The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 120 The Siren

I do not know what makes this man think that I require a lesson on how to fight. I have had my good amount of battles over the past two-hundred-and-eighty years, and even far greater when I was a mortal. There is no need for me to be taught how to handle myself or any such weapon of sorts. But I shall in all fairness do this as my beloved is no staring at me rather peculiarly because of my reluctance.

So we make our stance, my beloved who finds herself in front of me, is wearing what they appropriately call tights in a rather deep shade of red, it is only but peaking my arousal, the only lesson I wish to be taught is the one she teaches so well in between those soft satin sheets. Now if I think that my obsession has gone unnoticed, then I am somewhat mistaken, for Bobby has seen the direction of my attention.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Lucas, I believe you are dead already.”

“Well do tell this vixen that she cannot wear that.”

“I would not tempt the vixen for she has a bronze dagger in her hand,” he feels the need to warn me about the obvious, for she has now in fact started to sway the thing very largely in my face.

“Fair, let us get this over with, I do have a better place to be than hunting woman,” I stop for a brief moment and evaluate my words. “On second thought, I think hunting women would rather be fun. I have not done so in years.”


“Yes, my beloved.”

“Has Bobby told you how these women infect you?”

“No, but please do tell.”

“They have rather large teeth, and possess a venom that infects their prey.”

“Oh, but does that not sound like a Vampire.”

She only but grunts at me and waves me off at my silly observation. So needless to say, not one of them is finding my remarks amusing therefore I am left with no other choice but to join in on our lesson.

So the just of it all is, try and drive this very dagger into this Siren, but what Bobby has failed to explain while I am furiously stabbing a pole dressed in one of my very own suites, is that there is another ingredient to this. And yes, I do not know how much is required, but I do believe that giving me some of his blood is going to be troublesome, well that is our Vampire Hunter. As for Damien, the man would not have a problem.

Now let us get back to this lesson. So I find myself staring at this very well dressed pole, now I am imagining how attractive these very women would also look, and I begin to hesitate if I truly want to waste such beauty. But yet, nothing goes unnoticed with this man, so he is standing here next to me showing me,

One…two…don’t breath…three…attack. Drive. Slice. Breath. Pull Out.

I only but chuckle, then he goes to demonstrate behind my beloved, now I am supposed to be doing this part, the part where I am behind her. Guess I should not even bother passing the joke. But the thing goes as this, you shall face the Siren at all times, the very last thing you wish is to try and grab it from behind and have the possibility of being off guard and receiving a dose of the very thing that we all would like to avoid.

And just for a bit of effort, I watch my behind spin around and grab him firmly on the shoulder, exposing her fangs just the smallest of bits, and wrestle him to the floor.

“Well, Bobby, I guess you are dead.”

So next, he is trying to show us where exactly to aim, you need to have perfect aim, which believes I, Lucas Lecarde does not lack. Well, if you wish you may ask my beloved, which has once again seen my distraction at Bobby’s remark.

Yet we move one, so at all times, keep a safe distance from this creature, and with the precision, I am not allowed to mention, you step forward in but one…two…don’t breath…three…attack. Drive. Slice. Breath. Pull Out. And for extra effort, you can do it again.

But, while we have been endlessly trying not to really touch someone and yet to try and kill them at the same time, it has come to our attention that Bobby has now only dragged us through this entire lesson for his own amusement. My reason being, well you can kill this said creature with a mirror as well. Now it does reveal their true form and I do wish not to know how ungodly this creature must be for it to be scared by his own reflection. Lastly, which are bound to sound like my favorite is bashing their head in with a baseball bat that is wrapped in barb wire.

Now, just to quiet my nagging down, Bobby goes to retrieve a very baseball bat like this from his car. One pillow on top of the pole and with great joy beating the thing to pieces. My beloved, and Bobby take their place at the far back, it seems like my fury has somewhat scared them.

So we have our options clear, the only thing is finding these women. Lucky for us, Jacob has managed to fix the rather big destruction of his bar and we shall return there tonight, well at least not my beloved. She shall, unfortunately, wait in the shadows, she has refused to wait at home, should I believe that I can successfully take all three ladies home. Well, I guess a man can only dream.

