The Bad Boy’s…What?

Chapter 21 I Just Wanna Run

Sweat droplets dribble down my forehead as I exert all of my force onto my left hand. I bite my lip as my hand strains to twist but I just can’t pull through. Kohl sits across from me on the chair, snoring his life away. Meanwhile, I haven’t slept, the urge to pee far too great to allow me a mere wisp of sleep. My head snaps up as I hear the slight creak of the door, a head of brown hair peeks through before a smirk is placed upon those chiseled features. I give a glance towards Kohl, whose guarding skills aren’t so great that he doesn’t even make a sound as Drew makes his way towards the bed.

“You know, I think I’m liking this position quite well,” Drew smirks as his eyes roam over my body. I curse myself as a shiver crawls down my spine.

“Look Drew, I don’t have time for your usual predatory looks because I really have to pee,” I raise a hand to stop him from saying anything else. He gives out a low chuckle before bending down by the bed. Just I was about to blurt out saying ‘no need to bow down to my awesome presence,’ I notice that he has a bobby pin in his hand. Tool he uses to unlock the metal confines, releasing my hands. I look up at him with a scowl.

“You couldn’t do this hours ago before my bladder swelled up to unhealthy proportions,” I state before carefully making my way to the bathroom inside the room. The relief I feel as I wash my hands is unbelievable, like a huge weight has been lifted from my chest or bladder really. I walk out with a certain spring in my step before waltzing out of my brother’s room and downstairs towards the kitchen. I worked up quite the appetite withholding my sweat that comes out a different end. I completely ignore Drew’s presence but that doesn’t mean my body doesn’t acknowledge it. The alluring presence I’ve become so used to, that certain scent that only he seems to carry.

“Am I getting the silent treatment?” he questions from behind me, amusement lacing his words.

“Why couldn’t you go for me earlier?” I could’ve died.

“Well I could’ve but then I remembered how you snuck out of the house by yourself when something could’ve happened to you,” his words get darker as he speaks. And it’s then I realize, who am I to confront him for such a small thing, really? It’ not like my bladder really did explode.

“You know what, you’re right. We definitely do not need to bring up the past,” I reply as we walk into the kitchen. I begin rummaging the cupboards for different toppings before getting two bowls out and finally taking the ice cream out of the freezer.

“You really like ice cream don’t you,” I nod but I think he was making more of an observation. He shakes his head at me before removing the tub of ice cream out of my hands. If we were in a relationship, this move would’ve made grounds for me dumping him. I can feel my eyes glaring at him as he places the frozen goodness back in the fridge. My eye twitches when he grabs the chocolate syrup from me just as I was squirting it into my mouth.

I. Am. Going. To. Kill. Him.

“Stop looking like you’re about to bite my hand off,” he chastises as he searches the fridge for something. I’m not going to go into a perverted talk about how I did not check out Drew’s butt, but if I were to rate it I’d say ‘baby’s got back’. I avert my gaze to the ceiling trying to hold in the uncontrollable giggles that want to erupt from my mouth as he turns to look at me. I can feel the blood rush to my cheeks as I was this close to getting caught doing something that I most definitely should not have been doing. Wait, it is at this time that a question pops into my mind, why is it okay for guys to check out girls liberally but when we do it it’s like it’s dirty? This is something that I should definitely ponder over.

“What’s got you thinking so hard?” a thump on my forehead snaps me back to reality.

“Nothing, what are you doing?” I question as my hands motion to the variety of items he has set on the counter. Eggs, milk, flour, basically all of your baking needs.

“We are making a cake,” he smirks as he digs his finger into the flour only to spread it on my nose. I make a face causing him to chuckle as I’m sure my now white nose looks funny.

“Why are we making a cake?” I wave the whisk he placed in my hand in the air. Who bakes a cake at three in the morning?

“Well, Lucy’s birthday is tomorrow or technically today,” he answers with a shrug meanwhile my mind is screaming at me about what a horrible mother I am. How could I have forgotten such an important day in history, you know besides Dylan O’Brien’s birth date?

