Teacher's Girl (Aflyingwhale)

Chapter 80: Bubble Burst

Chapter 80: Bubble Burst 


"Is that her? What did she say?"

Sophie gasped when we heard Tristan's phone buzzed.

"Nothing… it wasn’t her..."

Tristan sighed as he scanned his screen, "And she left me on read..."

"See! I knew it!" Sophie exclaimed.

Tristan rolled his eyes and threw his phone on the bed.

He looked upset and defeated.

He rolled over to his side, avoiding eye contact with us.

"Soph, don’t gloat," I nudged her elbow because she was being insensitive.

"But we're right about her, Emmie. She's a bitch!"

Sophie announced.

"She is a bitch, but Tristan’'s still getting his heart broken," I hissed.

Sophie’s eyes softened as she realized that her brother was hurting because of this.

Even though it was the truth and it was what he needed to hear.

"I'm sorry, I.."

Sophie said as she brushed Tristan’s arm lightly.

"Whatever. It's whatever," Tristan waved his hand carelessly.

"You'll find someone better, I promise.You deserve someone so much better than her," Sophie cooed.

"Whatever.Just leave me alone,"

Sophie and I shared a look and we knew we had to get out of there.

Once we stepped away from his room, I turned to Sophie and asked, "Is he gonna be okay?"

"I hope so.He's been in love with this girl for years.But I guess it's better that he knows now than later," she sighed.


"Are you going to the station? I'm going out for a club meeting, I can drop you off?"

Sophie said when she noticed I was dressed up and ready to go.

I thought about saying yes, but then I took another glimpse at Tristan who was lying on his bed and I felt bad for him.

When I was having problems with Ian, he stayed up all night with me and listened to my sob stories.

"Actually...on second thought, I think I’m gonna stay here today,"I said.

"You're not going to the city?"

"I'll stay with Tristan.I think he could use a friend,"

"You're such a good friend, Emmie," Sophie smiled appreciatively.

"You two will do the same for me if the situation was reversed,"I shrugged.

"Thanks.Please take care of my brother for me,"

"Will do,"

I walked back into the apartment carrying a shopping bag full of stuff.I was struggling to carry everything while holding a phone to my ear.

"Hello?"I heard Ian’s voice on the other line.

"Emma? Are you on your way?"

"Ian, hey, I'm sorry I'm gonna have to bail on today.Tristan’s having a rough time and I think I should stay with him for a bit," I said apologetically.

"Tristan? Your roommate?"

"Yeah, he’s having girl problem and I feel bad for him,"

"So you can’t come today because you stay with him?" I could hear the note of disdain on his voice.

"Ian, he really needs a friend right now,"I pleaded,

"..Yeah, sure, I guess..."Ian sounded disappointed, "

But no drinking and you stay five feet apart from each other at alltimes,"

"Alright, alright, you possessive man,"I laughed.

"I’m not kidding, Emma.I don’t know him.I don't trust him,"

"But you trust me, right?"

"Of course,"

"Okay then, you have nothing to worry about.Tristan’s just my friend,"

Ian let out a deep sigh before saying, "Alright, fine,"

"I'm sorry.I'll make it up to you,"

"Looking forward to it,"

After saying our goodbyes, I turned off the call and put my phone away.I walked over to Tristan’s room and the door was still closed shut.

Holding on the paper bag in one hand, my other hand knocked on Tristan’s door.

"Tristan, can I come in?" I said as I peered the door open slowly.

"You're still here?" Tristan said lazily.

He was still in the same position on his bed.

"Yeah, I've decided I’m gonna stay in today,"


"Because, look what I just got you?"

I took a seat on the edge of the bed and pulled out two things from the paper bag.

"Boba and ice cream? Emma, we're twins, but I’m not Sophie," he stifled a laugh.

Bubble tea and ice cream were Sophie's favorite things, but I figured Tristan would enjoy them too.

