The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Chapter 70


I can’t say that I slept very well after my video chat with Chastity. I had no idea she felt the way she did, and that I had contributed to her feeling that way. I felt really guilty for upsetting her as I had been. I had a feeling everyone would when I told them. I had sent a text to Chastity letting her know that I would talk to everyone about backing off on the Luna talk. She said she appreciated it, but she was worried about disappointing people at the same time. I reassured her that was not going to happen.

When I went into the sitting room dad, Dimitri, and Jax were already up, and eating breakfast. We had stopped going down to the dining room for breakfast after the first day because it was just too much commotion that early in the morning for any of us: We kind of liked to start the morning at a bit of a slower pace. I was just about to sit down when there was a knock at the door. Warrior Blake told me that is was the members of Dark Moon wanting to have breakfast with us, and I told him to let them in.

I sat down as they walked in. I noticed right away that Robert, and his father both looked almost puzzled.

I didn’t ask at first as I knew Robert, and his father both needed coffee before they would chat much. Finally Robert’s father Jeremy spoke.

“Did any of you hear the news yet this morning?” Jeremy asked.

“What news?” My father responded.

“Alpha Marvin went to the king last night, turned over his pack to the king, and denounced himself as Alpha.” Jeremy explained.

“No kidding? I wonder what brought that about?” Dimitri replied.

“From what I’m hearing his daughter put her foot down with him last night after the queen’s meeting. She told him he wasn’t an Alpha. He was a greedy, self absorbed little man that only hurt people. That she was embarrassed to call him her father. She also told him that she contacted her mate, and she was leaving her father to go be with her mate. It seems her mate hadn’t found his second chance mate and still wanted her. I guess his daughter abandoning him finally woke him up.” Jeremy answered.

“So what will happen to Cedar Grove, and Marvin now?” I asked.

“Marvin is moving to Royal pack after this weekend, and will become a woodworker. It seems he always. had a talent for that, and the king could use his skills. If he is good enough he may end up teaching some day. The king doesn’t want to appointment a new Alpha over such a small, failing territory, or so few people. The king is asking if any one wants to take on any new members to let him know.” Jeremy continued.

“I just took on Zander, and his mate. I think taking on Cedar Grove pack members, especially older ones may not be wise.” Dad said.

“Why is that?” I questioned.

“It may cause confusion to the members of Cedar Grove as they have looked to Zander as the Beta for many years. They may not be able to ever see him as anything different, and that could cause trouble for Dimitri and Jax when those people go to Zander instead of them when needed.” Dad explained.

“Ah. That makes sense. I never thought of that.”

“That can make for a difficult situation. I hate to say it Joe, but it’s probably for the best that you don’t take any of their members on.” Jeremy agreed.

“Sadly, yes, but I will help locate packs for them if needed.” Dad offered.

“Let the king know today.”

“I will.”

We all sat quietly, eating for a bit. My mind was on Chastity, and our conversation last night. I was just going to talk to dad, Dimitri, and Jax about her concerns, but realized that I should probably include everyone here as well as Jeremy, Robert, Beth, Clair, and the Beta family since they did have at least some interaction with her.

“I…um…wanted to talk to all of you about something. I said hesitantly.

“Sure son. What’s going on?” Dad responded.

“It’s about Chastity.” I said.

“What about Chastity? What happened? Is she ok?” Jax said quickly, looking upset.

“Jax, calm down please. Nothing has happened to Chastity. She asked me to speak to you all about something.” I responded, putting a hand on his shoulder.

“What’s going on with the lovely young lady?” Clair asked.

“It seems that whenever anyone makes comments about her either acting as a Luna, or that she will make a great Luna it’s making her uncomfortable. Chastity already struggles with self confidence issues. We’re not helping her by reminding her of what her future will be. She doesn’t see what we see right now. She wants to continue her Luna training, but to her it’s just an extra curricular activity, and nothing more should be mentioned about it.” I explained.

“Oh dear. I….I thought that telling her how wonderful she was doing, and what I saw in her would help her confidence.” Clair whispered.

