The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 74 Elimination Of The Mortal Race

I have a very worried Cassidy staring at me; now I know what the poor girl is thinking; she is wondering what does ‘cleansing of the mortals’ means. Well it means, the strongest shall survive, for the darkness shall unleash every creature that nightmares are made of. And these creatures prey on the lives of mortals; they range from taking their souls to ripping the very thing that beats which keeps them alive. These creatures shall eliminate those who are too weak to be part of the perfect mortal race.

So it is with pure panicked horror that Cassidy asks the question that I am sure even the Vampire Hunter knows the answer to.

“Do I even dare to ask what the other spells are?”

“My beloved, there shall be a spell that will, if you wish to say, cleanse immortals too. Now, if he follows the book to perfect detail, the next shall be to cleanse the very creatures that have just cleansed the mortals for him.

“And when you say him, you say you know exactly who this person is?”

“Yes, we do know who is using the Book of Spells.”

“Who is…”

Just then, from out of nowhere, one very terrified woman comes running up to the car and furiously starts pounding against the window. Behind her is a creature that I have not seen in over a hundred years; I am aware of their existence. He is clearly chasing her for the very thing he craves the most. I never was quite sure if they were living around these parts of London. So before my poor beloved is scared beyond belief, Damien brings the car alive and slam the pedal to the floor; we off to a roaring start towards the safety of our home.

There we find an even more concerned Lilith, pacing the stretch of floor between the entrance and the stairway. The poor Stefan, his running up and down as she takes every step in fear of our safety. I can honestly say that I have never seen this much relief on any one person’s face.

“My god, Lucas, you guys are alive.”

“Oh, my dear Lilith, we are immortal; it is not yet our turn.”

“That is not funny; how can you see the humor at a time such as this.”

Then I get the look from Lilith that I have been getting from every single one that was present in the car, and I can not honestly say what my answer is going to be.NôvelDrama.Org content.

“Lucas, what are you going to do. You know how long this spell will last; we can not just sit by.”

And Lilith just had to go and say this, for now, Cassidy’s curiosity is peaked, and I do not think I wish to answer the question.

“Lucas, how long does this spell take?”

“My beloved, I am afraid to even mention, but it does take seven days.”

“Seven days? A week? Some of us have not fed in a week already. And do I even dare to say, these poor people of the city? Who is going to look after them? We need to get word to them.”

“Even if we do, these creatures shall just enter their homes, that is, those that are not clever to lock them down with whatever they could find.”

“Well, I say we leave and go try and save as many as we can.”

“My beloved, I don’t even know where we shall start.”

“Anywhere, anywhere we can.”

I do admire her determination to help those who cannot help themselves, but it is futile; not only shall we place our own lives in danger, it shall not make any difference. Yes, sitting back is not my ideal solution, but I cannot put the lives of my family in danger. I believe that she shall understand this. So I make my leave to phone the rest of the council and elders to get word to all of my kind to not try and make their way into the streets.

…Cassidy POV…

I will not sit by and let innocent people just die like this because some man has become power-hungry and unleashed and evil over the city to satisfy this need of his. If Lucas will not do anything about this, then I shall defy every word he said. He might be over two hundred years old, but he does not possess the power that I do. And let us not forget there is one other that also does, and it is him that I shall ask the impossible from.

“Jacob, I am going outside to help those that find themselves helpless on the street; now I know that you are human, but you are also Vampire, and may I add one of the two strongest in this room.”

“Cassidy, your beloved will not only kill me, but he might just chain you up.”

“Ha! I want to see him try that for one second. If you are not going to come with me, then I shall do this alone.”

“Well, Lucas wants to kill me whether I help you or not, might as well give him a good reason to do it.”

While Lucas has retreated to the study to contact the elders to get word among the Vampire community, Jacob and I sneak out the book door to make our way into the city. I snatch the keys to the car that is parked at the back of the grounds. Jacob, who knows well how to steal cars, which I do not want to know the details of, sneaks our way out the driveway without being heard or seen.

Once we have made it a safe distance from the house, Jacob, with a newfound urgency, has us racing down the first of the many alleys that we shall check. We shall cover these before making our way into the streets, which are eerily completely deserted and dead. Have so many humans already been taken, or have the ominous clouds kept them inside? Which does make it true what Sebasitian said, that these creatures shall enter their homes. There has to be a better way to do this.

