The Bad Boy’s…What?

Chapter 7 Interesting Revelations

“So, were you so enthralled with the young man that you couldn’t keep your eyes on the road instead of off him?” is the first thing that Roger questions as I sit across from him at the kitchen table. Having to explain this little ‘date’ ordeal to my family is a bit embarrassing.

“No, I was hungry. It was the burger on the display at McDonald’s that I couldn’t keep my eyes off, can’t you just spare me the embarrassment and just arrange to pay for the damage?” I cross my arms over my chest. This confession does not help my situation.

“Oh god Khloe, the burger, really?” Kohl gasps from his spot on the floor where he currently resides laughing his butt off.

“Kohl stop laughing at your sister, and Roger stop harassing the girl, you’ll pay either way,” Claire scolds as she strolls in bouncing a giddy Lucy on her hip.

“Lucy, why aren’t you asleep baby?” Kohl asks as he pushes me out of the way and takes my little baby into his arms. I scowl as he sways her in the air.

She’s my baby.

“Let me see her,” I move closer to Kohl, only for him to move away from me.

“Come on Lucy, come with uncle Kohl,” he coos as he takes her with him upstairs. With a huff I trail after them, leaving a laughing Claire and a smirking Roger behind. My footsteps echo the empty hallway, leaving me alone to my thoughts.

I smile at the memory of Kohl glaring at Drew, assuming his big brother role, as he walked me to the door. The crestfallen face Drew permanently wore on his face at the thought of his wrecked car is still burning clear. I bring a hand up to my mouth to trap the laughter that wants to escape as I stand in Kohl’s doorway watching him put on a show for Lucy.

“I like big butts and I cannot lie..,” his hands hold a bouncing Lucy as their smiling figures sit on his bed.

“Kohl, why are you singing that to her?” I huff as I walk into the surprisingly neat room. Guess they did show him something in military school.

“What, she likes it, just look at that face,” he pouts. I think he’s influenced Lucy a little too much because as he brings their faces together, they both give me award winning pouts.

“Lucy, ignore uncle Kohl,” I state as I sit on the other side of the bed.

“Lucy, listen to uncle Kohl, he knows what he’s doing,” he counters as he continues to play with Lucy. I have a feeling that there’s a double meaning in there somewhere.

“Whatever Kohl, I’m sleepy,” I yawn as I try to get a hold of my baby to go to bed.

“Come dear, come to your wiser, better looking brother,” he places Lucy on his chest as he lays back in his bed, motioning for me to go to him.

“And modest too,” I huff as I curl up into his side. Since when did my big brother get so comfortable?

“That’s it, I’m like a big teddy bear, I know,” he pats my back as I lay with him. I don’t even take the time to throw a comeback as I close my eyes.

“You know, mom and dad would’ve been very proud of you, little sis,” is the last thing I hear him murmur as I succumb to sweet bliss.


“Get the camera, they look so cute together,” a hushed voice gushes as I try to retain to a shirtless Channing Tatum.

“You’re going to wake them up,” a male voice grunts. I immediately recognize that voice as a grouchy Roger. Yawning, I stretch my hands over my face and hit something, hard.

“Ouch, damn don’t give me a black eye this early,” Kohl grumbles as he squirms in bed. I look down towards his chest where a drooling baby Lucy is sleeping soundly. Looks like Lucy really loves uncle Kohl.

Apparently, we all fell asleep together. I, curled up to Kohl’s side with his arm over me and the other one holding a sleeping Lucy, who fell asleep on top of him. I know, we make a cute family, don’t we?

Claire rushes over to Kohl, grabbing Lucy before rushing downstairs to feed her, no doubt. I look at the alarm clock on my brother’s bedside table and make a run for it to my room. I hurry into the bathroom, rushing my shower before heading into my closet. I put on my normal jeans and shirt before grabbing some boots and bolting downstairs.

“Kohl, why are you in your boxers eating cereal instead of getting ready for school?” I exclaim, as he lazily sits at the kitchen table.

“Being late never killed anybody,” he waves me off. I roll, my eyes as I take a seat across from him. Apparently, I’m going to be late today since I have to wait for my idiotic brother.

“Eager to see Drew?” Kohl smirks around a spoonful of Cocoa Puffs.

“I don’t like Drew like that, and stop pushing us to be friends. Do you know what could happen if he knew about Lucy?” I scold. Do I always have to be the voice of reason?

“Relax, he hasn’t caught on yet,” he rolls his eyes before pushing out of his seat and heading back upstairs.

I sit there and ponder over what he said. No, Drew hasn’t found out yet, but what if he did? Would he go ballistic, get furious, try to shoot my family and I? Oh my, well would I miss Kohl? Oh, who am I kidding, of course not.

I sigh. Of course I’ll miss my big brother.

“K, I’m ready,” he slides down the banister in a clean white V-neck and black jeans.

“Where’s your backpack?”

“At school.”

“How’d you do your homework?” he looks at me like I’m crazy before cackling out loud and leading me out the door.

“Two more weeks,” I sing to Roger as I smirk at his waiting figure, leaning on the car.

“Until then, I will enjoy driving you around,” he counters nonchalantly.

“Whatever,” I huff as I climb into the back because Kohl beat me to the front. That seat stealing cunt, yeah I know British, I think.