“I thought the same, but I was wrong.” I stated sadly.

“I feel terrible” Clair pouted.

“But she should feel good about hearing such things.” Jeremy mumbled.

“Unfortunately Chastity does not believe that in the long term I will keep her. There is a large part of her that thinks I will end up rejecting her, and with what she has been through she can’t see past being an Omega.”

“That’s partially your own fault.” Jax growled.

“I know Jax.” I snapped.

“Why wouldn’t she feel good to know that she is going to make a good Luna?” Beth asked quietly.

“I think it may be the reminder that Rowen is an Alpha.” Dimitri responded.

“Why does that matter?”

“Because for many years it has been beaten into Chastity that as an Omega she is beneath everyone of higher rank than her. That her only purpose in life was to be a slave to the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and their families. She was taught that she is nothing compared to all of us. She lacks any confidence in herself right now. She is in therapy, but it will take time.”

“Who would do such a thing?”

“My mother, my cousin, and our Gamma’s mate.” Jax growled.

“…I don’t understand.” Beth whispered.

Dimitri pinched his brows, and sighed. After a moment he explained everything that had happened to

Chastity over the years. I struggled to maintain my temper almost as much as Jax did. I admitted to my part in her suffering as well. It was hard to hear, and admit. Robert, Jeremy, Beth, Clair, and their Betas remained silent through the whole telling. I saw that both Beth, and Clair had tears in their eyes at the telling. I could certainly understand that. It was heartbreaking. We all sat quietly for a bit, just processing. It never got any easier hearing what happened to Chastity.

“That poor girl.” Clair mumbled.

“You said that you just gave us the basics during that conference call Joe, but I never imagined things were that bad.” Jeremy stated.

“I didn’t feel the need the get too involved, and kept it to the basics.” My dad responded.

“I think that was probably for the best. I met her at Darren’s birthday party. She is a lovely girl.”

“That she is.” My dad agreed.

“So how can we help her?” Beth asked.

“Just be good to her, and leave any talk of her future role as Luna out of any conversations.” I responded. “Ok.” Clair nodded.

“Well ladies I hate to say this, but we have a meeting to get too, and I believe you both do as well.” Jeremy said, and kissed Clair the cheek.

We said our goodbyes, grabbed what we needed for our meeting, and were in our way. It was going to be a long day of trade agreements, and a whole lot of sitting. I wasn’t looking forward to it, but it was part of the job.

The first thing discussed was Marvin’s denouncement, and plans for moving forward with moving the remaining members of Cedar Grove. At first the king was upset my dad wouldn’t accept any of their

members, but understood, and agreed when dad explained why. It was also decided that the Cedar Tree Grove be left untouched by anyone for at least ten years to give it time to replenish itself.

The rest of the day was spent reviewing all of the trade agreements. Not many changed, but I did note two down that interested me. My dad, and I would approach them after the meeting to see if we could come to an agreement of some kind. I was hopeful.

After the meeting concluded for the day we were returning to our room to find a female I never wanted to see again, waiting for us. At least time she was wearing clothing that covered her properly, and she was make up free. She looked respectable, for a change. She even bowed to us when we reached her.

“Alpha Joseph, Alpha Rowen, Beta Dimitri, and Beta Jax. I came to ask permission to speak with all of you for a moment, please.” She requested.

“How can we help you Bianca?” My father asked.

“I beg your pardon sir, but it is not you who owes me anything. I owe all of you an apology. Especially you, Alpha Rowen. My behavior during your visit to Cedar Grove was unacceptable, and disrespectful. I should not have behaved in such a manner. I truly am sorry.” Bianca stated as she rose from her bow.

“We appreciate your words Bianca. I must ask though, what prompted your behavior?” My father questioned as he led us all into our suite.

The four of us took seats on the two couches, but Bianca remained standing. She kept her head bowed to

“Bianca, please look up, and answer the question.” My father said with a sigh.

