The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 106 Off To America

Today we are crossing borders. We will find ourselves in the Americas, where a very good friend rules as Vampire Master. He is, by all means, forty years younger than me and far too charming around the ladies. I am a bit nervous about letting my beloved make this trip with me. My heart has forgiven her for the difficulty that we recently experienced. My mind still somewhat wanders to a place beyond my control. Now I am in no way saying that this Vampire shall seduce her, but yes, the man is a real Casanova; words roll from his tongue even smoother than melted honey.

Now I shall be the one to admit that we did in our days together get up to some rather questionable things, things mainly with the female kind. If my beloved thought that my encounters only spread as far as Europe, well, she might just hear a few stories that shall make her eyebrows raise. So, I am indeed somewhat nervous, for I shall either receive a slap through the face and more certain a very cold bed from her tonight.

So as she is taking, as per usual, a great deal of time to dress herself, I have come to a frustrating point where I feel the need to do it for her. She, for some unknown reason, feels to wear white today. Now according to her, there are different shades of white. It is beyond me, for they all look the same. In fact, as she claims, there are fifty-two shades of white. Well, I just thought that was an expression to describe a pale face. But I do not care for the tight white pants that she is wearing, what captures my intention, and not the attention of the eye, a far greater one that can cause an incredible aching. She has, with utmost encouragement from me, gotten herself the goddamn seductive stiletto boots. And, of course, they had to be red. Now this vixen is swaying that ass to perfect precision as she is taking those babies for a perfect spin. Yes, this somewhat creates a rather big problem just as we are about to leave.

“My beloved, I do believe we might have a few minutes to spare.”

“No, Lucas, we are already late for our flight.”

“I do not believe anymore.”

“What have you done,” she asks as she cocks her head and frowns at me.

“I think I might have just accidentally postponed it to a later time.”

“You think? Or you know?”

“A bit of both.”

She chuckles at me and pulls me off my chair with a rather raging beast, now; if I thought she is taking me to that bed, I am sorely mistaken.

“Come, we can act like we are humans and sit in the airport lounge.”

“Or we can act like we are teenagers and do it in the airport lounge restroom.”

“Lucas, you are absolutely terrible.”

With that, she but only gives me a peck on my cheek, leaving me very much frustrated, which I know is completely on purpose. Well, I do need to admit, I have never done it in such a confined space, and right now, that urge to conquer something new is running like adrenaline through my veins.

But putting that aside, for now, the reason being for our visit to my dear friend, he has learned about ours, if I even dare say so, our adventures for the past several months. He has come into some trouble with some supernatural creature that is causing havoc around the city. Unfortunately for us, he has no idea what creature we are talking about. It seems that we are going into this one blindly. The thought, and most definitely not appropriate, but rather amusing, comes to mind. That Lucas Lecarde has become your, who do you call guy for a monster. Well, I do say I am relieved that we do not hunt ghosts. Though I truly in my lifetime have not seen one.

So not only is this trip going to extremely interesting, but I do believe it might even get more horrifying. Perhaps I should inform my beloved that her white pants are going to be red once we are done. But who am I fooling? The fact that the damn woman lacks the basic necessities, such as panties, is not going to bother me the least bit at all.

Now, if she thought I was joking in delaying the flight, she has just become aware of it, for we frustratingly find ourselves acting like humans. She should know by now that I am not able to act like a human; I am far too strange for that.

…Cassidy POV…

This man is acting far too strangely today. He is either about to do something, or he has, in fact, already done. I am leaning toward both. Something gives me this idea that my dear love is about to have some secrets revealed. He has, on numerous occasions, now told me that I need to keep my distance from this Vampire Master. His name alone sends shivers up my spine; I am yet to decide if it tingles of pleasure or tremors of horror. This man is far older than Lucas; he has seen a great deal more of the supernatural world.

