The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 105

Chapter 105

Chapter 105


Sunday we had another group date. Rowen planned a picnic for us then we walked around town looking at all of the Christmas decorations. Molly, Melissa, Lexi, and I even talked the guys into doing a cookie decorating class that was being held. That was fun. The guys ended up with more icing on themselves. than the actually cookies. I thought the shop owner was going to kick us out when the guys almost started throwing icing at each other. Thankfully we averted that disaster, but we did stay to help clean up the mess we made. Or more we made the guys clean up the mess they made. I swear the shop owner breathed a sigh of relief when we finally left.

I got up early this morning to make croissants for everyone then start sorting through pictures. Lexi, and I took over Jax, and Molly’s living room after every one left. Lexi had gifts separated, sorted, and preparing to be wrapped. I had my laptop up, the USB drives from Gina and Braxton, as well as a third empty one. I was going to take the photos I selected from each drive, and put them on the empty one. I was pleasantly surprised, and happy to see that either Gina or Braxton added the pictures from the box in my room. They also both had current pictures on them for me.

After several hours of sorting, saving, and struggling with some of my choices. I pulled the USB from my laptop, waved to Lexi, and left. It didn’t take me too long to walk to the photo shop. Thankfully it was pretty empty so I could hog one of the printing computers. After sending my order through I decided to wander around town a bit while I waited for all of the pictures to print. As I walked I was stopped a few times by pack members I had helped in the past. They just wanted to talk for a few minutes, and catch up.

At one point I walked into the coffee shop to get myself a cup of hot chocolate. When I reached the counter, I got instantly nervous. Standing there was one of Fiona’s friends who helped make my life hell

in high school. I tensed up when she stopped me.

“Oh my goodness! Chastity!” Grace gasped, and smiled at me.

“H… Hi Grace.” I muttered.

“Hi. How are you? You look great! I heard you’re going to Cloverland for nursing. That’s so exciting! Congratulations. I always knew you were smarter than rest of us.” Grace blurted.

“Uh. Thank you.” I said quietly.

“Oh. Shoot. What can I get for you?”

“Uh. A hot chocolate please.”

“Sure. Would you like a muffin or something with it?”

“Um. Sure.”

“Great. Give my just a minute. If you want you can take a seat at the counter, and I’ll bring it to you.”

“O….ok. Thanks.”

I slid into a seat at the counter, but I was very confused. Grace had never been nice to me, or excited to see me. She had been one of Fiona’s followers after all. She avoided me like the plague, unless it was to help Fiona beat me up. I was still trying to figure the change out when she slid a cup of hot chocolate, and a muffin in front of me.

“It’s banana. I hope you like banana.” Grace said shyly.

“I do. Thanks.” I mumbled as I pinched off a piece of muffin, and put it in my mouth.

I started to get really uncomfortable as Grace stood there, and stared at me. I was too uncomfortable to say anything though so I quietly sat there eating my muffin, and drinking my hot chocolate. Finally Grace. spoke.

“Um….Chastity, can I….um talk to you for a minute please?” Grace asked, seeming nervous.

“Sure.” I responded.

“Look, it may not mean much, or even seem like much, but I’m really sorry.”

“For what exactly?”

“For helping Fiona. For teasing you. For hurting you. Well for everything I did to you. I knew better, but I… really don’t have an excuse. Just, I’m really sorry. I should never have done those things to you.”

“….thank you. I appreciate that.”

“I don’t expect you to forgive me or anything, but I just really wanted to let you know that I am sorry.”

“Grace, I forgave everyone who hurt me a long time ago.”

“You did?”



“Because it was the best thing for me.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I couldn’t move forward with my life if I held onto the hurt, and anger.”

“Oh. And have you? Moved forward with your life that is?”

“I have. I’m in the school I dreamed of going to. Majoring in what I want to major in. I have a family, friends, and a mate who love me very much.”

“Mate? Oh. You’re talking about Future Alpha Rowen, right? He really is your mate?”

“Yes he really is.”

“Wow! That’s so cool to be mated to an Alpha.”

“He’s just like any other male, just with more responsibilities, and expectations.”

