Teacher’s Student Mate


Bella’s POV

Soon enough Kai was ditching his fingers and stuffing me with his cock while Dominic aligned himself inside my protesting, virgin hole at the same time too.

Oh shit ! I felt so full !!

But I wanted them to move already !

My core felt so heavy with the intruding burdens all of a sudden, sobering me up from the delicious high all of a sudden.

“You are doing very well, baby”, Dominic cooed as he kissed away my tears. It hurt so bad !

“I want you two to just move already !”, I exclaimed.

“No, you are not fully adjusted. Just wait a few moments. It won’t kill you”, Kai replied.

“It might”, I pressed.

“It won’t”, he rolled his eyes.

I purposely clenched my ass around him, making him hiss. The look of disapproval on his face made me chuckle. The smile was, however, quickly removed when he started moving in my tight virgin channel.

I looked up and our eyes locked. My hands were gripping the bed sheets to the point where my knuckles were turning dead white.

It was too much !

Too much of pleasure and ecstasy !!

Ah !

Kai thrusted in me again, his cock so much deeper this time. It confused me how much this man could ruin my logical brain as I turned into a writhing mess.

At the same time, Dominic’s hooded eyes gave away to his carnal desire to feed on me as he tried to dig me a new hole inside my body with his enormous cock- if that was possible any more. Oh God !

I could safely say that these two drop dead gorgeous, handsome hunks rocked my entire fucking world as they pumped in and out of me, in perfect sync with each other.

“Dominic !”, a voice called out, outside the door when we were about to climax together.

“Fuck !!”, Dominic cursed as he recognized his Beta’s voice.

‘Hurry up, Domz ! There is an emergency”, Ryan urged.

The Vampire Beta had interrupted the Vampire King when he was at his peak and that did not sit well with the former.

Hence, when Domz suddenly went feral and unleashed his crazy, feral love on us as he wildly thrusted inside me, it notched up Kai’s excitement too and the latter was soon enough c*mming inside me too as Dominic and I erupted at the same time.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Our fangs grew long at the same time but Kai and I marked Dominic’s neck together before we both blacked out, without marking each other.

Snow’s POV

// A/N- Snow is Bella’s Lycan

Dominic looked at us in amusement when he noticed the shift and before his high from the intense release died down, he was already sinking his fangs in my neck while Kai’s Lycan, Dexter was doing the same to me on the other side.

“Ah !”, I moaned as jolts of delicious pain and pleasure alternated throughout my body.

It felt like my body was receiving a new kind of energy that made every atom of it even more powerful and stronger !

However, I had this strong urge to bite something and when Dexter bared his neck, Dominic and I did not waste even a second to mark our mate completely.

We were finally mated to each other !!

And mutually marked too !

We carried our mates’ marks on each side of our necks and had succeeded in completing the entire mating process now.

“I wanna sleep”, Dexter groggily murmured before he crashed on the bed beside me.

Dominic chuckled and pressed soft kisses on our foreheads before he gently helped me tuck beside Dexter on a cleaner sheet.

The last thing I remembered before I wafted off to sleep was Dominic trying to clean me and Dexter with a wet towel and Dexter pulling me closer to him before he scented me.

Bella’s POV

I passed in and out, after small intervals of time and when I finally felt myself wake up to full consciousness, I tried to move up my sore and pain heavy body, only to fail and fall crashing back on the bed.

“Kai !”, I whimpered at the protective beast that kept me caged under one arm and one leg of his.

Kai was quick to wake up and pulled me closer to his chest as if he was protecting me from some sudden danger. It warmed my heart that he cared so much for me but I wanted to pee so bad.

When Kai realized that there was no threat lurking around us and we were safe, he looked back at me and cupped my cheek before giving me a deep, soul stirring kiss.

“Baby”, he rasped against my lips. “Why are you sobbing ?”, he cooed as he thumbed away my tears of pain.

“It hurts. It hurts everywhere”, I replied and heavily fell against his chest as my body refused to walk out of the bed on its own.

Kai wrapped his arms my waist securely before he chuckled, “Two c*cks were too much, princess ?”

“Try two giant missiles instead”, I scoffed. “I feel like my body was blasted away by them. It hurts so damn much ! I have no fucking idea why you two monsters thought that it was a good idea to drill out my hymen in one go together”, I huffed.

Kai smirked at that as if I did not scold him right now.

He cockily, grinned at me and replied, “So you think they are giant missiles, huh ?”, he teased me with his wiggling eyebrows.

Seriously ?

Is that what he gathered from my entire rant ?

Un – fucking – believable !!

This humongous narcissist, cocky jerk !

“So not the point, you giant pain in the ass”, I frowned and pushed him away from me before I was walking out of the bed with adrenaline from my temper fueling my energy.

“My c*ck and I are confused here. Settle this for us- did you call him a ‘giant pain in the ass’ or me ?”, he teased again before catching my falling figure, just in time.

I am a royal lycan for fuck’s sake and yet my legs were giving me away !

Just because I had s*x !!

