The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 45 The Winchesters Are In Town

There is a suffocating grip that has overtaken my body as we step back into Cassidy’s room. Never have I been so scared as I am at present. The air is thick and heavy; a dark mood has settled into each corner of every wall. I can genuinely say that I have never in all my years experienced such a thing. I use to be the one that rejected my lovers; never did I think the tables would turn.

As I look at the Vampire Hunter next to me, he seems somewhat overconfident that he shall be the man with whom Cassidy will leave today. Arrogance makes you a fool, and fools never win. So if I were him, then I would wipe that smirk off his stupid face.

But as for Cassidy, it is hard to read her face, and I am not able to read her mind either. Had she found the ability to shut me out? Or is the beast still somehow present deep inside? Can this man next to me not see that he is not able to help and protect her from these things. He is a killer; he will not be able to accept Cassidy for the Vampire that she is.

So as we come to stand at the foot of the bed, I grab onto the post and wrap my palms firmly around it. My hands are trembling so uncontrollably that I fear that my entire body shall shake.

And as she starts to speak, I can hear in her voice that she is sure of the decision she had made.

“Lucas, I do still love you, but I am still mad for what had happened. So forgiveness is not going to come easily. You shall have to prove to be worthy of my trust again.”

“My beloved…”

“Please do not interrupt me until I am done.”

She turns to Mr. Vampire Hunter that is standing with a cocky smile on his face. How I wish I can slap it right off for him.

“Jacob, you do know that I love you as a friend and that I might never feel the same way as you do. What concerns me the most is being a Vampire alone in a Hunter’s house.”

“Cassidy, I shall never…”

“Please let me finish.”

I watch her as she swallows hard and deep. This has not been an easy decision; why this stupid man suggested it in the first place is completely beyond me. If he does not shut that trap, then I shall gladly do it for him.

Then with her next breath shall come the name of the man with which she shall share her life and love.

“It had really been hard, and I hate every second that I was made to decide between the most important men in my life. So I have decided…”

Just then, the man that has the worst timing on earth comes barging into the room. And by that look on his face, I already know what he will say next.

“Lucas, we have a problem.”

“Damien can you recall what is said I shall do to you if you ever utter those words again. Now can this not wait for we are in the middle of something?”

“I am afraid that this can not wait.”

“Then what is the problem?”

“The Winchesters.”

“Oh, god! I am coming.”

I turn to Cassidy with pleading eyes. She is already so mad at me; this will just make her more furious than she is.

“My beloved, I beg your forgiveness, but these two men spell nothing but trouble. Can I please go see what it is that they want?”

“I am coming with you; please give me a moment to change, then I shall meet you downstairs.”

And as I leave the room, I see this Vampire Hunter stay behind. Has he gone completely mad, does he for one minute think that I shall allow him to stand here while Cassidychanges?

“Mr. Hunter, it shall be wise if you leave the room now. I have no calm in ripping those grabby little paws off your arms.”

“I need to see that nothing happens to Cassidy while you are away.”

“Over my dead body.”

“We can always arrange for that.”

“You seem to forget that you are somewhat outnumbered, and I have been looking for a reason to slap that smile off your face.”

Then out of nowhere, Cassidy comes fully dressed.

“How did you do that, my beloved?”

“You two are too busy sizing up that not one of you have noticed that I am gone.”

“My beloved, it is really hard to refrain from punching him in the face.”

I hear as she softly chuckles underneath her breath. It warms this dead heart to know that I can still do the simplest things like making her laugh.

Now before we get downstairs, I need to explain to her what is awaiting us in the common room. I have no idea of what it is that finds them on our doorstep. Therefore we need to be prepared for whatever comes. But of course, the Vampire Hunter seems to find this situation quite amusing.

“My beloved, can I please smack him against the head?”


“Fine then, let me tell you the reason why he has such a stupid impression on his face.”

“Okay, let me hear it then?”

“They are Vampire Hunters.”

“My god Lucas, what are they doing here?”

“Don’t know, but it is never good. Trouble just seems to follow them around, almost like our little friend next to me.”


“Sorry, my beloved.”

And as we descend the stairs, we find them standing with Damien and Lilith in the common room. Now by the looks on everyone’s faces, I can safely say that nobody is feeling at ease at this present time. But I know for a fact that these two boys have stakes stuck in the back of their pants. Luckily our local Hunter has left his one at home.

So it is with a tone of annoyance that I question their presence.

“So what brings the Winchester boys to my doorstep?”

I look at Dean, the cockier one of the two; he does remind me an awful lot of our Vampire Hunter. I guess that it comes as a requirement for the job. But let me hear this man out.

“We have been tracking a Vampire, and this is the last location he has been spotted. Now we can piss you off and do this ourselves, or you can help us get this guy before he causes any more bloodshed.”