“I knew my pack was struggling so I went to my father to ask how I could help turn things around. At first he told me there was nothing i could do because I am female, and all around useless to him. I told

him I

would do anything to help save my pack, but he refused at first.” Bianca began.

“How long ago was this?” My father questioned.

“A little over a year ago. Six months ago my father told me that there was a way I could be useful in helping my pack. When I asked him how, he told me that the only way I could was to mate an Alpha. I refused because I wanted to wait for my fated mate. He scoffed at me, and told me fated mates were a joke, and no one believed in that crap any more. At that point I went to Beta Zander to figure what we could do to help our people. I didn’t really see me mating an Alpha because I know of the norm already for Alphas, and Omegas. Beta Zander, and I started working on finding new packs for our members, and sneaking them out when we could. Two months ago I found my mate. He is a warrior from another pack. He couldn’t stay, and I couldn’t leave just yet. I wanted to help the rest of my pack so I asked him to wait. When I returned home that night I told my father my mate was willing to move to my pack to help. My father flipped out, and told me the only way to help my pack was to reject my mate, and mate an Alpha instead. At first I refused, but my father threatened to kill my mate if I didn’t. I thought him being an Alpha he would have been able to accomplish that so I did what he demanded. I rejected my mate, as much as I hated it, and followed my father’s plan because I wanted to save my pack. I wish I had just left. If I had no one would have been hurt. I am so sorry I followed my father, and I’m sorry I hurt all of you in the process. It wasn’t fair to you. Alpha Rowen I know you said you have a mate, please tell her I’m sorry for hurting her as well. She didn’t deserve that. I just wanted to save my pack.” Bianca said with tears rolling down her face.

“I understand, and appreciate your apology.” I replied.

“Thank you.” Bianca responded with a nod.

“What will you do now Bianca?” Dimitri asked.

“My mate’s Alpha is here, and he had brought my mate with him as one of his guards. After what happened Wednesday, I went to speak to my mate’s Alpha, I explained everything, and asked him for help. me to speak to my mate. He arranged a meeting between us during your lunch break yesterday, where I explained it all to my mate. He wasn’t happy, but he understood why I did what I did. He never accepted the rejection so we’re still bonded. His Alpha has accepted me into their pack, and I leave with my mate tomorrow morning. Once there I’m going to learn a trade, and start a new life with my mate.” Bianca explained.

“Is your father aware of this?” Jax questioned.

“He is. I informed him after meeting with my new Alpha, and my mate. He wasn’t happy at first, but there was nothing he could do. That’s when he decided to denounce his position, and his pack. He will go to Royal pack. I don’t know what will happen to him there, but I need to move forward with my life. He almost destroyed my life because he is greedy, and foolish. I almost destroyed my life because I followed. him. I’m not sure I can ever forgive him for what he did to me, but for right now I need to move on. Maybe someday we’ll work things out.” Bianca answered.

“That must have been a hard choice.” My father said.

“Not really. My father, and I were never really very close. He hated that I was born a girl. He had wanted a boy. He was never able to have any more children, and believe me he did try after my mother died. He would switch females every few months trying, but when one didn’t get pregnant she would get kicked to the curb for another one. None ever got pregnant.” Bianca explained.

“I’m sorry to hear that.” My father said quietly.

“It’s ok. For many years one of the older ladies in the pack cared for me as her own. She was wonderful. Unfortunately she passed two years ago due to age. She, and her mate were never able to

have pups so she always said I was the closest thing she had to one of her own. I miss her dearly.” Bianca replied.

“I’m glad you had her.”

“I am as well. She was a wonderful woman. Well I must be going. My mate is waiting for me. Thank you for giving me the time to apologize to you for my actions. It means a lot as you did not have to do that. Alpha Rowen, please extend my apologies to your mate. I would do so myself, but I don’t have her name or means to contact her.”

“I will. If I know my sweet girl, she would probably be willing to speak to you herself, and she may be more willing to forgive you than any one I have every met.” I said, smiling at the thought of my Chastity.

“She would? Most she-wolves are not very forgiving of females that have done what I have.” Bianca said sadly.

