The Bad Boy’s…What?

Chapter 18 Drew’s Arrogant Side and His Love Bite

“Lucas, can you please stop spinning me around and put me back down?” I mumble into his black t-shirt after he tackled me with a hug as soon as I arrived home. His arms tighten around me and he spins me around one more time before finally releasing me with a serious case of vertigo.

“Where the hell have you been?” Adrian’s face comes into view with his permanent scowl intact. Nice to know he missed my presence.

“Adrian, did you knock out my brother and if you did, why?” I stare analytically at Kohl’s sprawled out body on the floor with his face smooching the carpet.

“I didn’t do it,” he answers as he kicks Kohl’s leg carelessly getting no response from my brother. The room suddenly goes silent as our attention turns to Drew, who’s been eerily quiet, more than usual if that’s possible.

“Kim, you’re here, I thought you weren’t coming ’til next week,” Lucas’s cheery voice feels so out of place right now as he hugs his cousin.

“I told you I was coming in today, I even texted you to come get me, thanks to you I was lost at the airport,” Kim scolds as she hugs her cousin back.

“So, what happened to my brother?” I ask to no one in particular.

“Hey, maybe we should go help you unpack, yeah, let’s do that,” Sammy breaks the silence and Lucas’s not so inconspicuous whistling, as she drags Adrian behind her with Kim up the stairs and into the second floor. Drew remains in the room, I turn to him but his intense gaze traps me in place. His cobalt blue eyes seem to be blazing fiercely with something I can’t quite describe but if the clenching and unclenching of his fists is any sign, I’d say this bad boy was pissed off.

“Did you hit my brother?” I point down at Kohl who is now beginning to groan incoherently as he regains his senses. Drew takes a step forwards without saying anything but there’s something about his stance that seems predatory like, I take a step back. I begin to fidget nervously under that intense gaze, I’m the petri dish under the microscope and he’s the scientist. Drew’s painfully slow steps finally reach my now disturbed frame. He says nothing as he clamps his hand down on my upper arm and drags me upstairs.

My eyes glance back at my brother’s body still lying on the floor. Does no one care about Kohl’s current state? My eyes continue to bulge out of my head as Drew throws the door to his room open before hauling me inside, I didn’t picture my first time inside his room to be like this. Not that I’d been fantasizing about being inside his room because that’s so not the issue. He leaves me standing in the corner after he closes the door. I look around nervously as he paces back and forth. Huh, his room seems a lot cleaner than I thought it’d be, his navy blue bed spread neatly draped on top of the bed. Everything is meticulously placed around the clean room. The only thing lying around carelessly is his backpack that’s been strewn to a far corner of the barely lit room.

The only light provided in the room is the small glow coming from his desk lamp due to his navy curtains being drawn. I jump as I feel his hands grab my shoulders and he carelessly pushes me down onto the edge of his bed, where is this going? He better not be thinking anything out of the appropriate boundaries. I was thinking of all the possible scenarios as to why he possibly brought me into his room, perhaps he wanted to have a sleep over when my thoughts are jumbled by those familiar lips of his. Once again, I’m immobilized by this sinful creature. Thoughts run through my head as to why he possibly continues to do this, rationality flies out the window as his hand lands on my thigh, snapping me out of my reverie and forcing me into action. He pulls away a mere centimeter from my lips, his breath intermixing with mine and I draw out a shaky breath.

“So, uhm, you knocked Kohl out?” I laugh shakily as I sit there. Staring at a pair of plump, pink lips, the most perfect lips I have ever laid my eyes on, well, that I’ve noticed. The ghost of a smile barely frames his features before that intense gaze covers his face once again. The hold on my thigh tightens as his fingertips begin to dig into the fabric of my jeans.

“I know this isn’t your leg but you’re kind of cutting off my circulation,” I squeak as I point down to my leg. He loosens his hold but his touch lingers, creating a completely different feeling to creep over my body, it’s like liquid fire flowing through me. I open my mouth to say something but snap it shut as Drew pushes me back onto the bed, okay, this is getting freaky and I don’t know in which sense of the word I’m speaking.

