Teacher’s Student Mate


Bella’s POV

Before the wedding, I had suddenly remembered the drunken night when we all had played 20 questions and the unbelievably hopeless romantic amongst us- Dominic had sighed, “My second most favourite thing about a wedding is looking in the bride and groom’s eyes when they say their heartfelt vows. It is the most beautiful and heart touching moment when I see that glossy and twinkling gleam cross their eyes for a split second as they look at each other and promise to love each other with every fibre of their being”, he had admitted with all his defenses down, completely drunk.

“And what is the first best ?”, Kai had scrunched his adorable face in confusion- his drunk mind clearly in a cute mess.

“The honeymoon ofcourse !”, the dirty boys, Dominic and Max had exclaimed together and everyone had ended up cracking up at that while rolling across the floor with their hands clutching on their silly drunk tummies.

However at that time, I could not help but softly smile at my vampire mate who really valued this tradition so I had determinedly given my all to write my vows as thoughtfully as possible this time.

“Bella. Kai”, Dominic started as he took our hands in his and a mischievous grin formed on his lips. Uh oh. What was he up to ?

Kai was quick to pick up on Dominic’s cheeky behaviour as well and was quick to act on it.

“I swear to all gods and goddesses out there, if you go R-rated or out me to my grandma in any way, I will divorce you even before getting married to you, Dominic Kent”, he threatened through the mindlink and Dominic’s face comically fell and a traitorous giggle escaped my lips which was soon covered with a fake cough.

Only the priest near us seemed to have noticed our unusual antics and arched his brow up questioningly.

Dominic shook his head to placate him and then turned towards us with a grin.

His grin said it all. He was definitely up to something. Nghh.

“I can’t believe that the Moon Goddess gave me the cute prof (and his nice round ass, he quickly added through the mindlink, making Kai’s jaw drop in shock) whom I crushed upon for years and the gorgeous Lycan Queen as my loving mates. I am indeed overwhelmed by the amount of love (and blowjobs) that you have bestowed on me ever since we met. I wish that our love stays beautiful and eternal and keeps increasing (like Kai’s c*ck in Bella’s mouth) by every passing day”, he solemnly said.

I had to bite my cheeks from the inside so hard to not laugh out loud or gasp like a fool at the parallel, running commentary that went through the mindlink. Kai seemed to be reeling under, in the same boat as heat crept up his face.

“I am indeed lucky to have you two (Mr Grayson-Kent-Diaz’s bubble butt and Mrs Grayson-Kent-Diaz’s heavenly globes) in my life and vow to protect, cherish and love you two (and your amazing assets) all my life, no matter what. I vow to provide for your comfort and shelter in health and sickness, and also vow to (give you ultra amazing bed experiences-kinky and otherwise. “What the fuck”, Kai gaped through the mindlink and blushed profusely) be a good father to our future children. Hence, I, Dominic, the King of Vampires take you, Bella as my lawfully wedded wife and you, Kai as my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, for as long as we three shall live. This is my solemn vow”, he concluded strongly before slashing a dagger across his palm and taking the blood oath as his blood drops flew into the blazing fire !

O H M Y G O D !

Kai’s hand flew across his mouth and a choked sound thrust out of the back of his throat, emotionally, instantly.

My eyes gleamed with unshed tears too and it took all in me to not jump in my Alpha mate’s arms and shower his face with kisses.

He loved us so much to take a blood oath and put his life on stake !

“God, I hate you, Dominic Kent for making me cry in front of everyone and ruining my make up”, I murmured as I tried to blink back the tears, making a roar of laughter eclipse the audience.

Dominic chuckled good naturedly and squeezed our hands tighter to comfort us for a moment before letting them go.

So sweet. Sigh !

“I am going to punish you, Mr Kent for making the best student of my class cry on her wedding day”, Kai showed mock anger and the audience hooted and whistled at that, making me grin too.

” …. and for loving us so much that I don’t know if my love will ever be sufficient for you two or not”, his voice lowered and showed raw vulnerability that made me want to hug him and show that he was so silly to even think like that !

“I admit that I have given the two best people in my life hard times (like making Dominic unbelievably hard during quizzes, he teased through the mindlink. “Hey, that’s unfair ! I thought he was talking about the unannounced disappearances and rejection”, Dominic whined) but I vow to be the best mate possible and be an equal partner in all your moments of sorrow and happiness.”