With all the arrangements in place, a rather big dagger, and an even bigger bat in the car, we find ourselves entering the bar. We are hoping that they shall be as foolish to enter the same place twice. We need not have to wait long for soon there are three rather breathtaking women that approach our table. Now, of course, it shall be the blonde that strikes me the most, and out of the corner of my eye and that fact that my sense of hearing travels so far, I watch my beloved utter a few words of displeasure. Well I am on the job and I need to work it, that is what our dear Bobby says.

Now, if I thought it would not be touch by the words that flow from their mouth, I am sadly mistaken. No disrespect to my beloved, but these women are exquisite, they have the voices of an angel, their skin seems softer than a feather and the scent that radiates from their body is intoxicating. If I was not betrothed to one, I would easily find myself losing it into one, if not even all three of them.

And yet this is where I have started to fail to notice the true effect they have on a man, for as it goes, they lure you in with their beauty, and then they shall move in and do as they desire. It is believed, rather said, that they feel an intense rush of pleasure when their victims carry out atrocities against their loved ones. Like the people they infect, they feel intense feelings of euphoria. Yet this does not last long that is why they get easily bored and venture off to find others.

Now, Bobby, I can say is handling this intense moment fairly well compared to me, he has in fact been in contact with these creatures before. He has even been infected by one and our dear Daniel had done an excellent job of beating her with a bat. Now normally that would be some awful thing that I would never even dare to say, but I saw what this Siren did to Damien and I do not wish for any of that to happen again.

And so we find ourselves having a rather pleasant night talking to three ladies whom we fully intend on killing. Now if that does not spell serial killer for you, I don’t know what will. So I can happily say that I, with all my charm, managed to convince the three ladies to accompany me to a far quieter place. Well, it is my hunting ground and also the place to where my beloved has made her way to. The plan is easy, I am offering them a little favor for, as per me, which truly is, I have a rather nagging sexual appetite that I need to satisfy.

So while I follow them with the greatest confidence outside, I have Bobby following me not too far behind. The minute I step outside the door, I press the perky blonde against the wall with her believing that I have the full attention in ravaging her body. And as she surprisingly yields to the power I have over her body. I step one…two…don’t breath…three…attack. Drive. Slice. Breath. Pull Out. And for extra effort, I do it again.

But god, if I think that was easy, the next turn into raging animals that are bound to attack. I step that very three steps back and nearly tumble over my own feet. My beloved, armed with that rather large baseball bat, throw it on over to me, and with one large thud, I rapidly start beating her soft little head in just as I practiced, but before I can even catch a third bang in, I see her face reflect in a part of the broken glass in the bin. And do I wish that I never saw that, she is the most grotesque and deformed grey pale creature that I have ever seen in my life? There is a sad look on her face, but I know she is a monster and there is no remorse shown for those that come to play in my city.

While I lay complete rampage down on her, with each swing a satisfying growl escape my list. She tries to squirm away at times and at others she launches towards me until all attempts are futile. It only takes one last snap of my arm and her body goes crashing to the floor. I look over to Bobby that seems to stare at me rather oddly.

“Don’t you think that was a bit overkill?”

“I was merely making sure that she shall not return.”

“Oh believe me she is dead. Now I need a real damn drink.”

As Bobby and Cassidy make their way to the table, I step into the gents to clean off my hands that have a tad bit of blood on them. But just as I am about to leave, there is this beautiful brunette that walks smack bang into my chest. As she softly whispers in my ear, I can feel a slight sting. My body shivers and I pull away from her in a daze.

Once I reach our table again, I seat myself next to my beloved, who has taken a seat from across from Jacob. She holds his hand softly to reassure him that all is fine now. The minute I see the action playing in front of my eyes, there is a complete rage that bursts through my body.

“Ah, I see you are back to being your unfaithful self.”

“Lucas, what are you talking about?”

“You are sharing another man’s bed again.”


“No Cassidy, you sicken me. I cannot believe that I have fallen for your betrayal again. Well not this time, this time I truly want you gone. You are only a burden in my life. I want you gone.”

“Lucas what is wrong with you.”

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