That was like what every supernatural being or human of my age did and still goofed around as if nothing had happened.

I was so silly to not notice the signs of my upcoming heat.

However, I was safe with my mates right now and they would be more than willing to take care of me- these boys were Viagra factories in themselves. Hmph !

“Shut up, Kai !”, I snapped back and smacked his bare chest making him hiss, but I could not stop the involuntary giggles from spilling out of my lips, nonetheless.

What ?! The joke was actually funny. Don’t blame me !!

“Alright princess, we are going to get that sore bum of yours some relief and rest”, Kai declared as he carried me towards Dominic’s giant bath pool, where we both were going to take a comforting, warm soak.

“Uh babe, I wanna pee first”, I replied back and tried to get down from his arms but he only tightened his hold around me and carried me to the pot himself.

“Gawd Kai, let me down ! I am not a cripple. I can walk !”, I exclaimed annoyed.

“Yes after falling a dozen times after each step”, Kai retorted. Mhmm point taken. “Now be a good girl for me and hold me tight”, he instructed.

“Ok”, I murmured. “Atleast leave me alone here for some time”, I added after he helped me on the toilet seat gently. He was such a gentleman !

True gentlemen did not only open car doors or pull chairs for their partners at expensive restaurants on dates. They were caring and loving enough to help the latter on toilet seats too.

Kai nodded and went away, but not before warning me, “Call me when you are done. Don’t you dare get up or walk by yourself or else I am never going to leave your side- ever ! And you know how that feels”, he added.

Yikes !

The last thing I wanted was 24X7 scrutiny by my possessive mate.

Don’t get me wrong, I loved him but I loved my freedom and independence more !!

“Ok Sir ! Now shoo away. You are giving my urethra stage fright”, I scolded away his chuckling figure before I went back to do my business.

However, I was soon after, screaming when my vision spun and head throbbed when I saw ‘it’.

Kai came rushing back and looked in the direction of my gaze before he found the object of my fright and doubled up laughing.

“I am sorry. I did not trust you that you would listen to me so I dropped a a listening chip here. I thought you won’t notice”, he nervously chuckled while rubbing the back of his head. Jerkkkkkk !

“You are such an asshole ! I thought someone was taping us !! I got such a heart attack by the mere thought !”, I screamed.

How was I to know that my fears were going to come true soon, scratch that, very very soon.

“I am sorry, princess. C’mon, let us get you cleaned up”, he cooed before he took me towards the scented waters of the ‘Great Bath’.

I relaxed in his arms as we took a dip and closed my eyes to let the perfectly warm, jetted waters to soothe and heal my sore points.

Kai contently hummed a song in his sweet voice and soon enough I was drifting to blissful and relaxing sleep, only to be shown images of our marking by Snow after Kai and I passed out.

Dominic’s POV

“Go and take some fucking rest, Ryan ! I am going to take care of your mate just fine !!”, I hissed.

“No ! Did you even hear what I said all this time ?”, Ryan deadpanned.

“Yes, I did and I will take care of the matter”, I replied.

“Are you not shocked that Ms Pierce is my mate’s sister and the evil Head Scout who is trying to find us ?”, he incredulously asked. “She is the one who kidnapped my Mom !!”, he added.

“Yes, I understood that Amanda fucking Pierce is Zeke’s sister and the Dark Lord’s favourite warrior. I always knew she was a bitch but I did not know that she was one of this level !! First she tried to nab Kai from us with her stupid charms and then she actually kidnapped our mom. She has surpassed all my limits of tolerance I ever had and now that bitch is going to experience my fury first hand”, I gritted out.

“Keep my mate out of this then”, Ryan growled, his stance offensive all of a sudden.

“I still don’t know your mate’s intentions. I am not promising”, I replied back. “Shush !”, I raised my hand and shushed him. “I know the Dark Lord has been violating him and he is a secret dissenter but we still can not be sure if he will ever act against his own sister or not, when the time comes. We don’t know his full story yet”, I calmly explained my worried Beta.

“Then promise me this atleast that you will let him stay with me, no matter what”, Ryan pleaded and in my entire lifetime, I had never seen him so vulnerable and plead like that before.

“Ofcourse I will. I am not a cruel asshole like my fucking father. I understand your constant need to be with your mate and protect him. Now get your tired ass out of here and let me go through the investigation reports. I assure you that I will keep an eye on your mate and when he wakes up, I will call you immediately”, I promised him and that seemed to calm him down before he went to freshen up himself and discard his own blood soaked clothes.

I knew my Beta through and through, and his stubborn as hell attitude too.

He won’t rest as I had ordered him to, and would instead, camp here only with his mate till the latter got better.

I was pretty sure that he had just gone to clean himself and bring all his necessities here.

“Dylan !”, I mindlinked my Gamma.

“Your Highness”, he mindlinked back.

“Cut the formal shit. Ask the good old doc to set Zeke’s room for two people with the help of some warriors. Ryan is going to crash in there for God knows how long”, I groaned.

Dylan chuckled, “I understand” and murmured, “Mates” with a sigh.

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