Tangled Love



Jake leans forward, closing the distance between them. His eyes are burning with hatred, dangerous and ready to kill.

"If there's anything you should know about me . . . it's that I never break my promises." Jake hisses, his mouth inches away from Trevor's ear. Before Trevor has a chance to run, Jake pulls back his arm and smashes his fist against Trevor's face causing him to stagger backwards from the force of the impact. The thud from Jake's fist could be heard and the crowd freezes, mesmerised by the scene.

A few gasps can be heard as everyone takes a step back from the two men, parents dragging their children away from the scene. Trevor stands back onto his feet, clutching his jaw, ready for vengeance.

Jake took his chance to swing at Trevor again and landed his fists on the side of Trevor's head. It instantly knocks him down and Jake stands over him, his foot pounding hard into Trevor's stomach. He lies there, his body limp and lifeless.

A scream can be heard coming from the crowd and it takes me a few seconds to realise it was coming from me. Jake doesn't look like he's going to stop, even when Trevor lies motionless. A wheezing cough comes from Trevor as Jake smashes his foot into his stomach for the fifth time.

Images of Trevor doing the same to me flashes through my mind and I shake, unable to tear my gaze away from the scene in front of me. I run up to Jake and clutch his arm, pleading for him to stop. He shakes me off effortlessly and bounces towards Trevor's body, grabbing him roughly by the collar and dragging him up onto his feet. He resembles a rag doll as he flops over, his head falling onto his chest.

"Stand up and fight me like the man you claim to be!" Jake screams in his face, his voice laced with hatred. I fall back into the crowd, knowing Jake is too far gone for me to stop him. Blood trickles from the side of Trevor's face and his eyes are now wide, masked with fear. I couldn't help but think this is what Trevor deserves. He beat me for years and now, the same thing is happening to him. He finally understands what it feels like to be terrified and helpless.

There's nothing worse than seeing someone stand over you, mouth turned up into a snarl as they lay into your weak body whilst ignoring your screams to stop.

Trevor stumbles on his feet, his body swaying from the impact on his head. He holds out his arms weakly, ready to grab onto something to steady himself. Jake lunges for him again, grabbing the back of his head roughly. He turns him around and Trevor groans loudly from the pain Jake is inflicting. I watch in horror as Jake bends down to his knees, still gripping tightly on the back of Trevor's head.

"Goodbye Trevor." Jake mutters before pulling back his face and smashing it forcefully onto the stone floor. The crunch noise echoes in the air and I freeze in fear, the scream lodged in my throat. Everything is silent and all that can be heard is Jake's heavy breathing and the faint sound of siren's.

The police.

I snap out of my shock and run forward, gripping onto Jake's arm tightly.

"Jake, Jake!" I yell, trying my hardest to snap him out of his fighting mode.

"The police are coming, we need to go!" I desperately persuade him and he turns his face to look at my own. His eyes finally flicker with recognition and I breathe a sigh of relief. His chest moves heavily up and down with adrenaline and he jumps to his feet.

"Wait! The food," Jake murmurs, gripping onto the food with one hand and reaching for mine with his other. I simply stared at him in disbelief as we run, shaking my head.

"Are you serious right now?" I yell at him, my mouth hung open in disbelief. Jake turns and smirks at me, his eyes still wide and crazy looking. We both break out into a run, my legs burning from the effort. The sound of sirens are much closer now and I force myself to run faster despite my legs protesting.

I quickly slide in Jake's car, slamming the door shut and fasten my seatbelt. Jake places the food in my lap before turning the key in the engine and reverses out of the car park. The car screeches loudly as we pick up speed, hurtling through the streets. My heart is thumping wildly against my chest and I glance at his hands that are clutching the wheel. His knuckles are red, bleeding and I stare at them, feeling sick from what I witnessed.

"You killed him," I whisper, feeling the bile rise in the back of my throat. Jake speeds up, his chest rising and falling as his breathing struggled to even out. His grip on the steering wheel tightens and he turns towards me slightly whilst also keeping an eye on the road.

"I didn't kill him Emily, he's lucky I didn't."

"I can't believe that just happened."

"The man abused you! Did you think I'd let him off without hurting him back?

"It was in public Jake! And I never asked for you to almost kill Trevor!" I shoot back, peering round to see how far the police are from catching up to us.

"You don't need to ask me, I do it anyway.” Jake responds.

"What if I didn't want you to do it? I don't want you getting into trouble."

"I'm still going to do it." Jake shrugs, almost skimming a car that was now furiously beeping at us. The sound of siren's faded the further we got, reminding me we were still wanted.

"I don't need my boyfriend ending up in prison for murder Jake."

Jake is silent for a few moments before he turns towards me, lips stretched out into his signature smirk.

"That's the thing though Muffin, I don't get caught.” His eyes are shining brightly from the adrenaline running through him. I roll my eyes at him -

"Just get away from the police first Jake."

"I'm on it," he responds, turning back towards the road. He turns into a dark alleyway before shutting off the engine. The atmosphere is silent for a few minutes before Jake sighed dramatically. Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

"I'm don't regret it Emily, he got what he deserved."

"I know," I whisper quietly, leaning my head against the cold window.

"Hurting Trevor the same way he hurt me, does that mean we're exactly like him?" I ask quietly, turning to look at Jake. He didn't think about the question and responds instantly, his tone serious.

"Of course not. What Trevor does is vile and disgusting. He targeted someone smaller than him and vulnerable and it was time he knew what that felt like. I wish I could do it all over again."

"What am I going to do with you?" I sigh, giving Jake a small smile. I understood why he did what he did.

"Slap me whenever I do something wrong?"

"You're such an oaf." I laugh.

"But I'm your oaf, right?" He says warily, giving me his best puppy dog look. I instantly melt from his large blue eyes and pouted lips. How can I be remotely mad when his face is simply too beautiful?

"My oaf." I confirm, leaning over to kiss him. He takes hold of my chin and kisses me softly before flicking his tongue out on my bottom lip.

"I just want to protect you," he murmurs against my lips.

"I know Jake. Can we get out of here?" I whisper, resting my forehead against his.

"We sure can.”

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