The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 91 Finding Lucas

…Cassidy POV…

Lucas and I are standing in the kitchen while Elloise is keeping an eye over Jacob. I move towards him, slide my arms on his waist, and chuck my hands in his back pockets. He looks at me with a sweet smile on his face. He loves it when I touch him so intimately, as he calls it. Yes, there is the danger of someone dying, but we can, in the depths of deep darkness, still express our love for each other.

He slowly lowers his head and rests his lips softly against mine; from under his breath, he softly whispers, “I love you.”

It brings butterflies to my stomach every time he says it, “And I love you even more than I did a moment ago.”

“Well, that cannot even near to be possible, for a moment ago, it was me loving you more.”

“Always the wise ass. Now, do you think that we shall be able to enjoy some quiet time after this ordeal?”

“Now that is something that we definitely can seek. But our first point of business, what shall we do with another little problem?”

“Oh, the problem that is disgustingly covered herself in pink. Now, Lucas, please do not tell me that your favorite color is pink.”

“My dear beloved, it is only that deep red of your lips that captures my imagination.”

“And the red of these stilettos?”

“Oh, those I am ripping off the moment I set you down on the bed.”

“Now, Mr. Belmont, this body is still tender; there shall be no fooling around.”

He looks at me with that undeniable passion in his eyes and takes his hands to the small of my back. Gently he pulls my hair away from my neck and lays a gentle kiss on my soft, delicate skin.

“My beloved, I promise that I shall never leave you again.”

“And me too, my love, Lucas, from now until forever, there shall not be one moment that we shall ever be apart.

And then, if the most imperfect timing, Elloise steps into the kitchen, rather loudly clearing her throat, “Jacob is has awakened, Cassidy, he is asking for you.”

Without hesitating, I leave Lucas and Elloise behind in the kitchen and rush to Jacob’s side.

“Oh, Jacob, please tell me that you are feeling healed?”

“I have never felt greater, Cassidy; I shall forever be in both of your debt. Where is that stubborn man? I wish to thank him before I start driving him insane.”

I  go to call for Lucas, but I do not find him or Elloise where I left them. “Lucas. Lucas. Where are you?” I run to the outside, and I do not find them there. I raise my voice rather louder than before. “Lucas! Lucas!” I burst through the door and enter the house once again; frantically, I run from each room, desperately trying to find where Lucas is. “Lucas. Lucas.” Just then, Jacob appears in the last room, where I find myself huddled on the floor, where I stay in turmoil until my heart breaks from my chest. “Cassidy, what is wrong?”

“I can’t find him. He is gone. She is gone. I know that she has taken him. I just know it. I have never trusted her for one second. Jacob, will you please help me look for him?”

With a frantic race, we find our way back to my home, where Damien is sitting in the common room, just finishing off a meal. He looks at my face and senses the dread that followed me in from through the door.

“Cassidy, what is the matter?”

“I can’t find Lucas; she has taken him.”

“Who, who has taken him?”

“Elloise, she was there helping us save Jacob, but the moment I left him alone with them, they disappeared into thin air.”

Damien gasps, for he knows the way that her love runs deep for him. “Have you gone to the forest?”

“Yes, Jacob and I just came from there.”


“Yes, he is alive.” Just then, he steps out from behind the wall where he was standing, for he would have taken Damien down if he had to see him kill an innocent kill in front of his eyes.

“Do you know where she took him?”

“No, not even her closest confidant knows where she is.”

Damien stands for several moments in uncomfortable silence; I can see the trouble in his eyes, “Cassidy, where do we even begin?”

…Lucas POV…

The woman has gone completely insane.

Elloise caught me off guard for a mere moment while Cassidy was not around. Yet, that is not the biggest of my concerns What does scare me beyond compare is that she has laid a spell upon me and taken me from Jacob’s home. But where she has taken me is even far greater of problem…

We are in Paris.

It has been twelve hours, fifteen minutes, and twenty seconds since Elloise has taken me away from Cassidy.

Unlike as with a Vampire, Elloise does require sleep. So while she is far off into her own dreamland, I have come to sit outside on the balcony. Now to worsen the agony that I am going through, the spell she cast prevents me from venturing away from her immediate presence.

Just as I make my way out into the cool fresh evening air, I grab a little notepad and pen lying on the table. Part of me is hoping that Cassidy will know where to find me, and I need to leave her a clue; even the smallest of breadcrumb would make the difference.

So as I glance over my shoulder to see if Elloise is still sleeping, I sigh in relief and continue to scribble on the piece of paper in hopes that Cassidy will find it.

“My beloved. I am somewhere in a Hotel in Paris. By now, you must be sick with worry, and you might even be a slight bit mad at me. But I promise you that I did not think she would deceive me, even though the better part of me should have expected it.

But what I did not expect was that she would have taken me so far away from you. I have stopped counting how many times I have looked down at the streets below, and by some hope, I would see your face between those of the many. Though somehow, I know that if I do not see you now, you will never stop trying to find me. Your bond with me shall never die.

Even if this is the last place I wish to find myself, I must admit that here in the corner of the balcony, it is so peaceful. Looking over the City of Love is breathtaking, watching so many lovers holding hands and stealing lost kisses between whispered breaths. One day when I find myself back into your arms, I will bring you here. We will get lost between all the city lights, and I will take you to all the places that your heart desires.

She took me down these very streets earlier today with the façade of being a romantic couple. In her own delusional mind, she hopes that I will realize that somehow we belong together. In return, I have not stopped speaking your name. She has threatened to place a spell of silence on me should I speak about you one more time. Well, between you and me, that is the only way that she is going to get me to stop. She shall have to kill me before I would ever forget about you.

I have to believe that there is a chance that we shall be together again. For now, I have to go; she has awakened. Please, I need you to find me. But until then, please remember, no matter the distance between us, my heart will always find yours. With all my beloved, for an eternity, Love Lucas.”

…Cassidy POV…

We have been sitting for an hour; in fact, it has been twelve hours, fifteen minutes, and twenty seconds since Lucas has vanished. We have no idea where Elloise could have taken him. We are hoping that it is close, but knowing her, she would take him to the last place that we would expect. But that thought is still not very reassuring. That does not give us a starting point, least not a clue or even a direction to head in.This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

The loss, not having him here, is tearing my heart to pieces with the most unbearable pain. I so want to get mad at him for leaving me. But I know it is not him, and if he could, he would come home. I cannot even begin to think about how helpless he must be; he must be hopeless that someone is not going to find him. Well, I will turn this earth over and over again until I do. There is no distance that shall ever keep us apart.

We will not stop, not day or night; there will be no end until we have found where she is keeping him. Then Damien looks at me; he has just ended a call with one of her old lovers, then with certainty; he speaks, “I think we have found him.”

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