“But he’s an Alpha.”

“He is, but that’s just a title. He’s still a person, just like everyone else. He has likes, and dislikes. He has dreams, and things he wants for his life. He has his own faults, just like everyone else. Just take away his title, and like I said he’s a person.”

“Yeah. I guess I can see that.”


“Um….Can…..can I ask what ever happened to Fiona?”

“She’s in the low security prison at Dark Moon for 3 years. When she gets out she’ll go live with her grandparents in their pack.”

“So she’s never coming back?”

“No. She’s banished from Moonlight. She’s not even allowed to visit.”

“Oh. Well that’s good then. You won’t have to worry about her.”

“Why would I worry about her?”

“Well if she came back here she might try to claim Future Alpha Rowen, and try to take him from you. She also might try to hurt you again.”

“She can’t take Rowen away from me. He doesn’t want her Even if I wasn’t his mate. As far as hurting me again goes, she’d have to go through a lot of people to get to me.”

“Really? Like who?”

“My brothers for one.”

“Your brothers?”

“Grace, you do know that Jax, Colby, and Braxton are my brothers, right? That Beta Dimitri is my father.”

“1. Well I heard that at the trial, but I….”

“You didn’t believe it?”



“Fiona always swore that you were the bastard child of the female that tried to steal Beta Dimitri from her aunt. She said you weren’t his pup.”


“Yes. I guess she lied.”

“She did. My mom, Brinna, was Beta Dimitri’s fated mate. I was the pup they had together before Aurora murdered my mother”

“I remember Aurora was sentenced to death for murdering her. I didn’t realize she was really Betal

Dimitri’s mate, and you were their pup.”

“Well I am, and she was.”

“Shit. I’m sorry. I really shouldn’t have believed her, should I?”

“No you


shouldn’t have, but it’s in the past now. All we can do is learn from it, and move forward with our

“Yeah. I guess you’re right.”

“Well I need to go. Thanks for the hot chocolate, and muffin. How much do I owe you?”

“Oh. It’s on the house.”

“I couldn’t do that.”

“You didn’t. I did. It doesn’t make up for my part in hurting you, but I guess it’s kind of my way of apologizing.”

“Oh. Um. Well thank you. Good luck to you Grace.”

“Thank you. You too. OH, and thank you for listening to me.”

“You’re welcome. Bye.”

I waved as I left the coffee shop. I still had a half an hour before the pictures were ready, but I wasn’t exactly comfortable sitting there talking to Grace any longer. She wasn’t a bad person or anything, I just

didn’t know what to say to her. The only things I ever really knew about her was that she was Fiona’s friend, and she was part of the group that tormented me for years.

I was still wandering for a bit when I saw something that caught my attention. It was tie, hanging in the window of a men’s clothing store. It had Captain America’s shield on it. Rowen didn’t dress up often, but I had a feeling that if he did have to, he would definitely wear that tie so I went in to get it. I giggled when I realized they had a whole line of Avenger’s ties. I ended up buying one of each for the guys. I also bought Rowen an Iron Man tie. He would probably never wear it as he was anti-Iron Man, but it made me giggle. Once they were each boxed up, and labeled, I headed back to the photo shop. After picking up the pictures I went home.

I’m glad I didn’t have any of the gifts I purchased laying around as Molly was home by the time I got there. I showed them the pictures I had printed, as well as the ties. Lexi, and Molly both made suggestions on who to give the additional ties that weren’t really favorites to. Once everything was put away, I plopped down on one of the couches, and looked around for Lilac. It took me a minute to find her. She was laying. on a window shelf that hung from the big picture window in the living room.

“Where did that come from?” I asked as I pointed to the shelf.

“Rowen. He bought it, but since Lilac is always here, he hung it up for her.” Molly answered

“He really is sweet.” I said with a small smile.

“He loves you very much Chas.” Lexi stated.

“Yeah. He does.” I agreed grinning.

“And you love him too.” Molly added.

“I do.” I admitted with a blush.

“We know.” Molly giggled.

“Well you heard me say it a few weeks ago so of course you know.” I snorted.