Though not completely, for we are headed his way to help him hunt a monster that is wreaking havoc. Now he has been very secretive about the details; we have no idea what we are walking into. I am almost sure that we are going to be terrified of horror and be totally out of our league. But talking about being out of our league, we are being accompanied by our very own Vampire Hunter. Yes, Jacob has become part of our ghostbuster team. Much to Lucas’s annoyance, but I think he secretly enjoys Jacob’s company; that is when he does not tease the living daylight out of him. As for Damien, Council business has kept him back this time, but should the need be; he will come at a call’s notice.

So Jacob shall meet as at the airport, and this man with his insatiable sex drive is trying his absolute damnedest to drag me into that restroom which he now is saying is intended to rest, and rest equals pleasure and pleasure equals whatever it is that he wants to do in, conveniently, in the ladies. I am telling him he is crazy, and he says, with a wicked smile on his face, that he is crazy for me. The real fact here is, it is the shoes, not even me but the damn shoes. I think if I make him wear it, he would get just as much satisfaction out of it.

And after whining like a little boy, he successfully sneaks in behind me as we find our way inside the lady’s restroom. They think I will do to keep this man happy. So just as I am trying to step out of my shoes, he stops me.

…Lucas POV…

As we finally make our way to the airport lounge, we find my little pesky Vampire Hunter waiting for us. The boy has somewhat started to grow on me. Yes, very awkward. The very person that should be killing me has become, and I can say it with confidence, a friend. But that I would never admit to him, well, not even to Cassidy. So while he is perfectly blending in as a human, I, in my own strange way, attempt to look as normal as I can, but that is a total failure.

As I sit next to him, there is a rather young boy staring at me to such an extent that I feel robbed from my body. Then the little creature leans in and talks to me, “You are weird.”

“And what makes you say that,” I ask the little boy.

“Well, you look very old.”

“A two-hundred-seventy-nine years, that my little friend is not even nearly old.”

“Well, if you are that old, why do you not have wrinkles?”

“I carry my years well.”

He seems to study me a bit more with intent and comes to a rather surprising conclusion.”

“I know why you are weird.”

“And why would that be?”

“You did not eat your vegetables, so you never grew up.”

The pesky little Vampire Hunter bursts out in a burst of annoyingly uncontrollable laughter. The man is laughing so damn hard that he nearly topples over and falls flat on that goddamn ugly face. He can be so glad that he is nearly on his face, for I would have slapped it off for him. But just then, the boy’s mom comes and takes a seat next to him, and she softly whispers in his ear.

“Benjamin, do not talk to weird men.”

His little face lights up, and he turns back to me, “See, even my mom thinks you are weird.”

My very much embarrassed face goes to take a seat on the other side of the pesky Hunter, only for another little kid to stare at me in a very uncomfortable way. So that is me; I do not, for another minute, attempt to look in any normal way. And I can gladly say that we are soon boarding our plane, and much to my surprise, probably by complete mistake, the little boy finds himself across the aisle from me. The moment his mom looks the other way, he tilts his head and speaks to me.

“I also don’t eat my vegetables. Am I going to get so old too?”

I hear Cassidy next to me giggle; she is so going to get it when we find ourselves off this plane. It seems that I have become the inflight entertainment, which is going to be a long and frustrating flight. The boys soon comes with a complete know question.

“Are you ever going to die?”

“Well, I don’t believe that will happen any time soon.”

That seems to satisfy his little mind for only but a brief second.

“Why do you speak so funny?”

“Well, my little man, why do you speak so funny yourself?”

“I don’t pay attention in English class. You must have failed English too?”

“Ha! I think I failed a lot of things.”

“So if I fail everything, will I become as cool as you?”

“But my friend, you just told me I am weird.”

“Well, that was until I saw your pretty girlfriend. Is she also as old as you?”

Cassidy sits with a very wide small on her face waiting for me to answer.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“No, she is probably younger than your mother.”

“Awesome. I want to be exactly like you.”

“My little man, be careful what you wish for.”

After an endless conversation with the little boy, we finally step off the plain again. Waiting for us there is my very dear friend. We use to roam the streets of Europe until he decided to come to this side of the world and became the Vampire Master here.

Without wasting another minute, I walk up to him and embrace him in a brotherly hug.

“My dear friend Lestat, I am so pleased to see you.”

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