“I don’t think-,” his lips envelop mine as he places himself above me, cutting off anything I was about to say. What was I about to say anyway? What was I even thinking about? What did I have for lunch yesterday? I don’t even know anymore. All thoughts going through my mind center over the blue eyed boy who is currently cutting off my oxygen with his very skilled lips, in case you were wondering. I pull away from him in order to breathe and to try to regain a bit of my rational thinking. Should I be having a hot make out session with Drew while Kohl’s knocked out? I don’t think so, I open my mouth to speak again but my thoughts jumble all together as his lips land on my neck. Before Drew, I never knew I had a weak spot, I’d heard stories but damn, they don’t compare to having his lips leaving a scorching trail of kisses down my neck.

“Drew,” I was trying to form a complete sentence but his name came out as a mere whisper, his touch leaving me utterly breathless. I let out an embarrassing moan as I feel him bite down on the side of my neck, now I know what Elena must’ve felt like, his movements cause a shudder to ripple through me, but before this can go on any further I distance myself from him.

“Sorry,” I breathe out as I try to regain my breath. What the hell did I just do? Well, I think I know what happened but what made him do this? He’s usually so reserved, he’s a man of few words that manages to intrigue me to no end, but what could’ve spurred this reaction from him? A gust of air hits my body as he stands up and begins to pace the room once again, was I that bad of a kisser that he’s contemplating how to destroy me and where to hide my body? I’ve suddenly come to the realization that I may have a bit of an overactive imagination. Can you blame me?

“No, I’m sorry, I just got carried away,” his voice seems different, lower somehow, huskier and well, hot. I watch as he stops his careless pacing and pinches the bridge of his nose trying to regain his composure. He’s usually so calm and composed, not really giving off many reactions except for his eyes. Those azure orbs could tell a story if you’d look deep enough. To see him lose that cold exterior in front of me is kind of amusing but it causes this warm feeling in my chest on top of that.

“Don’t do that again,” he suddenly snaps causing my head to snap up. My eyes meet his and I can see a whole bunch of pent up anger in those fiery orbs. What doesn’t he want me to do, breathe? Well, no can do bucko, I very much prefer to continue living. Why is he so mad anyways? Could it be because I gave him the cold shoulder on the ride home? Well, I’m sorry but when you find out your parents didn’t just died but that they were murdered it kind of makes it hard for you to just want to talk nonstop, unless that’s your own way of coping.

“Look, I’m sorry about ignoring but you couldn’t just expect me to be all smiles and let’s sing around the campfire happy, right?” I swing my legs over the bed in an attempt to sit up but I ended face palming the floor, literally. “Ow,” I grumble as I stand up while rubbing my nose.

“You just can’t help yourself from falling for me, can you?” I turn to give a smirking Drew one of my meanest glares possible. I don’t think it has a grand effect as he just chuckles lowly to himself before sitting on the edge of the bed.

“And I meant for you not to leave without so much as a note left behind, do you know how worried I was? I had to knock your brother out after he started going crazy, accusing me of sexually accosting you,” he shakes his head with a slight smile pulling at his lips, probably in accordance of the memory. My brother can go crazy sometimes, I won’t even try to deny it.

“So, you were mad and decided to punish my lips?” I question as I plop down beside him. My hand reaching up to stroke my swollen lips, evidence of what had just taken place, if this is what happens when he gets angry I might have fun pissing this bad boy off. Purely for experimental purposes, of course.

“That was because I wanted to remind you that you’re mine,” he whispers in my ear as he leans in close to nuzzle my neck. He might be acting like a horny wolf but it doesn’t take away from that warm, fuzzy feeling his words seem to cause. I was trying to form a coherent sentence to get out of his claws when Kohl started banging on the door, saving me from myself.

“Drew, I know you have her in there, open the door. Khloe don’t drop your panties for him, he beat your brother out of spite, he’s bad, K, he’s bad,” he continues to ramble while jiggling the knob desperately trying to find his way in. I motion for Drew to be quiet by placing my index finger on his lips as he was about to laugh, my cheeks flood red as he bites my finger seductively.

“Khloe, open the door, I’m lonely,” Kohl resorts to squeaking but I find my eyes are trained on Drew as his gaze holds me in place. I hear my brother huff angrily before giving up and finally taking his leave. I faintly hear Claire calling us all down for dinner making me jump, I turn to Drew who is still looking at me funny. In this moment I do something that I may regret later, something that does not concur with my personality, something so outside the box that I stepped into the cylinder, if that makes sense. I leaned up trying to reach his tall figure and place a quick peck on his lips before running away and out the door and into the dining room where everyone seems to be piling in.