“I think we did before you or Rowen knew” Lexi said.

“How could you know that?” I questioned.

“The way you act around him. The way you look at him.” Molly said.

“The way you face lights up when you or anyone around you talks about him. The way you turn to him for comfort when you’re having a hard time.” Lexi added.

“Really?” I squeaked, as I hadn’t realized any of that.

“Yeah, but we knew we needed to let you figure it out for yourself.” Lexi said.

“I…..thank you.” I whispered.

“For what? For not making you uncomfortable or forcing you to admit something you weren’t ready for?” Molly asked.

“Yeah.” I stated.

“We’re your friends. We wouldn’t do that to you.” Lexi sniffed.

“I know.” I said, smiling at them both.

I listened as Moily told us about her day. The entire time I was thinking about something else though. I wanted to ask them some questions, but I was nervous about doing so. Eventually Melissa joined us, and I found myself even more nervous. After awhile I forced myself to swallow my nerves and ask.

“Um…..can I ask you three a question?” I finally spoke.


“Of course.”

“You can ask us anything.”

“Thanks. Um….how…. how do I….damn it. This is hard.” I sputtered.

“What’s going on small fry?” Lexi asked, sounding worried.

“How do I pleasure Rowen?” I finally rushed out, blushing, and staring at my fingers.

The room went silent instantly. I peaked up to see three shocked faces looking at me. Slowly smiles

spread across those same faces. That made me even more nervous.

“You could always ask me directly, sweet girl.” Someone growled in my ear from behind me, making me almost jump out of my skin.

“And I’m out.” I heard Colby state then a door slam.

“Fucking hell. No! Just no! I can’t change it, but the fuck if I want to hear about it.” I also heard Jax grumble then steps go down the hall.

I instantly dropped my head in my hands, blushed, and groaned. Damn it. I didn’t want him to hear me asking about this. I didn’t want him to know I asked. I was so embarrassed. It didn’t help at all when

Lexi, Molly, and Melissa started laughing.

I felt Rowen start to rub my back, and I almost jumped again. I felt his breath on my ear as he whispered, I’ll let you have your girl talk. I won’t embarrass you by bringing this up unless you ask me yourself”


“Thank you.” I mumbled into my hands.

“You’re welcome. I’m going to go drag Jax out, and us guys will go find something to do. I’ll have someone bring dinner up for you. Molly, Melissa, do NOT include Gina in this conversation. I’m fine with you all giving her the sex talk, and being there for her if she has questions, but details, not ok. Got it?” Rowen said as he ran his hand down my back one more time.

“Got it Rowen.” Molly agreed after she caught her breath from laughing.

“Thank you. I love you sweet girl.” Rowen whispered in my ear, kissed my cheek, and left the room.

I didn’t sit back up until I heard him, and Jax leave the apartment. When I did finally look at the girls, they were all wearing smug smiles. That worried me. I had a feeling this conversation was going to get very uncomfortable for me, very quickly.

“Go put on comfortable clothes all. We’re in for an interesting evening.” Molly stated with a giggle as she

stood up from the couch.

With a groan I headed to my room, and changed into my pajamas. I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to have this conversation any more. What had I been thinking by asking in the first place. This was going to be bad. Really bad. By the time I emerged from my bedroom, dinner had already been delivered,

and was sitting on the coffee table. Lexi, Molly, and Melissa were stretched out around the living room. I was surprised to see Naomi there.

“Ummmmm……” I sputtered at bit.

“Sometimes, Chastity, it’s good to have these kinds of conversations with someone a bit more mature, and experienced. Not that you girls are immature or inexperienced. I just have a little bit more than all of you. I have been mated for 25 years, after all. I know the art of giving without completely touching, lets

say. I also may have a little bit more, um, tact than all of you.” Naomi explained with a smile.

“That’s why I asked you to join us.” Melissa admitted.

“Do Ross, Pete, and Rowen know I’m here?” Naomi asked.

“They do. I didn’t exactly explain the conversation we were having. I just told them we needed a more mature insight into the conversation, and not one from a male’s perspective.” Melissa answered.