“Why didn’t you remind me?” I whisper as loudly as I can before hurling an egg at his head. The splat sound makes me realize what I just did as my eyes widen with surprise. I step back as he wipes part of the substance from his head before taking a couple of threatening steps towards me. Damn, I can count on one hand the times Drew has ever seriously been mad at me but right now, he’s in predatory mode. I’m the prey once again. That’s something I just realized, how in the world do I end up in these situations? The ones where I inadvertently place myself in some type of danger, awkward, or embarrassing moment?

“You’re trapped,” that whisper in my ear takes me out of my ramblings, only for me to notice I’ve backed myself into a wall with Drew’s body keeping me in place. I am indeed, as he so nicely put it, trapped.

“How about that cake?” I try to duck under him before he places his arms on either side of my head. Oh sure, bring out the biceps dude, I’ll just ignore him. I’m going to stare straight ahead, uh oh, straight ahead means straight at his chest. His muscular chest leading to that torso, is it hot in here? Or is it just him?

“What’s wrong, why is your face all red?” Drew asks me worriedly. Ha, if only he knew what I was thinking. Good thing he’s not a mind reader but what if he were? Oh my, I’d never be safe.

“My face is red in anticipation for that cake,” I manage to stun him with my quick thinking enough for me to get out of his grasp.

“Okay, I’ll make the batter can you get the pans out?” I nod before heading out to find the baking pans. Who knew Drew could cook?

“You know, the reason I didn’t remind you of her birthday is because my mom always kept our birthdays intimate with just our family. I used to like that so I thought I’d do the same thing for her, no need for an over the top party,” he explains. Aw, that’s so sweet, now I feel bad for smashing an egg on him. I should apologize but I won’t, that will be like showing weakness. For some odd reason, I don’t want Drew to think of me as weak. Curse you teenage girl hormones. I feel like I’m in some sort of sitcom.

“You space out a lot, don’t you?” I feel arms wound around my waist as hot breath hits my neck. Is it just me or is Drew extra touchy feely today? My heart begins to pound uncontrollably in my chest as Drew’s arms tighten around me and I’m being lifted a couple of feet above the air.

“What are you doing?” I work hard to keep my voice steady but my nerves have been hurled into overdrive. My heart is now slamming against my ribcage, I can practically hear the ‘boom, boom’ out loud. Well, I’ve always wished I could fly, suits me right.

“Since you seem a bit out of there I’m going to wake you up a bit,” too focused on what his hands were doing to me I didn’t notice that Drew had been moving us to another location. I didn’t hear the door opening, my mind was whirling with thoughts that I didn’t hear the slight sound of water running. I didn’t notice he headed into the indoor pool until we both go under the slightly cold water. Water rushes into my system as the unprecedented plunge takes its toll on me. My head comes above the surface with a scowl plastered on it I’m sure, as I turn to Drew, who’s currently laughing his ass off. I swim over to him before dunking him under water. That’s right, who’s your daddy? Besides the potentially evil gangster lord.

“I could’ve died,” I chastise while smacking his arm repeatedly. Not like it seems to faze him in any way.

“How did you not notice I was headed towards the pool?” he chuckles as we swim towards the edge.

“Excuse me for not necessarily being concerned with location at the moment,” I roll my eyes. Perhaps that wasn’t the right thing to say. My breath hitches as Drew turns me to face him, blue eyes glinting mischievously as he leans his tall figure a mere breath away from my face, a position I’m all too familiar with.

“What were you concerned with?” there’s not a smirk on his face, no, but a knowing smile graces his features. I jump as one of his hands lands on my back, barely pressing itself against it. What were we talking about again? Oh gosh, his eyes are so pretty.

“What?” I squeak out. Wow, what an intellectual response, Khloe.

“See, it’s like you don’t even hear me talking,” his cold knuckles touch my skin, yet they manage to leave a scorching trail behind.

“Adrian can’t keep it in his pants,” my mouth can’t control itself but that’s all my brain needed to snap me back into reality. My eyes widen in realization to what I just said and I quickly jump out of the pool. Ignoring the cool breeze that hits my body, I run upstairs to my room and lock myself in. there’s got to be some way to downplay this situation, technically I think Drew cheated with his eyes. Sadly, I don’t think Adrian will accept this excuse and will most likely try to rip my tongue out of my mouth. What if I have to live the rest of my life as an Avox? I take a quick shower before changing into some new clothes and heading out to check on Lucy.

