Teacher’s Student Mate


Bella’s POV

“If I did not know you better, I would say you are a cuddle monster !”, I playfully teased Kai, who would not let go of me from his hold, ever since we reached our dorm after a long, tiring day.

“I can be a tickling monster too !!”, Kai monster roared and I burst into another set of giggles when he tickled my tummy with his head softly.

“I missed you so much, Kai”, I softly confessed when he finally let go of me.

He wrapped his arms tighter around me as we sat on the carpeted floor in the living room, legs parallel to each other’s and my back resting against his well built chest.

I was so close to purring continuously, without break, like a spoilt kitten in his embrace and snuggled deeper in his chest before curling myself like a foetus in his lap.

The move was welcome wholeheartedly when he rested his chin gently on top of my head and pecked the side of my head.

“I missed you too, baby”, Kai huskily purred in my ear before nibbling on it playfully.

“Then why did you leave us ?”, I woefully asked.

“You saw the news, didn’t you ?”, Kai answered in interrogative.

“You were behind those attacks ?”, I clarified to make sure as I turned around my face to look up at him.

However, instead of answering me, Kai captured my lips with his and enticed me into a long drawn out, passionate make out session.

“Yes”, Kai confessed after leaving me breathless. “You were worried ?”, he smirked, already knowing the answer.

“You are so mean !”, I snorted and swatted away his hand, which tried to creep under his huge shirt that I was wearing. “Ofcourse I was ! Daddy Domz was livid though”, I scared him and the effect was immediate when he involuntarily sought my protection behind my back, even though Dominic was not here and in an emergency coven meeting, instead.

“How mad was he ?”, Kai whispered as if Dominic would come in any second.

“Pretty mad. Not a good sight to see”, I answered, scaring him even more. It was the truth though. “He hardly slept or ate or fed on anyone during your absence. Also he had been trying to keep his warriors war ready in case anything happened to you. He was dead worried about you and looked like he was the walking dead himself”, I added.

“You did not look any better either”, Kai scoffed as he nuzzled his face against my neck, making me fling it backwards to give him easier access.

“Ah Kai !”, I moaned when sucked on my sweet spot and twisted my sensitive nip buds between his fingers over his tee that I wore.

“Didn’t I say I needed just five days of space. Today is the fifth day and I am already with you. You two could not stay away from me for even four complete days, hmm ?”, he rasped as he angled his face to the other side of my neck and started creating another hickey on it.

“We were afraid that the Dark Overlord would catch you”, I tried to counter sternly but the string of moans that clashed with my words, made all the effect of coming out as angry, come crashing down.

The suction of his juicy pink lips on my neck was delicious.

His hands had already intruded inside the only cloth that I wore.

Their fingers naughtily played and twisted with my perked up, copper coloured buds, making my back arch as soft moans coaxed out of my throat.

“Did you order a probe into the KG Group too ?”, Kai questioned while torturing me with base one pleasures. “Did you, baby ? I know you saw their seals the other day between my stack of unchecked answer scripts. So did you hamper my work due to your little investigation, hmm ?”, he asked, losing himself completely in my scent.

“Uh huh”, I nodded, not trusting myself to speak any more, his touch obviously interfering with my capacity to coherently put a few words together to make a sensible sentence without prolonged vowels, majorly involving a’s and o’s.

“Do you know I had to cut my trip short because of it ? Although, fortunately enough, it was possible to blow the last four dimensions simultaneously the last moment. It was not in the plan originally though, kitten”, he informed. “It was dangerous nonetheless”, he added.

“I am sorry”, I murmured shamefully as I leaned into his warm, comforting touch while he caressed my cheek and kissed the top of my head. “I did not mean to put you in danger”, I sorrowfully told him, head hung in shame.

Kai directed my chin to look up at him with two of his fingers and softly pecked my lips one last time before replying, “It is ok. Just trust me from now on, ok ? I am your Beta too and it is my responsibility to keep my Alpha safe”, he reminded me.

“Not by risking your life like that !!”, I chided him.

Kai chuckled and replied, “Ofcourse I had to do all this before our 18th birthday and before we found out that we were mates or not. In case, we did happen to be and I lost my life during those missions, then it would have been painful for you”, he said and I immediately clamped his mouth shut with my hand, tearing up at his confession.

“Never ever say that or talk about your death”, I admonished him, with glossy eyes. “You can never leave me behind, idiot”, I punched his arm, making him smile fondly at me and rub our cheeks affectionately together as I rested my head on his arm that slung over my shoulder.

“I know, baby but when Ryan’s Mom whispered that I was on the right track that night, I decided not to waste any more time and immediately after put my plan into action. I knew that you and Dominic would never agree to this fiasco so I had to painfully ask for space and leave you two behind. Believe me, it broke me much more to do that to you two than you could ever imagine. You two did not deserve it after all that you did for me but I was looking at a longer termed goal for your happiness and peace”, he explained.

“I wanna be mad at you but I can’t. Ughh”, I frustratedly mumbled. “This is so annoying”, I added and Kai heartily laughed while cradling me and babying me in his arms.