“My Chastity has a very good heart, and forgives when she understands the situation. She also believes everyone deserves a second chance. She will be happy to hear that you are getting yours, and she will hope all goes well for you.”

“You’re a good man Alpha Rowen. She is lucky to have you.”

“I’m the lucky one.”

“Maybe you both are. Can I leave my email address with you to pass on her? In case she ever wants to contact me.”


Bianca wrote her email address, said her goodbyes, and left. I sat back quietly, and thought about all Bianca had said. I felt for her, but at the same time I was still a bit mad at her for what she had done or

tried to do. I was sure that if I talked to Chastity about it tonight she would know what to say to make me understand better, and put my anger to rest.

We had one more dinner to attend before we left for home in the morning. I didn’t really want to go, but I knew I needed to. Dad wanted to talk to the two Alphas we were interested in getting trade agreements with tonight, and I was interested in talking to the rogue leader about possibly establishing an alliance. with the closest of his sub packs to us. To my surprise he came to us as soon as we walked into the dining room.

“Alpha Joseph, Future Alpha Rowen. I’m rogue leader Dean.” The rogue leader said as he bowed to us.

“It’s a pleasure to see you again Alpha Dean.” My father said as we bowed in return.

“You as well. I had hoped we could speak for a few minutes?”

“Of course. Please join us.” My father indicated as we sat at a the table with Dark Moon.

“I’ll get right to it. I have a sub pack that is between you, and Dark Moon. It’s not a very big one, but we are prosperous in some areas, but struggling In others. I had considered moving them to one of my larger packs, but my people are happy there. I had hoped we could work out an alliance. I would offer a trade agreement, but at present we don’t produce enough of anything to trade. Only enough to care for ourselves.”

“I would not be opposed to an alliance with you. Who is in charge of this sub pack?”

“My old Beta actually. He served me well our whole lives, and is my cousin.”

“Well they are in good hands. I remember you both well from before you son did. Well what he did. If I remember correctly our packs were once allies.”

“Yes we were.”

“Well I would gladly enter into an alliance with you again.” Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Wonderful. Thank you.”.

“You’re welcome. Email an agreement to me. I’ll review it, and be in touch.”

“I will. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Have a good evening.”

“You as well.”

With a final bow he left our table. The farewell dinner was a grand affair with the king making a speech, as well as Alpha Will. I did end up discussing trade agreements with the two Alphas. We were in basic agreements by the time we left the dining room. I felt it was a very successful evening.

As soon as we left the dinning room I sent Chastity a text message to ask if she wanted to video chat tonight. She said she was working on a paper, but that she would love to chat with me any way. As I thought she may want to do what we had done the previous night, after talking, and do our own work while still on chat, I grabbed some paperwork I wanted to read through, and went to my room with my laptop. As soon as it was up and running, I hit the call button. Her beautiful face immediately popped up on the screen. She had her hair pulled back, but little hairs were framing her face, I could tell she was wearing the hoodie I sent her back to school with, but most importantly she was smiling.

“Hi my beautiful sweet girl. How are you?” I asked her with a smile.

“I’m doing good. How are you?” She responded.

“I’m doing wonderfully now. How was your day today?”

“Better than yesterday. How about you?”

“It was interesting.”

“Oh? What happened?”

“A few things. Alpha Marvin denounced his position and pack, and turned it over to the king. Half the meeting today was finding packs to accept the remaining pack members. The land is going to be left alone for at least ten years to allow the cedar trees to replenish. The king will reevaluate at that time.”

“Wow! Why did Alpha Marvin do that?”

“From what I understand his daughter, Bianca put her foot down with him last night. She told him off about how he’s destroyed their pack, and he tried to destroy her life. He hurt too many people, and she was done with him. She told him she was leaving the pack, and going to be with her mate. I think it was more that he knew there was no way he could save his pack before the king stepped in. He probably felt it best to let the king take over, and decided to step down, instead of having everything taken from him.”

“Wow! That…I don’t know what to say.”

