The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

Chapter 96


The next morning I woke up wrapped in Rowen’s arms. As soon as I remembered the night before I got very embarrassed, and blushed. I couldn’t believe I did that. I couldn’t believe I let him do that to me. I had to admit that it felt good though. That thought made me blush even harder. I didn’t know what was wrong with me.

I quickly slipped out of bed, grabbed clothes, and rushed to the bathroom. I didn’t know what I had been. thinking when I didn’t stop him. It didn’t fee! wrong, and he seemed to enjoy it, but I just didn’t know.

“He did enjoy it, and you did too. Stop over thinking it.” Lella giggled at me.

“But….” I stammered.

“Chastity, everyone keeps telling you that anything sexual between you, and mate is normal.”

“He’s going to expect sex now, and I’m just not ready. I’m sending him mixed signals.”

“He’s not going to expect more than you’re willing to give Chastity.”

“How do you know that?”

“Did you stop him when he tried anything more than what he was already doing?”


“Did he complain?”


“Did he stop what he had been doing”


“See. He respected what you were comfortable with, and didn’t push further than you were willing to go. You need to trust him.”

“….I’ll try. It did feel really good though.”

“Of course it did. What was your favorite part?”


“What? I know what mine was.”


“Feeling his dick rub against our clit.”


“Yup. Tell me you didn’t enjoy that?”

“I…I can’t.”

“And the orgasm was better than the ones you give yourself.”

“I….. Yeah. You’re right.”

“See, I told you that everything would feel better when he was the one doing it.”

“Yeah. Ok. Hush up.”

“Chastity, I know you’re scared, but spend sometime this week exploring a bit with him. You won’t regret it.”

“I’ll try. I can’t promise I’ll be comfortable with more than what we did last night.”

“I know.”

I cut the conversation, finished my shower, and got dressed. When I came out of the bathroom I found Rowen already awake. I instantly got embarrassed, and blushed. I couldn’t ever look at him after the way I behaved last night.

“Chastity, come here please.” Rowen requested quietly, and I just shook my head.

“Sweet girl, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Come sit with me for a moment. I want to talk to you, ok?”

I nodded, and slowly moved to the bed. I slowly sat down, keeping several inches between us. I couldn’t look at him so I stared at my hands, and played with my fingers. I heard Rowen sigh, and peaked at him from the corner of my eye. I noticed he had a small smile on his face.

“Can you tell me what you’re embarrassed about?” Rowen whispered, and I only shrugged.

“Nothing that happened last night is worth being embarrassed about. Anything sexual that happens between us is normal, and natural.” Rowen stated.

“I….umm……I don’t…..I don’t want to disappoint you.” I finally got out.

“Disappointment me? How would you disappointment me Chastity?”

“I….I made you stop last night. I…..did you even enjoy yourself last night?”

“Ah. I was not disappointed in anyway last night Chastity. Yes I enjoyed myself. Very much.”

“I… could you say that. I know you wanted….well…”



“I’m male. We always want sex, but I don’t have to have sex to enjoy myself with you. Do you want to know what my favorite part of last night was?”


“Watching you cum, and knowing that it was me that made you cum.”


“Ego I guess?”


“In all seriousness, you’re beautiful when you cum. So damn beautiful, and sexy. I loved seeing it, and it boosted my ego to know that it was me that could do that for you.”


“Yeah. I think we do need to have a conversation about our sexual relationship, and expectations though.

I have a feeling I need to put your mind at ease here.”

“I…..I’m really embarrassed to talk about this.”

“I understand that, but we do need to talk about it so we’re on the same page here. Ok?”

“Ye…yeah. I guess.”

I felt Rowen move closer to me, and I fought myself not to lock up. I didn’t know why I was so scared. In my heart I knew he wouldn’t do anything. I watched as he reached over, and threaded his fingers through mine.

“Chastity, what happens between us is all up to you. I am following your lead here, and will only go as far as you’re comfortable with. If you say stop in any way, with words or actions, I’m going to stop.” Rowen


“But….” I started, but stopped as I didn’t know what to say.