“Do you know his exact location?”

“No, and that is why we need your help; he has not been following the normal patterns of a Vampire. He seems to know the exact next move that we are going to make. It amazes me that your Vampire hunter has not noticed that something is off.”

“Oh, this one? He is completely useless. He can’t find his ass in a dark room.”

And in comes Cassidy’s fist into my arm. This little Vampire can still give a mean punch. And this does not go unnoticed by the other Winchester.

“So who is this young lady? Another addition to the family?”

“Oh Sam, excuse my manners. This is Cassidy, my beloved.”

“Beloved? So you finally find the one that has made you settle down?”

“Yes, she has made me do quite some settling. This little Vampire Hunter is a pesky bug, though; can you not take him with you when you leave?”

All I get is an angry glare from my beloved and a damn awful smirk from the ugly mut that is standing next to me. But revenge is best served cold, he will find his face on the wrong side of my fist before this day is over, and oh, how I will enjoy every second he experiences the sting against his skin. But first, let’s get rid of a troublesome Vampire that is causing havoc in my city.

“Damien, send word to the council that no one shall hunt until we have captured this Vampire.”

Then I hear Dean laugh out aloud. I do not know what this man thinks is so funny at this inappropriate time. But I am certain that he shall let us know.

“Why do you not phone the guy?”

“That is what I said.”

“No, it is not.”

“Yes, I did. I said send for him. Damien shall immediately phone Victor.”

“Why do you not say that in the first place? Who talks like that in any case?”

“You are just as impossible as my Hunter.”Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

So before I murder two Hunters tonight, we all make our way to this dinky toy that the Winchester call a car. It shall be the three Hunters, Cassidy and me, that will go out to try and find this man. Now I shall have a connection with all my Vampires; therefore, it shall be easy to spot that it is him. Let’s just hope he does not cause a blood bath before we can catch him.

But I am afraid to say, as we get to our very first alley, that we find the body of a young man. I guess him to be nothing more than twenty-one. He must have been attacked from behind, for his white shirt has been torn up at the back. The Vampire wrestled him to the floor, but what horrifies me is that the Vampire tore his neck apart. The chunks of skin are hanging loosely draped over his back.

“Is this man going around feeding or killing? Because I think you might have forgotten a little minor detail.”

“He is killing,” Sam starts to explain. “We have only been able to find a handful that he has been feeding off, and I am afraid to say they look much worse than this poor man.”

“Well, I can not have a slaughter in my city. Best, we start picking up the pace and find this monster.”

With that, we hide the car and set out to prowl the street, only this time it is not for a human, but one of my kind.

But we do not have to wait too long for we hear the agonizing screams of a woman from an alley up ahead. As we approach her, I am shocked to my core. How can she possibly still be alive? Her chest has been ripped to shreds; the Vampire has clawed at her with cuts so deep that you can see her collarbones clearly visible to the eyes. The sight is enough to make me gag and to make the situation even more horrid, I nearly slip in her blood.

Then Dean looks over to me, “Are you going to do it, or am I?”

“You may.”

I watch in horror and deep sadness in my eyes as he takes an extremely sharp wooden stake from his back and drives it straight through the woman’s heart. There is no way she could have healed from her wounds, neither as human or Vampire.

But with this still stuck in our minds, we hear the screams of what sounds like a young couple come from one alley below. We immediately rush down, and just as we enter, we watch as this Vampire has a girl pinned up against the wall, squeezing the life out of her.

So we approach with caution, he has not seen us yet, but he shall soon smell our presence. While we come from the front, Dean and Sam have made their way around; they are coming from the back. The only way this man will get past us today is if he kills us all.

Now I do not know if this Vampire has not caught our scent, for he sucks all the life out of the girl as he drives his fangs into her skin and takes a big chunk of flesh and spits it to the side. Once he has drunk enough to bleed her dry, he drops her body to the floor.

Then I hear Dean warn him. “Step away from the man!”

I hear the man mock him as he laughs and moves closer to the man curled up on the floor. The poor man is terrified to horror at the animal that is coming towards him.

“I said, stay away from the man.”

Then we all start to slowly close the gap, and we walk towards the Vampire. He does not seem the least bit alarmed, but he only laughs.

“Ah, look, the Winchester boys. And the Master himself. Since when do you fight side by side.”

He only edges closer and closer to the man. He indeed isn’t that stupid to try and kill his victim while we are coming for him.

But that is not my concern; his voice sounds somewhat familiar, and not only that, his scent does too. I rush through my mind to find to whom I can place this man’s voice with. The alley is dark, and by the way, the shadow falls; I cannot make out his face, but then…

“I thought you were dead?”

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