I can feel all of their stares on me but I ignore then and head to Lucy’s highchair where she currently plays with some food. She looks up at me with a wide smile framing her small and delicate face causing me to return the gesture before leaning down and placing a kiss on her forehead. I take my seat next to her chair and look down at my plate setting, why is everyone looking at me? A couple of seconds later Drew strolls in smirking widely, he can be such a cocky bastard sometimes. He takes the seat next to me after giving me a genuine smile that causes me to look back down at my lap, how the hell does he have this effect on me?

“Well, I hope you guys used protection,” Adrian’s words have me glaring at him before my anger turns to embarrassment. Does everyone know we did more than just talk in Drew’s room?

“Khloe, you little player, I didn’t know you had it in you,” Lucas smiles like this is the greatest thing in the world.

“Drew you have lost a homeboy, Khloe, I am not speaking to you,” Kohl declares from across the table. I examine the bruise forming on his jaw closely before leaning towards Drew.

“Did you have to hit him so hard?” I whisper in a scolding manner.

“My super massive strength comes naturally,” he responds. He has it all, the looks, the arrogance and the other side to him.

“Ooh, after sex talk how interesting, do share,” Adrian smirks as he places his elbows on the table before cradling his head with them.

“We did not have sex,” I slam my fists down on the table while shouting.

“That’s good to hear, Khloe,” Roger nods in acknowledgement as he walks into the room with some dishes in his hands. I can feel my face heat before I bang my head on the table.Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“So you marked her?” Lucas nods towards Drew who only smirks in response.

“What is he talking about?” I whisper furiously towards him.

“Your neck,” Kohl grumbles while holding a spoon out towards me. I squint trying to make out my reflection but when I do I punch Drew on the arm, repeatedly.

“You gave me a hickey?” I exclaim as I continue to pelt him with my fists only getting laughter form him while the rest of the guys just look at us in awe and wonder.

“Holy hell, Drew can laugh and smile?” I turn to smile at Kim as she makes her presence known. We all turn to the sound of a thump caused by something crashing down hard. I hold in my laughter as Kohl springs back up from his spot on the floor like nothing happened.

“I meant to do that,” he deepens his voice as he retakes his seat. I watch as his cheeks turn the lightest shade of pink after he knocked down his glass and utensils when Kim took the seat next to him. Aw, I think my big brother’s been star struck by Kim and her model like qualities.

“It’s not a hickey,” Drew’s sudden voice makes me jump slightly in my seat.

“Then what would the all mighty Drew call it?” I retort when the meaning of his words sinks in.

“Something more romantic, a love bite,” he whispers in my ear before nipping it and pulling away with a silly grin on his lips. This boy’s taking this a little too far, I do not know how I feel about all of this, it’s all so new to me. But I find myself liking this little game I’m playing with the bad boy.

“Three feet Drew, three feet,” Kohl scolds while he practically undresses Kim with his gaze.

“I think you have a little drool right there,” Adrian tells Kohl who dumbly wipes his cheek three times making sure he doesn’t embarrass himself in front of Kim, even though it might be a little too late for that. Why are brothers such hypocrites?

“So Sammy, how do you like it here?” Kim turns her attention towards Sammy making Kohl pout like a neglected child.

“It’s really cool, I’ve gotten close with Khloe and Ruby whom you’ll meet tomorrow in school, she’s awesome,” Sammy babbles happily.

“Adrian hasn’t fucked anything up, I hope,” Kim states playfully glaring at Adrian.

“For your information I’m the best boyfriend there could be,” Adrian cockily retorts making Drew snort in response.

“I keep him on check,” Sammy nudges Adrian’s shoulder playfully making me laugh at their antics, they’re so cute together.

“What are you thinking about?” Drew nudges me in question bringing my attention back to him.

“That they’re cute together,” I shrug as I fork up some more lasagna, I love pasta. I take a sip of my drink before turning my gaze on him.

“God no, that’s my little sister,” he shakes his head as if to physically remove the images from his head.