I look out the window while I continue to think over the consequences of hanging around Drew. They’re not looking really good. Perhaps, it’d be best to avoid him as much as possible. It shouldn’t be hard.

“We’re here Klo,” Kohl’s voice reels me back into reality. With a sigh, I mimic his movements and clamber out of the car. I look for Kohl but he’s already to the side of the parking lot fist bumping Lucas and cajoling with the other two guys. It irks me that Adrian actually likes Kohl but hates my guts. I did nothing to that guy.

I head towards the front doors of the school, eager to escape the gaze that currently follows me. Up until I disappear into the building. I sigh in relief as I look down at my watch and notice it’s time for History class. It looks like Drew won’t be showing up, the perfect time to make new arrangements.

I think I’m glowing as I sit across Ruby, my new project partner. She smiles nervously at me, what is with people not wanting to talk to me? Am I really such a nerd?

“So, should we do the project?” I raise an eyebrow.

“Yeah, do you mind focusing around Civil Rights time, I think that walk outs and sit-ins were awesome,” she beams as she continues to talk about the fascinating past. Is this what it’s like to have a girl friend?

“Yeah, and we could also focus on some of the major figures around that time,” I put in.

We continue to talk animatedly on how to put this project together. We have around ten minutes left when the door slams open. If that tingling, creepy feeling wasn’t proof enough, the girls’ dreamy sighs was enough to know just who walked in through that door. My leg begins to bounce as his intense gaze begins to make me nervous.

“Are you alright?” Ruby leans down to whisper. Her brown locks falling over her shoulders while her ruby lips turn down in a worrying frown.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” I wave off with a nervous laugh. I don’t think I’ll be winning an Oscar soon, I deadpan in my head.

“He makes you nervous too?” she nods inconspicuously towards the blue eyed bad boy.

“Yeah, more like makes me want to pee my pants,” I retort.

“Is that why you switched partners?”

“So, so,” I vaguely respond. She nods condescendingly while placing her hand on top of mine.

Soon enough, the bell blasts and I grab my things and haul ass out of that suffocating room. I head downstairs while changing my daily route. I tread through hallways trying to remain hidden. I am so not going to lunch today. Once, the hallways are finally clear, I slowly make my way back upstairs heading to my English class. I feel the need to gather the missed work, thanks to Kohl, and explain to Mr. Pine, why I was late.

“So, have you found the girl yet?” I hear a deep male voice question as I approach my destination. Mr. Pine’s door is slightly ajar as I approach.

“No Kris, I haven’t,” Drew’s voice answers with a tired sigh.

“You know you need to find her before they do, or she’ll have the same fate,” the voice continues. I look through the small opening and finally recognize Mr. Pine, or Kris. It’s hard to believe it’s him without his usual teacher aura.

“You think I don’t know that, I’ve been trying so hard to find her but my mom didn’t exactly leave specifics,” Drew retorts heatedly.

“Then there’s the other matter at hand,” Mr. Pine continues.

“Yes, yes, mine as well ask me to dig up the lost city of gold,” no need to be sarcastic Drew. Maybe I should stop eavesdropping.

Now I’m thinking of Penn Badgley and his perfect biceps in Gossip Girl, let me tune back in to the conversation.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“And why are you hanging out with Khloe Mason?” my favorite teacher questions.

Hold up, how did I get involved in all of this?

You stole the dude’s baby, that sarcastic voice inside my head answers.

Not stole, he gave me the baby, I answer back, which is completely crazy because I’m talking to myself.

“What do you mean?” I watch as Drew wipes his face clean of emotion.


“I mean she’s a good person, you shouldn’t get her involved in any of this,” Mr. Pine elaborates.

“Involved? You act is if we’re engaged, I don’t even think we’re friends,” Drew exclaims.

Thank god, that way he won’t be hurt I ditched him in history.

“Just, be careful,” the tired English teacher sighs. I must be a vampire if I can hear all of this.

“She means nothing, just thought I should keep her close in case anything happens, she knows this town. She’s been living here since she was born, she knows the place better than anybody,” Drew states matter-of-factly.

So, he’s using me, huh.

“I swear, she better not get hurt,” Mr. Pine warns.

“Why do you care?” yeah, why do you care, Kris?

“I knew her parents before they died, I owe it to them to look after their daughter,” he explains. Wait, he knew my parents?

You learn something new every day.

“I’m going to head to lunch,” I hear as he begins to shuffle around after a long moment of silence, or where my vampire hearing failed to work. Whichever. I hurriedly walk to my left and open the secret door to some secret stairs that lead t a secret entrance inside the library.

You know you’re a nerd when you know the secret entrance to the library, or Narnia. I head towards my usual bean bag chair in the back and quickly flip to my page in Starcrossed, having finished the Divergent series way too quickly.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” I jump at the sound of that voice. I look up and cringe at the sight.

“Aren’t you going to eat, Adrian?” I retort.

“I would, but I’ve been ordered to find you,” he responds.

“By who?”

“You know who,” he gives me a look.

“Please don’t tell Drew you found me,” I plead.

“Fine,” and with those great words he walks away.

I look down to continue my journey in discovering what’s up with Lucas, the main character in my book.

“Having fun?” once again, I jump. I look up into angry blue eyes.

Uh-oh, this is worse than when Tyler bit Damon.

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