The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 93 The Yellow Brick Road

It has been three weeks, six days, and nineteen hours.

We find ourselves in Sweden.

Elloise has taken me from one country to the next across Europe in an attempt to keep me away from Cassidy. Though I do believe that this is starting to prove futile. After a call from one of her ex-lovers, we packed up our lives once again to board a flight for what seemed to feel like endless hours.

So here I find myself in my own silence.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“My beloved, I am writing this to you from the silence of my hotel room. It appears that you are following my breadcrumbs. It gives me great joy to know that the letters that I have left for you to find were not left behind in vain.

There have been so many times that I feared that they would never reach you. It aches right to my very bone every time I think that I will simply disappear and never see you again. With great agony, I have imagined spending my life alone until finally dying of a broken heart in some corner of this continent that we once called our home.

Between you and me, this will be a death I would welcome. If I cannot have your beauty by my side until the end of my Vampire days, then there is no life that is worth living.

My beloved, I miss you.

The word does not even begin to describe the longing I feel for you in my heart as I sit here and scribble these words. It feels like my memory is busy fading. Quite an ironic thing to come from the lips of the oldest Vampire. But it is true. Your face seems to be slipping from the depths of the memories that my mind holds. Your voice has become silent, and your touch has faded from my senses.

I sometimes fear that these letters will be the only thing that reminds me of you. I fear that the feelings behind what my memory holds are not going to last for much longer. Soon you will become just a name behind a person that I am reminded of.

But do you know what, from all these things, I would miss the most? The one thing that I wish that I would never want to forget? That is the sweet smell of jasmine and vanilla. It enchanted me the first day that I met you, and it does until this very day.

Just bringing that memory to the surface, the first time we met… My beloved, can you remember that clearly? I was at such a loss for words. A man that did not know how to treat or even how to say a word to such a true beauty. You captivated me from the firth moment that my eyes laid on you.

My beloved, you are my poison.

You are the one thing that I will never get enough of. You have been the death of me so many times, and I will keep dying those little deaths, for you are the only woman that has been my perfect undoing.

I love you.

That is a word that I thought that I would never say. I think I loved you long before I even met you. My destiny was always going to end with you. I believe that one day, I will be back where I belong. I will hear your voice that is sent from angels; I feel your touch warm my skin, and most of all, I will have your beautiful face in my presence. I can only hope that I shall have you back in my arms soon.

My beloved, you are close. Don’t give up.

Yours Lucas.”

…Cassidy POV…

It has been, do I even dare to say it, it has been three weeks, six days, and nineteen hours since she took Lucas from me. We have been from one country to the other across Europe. It has been long, hard days, which for a Vampire is easy, but Jacob is exhausted; even though he does not show it, he is pushing on. I am starting to wonder if he is doing this for me or truly for Lucas. This calms my heart, for he has to been captured by the essence that is Lucas.

But for our next step, we are not certain. We have sent the word out for any Vampire that sees Lucas to inform us immediately. As for Elloise’s ex-lover, he has gone quiet and is not giving any further information, but we did squeeze two more locations out from him. So once again, we are left to make such a choice.

“Damien, which way shall we go?”

“God, Cassidy, I wish that I did not have to make this decision. I don’t think she will take him as far as Sweden; I say we head for Switzerland.”

“I hope you are right. I think the travel will do Jacob good. The poor man is exhausted but foolishly do not want to give up.”

“The man has a purpose; we all have a purpose. Even if it takes me forever, I will find my brother and your beloved. Now let us get going.”

…Lucas POV…

It has been endless days and hours since I have been ripped away. I have lost count, and so have I lost my memory.

I fear that my trail has gone cold.

From all the ways that I thought I would go one day, being broken-hearted was not one of them. What a wicked joke life has played on this Vampire Master. Being in love should be special. Well, it seems to have turned out to be my special grave.

My heart has grown just as cold as these mountains covered in layers of white glaze. Sitting with Elloise at yet another café, my thought can only but drift away.

“My beloved, it is peaceful here, perhaps too peaceful as it helps me to clear my head and allows me to think. It makes me understand that no matter what the world throws between us, our love shall last forever.

Though what the world has thrown between us has started to slowly drive me insane. I will be honest with you, but I a losing it. I feel that I lose a small part of myself every day. Some of those small parts are you, the memories that my mind holds. I fear that I have slipped so far away from your reach that you can never get me back again. And should by some miracle you do, I might not even be there completely.

My beloved, I don’t know how much longer I can hang on.

But should I give up, then I know that I would lose you. If I lose myself, then…

I do not even wish to venture into that way of thinking.

But I am scared.

I feel that with every ticking second that precious moments are ticking away. I don’t think she is ever going to let me go. She is hiding me deeper than she did in the beginning. I know I need to have faith, but that is something that has become hard to believe in.

I know if I stop having faith, then my heart will be covered in a frozen white glaze. It feels like I am hanging by a thread to life, and if I let go, I would not survive. But I know that we are meant to be together, and that keeps reminding me to hold on.

You are the love of my life.

And you are my wife.

And I know we will meet again. I just need to hold on a little longer. My heart tells me that you are close, and as long as you are still on this continent, then there is hope.

I love you, my beloved.

Yours Lucas.”

…Cassidy POV…

It is cold here, just as cold as my heart is getting. We have been going from one café to the other in the hope that she shall have him there. I don’t know why she has taken him this far. Does she think that I shall not follow him all the way here?

“Damien, where on earth will she take him? Why here?”

“I think she lives in her own delusional world. This must have been something that she has been planning for a great deal of time.”

“And my presence made her want it with every moment. Well, she is going to wish; in fact, she will die at my hands when I find her.”

“Well, hold that thought for one second; let me see how the Vampire Hunter is finding things at his end.”

As Damien breaks off to phone Jacob, I find myself in thought once again. I walk around in circles as the desire to feel Lucas in my arms starts to consume me. When I come to a dizzying stop, from across the crowd of people, there is a man that catches my eye.

“Damien, is that Lucas?”

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