“He-hey Adrian,” I stutter as I walk in on him bouncing Lucy in his arms. A serene smile framing his features, looking completely foreign to the world. That’s right people, Adrian ‘The Grinch’ Black, can and is capable of smiling. Lucy’s giggles fill the room with a lighthearted joy.

“Why are you so nervous?” he smirks at me after tucking Lucy back in her crib.

“Nervous? I’m not nervous, I’m chill,” I make a hand movement to emphasize my lame point. He immediately rolls his eyes, coming over to my side, looming over my smaller frame. Uh oh, intimidation is not of my greatest strong points. Just picture him like Dobby from Harry Potter. Aw.

“Do you know what’s up with Sammy, I know you two talked,” he watches me curiously. Just as I was about to cave under the minute long stare down, the door to the room opens and my jaw hits the floor. Drew raises an eyebrow at us as if the fact that he’s merely in a towel loosely wrapped around his waist has no effect on him. Water droplets run down his chest before being lost under the towel following the ‘v’ shape of his body.

“Wow, eye rape much,” Adrian mutters lowly before running for the hills. I think little Adri was a bit intimidated. I try to look at anything but Drew, because you know I’m that awkward kid.

“What was that you had said before?” he’s clearly using his body as an interrogative device but fear not, my lips might as well be a lost tomb. I’ll be the code not even Drew can crack. The click of the lock clicking into place makes me jump unexpectedly. I move closer to Lucy’s crib, perhaps she could save me from this sure to be disaster.

“I said that cake you made sure does smell like it’ll be good, matter of fact I think it’s done,” I move closer towards the door.

“No, we have ten minutes in which I think we could do something very productive,” he’s like the devil whispering his words those oh so seductively. And just what the hell does he mean about ‘very productive’? Are we going to do some type of manual labor because if we are I should inform him that I suffer of a severe case of indolence. Which is just a technical term for laziness.

“I think you should use that time to put some clothes on, have some decency,” I give him a pointed look before sprinting for the stairs. Leaving him stunned no doubt.

“Why are you in such a hurry, Khloe?” Adrian appears out of nowhere. Oh this fool, this is all his fault. I roll my eyes and continue on my way to the kitchen before the house burns down. Claire sends me a wink as the cake has been placed on a platter on the kitchen counter. She bustles away just as a new set of footsteps sounds from behind me.

“Look Adrian, you wanna figure this shit out just talk to Sammy,” I grumble under my breath but audible enough to be heard in the quiet room. I grab the bowl of icing we had prepared before moving towards the cake. Why did Drew even make a cake, it’s not like Lucy can eat it. And Drew calls me the spaz.

“What should Adrian figure out? You know cupcake, I’m starting to think you’re trying to keep something from me and guess what?” Drew leans in closely, after spinning me around to meet his gaze, our breath once again colliding with one another. I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut.

“What?” I clear my throat to remove any shakiness from my voice. His presence always keeps me on my toes, and yet, I always wonder how this is possible.

“I don’t like it,” his eyes darken to midnight blue before a smirk appears on his face, his finger dipping into the icing before licking it off.

“Well gee, I didn’t know my sole purpose in life was to please you,” I scowl as I begin to ice the cake. I wonder if people even begin to imagine just how big this bad boy’s head is.

“Whoa, I hope I didn’t walk into any kinky shit,” Lucas holds his hands up defensively as he struts into the kitchen with a huge smile. And again my mouth entraps me. I watch as that cold, expressionless air takes over Drew. I find my mouth curve upwards slightly despite myself.

“Ooh, I want some cake,” Lucas screams, practically jumping in place.

“It’s for Lucy’s small soiree,” Drew leans against the counter. That reminds me, I need to go buy that little angel her birthday present. Ugh, I hope I don’t need permission from a certain someone to step foot outside the house. You know what, I just remembered what Sammy said. I am Drew’s pimp and I’m going to take matters into my hands.

“You know what, Drew,” I slam the small spatula against the marble surface to grasp his attention and smile internally when both, he and Lucas, jump. “I’m going to go upstairs and get Kim and Kohl to watch Lucy while you finish icing this cake, and afterwards we’re going to the mall for presents. No buts and if you have something to say then you better be ready to face the consequences,” I finish my little rant with a ‘humph’ before strutting away towards the backstairs. I thank the heavens that I don’t manage to trip until I’m at the top, crashing onto a grouchy Adrian. He brushes me off him mumbling something about a ‘clumsy bitch’ before rushing off. Well then.

