The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 138 Never In A Million Years

I have Breyden staring back at me with a rather ridiculous smirk on his face that I do wish that I could slap off. Now, what has the fool smiling so broadly that I do not know, but I am very sure that I shall soon find out?

But, before I can even get the opportunity to hear the words coming from his mouth, I am blessed with hearing the thoughts come from my beloved’s mind.

Now, do I wish that I did not listen?

“You are what?”Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Lucas! What did I say about reading my mine.”

“Well, my beloved, you are not thinking particularly softly at present. Now please say that again, and I wish for it to come from your mouth.”

Breyden stands to make his exit from the room, but in one swift movement, I have him by the wrist, “Oh no, you don’t. You are not going anywhere. Now tell me once again what the problem is.”

“My dear friend, it is not a problem; it is a blessing.”

“Do I need to remind you that I am a Vampire? I do not believe in such things as a blessing. How is this possible?”

“Well, I do not think I need to explain how these things happen, for you were practicing it rather well, if I may say.”

I tighten the grip on his wrist with just but a fraction of a bit tighter, and he quickly refrains from carrying that goddamn smirk on his face any further. But this does still not answer my question.

“My beloved, I do need for you to explain this to me.”

“Lucas, you know when a boy and a girl have sex, and they do not wear protection, well, those are the times that these things happen.”

“Yes, I am aware of that, but you should not have in the first place…” I stop to hesitate if I truly wish to say the word. “Ah, what the hell. How did you manage to find yourself pregnant? Vampires do not get pregnant, my beloved; your womb should not be able to bear life.”

“Geez, you are just a ray of sunshine; what happened to being happy?”

“Please do not get me wrong, I am experiencing some sort of feeling which I do not yet know. But my question remains. How is this possible? You should not have been able to conceive. You should not have been fertile. How else do I need to explain this?”

“Lucas, I think we get the idea. My insides should be dead. Well, guess what, they are not.”

Much to both of their frustration and rather irritation, I start to pace the length of the room. There must be a logical explanation for this. How did this happen? Yes, I am fully capable of impregnating a human…

“My god! You were human!”

“Yes, we all know that before you turned me. But that my dear Lucas is ages ago.”

“No, my beloved, the time that you temporarily stopped being a Vampire.”

I see the color to her once pale face returns as she recalls that night that we spent together. I can remember it like it was only yesterday. It was by far one of the many spectacular nights that I have spent with her. But it was also one of the nights that I gave my entire soul to her, and they do say that the moments of pure sexual bliss create the perfect harmony to conceive. Now that is one that I never thought of.

So the only questions remain.

“What do we do?”

“Well, Lucas. What do you want to do?”

“I do not know my beloved. If this were when I was at a far younger age, I would have run a mile away by now.”

“My god! You are the perfect gentleman.”

“Oh, believe me, that I was not when I put that little…well what on earth do I even call it?”

“A baby, Lucas. Now, please explain to me what is going to happen to my body?”

“My beloved, you are the Doctor; you should know.”

Before I know, there comes a pillow flying from across the room with great force. It seems our expecting mother already has a slight hint of mood swings on her side.

But all this aside. What indeed are we going to do. So I turn to Breyden, who is still firmly attached to my hand, “Is the child healthy? Can you tell?”

“There is a steady heartbeat.”

“A…a what?”

“A heartbeat Lucas, I am guessing that the child is either human or, in fact, half Vampire, half-human.”

“Can this not get any more interesting?”

With that, Cassidy dashes from the bed and races her way into the bathroom. Next, the most grotesque sounds come from the direction she left. I cannot help but to cringe, and there is a small bit that has an inner chuckle at myself. And as she returns, I quite amusingly turn to her.

“Now, tell me how long that is going to carry on, for it is not pleasing on the ear.”

“Then, Lucas, you can take your unpleasing ear and take a room on the far side of the mansion.”


“But do not even think that you shall get that either. Just look what you have gotten us into. Now please tell me, what are we going to do?”

“My beloved, it appears that we are going to have a baby.”

“Is this what you truly want, Lucas?”

Well, she does have a good question here. Is this, first of all, a risk that we are willing to take, for I have no idea what her body will do, and second, is this something that I am ready for, or rather, that we are ready for?

“I would not want it any other way, my beloved. Now, we need to get you to see some sort of a Doctor to tell us what exactly is going on. There has never been a Vampire that has bare a child before. Your health, and most of all, your life is most important than it all.”

Just then, I show for Breyden that he may now leave us in peace, for I can hear the rambling thoughts that are racing through her mind. And I can honestly say that I, too, feel the same. This is by far the most frightening thing that I shall encounter in my life. But most of all, I do not want to lose her, and this is a big uncertain unknown.

So as Breyden makes his exit, I take a seat next to her, her body is trembling visibly, and I can hear her breathing is hitched and heavy.

“My beloved, this will be fine. I shall not let anything happen to you. We shall find our way through this.”

“Lucas, I am scared. I have never once given thought to having a child, and now having a child with a body that most parts are supposed to be dead. That is absolutely terrifying.”

“I think that we have come to know by now that we are capable of overcoming anything, and I do believe that some sort of a transformation has taken place with your body in order to still carry a fetus. Whatever the reason, my beloved, I need you to trust that I will not let anything happen to you. Now, please rest. I need to go speak to Damien in finding a Doctor that will willingly help without asking too many questions.”

I lay a gentle kiss on her forehead and reluctantly pull away. She needs me now more than anything, but now there is someone else that needs me just as much.

My child.

I am going to be a father.

Now there is that exhilarating feeling that comes to mind. The feeling that I have been waiting to feel. It does bear true that there is some sort of accomplishment and pride that comes with the knowledge that you have created a life. I never, in all my years, thought that anything greater could happen to me. I always thought that being the Vampire Master shall be the ultimate, the ultimate accomplishment and power that I shall have.

But bringing a youngling into the world seems to hold a far greater power in your hand.

So it is with great pride and a rather large smile on my face that I make my way outside and downstairs to the kitchen. Now, at least Breyden has kept the knowledge to himself, for neither Damien nor Lilith mentions a thing, though he still carries that smirk of which Lilith is desperately trying to enquire about the reason.

Without having to keep her in much suspense any longer, I come to stand with a rather nervous and most annoyingly bubble in my voice.

“My dear Lilith, Damien. We have news from Cassidy.”

“My god,” Lilith interrupts. “Is she fine, Lucas? She did look rather unwell earlier.”

“Yes, she did indeed. You see, the thing is, well, rather surprisingly, and somewhat hard to explain at present, but the thing is that she finds herself pregnant.”

Just then, Cassidy, which I have not truly noticed early, comes entering the kitchen with a rather noticeable pregnant belly.

“Cassidy, how long did you say you are pregnant?”

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