“Probably for the best.” Naomi agreed.

“Yes. Thank you. I don’t need MORE people knowing about what I asked.” I muttered.

“Chastity, my dear girl, there isn’t a thing to be embarrassed about. Sex, in all it’s forms is completely normal, and natural between mates.” Naomi stated.

“We keep telling her that, but she doesn’t seem to believe it.” Lexi stated.

“It’s not that I don’t believe it. It’s just that, well I never talked about this stuff before. Hell, it wasn’t even talked about in front of me really until recently.” I grumbled as I took a plate of food, and sat on the floor, pouting.

“Can I ask one question before we start?” Naomi wondered.

“Sure ” I agreed.

“What’s with the cat? I keep seeing it, but no one told me about it.”

“That’s Lilac. She’s my emotional support animal, my therapist calls her.” I answered.

“A cat? Really?” Naomi questioned.


“Why a cat?”

I quickly filled her in on why, and how I ended up with Lilac. Naomi looked genuinely confused, but didn’t ask any more questions.

“One rule though.” I stated when I finished my explanation.

“What’s that?” Naomi asked.

“Do not give her any food from your plate, or the table. If you see her begging, push her away.”


“People food isn’t healthy for her, and she could get fat.”

“Oh ok. No problem.”


“Alright, time for the fun conversation.” Molly squealed, making me blush.

“Really Molly?” I grumbled.

“Yes. Really.” Molly said as she stuck her tongue out at me, and I rolled my eyes at her.

“As i said Chastity, sex is perfectly normal, and natural between mates. Nothing you two do together is wrong, or anything to be embarrassed about.” Naomi started.

“I know. I know, but I can’t help it. Until recently, like I told Lexi, the only things I knew about sex was that was how a female got pregnant, it was messy, and smelled funny.” I said, looking at my plate.

“Messy, and smelled funny? How did you come up with that?” Naomi asked.

“Fiona.” I grumbled.

“Fiona?” Naomi asked, sounding confused.

“Whenever she had, um, guests over in her room, I was called to clean it all up afterwards.” I responded.

“That’s gross.” Melissa said making a gagging sound.

“It really is. I would never dream of asking someone to clean up after Pete, and I have sex.” Naomi sniffed.

“Um……” I sputtered.

“What?” Naomi asked.

“I never cleaned up after you, but I did wash your sheets.” I admitted.

“Damn it. I’m sorry Chastity.” Naomi said sounding guilty.

“It’s ok. It’s in the past, and at least yours didn’t stink like a dirty toilet.” I admitted.

“Gross!” Lexi squealed.

“Very Please do NOT ask me how that happens. I do NOT know, and I do NOT want to know.” Naomi stated firmly.

“Same.” We all agreed at once.

“Moving on.” Molly said.

“Yes please.” Lexi requested.

“Chastity, I know you were very sheltered when it came to sex, but it’s time to change that.” Naomi said.

“How?” I asked.

“We’re going to talk about it. Obviously.” Molly said with a giggle, and I rolled my eyes.

“Fine! So answer my question. How do I give Rowen pleasure?” I snapped.

“I take it from your question, and your embarrassment, that you and Rowen haven’t had sex yet?” Naomi asked, and I just shook my head.

“Has anything happened between you two since our first girl’s night?” Molly asked.

“A little.” I whispered.

“What’s a little, and did you enjoy it?” Melissa questioned.

I….this is really embarrassing guys.” I muttered.

“How about this? We’ll talk about our sex lives, and when you’re feeling more comfortable, you can tell us.” Melissa suggested.

“That’s all well, and good, but two of you are mated to my brothers.” I stated.

“Yup, and one of the 5 of us is my mother in law. What’s your point?” Melissa asked.

“It won’t bother you to hear about the things your mate’s parents do behind closed doors?” I questioned.

“No.” Melissa answered.

“I would think it wouldn’t at this point. Especially after what happened last Sunday.” Naomi said, casually. “What….what happened last Sunday?” I asked.