“You are so damn cute, Your Majesty”, he chuckled before nipping my nose. It should be illegal for anyone to wear a smile quite that disarming.

“And you are so infuriating, Beta. Argh. I hate you”, I declared while crossing my arms and pouting like a stuck up kid.

“And I love you too”, Kai cheekily replied before carrying me to the bathroom and “showering” together.

Third Person POVBelongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

As the coven meeting came to an end in my restaurant, a familiar scent of homemade cookies wafted through the room as one of the waiters delivered a huge package along with a note, written neatly in a handwriting that was eerily same as that of Dominic’s Business Studies prof.

He felt a melting sensation deep inside at his Beta mate’s gesture, especially when he found his favourite, AB- blood filled bottles with “Drink Me :)” written on them in packs of dozens in a huge box.

He tore open the pack of goodies and instantly stuffed his famished mouth with them before opening the note which said-

“I know there is no excuse of what I did and how much I worried you during the past few days but you have no excuse to not take care of yourself properly, either.

As much as I want to scold you for it, I know that I have no right to, since I am to be blamed completely.

I love you, my Vampire King and hence, I baked your favourite cookies after haranguing your mother for the recipe (Dominic laughed as he read this).

I managed to find the freshest batch of your favourite drink too and hope that you will be back to the best of spirits and health, after drinking it.

When I first saw you in class in the morning, I was horrified to see your state and felt like slapping you so hard first and then pump all the food available in the world into you (Dominic’s smile turned fond as he read this and wished that if Kai was here with him right now, he would have kissed the french out of him and let him know how much he appreciated this thoughtful gift of his).

This is my apology gift to you and I hope that you will come back home soon.

I miss you lots.

Kai Grayson

Daddy DomDom’s favourite pup 😛

P. S- I love you.”

“Woah ! Who sent you a pre birthday super bumper gift ?”, Ryan asked as he snatched two cookies from Dominic’s hand and gulped them down his throat along with one of the bottles of AB- blood that Kai had specially sent for Dominic.

Dominic murderously glared at his unsuspecting Beta before smacking his head.

“Go away, asshole. These are for me solely and I do not intend to share !”, he growled before breaking off the protruding cookies from Ryan’s mouth and shoving them in his own. So possessive. Grrrrr.

“Hey ! These are Mom’s cookies !!”, Ryan exclaimed before he moaned after filling his mouth with two more cookies. “You can’t eat them all alone in any case. Have you forgotten that ‘Sharing is Caring’, you big doofus”, he chuckled.

He was clearly shortening his own life like this, Dominic thought as he watched Ryan reach for another batch.

“Touch them and I am going to bury you right here before writing on your gravestone- ‘Killed due to cookies”, Dominic roared out.

“Geez. Such a cookie killer”, Ryan snorted in annoyance as he rolled his eyes.

“My mate made them specially for me. So shoo away”, Dominic growled before kicking out his Beta and best friend- literally.

“Worst Alpha”, Ryan murmured.

“Worst Beta”, Dominic childishly retorted.

However, Ryan did not back down and before the Alpha knew it, the two cookies in his hand were snatched quickly in broad daylight before the former made a run for his life.

“I AM GOING TO KILL YOU, RYAN !!!!”, Dominic shouted.

“NAH ! YOU CAN’T !!”, Ryan shouted back, but his voice was still a bit muffled. It was surely due to eating the stolen cookies. “YOU LOVE ME TOO MUCH”, he teased.

“EWW NO !!”, Dominic scrunched his face. “DON’T MAKE ME GAG”, he added before banging his door shut to eat his mate’s beauties peacefully, within the disturbance free confines of the small, cozy room.

“God, I love you, Kai”, Dominic groaned in utter bliss as he wolfed his way through the entire package.

He had the most perfect mates.

Sigh !

He just couldn’t wait for the next few hours to quickly pass by and formally become an integral part of his 18 years old-turned mates’ lives !!

Third Person POV

“MATE !!”, Kai and Bella chimed together, as soon as the clock struck 12 midnight and Dominic entered the dorm at the same time.

Dominic’s face lit up with elation but quickly turned into a frowning one when Kai and Bella said nothing when they looked at him.

Huh ?

He waited patiently.

They will say it soon, he thought to himself.

30 seconds passed by.

Don’t worry, Domz. Their Lycans must be slowly waking up, he thought and did not lose hope.

60 seconds gone.

Don’t lose hope, Dominic. You are the Vampire King for fuck’s sake. You can not be wrong, he pumped himself up.

90 seconds approaching.

Dominic’s eyes teared up when he did not hear the sole word he had been longing to hear since so long from his lovers !

Please say it, he prayed. Dominic was having a gruesome meltdown at the moment.

120 seconds over.

Had he mistaken them as his mates ?

But that was not possible !!

He could tell by their heavenly scents and spark enticing touches, that they were mates.

Then why weren’t the two Lycans saying anything ?

Oh no.

Were they not his mates afterall ?

Had he lost himself to just a mere crush for the both of them, going to the point of believing that they were his mates ?

No, no, no !!

Please don’t leave me !!!! Dominic cried in the inside.

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