“Sex is consensual between two people. If one of those people isn’t comfortable or ready, the other person needs to respect that. I will always respect your limits Chastity. You’re in charge here sweet girl.”

“I….I don’t want to be in charge. I….I don’t know what I’m doing, or how to say what I want. I’m also scared that I let something start then push you away.”

“You don’t have to really say anything. I’ll watch for your cues.”

“What does that mean?”

“Take last night for explain.”


“Last night I tried to do something more than I was already doing. You didn’t want me to so you grabbed my wrist, and said no, so I stopped immediately.”

“Yeah, but I disappointed you by stopping you.”

“No sweet girl, you didn’t. I did enjoy myself.”

“How? Why?” Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

“Because I got to touch you. I also got to learn a little bit about what you like.”

“I didn’t tell you I liked what you were doing though.”

“Did you?”


“And I already knew that.”


“The way your body reacted. Your sighs, moans, pressing your perfect tits into my hands, the way your body moved against mine, and the fact the you came. You also didn’t stop me. If you had said no, pulled away, or tried to stop me from touching you in any way, I would have, without a second thought.”

“Oh. What about you though? I….I didn’t…..”

“I got off. That’s all that matters. This is about you, not me.”

“But shouldn’t it be about both of us?”

“Believe me sweet girl, when the time comes it will be. Right now, this is about you, what you’re comfortable with. What you want.”

“That doesn’t seem fair to you.”

“Chastity, like I told you my favorite thing about last night was seeing you cum. I loved every second of watching you unravel for me, because of me. I got what I wanted because I got that.”

I'm still not sure I understand.”

“Don’t get me wrong getting off feels good to me, but getting you off feels better. I really don’t know how to explain it, if I’m being honest. It just, something about it.”

“…alright. I don’t quite get it, but alright.”

“It’s an ego thing for us males, I think. Something about making our mate feel that good boosts our ego. for some reason.”

“I’ll take your word for it.”

“Probably for the best.”

“So now what?”

“You tell me.”

“I…I don’t know Rowen. I know very little about this stuff, and I…I’m not sure I could take the lead. I know I can’t tell you what I want because I can’t put it into words. It’s just….it may be easier to let you take the


“I….I don’t want to push you too far, too fast though.”

“I know that, and I appreciate that. I just….I’m not comfortable telling you.”


“I’ll follow your cues then. I need you to be able to tell me no if you’re not comfortable with something, in some way. Either stop me, or simply say no. Can you do that?”

“….yes I can do that.”

“Alright then. Can I ask you something?”

“I…..I guess.”

“Was that your first orgasm?”

I immediately blushed, and bit my lips. I couldn’t believe he asked me that. I was worried if I told him it wasn’t he would get upset. I was also worried that if I admitted I experimented, and gave myself an orgasm he would think I was weird or disgusting.

“You can tell me. You don’t have to, but you can.” Rowen coaxed gently..

“I….this is sq embarrassing.” I whimpered.

“There is nothing to be embarrassed about.”


“It wasn’t?”

“No. I…umm….well I kind of….”

“You took care of your own needs.”


“Experim…..ah. That’s sexy.”


“The thought of you touching yourself turns me on.”


“The thought of you touching…..never mind. I need to stop before I get hard. Just so you know, you’re not alone with the touching yourself thing.”

“I’m not?”

“Of course not. Not at all.”

1 don’t believe that.”

“I can show you.”



“Stop messing around.”

I’m being serious, but I’ll stop.”

“Thank you.”

Rowen chuckled, and kissed my temple.

“We good?” Rowen asked.

“Yeah.” I responded, nodding my head.

“No more being embarrassed, and not looking at me after we do something together?”

“I can’t promise that.”

“I figured. It will take sometime for you to get comfortable with what we do together.”

“Maybe. Can I ask you something?”


“Dee-Dee told me that….ummm……we should talk about birth control.”

“A little soon for that, but that’s ok. I’ve been on the contraceptive shot for males since I was 15, and I’ve always used condoms.”

“You have?”

“Yeah. Want to hear a bit of a funny story about that?”