“Now understand Pete hasn’t touched me since the night of the Welcome Home party. Any way, I was in

the laundry room, doing laundry of course. I don’t know exactly what got into Pete, but Melissa walked in on me bent over, holding onto the dryer, while Pete took me from behind.” Naomi answered.

“Oh shit!” Molly squealed, and my eyes widened.

“Yup. I never left a room so fast in my life.” Melissa admitted with a snort.

“Pete wasn’t even fazed by it. Just kept at it.” Naomi said smugly.

“Seriously?” I questioned.

“Yup.” Naomi said.

“Joe caught Jax, and I once in the downstairs bathroom. He simply apologized, asked us to clean up after ourselves, and to remember to lock the door next time.” Molly said with a giggle.

“The Alpha wasn’t bothered by that?” I asked.

“Why would he be? I walked in on him, and Jane on the dining room table once, and multiple times in her office. It took them a bit to remember to lock the door.” Naomi said with a shrug.

“The dining room table? But….” I started, and stopped.

“Chastity, when the mood hits you, it hits you. Your best course of action is to take care of it quickly, or you’ll walk around as a big pile of rage until you do.” Naomi said.

“That’s so true. I’ve had to call Jax to visit me for lunch breaks at school a few times just so I wasn’t

Sanping at the pups all afternoon.” Molly said.

“That’s nothing. Colby was on a training exercise one night. He got a hard on for some unknown reason. He called me, and begged me to come to him. I learned the hard way that if you’re not careful you’ll get splinters.” Lexi stated.

“Is that where that one in your back you asked Norm to take out, came from?” I questioned.

“Yup. He had to remove two from my ass before you arrived.”

“Um. Ouch.” Melissa muttered.

“Very much so. I can laugh about it now, but I wanted to kill Colby when it happened.” Lexi said.

“Couldn’t he get in trouble for doing that when he’s supposed to be training?” I questioned.

“No. One, his instructors knew he was newly mated. Two, we werewolves are more open, free, and accepting of sex, any time, any where.” Lexi explained.

“Then what the hell is wrong with me?” I asked glumly.

“Nothing is wrong with you Chastity. You just weren’t raised with the same education as some of us were.” Naomi said.

“Yeah, but.” I said.

“You were very sheltered in the ways of the world, and you weren’t given the education you should have been given. None of that is your fault.” Naomi said.

“Yeah. I guess. Um….Naomi, were you a virgin when you, and Peter mated?”

“Yes I was. I wanted to keep that for my mate. I knew I couldn’t really help him with a job due to my lack of intelligence. He would gain nothing from my family because everything they have is for my brother. I had very few skills, beyond cleaning, and organizing. I had to have something to give him, and that’s all I had.” Naomi admitted.

“You’re plenty smart Naomi.” Melissa stated.

“You’re sweet Mel, but in the big picture, I’m not. I have my strengths, but I know my weaknesses well, and I’m ok with them.”

“But you’re the Gamma female. You handle a lot of things.”

“Actually I don’t. I never did. Most of what I have done over the years is secretarial work, and putting outfits together. Those are my strengths, and I’m good at them.”

“Being a secretary is hard work.”

“It is, but it’s not as involved as being a Gamma Female. I can’t organize events, run programs, or any of that. I can make the calls for those things. I can schedule the appointments. I can take notes, and create invoices, but the big stuff. No. I make a mess because I get confused, frustrated, and disorganized quickly. I need set instructions, and expectations.”

“Oh. I….”

“Don’t feel bad. I don’t. I know what I’m good at, and I’m happy doing it.”

“Oh. Ok.”

“We’ve gotten very off topic.”

“True. I just would like to get to know you, as well.”

“Thank you. You’re a good girl, and you make my Ross happy. That’s all that matters to me.”

“I try to.”

“You do. Can I make one suggestion though?”

“What’s that?”

“These apartments, and the bedrooms are sound proofed, but if you leave doors open, they lose that ability.”

“Oh shit. When?”

“A few times actually. The most recent Friday afternoon.”

“Opps. Sorry.”

“It’s fine. I’m glad my son takes such good care of you. Sounds like you take good care of him too.”

“Oh believe me he does.”

