The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 50 What An Odd Pair

When things do not add up, you will find that the truth was not included in the equation. What is the truth behind this? I am yet to find out. Do I feel deceived? For certain. But what is unclear to me is how this is possible, for I distinctly remember holding his lifeless body in my arms. It will break me into shattering pieces if I am to find out that there was a plan that I did know nothing of. So if I do not display sadness in my eyes, then I would say that I am untouched by his presence, which shall be a lie.

This was a Vampire that I held nothing but the utmost respect for. Not only did he give me the best gift that any mortal can ask for, but he gave me something else, a sense of belonging. The reckless man that I was could found meaning in life even though it was a life that not many would desire.

But it is a life that I had embraced with all of my being. And as I was born into it, he was there by my side. As I looked at how gracefully he conducted himself, I knew that he should be a Vampire that I would wish to become one day. Having a Vampire that considers you as a great part of his family is something that one should feel privilege for.

Now I may tell all the tales of our life together, which shall consume most of my next few days. The truth and very fact remain that this Vampire that is staring down at me as he did so many times, this Vampire, I was delighted to say, was my Maker and Master. But the biggest part that is making this hard to digest is, as I mentioned, he should be dead.

And right now, I think it is not wise to demand the answers, but I do not wish to care, for I would like to hear how he finds himself alive again.

“Baldassare, I am afraid I do not understand?”

“My dear Lucas, I can truly say that I am very pleased to see you again.”

“Then, if you are so pleased, why do I find myself tied up?”

“Just a persuasive tactic, nothing personal.”

“It does become quite personal if you attack and tie the ones that are dear to me.”

I study his face as I did so many times. He held power behind those deep blue eyes, a power that I also crave for. But as then, it is now still impossible to read what his purpose behind an action is.

So it does not pain me to ask him the burning question; I guess that is on all our minds.

“How do you find yourself alive again?”

“I am afraid to say that you should have burned my bones. Some disillusioned Ancients had it in their head that I am the one that shall fulfill the prophecy.”

“Well, they truly are delusional to think that my beloved would lead you into a new era of Vampires.”

“True, plans did go skew; it was the boy, Jacob, that we’re supposed to turn Cassidy.”

“But Cassidy was just a girl that I met in a bar.”

Baldassare turns his head to the Winchester boys, and I am afraid to say that there is something that they have neglected to tell me once again.

“Out with it, Dean, and consider yourself lucky not being in arm’s length.”

“Well, the thing is that Cassidy’s parents are actually Vampires.”


“That is it.”

“Is that your explanation? Not when did they became Vampires? Why have they abandoned her? Where are they now? Is that it?”

“Her parents are dead, her mom died during childbirth, and the dad could not cope without her.”

It is like drawing blood out of a rock; this man does not do well with telling a story. His brother seems to be far better with this simple thing. I have no patience and time for muscle over brains now.

“Sam, please finish his sentences for him.”

“Cassidy’s parents were Vampires even long before she was born. Her mother gave birth to a human baby. And that is why they believe she is the one that shall lead them.”

“And then just I thought I could not wrap my head around anymore weird.”

Then Baldassare steps in front of me once again, and for the first time ever, I so wish to knock him off his feet.

“So you see, Lucas, it is nothing against you. It is all about the prophecy.”

“So you bunch of god ugly Vampires think you can take over just because some bored man came up with a story.”

Then as I glance to my side, I see my beloved glare at me with eyes that could burn straight through my retinas.

“My beloved, I am not referring to your beauty.”

“You better not, or else you can rest in the other room tonight.”

And as she confidentiality say this, Baldassare bursts into laughter.

“What makes you believe that you shall rest together tonight? In fact, what gives you the idea that Lucas shall live through this.”

“Oh, I would not mock her if I was you.”

“My dear Lucas, she will be coming with us, for after you shall die, she would have nobody but the Hunter in her life.”

“Are you sure that you are not that delusional Vampire that has created this grand story in your head?”

“I do see that your twisted sense of humor has not changed. Well, it has been fun catching up now. If you shall excuse me, we need to have council.”

“Council for what? Who shall think of your next brilliant idea?”

Next, I feel the man I so respected slam the back of his hand on my cheek. And I can with confidence say that I have now lost all respect for the man that was my Master.