I take off roaming the halls looking for a love-struck fool and a lovely girl to watch after my adorable little baby. I hear giggling as I pass by the library and decide to peek inside. I can’t hold in the snort of laughter that erupts from within me as I watch Kohl, dressed in khaki trousers, a white shirt with an emerald green blazer and a sack of potatoes over his back, doing some weird dance that just makes him look like he has ants in his pants. Kim’s laughter is what fills the room with glee.

“Oh my gosh, that’s not what I meant when I said I liked Irish guys,” she shakes her head at my stereotypical douchebag of a brother. I close the door quietly, not wanting to interrupt the ‘macdaddy’ work his magic. Good thing I do know of somebody in need of brushing up their baby skills.

“Hey Adrian,” I call innocently as he walks back down the otherwise solitary hallway.

“What?” does he always have to be so brusque?

“Do you think you and Sammy could watch Lucy while I go to the store with Drew?”

“No,” he begins to walk away before I latch onto his arm desperately.

“Please, pretty please, I promise I’ll be the best friend ever,” I cry out as he drags me with him like I weigh nothing.

“Will you tell me what’s going on with Sammy?” he suddenly stops before turning to face me. For the first time in the while I’ve come to know Adrian, I see a hint of vulnerability. The smallest glimmer of fear, fear of losing Sammy perhaps and that’s what makes what I’m about to do, mean. Then again we could count as payback for all the times he’s tricked me.

“Yes,” I nod, hoping he doesn’t see right through me.

“Fine,” he nods and I smile before skipping off down the hall. I vaguely hear him say something but don’t pay any attention to it. Probably making some type of snide remark, what a loser. I rush back downstairs and smirk triumphantly as Drew places the finishing touches on the cake. Damn, he could be a professional baker with his skills. Who does he get that from, who taught him how to bake? His mom? His dad? Was there ever a time where his dad and he actually enjoyed each other’s company?Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

“Are you ready?” he gives me a weird look before grabbing his keys and leading me out into the driveway towards his car.

“Wait, I want to drive in my car,” I halt my steps and dig in my pockets for my keys before hooking them onto my thumb. He turns to give me a flat look.

“No,” is all he says before climbing inside his car. Oh hell no. I glare at him and holding that glare I move towards my car. I unlock the door and open it, ignoring his raised eyebrow. Sending a defiant look his way, I pay no attention to his clenched jaw or the way his hands curl dangerously around the steering wheel as if it were my neck. Feeling extra rebellious I blow him a kiss before turning the engine on and flip him off as I speed out of the driveway. Oh, this is going to come back to bite me in the ass and ironically Avril Lavigne’s What The Hell is playing on the radio when I turn it on. I smile as I see him driving furiously catching up to me effortlessly. Man, I’m starting to think they’re was something in the pool that messed with my way of thinking. What if Adrian intentionally gave me hash brownies? I could so see him doing that. In no time I pull into the mall parking lot and barely lock the car as I’m dragged by the arm.

“What the hell was that?” Drew snaps, pushing me onto the wall none too nicely. Uh oh, caveman mode.

“Uhm, do you not like my driving skills?” this may seem like a death wish but maybe I can diffuse the situation. Crickets can be heard with the response I get him from him, a cold look. Those eyes looking mighty frosty on his flawless face. His humorless chuckle scares me a little, I’m not going to lie.

“Sometimes, I really want to hurt you,” he whispers. Chris Brown alert, ha ha, he’s still beautiful.

“Would this be a bad time to tell you I received a visit from your father yesterday?” I decide to speak up now, they do say there’s no better time than the present.


“Your dad stopped by the house yesterday and we might have had a little chat,” I cower into the wall as his eyes darken in anger.

“Why are you just now telling me?” he clenches and unclenches his fists.

“Because there’s a heard of scary men heading our way,” I point to the suspicious looking men that are hurriedly approaching us. I barely have time to blink as Drew hauls me with him to who knows where and I can’t help but wonder if he’s still mad at me. I hope the guys don’t eat all the cake before we get there if we get there. Man, why does something like this always happen? And what’s up with Stiles in Teen Wolf, do they not know how their affecting my emotions?

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