The Alpha’s Moon Child by Nocturnes Moon

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

My Luna Saphira’s POV I sat on the cot/exam bed and watched the people work around me. Everyone so far had been friendly to me. I wasn’t sure if it was just an act or if they were just actually nice. A nurse had come in with a tray of iv supplies, but noticing my concern, the doctor had quickly sent her back out. Xavier s Mate had been quietly sitting across the tent, but she jumped up like something had shocked her. She rushed from the tent. She yelled.” O Xavier, you are not allowed to go anywhere alone again ever.” At first, I was happy that Xavier was free, but in the same breath, it scared me. He was finally free, what would he do to me? It was because of me they had been able to catch him. Would he kill me? Or keep me as a s l a v e like my Uncle? “She’s what!” I heard his mate. whisper yell. Were they talking about me? “Saphira, we need to put an iv in your arm. You are severely dehydrated, and we…” “NO,” I jumped from the Table. “NO NEEDLES,” I begged. I quickly headed for the closest exit. I was not too fond of needles, they were never a good sign. I wasn’t thinking rationally. If I had been, I would have realized that there was no way would get away from them. Even if I did make it out the door, I could never escape. But sadly, I was not thinking with the slightest bit of rationalization. I ran for the exit, but as I threw open the canvas flap, I ran headfirst into something heavy Ouch! What the hell was it? A tree. I backed up a little and opened my eyes. I gasped as I was met by the gaze of a mountain pretending to be a man. I had thought Xavier was tall. This man was quickly four, maybe five inches taller than him. I stumbled backward and tried to distance myself from him. I am sorry, I didn’t mean to run into you: please forgive me. I knew there was no way I had hurt him when I ran C headfirst into him. I was more afraid of making him angry than anything. I glanced back in his direction and noticed he hadn’t moved at muscle. It was like he had turned into a statue. “Ren, I am so glad you found your father.” Celia said. Father? Wait, FATHER! He was 1. Father? Wait, FATHER! He was Xavier’s son. He was the Alpha of one of the mostMaterial © of NôvelDrama.Org.

powerful packs. She ran to him and hugged him. He smiled and returned the hug. “Yes, mother, he was right where we were told he would be. I used the distraction to try and make myself as invisible as possible. I sunk back into the corner of the tent and buried my head in my knees. Maybe he would forget I ran into him, or better yet, that I was even there. I could only hope. My hopes were crushed when I heard him talking to the doctor. “Why was she trying to run?” He questioned the doctor. “I told her we needed to set an IV, and it scared her. She is afraid of needles, and she panicked. She is severely dehydrated and needs these fluids. I will try to talk her into it again, but we have to set the iv; she must have these fluids and a round of antibiotics. If she doesn’t get them, it will make her recovery very difficult. I can have someone restrain her if nee…” “NO!” The Alpha yelled, “YOU WILL NOT HAVE ANYONE RESTRAIN MY MATE.” His eyes had turned a deep orange, and his body began to tremble. I could see his fingernails quickly lengthening into claws and fangs beaning to protrude from under his lips. “I am sorry, Alpha, I did not realize she was your Mate.” “Son, please,” a familiar voice spoke. It was Xavier; he put his hand on the Alphas shoulder; “the doctor meant no harm in what she said. She If anyone is right, an iv must be run. You know that as well as I do.” is to hold her still, it WILL BE ME,” Ren yelled, still very upset. “I fully agree with you, son, and you know no one would argue with that. Please allow the doctor a pass; she did not know she was your Mate. I am sure she would have simply asked for your help had she known. Would you please calm down? Your little Mate is already terrified, and you are not making it any better. “The Alpha’s eyes widened, and his head snapped back in my direction. 19 32% 1134 My heart sank, and I dropped my head back to my knees, Wrapping my arms over my head to try and protect myself as much as I could. I could hear someone coming closer to me. I sank further back and prepared to be ripped from the ground. I was positive I knew what was about to happen. I had caused enough trouble, and I was about to be punished. I shouldn’t have fought the iv and definitely shouldn’t have tried to run, and now the Alpha said that he would be the one to hold me still while they placed the iv. I had been so scared I hadn’t processed the fact that he had called me