"I know, but sweets are the first step to getting over a broken heart,"

I smiled victoriously as he took the bubble tea from me.Tristan took a sip of the bubble tea and said, "And what's the next step?"

"Karaoke, my friend," I said as I pulled out my discount coupon for Mr.Kim’s Karaoke Lounge.


Tristan gaped at me as I tugged on his arm, signaling for him to get up.

"Let’s go.You can sing your heart out.Scream it all out.And if nothing works, Sophie’s got some soju stashed in her room," I winked.

I didn’t know I got Tristan to agree with me, but we ended up going to karaoke that afternoon.

We sang our lungs out for two hours non-stop.

We sang everything from Adele to Sam Smith, to old school rock songs like Queen and Bee Gees.

I read somewhere that singing was actually good for our mental health.

It was a good outlet to release stress.I could see it was working for Tristan too.At first, he was reluctant to sing.But after a while, he got right into it.

"Never mind I'll find someone like you~ I wish nothing but the best for you too~ Don’t forget me! I beg! I remember you said sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead~"

We were not singers by any means, but screaming our lungs out was very entertaining.

"You don’t know what it’s like.Baby, you don’t know what it’s like to love somebody.To love somebody the way I love you"

When we finished our karaoke session, our voices were coarse and our throats were dry, but we had so much fun.

Tristan was laughing his butt off when I sang super off-key on that last song.

I also sounded like a truck driver because my voice was so coarse.

He found it absolutely amusing.

After karaoke, we got super hungry so we went and got some chicken and beer.Ian didn’t want me to drink, so I wasn't drinking, but Tristan was.

After his third glass of beer, Tristan started slurring his words and he spilled his heart out, talking about his unrequited love for Monique and how he was gonna be alone forever.

"You won't be alone forever, Tristan.One day you'll find someone who'll make you realize why it never worked with anyone else,"

I said to him.

Maybe that was a cliché, but that was true.

That was the case for Ian and me.

He came into my life and he showed me that we were only meant to be for each other.

After his fifth glass of beer, Tristan was about to go to sleep in the restaurant.

I quickly called an Uber and managed to get him inside the car.

He was still half awake and I was just praying he wouldn't pass out in the middle of the way.

I didn’t think I could carry him all by myself up three flights of stairs.

That would be a disaster.

Thankfully, I managed to bring him into his room and lay him down on his bed.

Tristan was still awake, and he was humming songs from karaoke earlier.

It seemed like the car ride had sobered him up a little.

"Hey, Emma," he called out as I was about to leave his room.


"Thanks for keeping me company tonight,"

he sighed dramatically with his eyes closed, pausing for a moment before saying, "It was sucky day, but it sucked less because of you,"

I gave him a smile before turning off the light in his room and said, "No problem, T.Sweet dreams,"

Leaving Tristan’s room, I went back to my room for a quick shower.

I paid a little extra in rent so I could get the bigger room with the en-suite bathroom inside.

After taking a quick shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and walked towards my dresser.

I was just about to pull my PJs out when I heard my phone buzzed.

It was a call from Ian.

"Hey," I quickly picked up the call.

"I miss you," he said point blankly.

"I miss you too," I said, smiling to myself.

"How's your friend doing?"

"Much better now.Thanks for being so understanding.You really are the best,"

"I Know, I am," he said smugly and I laughed.

There was a little bit of silence after my laughter died down.

I could feel like he was about to say something, so I waited.

"So..." he trailed.


"What are you wearing?"

His question caught me off guard.

I looked down at my body, still wet from the shower, and I had nothing but a white towel wrapped around me.

"I'm not wearing anything at all," I chose to drop the PJs and the towel entirely.

Smiling a naughty smile, I pulled the towel until it fell to the ground and I walked towards my bed.

"Please tell me you’re alone in your room and not with your friend," he hissed.

"Of course!"

I laughed, pausing for a moment before asking, "And what are you wearing...?"