Aww so sweet.

“I will never (miss giving you two detentions the next semester and a chance to have office sex with my favourite students) ever leave your side (except to go down on my knees and suck you. Dominic eyes nearly popped out along with his d*ck XD) until death do us apart.”

I take my words back. He was not sweet- no, not at all. He was naughtier than Dominic !! What the heck !

“Hence, I, Kai, the Supreme Beta of all realms, take you, Bella as my lawfully wedded wife and you, Dominic as my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, for as long as we three shall live. This is my solemn vow”, his soaring Beta voice boomed throughout the hall as he too, took the blood oath in front of the sacred fire using his father’s prized dagger that he always hid behind his back.

Dominic lovingly took Kai’s blood filled hand in his and licked the wound to heal with one chaste lick and the fan girls in the crowd cooed at his sweet gesture.

After such beautiful and naughty vows, I braced up myself and tried to soothe my tingling nerves with a small but deep breath before I finally spoke when the guests quietened and settled down again.

“For a downtrodden, struggling orphan like me, getting not one but two loving mates was one of the greatest blessings. However, it was a miracle to get a complete family and true friends as well for which I will be ever grateful to the Moon Goddess”, I spoke from my heart as I looked at all the beaming faces of my and my mates’ foster parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters and friends.

“With each passing day our bond (and your insatiable libido) has gotten stronger day by day”, I started. I could play the ‘flirty vow’ game too, afterall. Wink, wink.

“God, you two shall kill me in my own game”, Dominic groaned through the mindlink while Kai chuckled through it.

“We have stood the test of time to prove our love (and bed breaking skills) to each other time and again, and I hope that I shall dutifully fulfill all my duties as your soulmate and wife. I promise to care for you (and your monster c*cks. That elicited uncontrolled chuckles from the two horn dogs to everyone’s surprise) and our children to come with all my heart and soul. Hence, I, Bella, the Queen of all realms, take you, Dominic as my lawfully wedded husband and you, Kai as my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, for as long as we three shall live”, I vowed.

However, when everyone thought that I was about to conclude, they all gasped in surprise when I continued and took out a poisoned dart. ” …. and I add to my solemn vow that I shall continue to selflessly care, love and serve you both in both, life and DEATH !”, I promised and took the most difficult vow of royalty- the ‘Supreme Vow of Life’ as I pressed the poisoned dart in my palm and held it over the sacred fire so that the dart disappeared inside my palm, leaving a hot trail of bubbling blood in its wake.

Souls were considered the purest form of our beings and the poisoned dart, sucked the soul to punishing darkness instead of the body, unlike the blood oath if the Supreme Vow of Life was broken.

Such a difficult vow had been taken less than 3 times in the entire history of the universe but I had never been surer in my life about taking such an extreme step. I loved my mates beyond limits.

“My Queen”, Dominic whispered as his eyes brimmed with tears. “My baby”, he lovingly purred.

“I know how much these vows mean to you, Domz. I wanted this part to be the most special for you and Kai”, I mindlinked.

“They were the …. hic …. best ever !”, Dominic’s voice cracked even through the mindlink.

“We love you, Bella and know how much you love us. You are so silly to have taken that oath. Fuck, you are stupid and extremely selfless”, Kai choked, completely overwhelmed.

However, I did not get a chance to reply or coax my mates as the officiant concluded our ceremony.

” …. and with all the powers vested in me by the supreme being and the authority of the State, I pronounce you three, Bella, Dominic and Kai as wife, husband and husband respectively. You may now kiss the bride !”, the officiant did not have to tell us twice as within 10 seconds flat, I was panting successively against my mates’ mouths absolutely breathless.

“Leave some for the honeymoon, guys !!”, one of our crazy friends shouted as we sucked each other’s faces again and again.

“Yeah ! We wanna jump to that part soon too. Let us get married !!”, another crazy one added and soon enough the wedding and coronation proceeded ahead amidst great cheers, emotional speeches and boisterous laughter.

Everything could not have gone any better and merrier.

Sigh !Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

This was the best fucking day of my life !!


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