his Mate carlier….. Wait, MATE? There was no way I was his Mate. Am I? “Little One,” It was Xavier,” it is ok, please look at me. I shook my head. “Please, Little One, are you afraid I am angry with you?” I nodded with my head still buried in my arms. “I promise I am not. You are safe here with us. Please look at us.” I slowly lifted my head. I looked up at Xavier and then to The Alpha; he had shifted back entirely into his human form. His eyes were softer, and he had a look of worry and sadness on his face. “This is my son Ren and the Alpha of our pack. It turns out that you are most likely his Mate.” “SHE is MY Mate, father.” “Son. while I am sure you are correct, we need to make sure.” The Alpha nodded and looked back towards me. Xavier could see the increased worry on my face. “Let me explain, Little One, when two werewolves discover they are mates, it is much easier because their wolves tell them, and it is an instant connection. But when a wolf and a human are mates, the human does not have a wolf to tell them, and it’s harder for the wolf to be sure. The way to tell and be completely sure is through touch. All you need to do is let him hold your hand. If you are his Mate, when you make contact, it will tingle or feel like a slight buzzing. Are you ok with that?” I nodded even though I wasn’t. I didn’t want to upset them more. I reached out my hand, trying hard to control my shaking. 42.22% 11:34 My Luna 1288 woucher The Alpha stepped towards me and knelt. He took my hand in both of his, and the sparks were instant. It startled me, and I jerked my hand. out of his grasp. S t, I shouldn’t have done that; quickly, I reached my hand back out and ducked my head down. “It’s ok,” he softly spoke as he retook my hand. “Please, will you allow me to pick you up?” I nodded again, too afraid to say no. I could feel his arms wrapping around me. When he pulled me to his chest and our bodies made contact, it took

my breath away. Why did it feel so good? I had never felt this way before. “It’s ok; you will get used to it. I promise.” he gently spoke. I expected him to set me back on the bed, but instead, he chose to sit on the ground with his back against the bed. He sat me in his lap but didn’t let me go. Xavier had also followed. and pulled a chair up beside us. “Little one, you are very dehydrated, and many of your cuts are infected. The doctor needs to place an IV in your arm.” I tensed up at the word IV. Felling my growing worry, the Alpha whispered in my ear. “Shhhhh, it’s ok, Sweet Heart. I am right here: no one is going to hurt you. This needs to be done. You will not be able to heal properly without this. Please let the doctor help you.” “Yes.” Alpha, I replied. I knew there wasn’t any reason to try to fight him: he was 10,000 times stronger than me. It would only end badly for me if I did. “Thank you, and please, my name is Ren. You do not need to call me Alpha. Yes, sir.” I replied. I could see his eyes flash from the Blue color to the Orange. I knew that meant he was conversing with his wolf but wondered what they were talking about. Ren’s POV I was in such a hurry to meet my Mate that I almost walked right over her. As I was walking into the tent, she was running out. I was surprised it had not hurt her. It broke my heart to see her so scared. What had happened to make her so afraid she was trying to run out of the tent. I asked the doctor and was told she was afraid of getting the 63.36%% My Luna 2018 Vouchers IV. It made complete sense given what she had been threw up to this point. I admit I almost lost control when the doctor said she would get someone to restrain her in order to get the iv in. I hadn’t realized how much until my father brought me back to reality and pointed out I was scaring my Mate more. I wanted to run to her, scoop her up in my arms and never let her go. It saddened me knowing I couldn’t without traumatizing her further. I let my dad talk to her while I

patiently waited. He convinced her to let me hold her hand, so we could ultimately be sure that we were, in fact, mates. It was always hard to tell if a Human was your Mate because they didn’t have their wolves to let them know. The feeling that rushed through me when I took her hand was utterly indescribable. I startled her, causing her to pull her hand from mine for a split second before offering her hand back to me. I convinced her to let me pick her up off the cold ground. It felt so good to have her in my arms. I didn’t plan on letting her go anytime soon. They would just have to work around me. The close contact with our Mate made Nocturne restless, and he begged to come out, but I forced him back. He could be a bit much, and I didn’t need him coming out and scaring our Mate. He finally gave up and cut the link. At least I could hear myself think again. “Doctor, you can place the iv now but take it slow.” “Of course, Alpha, I will explain each step as I go.”

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