So we find ourselves in a far deeper mess than what we have found us before. But this is not what is the problem that concerns me the most; it is the sadness on Cassidy’s face. Here she has thought for many years het parents had died, well they did, but there was no reason for her father to have taken his life and leave her behind. I need to get her out of the mess and take her away from here.

But first, we need to get ourselves out these ropes, though from the look on Dean’s face, he has less than an idea than I have. Then there is a scuffle behind me, and I watch as Cassidy’s eyes widen.

“My beloved, please don’t tell me there is another stupid Vampire behind me?”

“Well, he is half Vampire, and indeed he is stupid.”

“Oh great, what does Mr. Hunter want?”

Then he comes around to face me.

“Saving your own stupid ass.”

After he had untied me, he goes and put his filthy paws on my beloved, but for once, I shall refrain from speaking my mind.

So as we all stand there huddled around, Dean lays out the plan for our attack. We shall remain here but hide out of sight; the boys will take the biggest of the four Ancients. Cassidy and the Hunter shall go for the two other. And I shall have the privilege to kill the man that once gave me life. Well, I shall think of it in this way; he is a monster now, so there is no alternative than to end his life. Even though it will pain me, but I need to protect my beloved.

With that, we wait, and we wait for rather long as they only come back well into the next day. As they enter the room, their happy chatter soon fades into a panic. And as they scatter to look around, the boys overpower the two that are approaching their side. They wait until their backs are facing them. Then they have them down on the ground, driving their stakes deep through their chest, watching as their body relax into the ground as the life leaves them.

Then while the other two Ancients got for the boys, Cassidy and Jacob turn and take the two from the back. Grabbing them on their shoulders and tossing them to the floor. Two daggers come flying from the boys, and within a second, it is rammed into the Vampire’s hearts.Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

But the noise does not go unnoticed, for next Baldassare comes rushing inside the room. He fully expects four of his disciples, but instead, he is faced with the five misfits that have just become his worst nightmare. And as discussed, or I should rather say, requested, everyone backs off and allows me to step up to Baldassare.

“I truly did saw you as a mentor and a friend, but even more a Master and Maker. I must admit that the man in front of me sickens me for what he has become.”

“My dear Lucas, I held a great affection for you, but I am afraid that I shall have to kill you now.”

And with that, he charges towards me. I will admit there is a tiny bit of me that becomes terrified. I have the battle with Cassidy still fresh in mind. And even more so, my body feels drained and weak, but this is not time to worry about that now. So before Baldassare gets the chance, I storm straight up to him. He stumbles but regains his balance again.

Then he comes crashing through the air and knocks me completely of my feet. And then he has me pinned to the ground, but I spin him around and pin him in the very place. Dean tosses me a stake, but Baldassare manages to knock it away. It slides away, far from reach. This does not stop Baldassare from trying to get to it.

But then I find myself in a scuffle on the floor to get to the stake. First… one… two… three Baldassare is on top of me and then… four… five… six… I am on top of him. We both are trying to get to that stake as fast as we can.

And then he finally gets a hold of it. He is desperately trying to stab me into the heart, but I gather all my strength and flip it around. The sharp end slowly starts to press into his chest, but he holds it off and spins it once again. I feel as it starts to pierce into my skin, and I know that the only thing that is stopping it from piercing through is the strength in my heart that does not want to leave Cassidy.

Then we roll and spin. The stake turns. An incredible force is pushing down, and then it breaks that barrier and in six… five… four… three… two… one… there is an agonizing scream that flies into every crack and crevice.

Next, Cassidy comes rushing to Baldassare and me.

“Lucas! Lucas!”

My eyes flicker open, and I push Baldassare’s body of mine. And as I look at his face, I realized that I have just ended a big part of my life. The room remains silent until I have come to terms with this great sadness that comes with killing the man.

But as soon as I compose myself, there is only one thing that crosses my mind.

“Burn the bodies.”

So we find ourselves standing at an open grave. I watch as Sam pours gasoline over the bodies of the dead Vampires. With one flick of my finger, I toss a match inside and watch as it sets alight. And that is where we stand. We watch the big bonfire while taking the glory of the sunset in. This has, by far, been the strangest days of all my lives.

As I look at the Winchester boys, then to Jacob and then my beloved, I can not help but see the humor in all of this. We are indeed a bunch of misfits. So I grow a little cocky grin on my face.

“What is next?”

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