sis. I saw the money you sent to me for college, thank you, I really needed. I know you must have been worried because I wasn’t picking your calls or keeping in touch with you. My phone dropped into a pool at a party and got spoilt so I had to buy a new one with some of the money you sent to me, and I didn’t try reaching you with my friend’s phone so you won’t know about my phone and have to start stressing over getting the money. ” He explains, warming my heart by how thoughtful he is.

“I was starting to get really worried about you, but it’s okay now, I’m just glad that you are okay, and don’t hesitate to ask me for anything when you need it.” I say.

“Sure sis, take care of yourself too. I have basketball practice, so I have to go but thank you once again, for the money.” He says.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Make sure to pick up when next I call you and eat well, do not skip any meals and please, read and pass with good grades.” I say.

He chuckles, “Okay sis, I’ll do everything you ask, just calm down. We’ll talk later, bye.” He says, and then hangs up. I look around the house. What do I do now?


“What in the world do you think you’re doing; bringing a total stranger to your house? I don’t think that is the right thing to do. You don’t even know her and yet you bring her into your house. What if she’s an assassin and is just disguising as someone else? Or what if she’s a spy sent by one of your rivals?” Laura scolds Nicholas, who is getting tired of her nagging.

“Would you stop worrying, I like her, and I know she’s not faking anything.” He shuts her up.

“She’s not faking anything? For fuck’s sake, you don’t know her. You see a pretty lady and you immediately believe everything she says. Wow, Nick! Your obsession with women is really getting too much.” She says in annoyance.

“That’s enough Laura. I let you know some things but don’t forget your place. You’re not my girlfriend, just a friend and a worker under me, so if you want to keep your job, I’d suggest you loosen that tone of yours.” He snaps, getting tired of her.

Laura looks shocked at his outburst but quickly recovers. “I’m sorry sir.”

“It’s okay, you can leave today, I will drive myself home.” He says, and without even waiting for her to leave, he grabs his car keys from the table in his office, and leaves for the elevator; one thing on his mind as he enters the elevator; Cassandra.

She was a very pretty woman with curves in the right places, and although she was so poor to the extent that she was homeless, it didn’t matter to him at all, but he wondering how she was still on the streets with her type of beauty. Surely, there must have been men who would have seen her beauty, and so he finds it a mystery as to why no man had ever picked her up, or helped her. He clears his thought.

Although he doesn’t like the way Laura was doubting Cassy and trying to make her out to be a bad person, he knows she has a point, he shouldn’t let his guard down even if he likes her, she is still a stranger and so he should be careful around her.

His phone vibrates and he looks at the message on the screen; it is his father asking him to meet him for dinner. When will this old man finally understand that I want nothing to do with him? He puts the phone into his pocket as the elevator door opens, walks into the garage and then starts the car before driving it out of the garage.

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