The Alpha’s Dark Revenge

Where am I?

Liyah’s POV

I shut my eyes from the searing pain that cut through my head as I slowly awakened, trying to take in the unfamiliar surroundings and remember how I got here.

My vision was blurry, and my memory was slightly fuzzy but I could tell that I’d been unconscious for quite some time. I slowly stood to my feet, to examine the gloomy room. I felt the color drain from my face as I looked it over; dark, dirt crusted walls, and cobwebs loomed all over. And the cell-like door confirmed my suspicion that it was some kind of basement. My father had one just like this, where he used to throw offenders.

The headache surfaced again, forcing me back to the ground. All I could remember was getting dragged off and bundled into a car, then knocked out by a strange face when I began to protest.

My heart pounded as I tried to imagine how and why I got here. I scanned the room for escape routes and then I realized something; there was no window, only unevenly poked holes in the the corner of the wall. The absence of a window scared me to death, and all of a sudden I began to feel claustrophobic.

As I continued to scan the room, my fingers poking through spaces in the walls for any loose ends, my eyes landed on a metal tray. From where I sat I could see that it contained a small piece of bread and some meat.

I frowned.

Why would whoever it was that put me in here want to feed me? I wondered, staring at the tray. My stomach rumbled, but I knew it was out of fear and not hunger. At that moment I didn’t feel like eating. I was too tensed. And for all I knew, it could be poisoned.

Turning away, I continued my search for an exit. My heart leaped in joy as I discovered a small opening. As heavy the the piece of wood was, I managed to lift it up. Hope surged through me when I saw it was some kind of trap door, a flight of stairs leading down below.

Without wasting time, I bounded down the stairs, moving faster when I saw a wooden door at the end of the stairs. Getting to the door, I realized it was locked.

“No, no, no!” I yelled, my heart falling. I breathed in deeply, drawing myself back and charging at the door with all the strength I could muster.

I gasped in pain as a tear fell down my cheeks from the impact. Still, it didn’t budge.

“No! Please, please,” I cried, banging on the door with both hands. “Somebody help me! Anybody, please I’m trapped in here!” I knocked repeatedly until my fists began to ache.

My fingers worked through the door, trying to find an opening and I struggled, peeking through the tiny hole to check if I could find anyone. But the opening was too small.

Exhausted from screaming and crying, I fell to the floor. I hadn’t screamed or cried this much since my father’s punishment when I was younger. I had beaten Barbara up for snatching the only neckpiece my mom left me. Father had taken me to the woods and tied me to a tree in the middle of starving wolves, and comfortably watched as I screamed on top of my lungs, apologizing and begging for his forgiveness.

The wolves circled me, snapping their teeth loudly at intervals when they came close, teasing me. It was just a simple test every teenager had to undergo when they turned fourteen, Father had said. If I had no wolf inside of me, the hungry wolves would eat me up. I was twelve and way too young for the test. I was terrified to death, fear and anxiety gripping my whole body that the wolves would do something crazy each time they came closer to sniff me. After that day, I had lost my voice for several days, and kept under the constant care of my nanny.

Today was different. I had no idea where I was, why I here, or what awaited me. It was even more terrifying.

“I’m hungry, please. I need to eat. The food is stale,” I begged, hoping the change of request and my weak voice would prompt my kidnapper to make an entrance.

But everywhere was silent.

A sudden bout of anger surging through me, I stamped my feet on the floor, raining blows on the door.

“This is unfair!” I screamed in anger. “I’m innocent and you know it. Show yourself, you coward!”

Every word I said just reverberated, showing me repeatedly that I was alone. I leaned back against the wall, all the energy sapped from me. I wiped the tears dropping down my eyes to my chest with the hem of my dress, trying to face the reality that I’d been kidnapped and abandoned in unknown premises. Everything bad seemed to be happening to me. Maybe I really was useless, just like Father always said.

His wicked words started to replay in my head. Perhaps he was the one who set up this kidnap just to put me out of the way. He hated me since my birth, but I didn’t think he would go through all this trouble of having me kidnapped. I mean, I’ve stayed twenty one years under his roof, so why would he want to get rid of me now? Especially when I haven’t done anything wrong to anyone in the house for the past few months.

Different thoughts and questions started to pop into my head about who planned this, who would want a worthless person like me as a hostage? Why would anyone kidnap me? Were they trying to blackmail my father? Maybe ask for a ransom? The though was almost laughable. I prayed that whoever it was realize soon that this whole thing was a waste of time and resources, as Father wouldn’t give a shit about this. I could imagine him laughing himself to death if someone were to ask him for a ransom. I felt my face harden. That wasn’t the problem now. I was still trying to figure out who it could be.

Recollecting what happened a night before the moon festival, I could remember vividly well that I was with nanny that night and we discussed for a while. She had somehow managed to convince me to attend the moon festival even when I had zero interest in the event. Something wasn’t adding up at all with all suspicions pointing straight towards Nanny.

Nanny wouldn’t order anyone to kidnap me just to have revenge on my father for the treatment she received from him and my step sister, or just so I could be free from my father’s terror on me. I mean why would she do that even if that’s the only solution to the problem? She raised me and loved me like I was her own daughter.

I smacked my forehead. What was wrong with me? Nanny doesn’t deserve such ill remarks especially not from me. She had always been good to me. Blaming my absurd thoughts on my fear and confusion, I shook my head as if to throw off the thoughts.

I pondered heavily on regrets. If only I had stayed back at the house. If only I had disobeyed nanny just this once. Father didn’t care about my presence at the festival, unless I wanted to be a waitress at the event, which I was.

I slapped my forehead again. Why didn’t I just stick with my decision for once? I would’ve been home and none of this would have ever happened.

I stood up one last time, banging the door. “Let me out, please. I have done nothing wrong, whoever you are, wherever you are please just hear me out, okay?!”

“I’m nothing but a useless piece of crap. If I can’t even be of use to myself or my father, why would I be of use to you?”


“What do you even want from me for God’s sake? Haven’t I had enough already?”Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Still there was no indication that anyone was listening.

My eyes were weary and swollen and still the tears kept flowing. I wiped my runny nose, feeling my throat become sore. I was slowly losing my voice. I pushed my damp hair out of my face and wiped my forehead. As I was about to hit the door again, I heard someone slam a door overhead. I jumped up in surprise, hope stirring in me.

I soon regained strength to knock at the door again. It was a do or die affair for me now. I knocked again, this time heavier, the sound of footsteps coming towards me prompting me further.

“Help!” I screamed with everything that was left in me. “Help me, I’m down here! Let me out plea-”

“If you don’t shut the fuck up, right now I’ll make you wish you were dead!” A brash voice echoed through the silence, cutting me off.

The only thing I could discern was that it was coming from a man. “I’m innocent, I didn’t do anything please,” I tried again.

“Keep quiet and sit your ass down!” He growled. The voice had changed; it was louder, deeper, just like a wolfman. I felt the hairs on my back rise. I was kidnapped by wolves. And if they were anything like my father, I probably wouldn’t live to see another day.

I shrunk back in fear. And there and then, I knew I was doomed, I was done for and there was nothing I could do about it.

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