I heard him stifling a laugh and he said, "Do you really wanna know?"

"Of course,"

Suddenly, Ian switched the voice call to a video call.

I was panicking a little as I accepted the call.

His handsome face popped up within seconds and he was beaming at me.

"God, you're gorgeous," he smirked.

"Oh, stop," I blushed.

My screen was showing my face all the way down to my chest.

I didn't show everything right away, I only allowed him a little cleavage.

Meanwhile, Ian was lying on his couch without a shirt on.

On the corner of the screen, I noticed his boxer briefs.

So that is what he is wearing.

"What are you doing right now?"he asked.

A playfully smile crept up my face as I said, "I don’t know...what do you think I’m doing...?"

I tilted the phone down slowly, revealing my free hand that was traveling down my body.

When my hand reached my lower area, I tilted the phone back up to my face, purposefully teasing him.

Ian laughed and said, "Probably the same thing as me,"

He showed how his free hand was deep inside his boxer briefs.I could see the bulge forming and it made my eyes widened instantly.

"Ian!"I gasped.

"Show me how you're touching yourself,"he ordered.

I was nervous and my cheeks were flushed pink.I had never done anything like this before.

It was weird, I could see everything.It was like masturbating in front of a mirror.

My hand shakily started rubbing against my clit.

Despite my earlier reservations, my body relaxed and I started to feel good about it.

"That's it.Does that feel good?" he urged me on.

"Mm-hm," I nodded.

"Would it feel better if it was my hand?"


"Or my tongue,"


"Next week, it will be. But for now, close your eyes and imagine that it’s me,"

"Hmm..." I closed my eyes and let his voice dictate me.

"Imagine those were my fingers...Imagine my lips on your breasts...Imagine me sucking on your nipples..."

"Ah..." I couldn't stop the moans from escaping my lips.

"Damn, you can make me cum just by looking at you," he grunted.

His words were stirring something inside me.

I arched my back and let my fingers slip through my folds.

Two fingers pushed through my opening and into my wet, throbbing core.

"Go faster for me baby girl,"

"Yes, daddy,"

Following his command, my fingers slid in and out faster, and I angled it so that my fingertips would rub against the front wall of my pussy.

Hot moans escaped my lips as I found my rhythm.

I moved harder and deeper, and my thumb was still rubbing against my clit.I opened my eyes and saw that Ian was moving with my speed.

His breaths were ragged as he came closer to his climax.

He didn’t break eye contact with me and I was seeing everything, how his hands moved up and down his length, and how his rock-hard manhood was twitching with pre-cum.

The sensation was too much for me to handle.

I felt the tension building in my body, pushing me towards my orgasm.

"Oh...I'M gonna cum..."I moaned.

"Cum for me, baby girl,"he said through gritted teeth .

"Cum for daddy,"

My fingers pressed against a particularly sensitive spot and my walls clamped around my fingers in response.

I let out a muffled scream as I reached my climax and I came down hard.I came so damn much, I was practically squirting. NôvelDrama.Org © content.


Ian grunted at the sight and he came unraveling right after.

His length pulsated around his hand and a splatter of cum was released out of him.

He stroked himself a few more times and let out some more splashes of white liquid.I saw everything in front of my eyes and I couldn't look away.

"That was...so hot," I admitted.

"You're so beautiful when you cum," Ian flashed me a wild grin and I was still panting breathlessly.

"I can’t wait until next week," he said again.

"Me too,"I agreed.

I was lying limply on my bed, enjoying the aftershocks of my climax.I set my phone to the side and watched Ian's face as he lay breathlessly on his couch.

None of us said anything for a while, and we just smiled at each other through the screens.My eyes were getting heavy and I was dozing in and out of sleep.

With the last blinks of my eyes, I noticed my bedroom door was ajar.I could have sworn I've closed the door...? I didn't have the strength to get up or think about it any more.

My eyes fluttered shut and I was brought into a deep sleep.

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