“Jacob, we need to find a better way to warn these humans; I am afraid going down alleys and roads trying to fight these monsters is going to take up too much of our time.”

He sits for a few moments and ponders what I have just said, and then I watch as his face lights up.

“I have the perfect plan. Strap in. We are going for a fast drive.”

As Jacob drives the pedal into the floor, my entire body pushes back into the chair, and adrenaline sets in. Something gives me the idea that we are in for a thrilling ride this evening. But just then my phone starts to light up.

“Cassidy, where are you!”

I then look at Jacob, which knows exactly whose message I am staring at.

“I guess your beloved has noticed our absence.”

So as it is somewhat hard, I ignore his messages, which continue to fly in one after the other. We have a mission at hand, and there shall be no way that I will back off. I have already come thus far; I am not going to give up before I have even started.

And with every road we pass on the side, we find people running scared for their lives. If we thought that all the humans have taken to the safety of their home, we have now just been proven wrong. But it is not so much the idea of humans running down the streets, but what is running behind them for god; I have never in my life seen such hideous creatures. But it is not just one kind, there are so many different ones that are getting the pleasure of the satisfaction of the way they are sending the mortals down the streets screaming.

Then soon I see the destination where we were heading; as soon as we stop to change from a civilian car to those of law enforcement, I immediately know what Jacob had in mind. I do smile and wink at him, for he has always had quite the naughty streak; I think speeding down the road with the megaphone in a cop car is his idea of fun, not even to mention breaking the law while doing it.

With a newfound urgency, we hit the first of the residential roads; with a slow drive, and me on the megaphone urging for everyone to stay inside, we begin the long process of trying to help the people of the city stay safe. But some are not so lucky, for we can see these creatures breaking through the barriers of their homes that are meant to keep them safe. The only thing we can do is but ask them to lock down and stay somewhere it is safe for the next seven days. There is no way that we as two Ancients can take these monsters up by ourselves, and do I even dare go say not even with Lucas and Damien by our sides that it would have made much of a difference.

But through all this, Lucas has not once tried to stop phoning me. So while Jacob is concentrating on the task at hand, I call Lucas, knowing that I am so getting it from them.

“Cassidy, where are you?”

“We are downtown now.”

“Do you have a death wish? Come home this instant!”

“Lucas, I cannot let these people just get slaughtered like that.”

“You cannot fight every damn monster lurking out there.”

“I know, but I can still warn them to stay inside.”

“Good luck with that one; it will take you years. Now get back home!”

I take a deep breath before I tell him about our crazy plan.

“Well, we perhaps have stolen a cop car and are driving with the megaphone on.”

“You did what?”

“We stole a car.”

“Oh my god, have you gone insane? Come home!”

“No, you either join us, but I am not going home.”

“Guess I am stealing a car then; I will see you shortly.”

I hear him chuckle just as I am about the put the phone down; well, that did not go as bad as I expected. It is with much relief that I see him and Damien, and very much to my surprise, Lilith and Victor as well. Guess this is one for the storybooks, how five Vampires and a Vampire Hunter stole a bunch of cop cars to save the lives of a bunch of mortals that would have their lives in the first place.

Now, of course, Lucas shall not allow me to be in the car with Jacob, so after a bunch of egotistical comments, I change cars with Damien. As I get in with Lucas, he just smiles, and we set down the roads. Road after road, street after street, we try our best to warn all the humans to stay inside their home. It takes us hours and hours as we go into day time and even hours later into night time again.

As we see that we have made much progress, we all group together close to what I believe is the cemetery. It is far more quiet from the nightmares that we have just seen; the peace and silence are much welcomed at this moment before we shall be heading back into the belly of the beast as we have come to call it now.

Lucas looks at me somewhat concerned; I have grown pale and are feeling weak. I have not only fed for a week, but all this excitement has drained my body.

“My beloved, do you wish to carry on? We have done truly more than what we can for now.”

I still try to find the very words to argue with him, but there is something else that has now got my attention.

“Lucas, what is that?”

“Some idiot that decided to walk through the cemetery at this ungodly hour.”

“Well, he looks more drunk to me. Are you going to tell him to go home, or should I?”

Just as I am about to get out of the car, Lucas pulls me back by the arm.

“Cassidy, that is not a human.”

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