“The day after my 15th birthday my mom and dad told me I needed to start getting a shot once a month. Some kind of vitamin shot or something. It had to be once a month, no matter what, and on the same day or the day before every month. Every month, like clockwork, I would go to get that shot. Even when I went away to school, and on my Alpha tour I went to get it. It wasn’t until a few months ago that

dad told me it was the contraceptive shot. My dumb ass never made the connection, and I never asked.”

“You’re kidding?”

“Nope. Dad said his father did the same to him.”

“That’s….that’s terrible that they tricked you.”

“Eh. It was a good thing. Yes I used condoms, but the added protection was good to have.”

“Should…..should I start something?”

“That is entirely up to you. I think it would be a good idea for when the time comes. I know you want to

focus on school, and have at least sometime to practice once you graduate, before we have a pup. It would be for the best to be as protected as you can be. When the time comes that we’re both ready to have pups, we’ll discuss it.”

“Do you want pups?”

“Yes. Very much so. Only with you though. Do you want pups?”

“Yes I do.”

“How many do you want?”

“Three or four, I think. What about you?”

“At least 2. Ross hated being an only pup. He preferred to be surrounded by all of us.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“Yeah. So back to what we were discussing. When you feel it’s time to go on contraceptives you should. Even though we’re not having sex I’m going to continue with mine as I always have.”

“You never stopped, even though you’re not?”

“Nope. I’d rather keep us both protected, and because we don’t know when the time will come that you’re ready I would feel more comfortable continuing. Besides sex can be unpredictable. You could decide you’re ready at any moment. I don’t want to have to stop just because one or both of us is not protected.”

“We wouldn’t discuss it first?”

“Chastity, can you honestly tell me that you will be able to walk up to me, and say Rowen, I’m ready for you to fuck me, at this point?”

“Uh. No. Probably not.”

“Exactly. I’ll be following your cues, not waiting for the words. It’s better that I’m prepared for when those cues tell me you’re ready.”

“…..I guess that makes sense. Would you even want me to say something like that to you?”

“Oh sweet girl, if you said that to me, I’d lose my damn mind, and be in you before you could blink.”


“What? I would NEVER deny you. Besides, there will come a day when you’ll say just that. At least that’s what I’m told.”

“How? Why?”

“From what I’ve been told when a female is in heat, even the shyest of females will become very assertive. They want what they want, and have no problem voicing that.”

“You think I’ll be like that?”

“If you’re in heat, and I’m neglecting you in any way, yes.”

“Would you neglect me during my heat.”

“I wouldn’t do it on purpose, but if your heat starts suddenly, and I’m not right there with you when it happens.”

“Oh. Yeah. I guess I can see what you’re saying.”

“That’s a ways off though.”

“Yeah. Dee-Dee said an unmarked female doesn’t go into her first heat until she’s 20.”

“Can I ask if you want to stay unmarked until you finish school?”

“Kind of. Not because I don’t want you to mark me. It’s just that being so far away from each other. I

heard it is uncomfortable, and hard to be away from your mate when you’re marked. This is hard enough. as it is. I don’t want to make it harder.”

“I understand, respect, and appreciate that. Why don’t we discuss this at a later date?”


“Is there anything you want to ask?”

“Uh, no. Just………… thank you for being patient with me, and waiting for me to be ready.”

“Chastity, you are worth the wait.”

“How could you know that?”

“Because you are amazing in every way. It’s my honor that you’re my mate.”

“Oh……….thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.”

“Thank you sweet girl. I love you.”


“Don’t say it. I know you care about me, and that’s all I need right now.”

“I do. Very much.”

“That’s all that matters. I’m going to take a shower now.”


Rowen gave me a kiss on the cheek, grabbed clothes, and headed to the bathroom. I sat on the bed for al bit just thinking about all we had talked about. I was so embarrassed at first, but he really did make me feel better. I’m glad we talked about this, and he was right, it was important to be on the same page with this. He was a good male, and I was lucky to have him.

I also realized that I was falling in love with him. Amidst the chaos of emotions I dealt with almost daily. my feelings for him were never ones I struggled with. They were never messy or confusing. They did get stronger every day. I just wasn’t sure if I was ready to tell him how I felt. I guess when the time was right, I would.

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