Molly, and Lexi were giggling, while I was blushing. I couldn’t believe they were talking about this so casually.

“Molly, you’re no better in Jax’s office. Child, my Pete’s office is right across the hall. According to what I heard Thursday you have the best mouth in the world.” Naomi stated with a snort, and Molly just laughed.

“Sorry. He attacked me before I could get the door closed.” Molly said between laughs.

“Wh….what does that mean?” I questioned.

“It means I give him a good blow job.” Moily answered with a giggle.

“A good what?” I asked.

“OH dear. You said it was bad, but I didn’t realize it was this bad. I thought you girls talked to her about this stuff.” Naomi questioned.

“We did, but we didn’t exactly give the terms used for everything.” Melissa said.

“Ah.” Naomi said.

“What is a…blow job?” I asked.

“Remember we told you about putting his dick in your mouth?” Molly questioned.

“Yes.” I answered.

“That’s a blow job.”

“So I just stick it in my mouth, and blow?” I was so confused.

“Oh please, please don’t do that. You’ll hurt him.” Melissa said with a snicker


“Ok. So the name is a little misleading. You don’t blow on him. You suck, and lick his dick.” Lexi stated.


“You suck, and lick him like you would a lollipop, or a popsicle.” Molly said.

“That’s a little weird.” I admitted.

“I thought so too, at first, but I got over that.” Naomi said.

“How?” I asked.

“It was really his reaction to it. Knowing that he was enjoying what I was doing to him.” Naomi answered.

“His reaction?”

“Yes. The way his body moves when you’re sucking on him. His grunts, and groans.” Molly said.

“Grabbing into my hair, and pulling it. Gets me every time.” Lexi added.

“I love when Ross tries to talk, telling me how good it feels, and begging me not to stop.” Melissa said.

“Yes, and the best part is when he finally loses complete control.” Naomi said.

“How does he do that?” I asked.

“Well he’s trusting into your mouth the same way he does when he’s having sex. He controls his movements so he doesn’t choke you or make you gag by hitting the back of your throat, but when he gets so into it he can’t control those things, you know he’s really enjoying himself.” Melissa answered.

“So he just keeps doing that on, and on with no stopping?” I was so lost.

“No. He stops once he cums.” Naomi said.

“And where does he do that?” I questioned, but was a little worried about the answer.

“In your mouth, if you let him. Otherwise on your chest, in his hand, or the shower floor.” Molly answered.

“My MOUTH! That sounds gross.” I squeaked.

“It can be at first, but you get past that pretty quickly. Especially after all the work you did to get him to cum.” Lexi said with a shrug.

“I’m not sure I could ever get used to that.” I admitted.

“Believe me dear girl, none of us are at first, but eventually you get used to it, and you may come to enjoy it.” Naomi said with a shrug.

“She’s right.” Molly agreed with Lexi, and Melissa nodding.

“Is….is that the only way I can pleasure him? I’m not sure I’m ready for that.” I admitted, sadly, as I wanted Rowen to enjoy what we did as much as I did.

“No. You can also give him a hand job.” Lexi said.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Now that is exactly what it sounds like. You wrap your hand around his dick, and run it up, and down the full length.” Molly answered.

“That’s it? That sounds pretty simple.” I said, but I wasn’t sure if I was ready to touch him like that when I wasn’t sure if I was ready for him to touch me like that..

“Not quite.” Naomi said.

“What do you mean?” I questioned.

“There is a little bit of finesse that goes along with it.” Melissa said.

“Like what?” I asked. Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well you can’t just lazily wrap your hand around it, and move it up and down randomly.” Lexi said.

“Oh. Then what the hell do I do?” I grumbled.

“Well first know that he will help you, and teach you what he likes. How he likes you to hold it, and move your hand. The important things to remember are that they like a good grip, and don’t ignore a single part of it.” Molly said.

“What do you mean?” I questioned.

“Well there is vein that runs the entire length of his shaft. Applying some pressure as you move your hand up, and down feels very good. Running your thumb around the flare of the head, and over top of it is enjoyable as well. They’re very sensitive on the head of their dick.” Naomi explained

“Head? Shaft?” I was confused again.

