The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 72 Decision Of A Lifetime

After what seemed like the longest hour of my immortal life, Dean and his pack safely escorted us out of the forest. With this new information in hand, we make our way back home to share our discovery with Damien and Victor. The big question begs, how are we going to resolve this matter without drawing too much attention to ourselves.

With that in mind, we soon find ourselves walking through the front door, where we are met by a very frantic Victor and a somewhat worried Damien. Unlike Damien, I do believe that Victor does not carry the same faith that I shall, no matter what, always bring the ones that are dearest to me and that accompany me on such a mission safely back home. He seems to have built a somewhat stronger bond with Lilith since the whole incident with Lucius, which I understand, but the man has grown slightly overprotective.

Now, if this is welcomed by Lilith, I do not know; I have never seen her to settle with one man for a period of time. That in itself, explains why she has not yet done so with Victor. But in saying this, she, too, has changed since her encounter with Lucius. I do foresee that there shall be a rather big shift in their relationship soon.

…Victor POV…

It is with great relief that I see Lilith walk through that door. I will admit that it has been the longest day of my immortal life. Now I do believe that I shall need not to be concerned that Lucas shall return them all safely back home.

But then I am overwhelmed by the thought of what shall happen to my poor heart if I have to find that one day she shall not return, or even more that I myself do not make my way back home. This is not a thought that a wish to entertain. As a Vampire, you feel that you are untouchable, but as have been proven now over and over again, that we found ourselves as a relatively easy target. We are too assured that nothing can happen to us and as one of the strongest of the mythical creature that no other shall dare to take us on.

Well, by the look of my dear Lilith that is covered in blood, which I can safely assume is not her own, I do believe that they have encountered one of those that wish to overthrow our power. Now, do I even dare to ask what did cross their path today? But what I do hope is that they did find themselves ultimately dead, for the last thing one wants is for some creature to descend down and take their revenge.

So I take her by the hand and lead her away from Lucas that is talking to Damien about something rather serious. Well, my concern does not lay there; I wish to take my love and get that filth off from her porcelain skin. Yes, council business should come as a priority first, but the wellbeing of Lilith shall now and always take president.

And it is in silence that we make our way upstairs; once we are behind the privacy of her bedroom door, she finally turns to me.

“God, Victor, I thought that we were going to die. I have never seen such a vicious creature. Well, I am sure there are worse, but to be eaten by your own kind is a death I would now wish myself to suffer.”

“My love, what was it that was out there in the forest? I am horrified to even ask if all this blood belongs to something else?”

“Rippers, it was Rippers. They nearly made Cassidy their midday snack. It was the most terrifying few minutes of my life. If it were not for the man Dean, then we would have been dead.”

“Dean? That ridiculously, overly insane man that looks like a god himself?”

“That very one. But we did manage to make it to my sister, which I must add, I was never so overjoyed in my life to see her again.”

“Did you locate the Book of Spells?”

“Yes, but only Lucas knows the location.”

Now never would I have thought they would cross the path of a bunch of Rippers; I would have thought they would have been long dead by now. This does go to show you that nowhere is safe anymore. And should Dean not been there to destroy all of them, they indeed would have been dead.

I cannot live without Lilith; I will simply not bear being without the one thing I have desired since the very first time I laid my eyes on her. Her exquisite beauty was only but an addition to the gentlest of hearts that she possesses. For a Vampire, she displays a rare kindness and concern for those of her kind. My heart belonged to her from the very moment that I ever spoke to her.

Thus I think she shall share the very same sentiment as me as I believe the time for this has come. This is something that I have desired more now since Stefan has come into our lives. There is a greater need to assure that both of them are safe and away from all this danger that the Lecarde House has been attracting of late.

“My dear Lilith, can I be so frank and ask you something that shall need great considering from your side.”

“Of course, what is it that has that great mind of yours so bothered.”

“Please let me take you away from here. Please let me take you away from all this danger.”

“I do not quite understand? You want me to leave here? You want me to leave the Lecarde house? Leave Lucas and Damien behind?”

“Yes, this is not a safe place to be anyone; I need to know that you are safe. You and Stefan, you need to be away from where all these creatures can harm you.”