“Neither did I.”

“Is Moonlight taking in any of their members?”


“Why not? They need us right now.”

“While I agree we could run into a problem if we did.”

“What problem could there possibly be? Moonlight and Cedar Grove were allies until recently. Now Moonlight is just going to abandon them when they need us most? That’s wrong Rowen. Very wrong.”

“Chastity, I agree with you, but taking them may cause a rift in the pack that could lead to bigger


“How could there possibly be a rift? You’re talking nonsense.”

“Because their Beta is coming to Moonlight as a member. The people of Cedar Grove have always seen him as one of their leaders. That won’t change if they come to our pack. When there is problem or need they have they won’t come to us. They will go to him, not understanding or wanting to accept that he is no longer a leader. First this will cause confusion for them when he does nothing for them because he can’t, or it could make them angry at him. It will also cause confusion with our pack members when their new pack members go to someone else for direction, instead of us. It could also anger our pack members at the Cedar Grove members, thinking they are disrespecting us. That’s the last thing we need. Things like that can weaken a pack. It can weaken the leaders of the pack. Causing rifts can cause a divide in the pack, and an exploitable weakness for someone looking to harm Moonlight. As much as we want to take these people in, we have to think of the wellbeing of the pack as a whole, not just the needs of a small number.”

“Oh…I…I never thought about that. Can’t Alpha Joseph sit down with any Cedar Grove members and explain that their Beta is no longer a Beta though?”

“He could, but that could cause them to become angry with us, thinking we purposefully demoted him or something. Even if he talked to them it’s likely it won’t change anything. The best course of action to take for everyone is allowing those left in Cedar Grove to be accepted into new packs where none of their previous leaders are so they can have time to become accustomed to their new leaders without possible interference. Even if there wasn’t meant to be any to begin with. By the end of this weekend

the fifty or so pack members still in Cedar Grove will have new packs to go to. Their new packs will help them move, and get settled.”

“I understand. I’m sorry I got upset.

“Chastity, never apologize for your feelings. You have a right to them, and are justified in voicing them. You are also justified in questioning a decision you don’t agree with. I would rather you did in all honesty. I would prefer you know, and understand up front instead of just bottling up your thoughts, and feelings. OK?”

“Ok. I can try.”

“That’s all I can ask of you.”

“What else happened today?”

“We are in the beginning stages of two new trade agreements. We are also working on an alliance with the rogue leader, focused more on one of his small sub packs. It’s right in between us, and Dark Moon. They’re very small, and need allies. Both packs were the best choice, and we both agreed. I am hoping the alliance includes his sub packs in their entirety, but the closest sub pack is a good starting point.”

“Um. What does an alliance entail?”

“Mostly being support to each other if there is an attack or time of need. Working together on training. Being able to move between the packs more easily for meetings, supplies, education, and the like. Being a helping hand mostly.”

“Oh. Well I’m glad all of you are willing to come together to help each other.”

“I am too. I was hoping for the opportunity, and I’m glad I got it.”

“I’m sure you are. i doubt it was hard for you and your dad to accomplish. You’re both good at your jobs.”

“Thank you sweet girl.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I do need to tell you about a visitor we had before dinner though.”

“Oh? Who?”


“What did that….what did she want?”

“To apologize for her behavior.”


“Yes. She felt guilty for what she tried to do to me, and her role in attempting to trap me. She wanted to apologize to me. To all of us, more me, and you than anyone else really.”

“To me?”


“But she didn’t do anything to me.”

“She did sweet girl. She made a move to try to steal what belongs to you. She felt that her actions may have hurt you in some way, even though nothing happened. She felt she owed you an apology for that. As well as for disrespecting all of us.”

“Oh. Um. Did she tell you why she did it?”

With a sigh I told her all Bianca had told us. I also told her about Bianca going back to her mate. That he hadn’t accepted the rejection so they were still bonded, and he accepted her back despite how she had hurt him. I told her about Bianca going back to his pack with him in the morning. By the time I was done! could see tears in Chastity’s eyes.