“Shit Chastity, have you ever even seen a males cock?” Lexi asked.

“Um. No.” I admitted.

“Girls! We’re sitting here telling her all of this, and she’s got no frame of reference to go with it? Tsk, tsk.” Naomi chided.

“Hang on.” Molly said as she got up, and headed to her bedroom.

“Molly, I don’t want to see a picture of Jax’s dick!” I called out after her.

“Don’t worry Chastity. I’m not stupid. That’s what the internet is for.” Molly said, phone in hand.

After a few taps, and swipes on the screen, she hands it to me. I look at the screen, and feel like my eyes are going to fall out of my head. That has got to be one of the weirdest things I have ever seen. I have no words to describe what I’m looking at. I finally hand the phone back to Molly, and tried to shake the image out of my head.

“Now do you have a clearer picture of what we’re describing?” Lexi asked.

“Uh. Yes. That….wow. That looks so weird.” I admitted.

“Believe me Chastity, a vagina is just as weird looking.” Molly said as she set her phone on the table.

“Yeah. I already know that. I’ve been in a few delivery rooms before.” I said with a shrug as she wasn’t


“Now you know what you’re working with. Or at least the basic idea. All males are shaped, and sized differently. The plus side for us werewolves is that our males are on the plus side of large.” Naomi said.

“What does that mean?” I questioned.

“You have your micro, small, average, large, and fuck that get it away from me.” Lexi said with a giggle.

“Werewolves tend to run between 9″ to 13″ when hard.” Naomi added.

“When hard? They change size when they’re not hard?” I asked.

“Yup. They get floppy, wrinkly, and shrink in size, not by a lot, but some” Molly answered.

“They kind of look like a wrinkly old man.” Naomi stated.

“Eww. But damn it, she’s right.” Melissa said with a giggle.

“Uh…..” I sputtered.

“Molly.” Naomi called.

Molly picked up her phone, tapped, and swiped again then handed it to me. I instantly wrinkled my nose when I looked at the picture. That was gross, but yeah, I could see the wrinkly old man reference. I wasn’t sure I could ever look at an old man again after seeing that. I handed the phone back to Molly, and shivered in disgust.

“Eww That’s kind of gross.” I admitted.

“It is, but another thing you get used to.” Naomi stated.

“Why do we have to get used all of this?” I asked.

“Well considering the fact that as we age, and have pups, males have to get used to our boobs sagging, stretch marks, a pooch in our belly that won’t go away, it’s a fair trade.” Naomi shrugged.

“I can’t disagree with you there.” Lexi said.

“At least you’re not sporting D cups. Good grief. If I hadn’t had a reduction done when Jane suggested it 5 years ago, my boobs would be heading to my belly button.” Naomi stated.

“You can do that?” Melissa asked.

“You can, but none of you girls look like you’ll need to worry about it.” Naomi answered.

“Thankfully.” Lexi agreed.

“So hand job, or a blow job. Those are my only options without having sex?” I asked.

“They’re the big ones. Rubbing him through his pants is the most tame. Not always comfortable, I would imagine, especially in jeans, but it will do the trick.” Molly stated.

“Oh. Well that explains that.” I muttered.

“Explains what?” Melissa questioned.

With a sigh I told them about what has happened between Rowen, and I so far. I was glad they didn’t interrupt or ask questions though. This was hard enough for me as it was. When I finished talking I looked around, worried that I messed up some how.

“That’s a really good start Chas.” Lexi finally said.

“It is?” I asked.

“Yes it is.” Molly agreed.

“Ok. Well I have some questions then” I said.

“Go for it.”

“So….um…..I’ve………explored a few times.” I sputtered, and stopped.

“In other words you’ve touched yourself, and given yourself orgasms.” Molly translated.

“Yeah.” I squeaked.

“Well that’s a good thing. You should know what feels good so you can show or tell him.” Naomi stated.

“I’m not sure if I can do that.” I whispered.

“When the time comes you will.” Melissa stated.

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Definitely If something doesn’t feel good, you’re not going to get into it. It could also end up hurting if you don’t stop him, or make him change what he is doing.” Lexi said.