“Oh Victor, I don’t know if I can do such a thing. I have been with Lucas and Damien since the beginning.”

“My dear, we need to think of Stefan now. Who knows what dangers are coming with whoever has possession of the Book of Spells.”

“You do state a good point; I am afraid of what is to come. Lucas did seem very concerned after Elloise spoke to him.”

“That is more of the reason why we should leave. Please tell me that you will come with me?”

…Lilith POV…

What Victor says is, indeed, the truth. Once again, I have been shown the dangers that lurk in this city and beyond. Now I would not have come to face with these if I was not with Lucas, for he has become rather dangerous to be around. I do understand his quest to ensure that the city shall not only be safe for Vampires but the humans too. The problem is that the lives of the ones that chose to go on these missions of his are being placed in danger far beyond is necessary.

Yes, there are some awful things that lurk in the shadows, some of which I hope that I have never seen. And some things that a human should not see himself either. There is a very big possibility that should they become aware of the mythical world surrounding them; they shall not only try and harness our power but also be hunted and killed like animals. But then are some of us, not animals, creatures that should not roam this earth at all.

Yes, I do believe that the Lecarde House shall continue to attract the danger that it does. And let us not even mention the danger that lay within the pages of the Book of Spells. It is truly beyond me why they never destroyed the book in the first place. Now for someone to have gone through the great trouble that they did to steal the book from where it was thought it could never be taken from, this only means that there is a power out there that has a great evil planned for this city. The question is for which kind it shall be for the mortal or, in fact, the immortals such as ourselves.

Now I have known Victor for a great few years. The moment I was captivated by the way he carried himself. He was not an arrogant Vampire that chased every woman that came in his way. In the beginning, he did carry a few partners, but the moment he started to enjoy my company, he immediately stopped his ways. He has been by my side ever since then, and despite my somewhat difficult nature at times, he had always remained by my side. Even after I said that I was not ready to settle down, he still remained loyal to me, hoping that I shall come around.

So here I have a man that I have come to grow very fond of asking me to leave my life behind and start a new one with him elsewhere. I do believe that it is in the best interest of Stefan to do such a thing. But I do not know what I shall do without Lucas and Damien, though I need to give my son the best life and do I even need to mention the safest to live.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Victor, when do you wish to do this?”

“Now, today, before the true intention of the one with the Book of Spells becomes known.”

“Please give me a few moments.”

…Lucas POV…

After cleaning the horrible stench of that Ripper off my skin, I find myself with Cassidy and Damien discussing the way forward. I have not yet made it known to Cassidy, who is in possession of the Book of Spells. It is not that I wish to keep the location a secret; I just have no idea how I am going to approach this. This shall, by far from all the battles we have found ourselves in; this shall be the one that holds the biggest danger of all. But what makes this even more terrifying is that there are so many ways this can go for there is hundreds of spell within those pages. We have no way of knowing which one the book was taken for.

So while we are awaiting the return of Victor, it is Lilith that makes her way into the common room. Though she carries a very concerned look on her face, I am not sure if I can say it is the same sentiment that she holds with what danger lies ahead. But one thing is for sure, that the is a burning concern on her mind. And as she comes to stand in front of us, I know that this shall be a life-changing event.

“Cassidy, I do not wish to be rude in any way, but please, can I have a word with Lucas and Damien alone.”

“Sure, Lilith, I shall be with Stefan in the ballroom.”

As Cassidy makes her departure, it does take Lilith a few moments to find the words that she has come to say to us. Now I am not sure what to expect; I have never seen this much turmoil on her face. Is she truly still so shaken from our encounter with the Rippers? But there is a different look in her eyes, more than the fear of an enemy; there is a fear of loss. There is a choice that has been placed on her shoulders that has lead her to come face Damien and me. This is making me rather concerned.

“My dear Lilith, what is the matter?”

“Lucas, Damien, you do know that my heart carries a great deal of love for you both. You are not only my brothers, but the father that I lacked for most of my mortal life.”

“You are scaring me. What has happened?”

“Victor has asked me to leave with him. Today.”

I am taken aback as the shock fills every fiber in my now trembling body. I can not allow this to happen. She cannot leave; Victor is not thinking with a sane mind. But then this is ultimately her decision?

“What are you going to say?”

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