“How is it different from what we were doing in your room?” I raise an eyebrow before I realize how that sounded and immediately feel my face catch fire. How does one act normally around someone like him? I mean, sometimes he just seems so perfect so why stick around someone like me? I find it unfathomable because I know for a fact he could do much better than me, does he do it for Lucy? I don’t know where this insecurity is coming from but it just seems unreal sometimes. It’s better if I just forget it for now. Sometimes I can be one of those people, who bottle their feelings up for a while.

“So what was that all about today, why’d you run out?” Kohl’s voice snaps me back into harsh reality. The memory of being told what I didn’t know earlier today making it hard for me to swallow my food anymore.

“I’m gonna take Lucy to bed, she seems tired,” I ignore my brother’s questioning gaze as I gather Lucy in my arms and allow her unknowing figure to comfort me as I trudge my way up the stairs. I burp her and clean her up before placing her in her wooden crib where I slowly lull her to sleep. Just watching this little bundle makes me feel better about the whole ordeal life has set me up with, but I guess I should take into consideration that maybe things do happen for a reason. I head for the door but that feeling from so long ago creeps into my mind again, when all those years ago my parents died, I had no one. Kohl was away and still not speaking to me, sure I had Claire and Roger but it wasn’t the same. With those thoughts I creep back towards Lucy and carefully carry her into my room, her presence bringing peace to me. I lay her down carefully on my bed cushioned by a whole bunch of pillows and have to restrict myself from ‘awing’ out loud as she lets out a sleepy sigh.

I head over to my desk and begin to do some of my homework having already completed most of it in school. I keep frantic watch over Lucy, making sure she doesn’t need me in any way. After a while of solving equations I begin to feel tired and my head starts to drop down as I begin to doze off. I shake my head before standing up and stretching as I walk over to my huge bed. There’s something about having a big bed that’s comforting, and not in any dirty way you dirty minded freaks, I meant all of the space you get to yourself. I place a hand carefully over Lucy as I darkness begins to take over me.

Memories from different times bombard my mind, my dad’s smile and laughter that never seemed to be absent, my mom’s kind eyes that drew any person in, Kohl and I as kids as we caused trouble all over the place, always seeming inseparable. That forsaken tune drifts into my ears, that haunting melody my mom loved so much that she played it repeatedly on her beloved piano. All these things haunt me in my dreams, as if there was something tying to be said, as if I need to pay close attention. My memories leave me restless until I wake up in a cold sweat and try to get up for the bathroom but I find myself restrained by a muscular arm. Drew’s arm is strewn carefully over Lucy and me, holding us both protectively. I bite my lip as I think about how innocent, peaceful and just adorable he looks while sleeping, just like Lucy, it’s like their copies of each other.

“What’s wrong?” he murmurs as I manage to get up from the bed. I stop in my tracks as I realize he hadn’t been here when I fell asleep.

“Why are you in here?” I retort slowly while he sits up rubbing his eyes.

“I figured you needed a comforting hand,” he shrugs carelessly, aw. I cock my head to the side as the melody from my dreams drifts to my ears, somebody’s playing the piano.

“You hear that too, right?” I question.

“Yeah, why?”

“Did you guys tell Kohl what happened?” I retort.

“Adrian told him, well Kohl made him snap and tell him. I could’ve sworn Adrian was about to punch him with all his questions,” Drew explains. It is true, Kohl has always had a thing for questioning people until they break, he could be used a weapon of torture for the CIA. Kohl must be grieving and playing the piano helps him cope.

“Is that him on the piano?” Drew asks as I plop back down on the bed.

“Yes,” I breathe out because somehow it doesn’t seem right to disturb this peace and quiet.

“I’m sorry that we dragged you into this, I really am sorry,” Drew says as he places my head on his lap and begins a soothing stroking motion. I shake my head with a yawn as if to tell him not to worry about it, I mean how would things have been if life hadn’t taken its dire course. Would I even have crossed paths with all my new friends, my extended family? I shift so that I can look up into his eyes and notice that even in the dark their blue still manages to gleam brightly.

“Why me?” I find myself blurting out the words that have been bothering me since dinner.

“What?” his hands stops its movements as he looks down at me.

“Why did you give me your attention when no one else had?” I murmur before I close my eyes. If he chose to answer I didn’t hear because his hand, his proximity sent me on cloud nine and into one of the best rests I’ve ever had.

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