“Oh.” I said quietly.

“So what are your questions, Chastity?” Naomi asked.

“Um… why…why do my orgasms feel better when he does it?” I whispered.

“Because he’s your mate. All touch from your mate feels better than any other touch. Even your own.” Naomi answered.

“But why?” I asked.

“Nobody really knows. Maybe to enhance the experience. To strengthen the bond between you. There could be a million reasons why, but at the end of the day all that really matters is that what you two do together feels really good.” Naomi explained.

“Oh.” I said.

“Next question.” Molly requested.

“…um…..I get really wet down there. Will he find that gross if I ever let him touch me there?” I asked, blushing because I was embarrassed about this.

“Hell no he won’t! He wants you to be wet down there.” Lexi stated.

“Why?” I asked.

“It’s your body’s way of letting him know he’s turning you on, and that it’s ready for him to touch you or have sex with you. You WANT to be wet down there.” Naomi answered.

“Why?” I questioned, and realized I sounded like a 2 year old.

“Because if you’re not it hurts, and he could tear you inside.” Lexi responded.

“Oh. Ok.” I just shrugged.

“Any more questions?” Melissa asked.

“Two actually.” I admitted.

“Go ahead.” Lexi prompted.

“Why…..why does he want to hear me make noise? It’s so embarrassing, and I sound weird. Why would he want to hear that?” I asked quietly.

“That’s how he knows you’re enjoying yourself, and that he’s making you feel good. As you’re slowly learning, you can’t always voice what you’re feeling. You can’t always say “I like that”, “do that again”,”

more”, or anything really. You making noises tells him that so he knows what to keep doing, what to stop doing, and what you need from him.” Molly explained.

“For most males, the louder the better. Screaming is the biggest sexual ego boost for any male. If he can make you lose control so much that you scream he’s done his job well, and he knows it.” Naomi added.

“But it’s embarrassing.” I countered.

“Does he make noises when you two are doing something together?” Lexi asked.

“Well yeah.” I answered.

“Does that bother you?” Melissa questioned.

“No. It tells me that he’s feeling good.” I whispered.

“Exactly. It’s the same for him.”

“Oh.” I muttered.

“Yeah. You shouldn’t be embarrassed about it. He likes it. Trust me.” Molly said with a smile.

“What’s your other question?” Lexi asked.

“Um. Maybe Naomi can explain this one to me a little better as you girls only confused me.” I said.

“Ok. Go ahead. Naomi said.

“Um……the other day, when we were well you know He didn’t um finish.” I stuttered.

“He didn’t cum?’ Naomi asked.

“Right. When I asked him about it, he brushed it off, and said he didn’t need to. That he enjoyed making me cum more than him getting off. Why is that?” I questioned.

“Ah. That all goes back to a male’s desire to take care of his mate, in every way. A male’s greatest joy is taking care of his female. That includes sexually. In making her cum he knows that he has taken care of her sexual needs which is more important to him than his own sexual needs. Typically a male will put his female before himself in every way. In basic terms, he took care of your needs, and that is all that matters to him.” Naomi explained.

“That seems a little one sided.” I admitted.

“It can seem that way, but think about it from this perspective. We’re having this conversation because you’re worried about Rowen’s needs now. You asked for advice so you can take care of him just as he takes care of you. We females feel the same way about taking care our male as they do about taking care of us. It always balances itself out.” Naomi said.

“Oh. I guess I can see what you’re saying.” I agreed.

“Good. Any other questions?” Naomi asked.

“No. I don’t think so.”

“Just remember, you can always ask any of us. We’ll always answer your questions, and talk to you about your concerns.” Molly stated.

“Thank you. I really appreciate your help.” I said with a small smile.

We all sat around, and talked for a little while longer. Once Melissa, and Naomi left I crawled into bed. I thought about everything I learned tonight. I didn’t know when I was ever going to feel comfortable taking.

their suggestions, but maybe in time I would. I was just drifting off when I felt Rowen slide into bed

behind me, kiss my shoulder, and whisper good night. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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