“What’s wrong sweet girl?” I asked gently.

“I feel bad for both of them. She thought she was doing right by her pack, and broke both of their hearts in the process. I’m sad that she is abandoning her father, but a part of me does understand. I’m also happy for both of them that her mate accepted her back so they’ll have a chance at a happy life together. It sounds like she deserves that.”

“You’re not still angry at all at her for what she did?”

“How could I be? She was trying to save her pack in the only way she was being allowed to. She thought. she was doing the right thing by her people. She hurt a lot of people in the process, but I think she got hurt the most in all of it.”

“Why do you say that?”

“She was trying to find a way for her father to finally accept her, and realized too late he probably never would. She turned her back on her mate thinking she could save her pack, and have the relationship with her father she always wanted, breaking her own heart in the process. In the end she lost both her pack, and the relationship with her father she had hoped to have. She almost lost everything trying to save what had been most important to her for her entire life. Yes she has her mate so that’s a win, but she still lost in the process. She lost her home, her pack, and her father. That’s a lot.”

“….I guess I never thought of it that way.”

“Sometimes it’s hard to see things in a different perspective when you’re in the center of what is or has happened.”

“That’s true.”

“You’re still angry at her, aren’t you?”

“Well yes. Her actions could have caused me to have to leave my home, and the pack I love to take over another, I know nothing about. Her actions caused me to look like a user of women. Most importantly her actions could have cost me you. I wouldn’t have survived without you. I don’t want a future that you’re not a part of. How can I not be angry?”

“I understand that. I do, but her actions weren’t fueled by greed, or selfishness. They were fueled by genuine fear, and hope for saving what mattered most to her. Her love, fear, and hope for her pack even caused her to deny the most important thing in our lives, her mate. She denied her most basic instinct for the love, hope, and fear for her pack. That isn’t something that should make one angry. They should be proud of them for putting their pack above all else.”

“I…I see what you mean. It does make sense, and you’re right. It was just hard to see that.”

“Well now that you do you can forgive her, right?”.

“Yes. I can forgive her.”

“Good. You said she gave you her email address to pass to me if I ever wanted to reach out, right?”

“Yes she did.”

“Can you text it to me please? I may write to her sometime soon to let her know I understand, and forgive her.”

“I can do that. I just need to say Chastity, that you amaze me. Your capacity to understand, and forgive others is something I rarely see, and I adore that about you.”

“Thank….thank you.”

“You’re welcome sweet girl. By the way, I did talk to everyone here about what we talked about last night. About how you feel about the future Luna comments. Dark Moon’s leaders were here so I talked to Clair about it too.”

“Oh. What….what did they say?”

“They said they never realized that they were upsetting you, and making you uncomfortable. They

apologized, and promised not to bring it up again.”

“Thank you. Is Luna Clair going to continue our lessons though?”

“Unless you tell her otherwise, yes.”

“Oh good. I’m learning a lot from her that I can use even in my everyday life, and in school.”

“I’m glad you’re getting so much out of your time with her. Clair is a lot like my mom. They were cousins, but grew up as close as sisters.”

“She did tell me that, and she reminds me a lot of Luna Jane.”

“Yeah. They are pretty similar in a lot of ways.”

“I can see that every time I am with her.”

“I’m glad you like her so much.”

“Me too.”

“How is your paper going so far?”

“Pretty good. I have a few more paragraphs to go, and I’m finished.”

“When is it due?”


“You’ll be finished in plenty of time.”

“That’s what I’m hoping for.”

“I’m sure you’ll do it. Did you want to get back to work on it now?”

“Yes please, but will you stay on chat with me for awhile?”

“Of course.”

I made myself comfortable, and starting reading the papers in one of the files I had. Every once in awhile. Chastity or I would make a comment about something, but mostly we just worked. I enjoyed this, and looked forward to doing it in person, in the future. It was pretty late by the time we signed off for the night. Tomorrow we were heading back toward home and Sunday I would get to see my sweet girl, even if for a few hours. I was looking forward to it.

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