Taming the Beast

Chapter 27 (Keegan)

Chapter 27 (Keegan)

(Keegan’s POV)

“Wow,” Caroline breathed as her up ran over my house. I squeezed her hand gently before we walked

inside. My mom practically ran us over at the door. My mom swung the door open with a huge grin

plastered on her face. She attacked Caroline in a hug. Caroline looked a little shocked at first but she

eventually returned the hug.

“Mom,” I scowled at her. She only giggled and let of Caroline only to drag her inside.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you Caroline! I’m Lena, Keegan’s mother,” she introduced herself as she

dragged us into the living room. Nick, Asher, Gregg, and Trevor were lounging on the couches playing

video games. Well, Nick and Asher were playing and Gregg and Trevor were watching.

“Hey there Holloway,” Trevor said, smiling at her. She looked around as if she were still a little stunned.

Caroline turned to my mother.

“Nice to meet you too,” Caroline said shyly. My mom wrapped her up in another hug.

“Aw! You’re perfect!” my mom squealed.

“Mom!” I yelled at her. She turned and scowled at me.

“Oh, I’m excited, sue me,” she said throwing her hands up before she disappeared into the house. I

sighed and shook my head at her. Caroline leaned closer to me.

“What exactly did you tell your mom about me?” she asked, trying to whisper. I knew the guys would

hear her anyway.

“There’s this amazing girl,” Asher said, mocking me.

“She’s beautiful and strong and bossy,” Nick jumped in, sounding like an eight year old girl.

“She’s stubborn and so sure of herself. Her hair is like a shiny, silky wheat field. She has eyes like you

wouldn’t believe,” Trevor joined in, turning around on the couch to give Caroline a sappy look.

“I think I love her,” Gregg finished off in a similar voice to Nick’s. I knew I was blushing. I rubbed the

back of my neck nervously.

“I didn’t say all of that,” I muttered. I sure was thinking about it though. Caroline broke out laughing. She

held her stomach to keep from doubling over, she was laughing that hard. The guys laughed with her.

“You guys are all idiots,” I grumbled. When they sobered up, I took Caroline to the kitchen. She looked

at me expectantly. I sighed as I looked towards the door that led to my dad. “My dad wanted to meet

you, but he’s really sick so he’s in the hospital downstairs,” I explained in a rush. Caroline looked at me


“Hospital… downstairs?” she asked. I chuckled and nodded before taking her hand and opening the

door. I led her down the stairs and to my dad’s room. I hesitated before I pushed the door open. My dad This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

was laying on the bed like he normally did. Only today, he had his oxygen tank hooked up to him. The

small clear tube went under his nose and tucked behind his ears. He smiled when he saw us.

“Keegan, my favorite son,” he smiled. I smiled too and rolled my eyes.

“I’m your only son,” I laughed. His eyes went to Caroline. I had my hand on her lower back. She stayed

close to me. I think she was scared or something. I pushed her forward lightly towards my father. He

smiled at her.

“You must be Caroline. I’ve heard so much about you. You’re every bit extraordinary as my boy

described you,” he smiled, taking her hand. She blushed lightly and gave him a sheepish smile.

“Hi Mr. Porter,” she said timidly. He laughed weakly.

“Mr. Porter was my father. Call me Wes,” he said. My father’s eyes landed back on me. “I like her, son. I

see why you do too. Please, take a seat Caroline,” he smiled at me Caroline smiled gently at him

before she looked back at me. She took a seat in the chair facing my dad and I stepped back and

leaned against the wall as they talked. Back and forth, my dad would ask a question and Caroline

would answer. They kept an easy conversation. Eventually, Caroline started asking question. My dad

hesitated when asked why he was so sick.

“Cancer: stage four. I’m on hospice right now,” he said softly. Caroline let out a sharp breath. My father

frowned. “Don’t cry, Caroline. My whole family has come to terms with my condition. At least now I

know that when I die, Keegan will still have you,” he said with a soft smile. That took me by surprise. I

sighed and tried to keep my tears from falling. Caroline looked shocked. Tears brimmed her eyes as

well. I balled my fists and immediately got mad to keep from crying.

“Dad!” I snapped at him. I glared at him; I couldn’t help it. My dad looked at his bed sheets guiltily.

Caroline stood and walked so she was in front of me. She put her hands on my elbows gently and

looked up at me. My eyes were probably glossy but I continued to glare at my father.

“Keegan, look at me,” she said softly. I did. My face softened when I saw her. She had already been

crying. I sighed and reached up to wipe her wet cheeks with my thumbs. Her eyes closed before she

looked at me again. “I know that losing a parent is hard, but at least you get time to prepare yourself.

You get to spend time with your dad knowing that any time might be the last. You get to tell him that

you love him one last time. I would kill for that,” she said softly. Tears fell down her face faster than I

could wipe them away. I knew that she was speaking from personal experience and that’s what killed

me. I pulled her into my chest as I wrapped my arms around her shoulder and her back. Her breathing

was shaky, like she was trying to control herself. I closed my eyes briefly as I sniffled. When I opened

my eyes, they locked with my dad’s. He gave me an apologetic look.

Did she lose her dad? I heard in my head. I knew it was my dad. It was an Alpha gift to be able to

communicate telepathically to others in your pack.

She lost both of her parents. She was there when they died, I though back. My dad’s face went to one

of shock.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset y’all,” he apologized. I sighed and smoothed my hand over Caroline’s


“It’s okay, dad. I’m not mad. I know… I know that it’s inevitable; it’s just… I’m not ready to lose you,” I

said softly. Caroline’s arms tightened around my waist.

“I don’t want you to go either. I really like you,” Caroline muttered into my shirt. My dad and I chuckled

until he broke out into a coughing fit. It calmed down before he let out a breath and laid back against

the inclined hospital bed. I gave him a small nod.

“I hope to see you again soon, Caroline,” he said with a smile. She let go of me and went over to hug

my dad. His arms went around her gingerly. I smiled a little at the sight. Seeing Caroline hug my dad

was doing something weird to my heart.

“I’ll make Keegan bring me every week,” she whispered to him. I looked at the floor and smirked a little

as my dad chuckled.

“Good,” he whispered back. Caroline let go and kissed his cheek before she walked back over to me. I

held my chest and pretended to look hurt.

“Why don’t I get a kiss?” I asked. She smirked at me.

“You’re not as cool as your dad,” she said before she stuck her tongue out at me. My dad laughed. I

was glad that Caroline could make him laugh. I hadn’t heard him laugh like that in a long time. Caroline

walked past me and out of the room and I followed. We walked back upstairs. The guys were still

playing video games in the living room. Caroline plopped down in the middle of the couch just as the

guys finished the game.

“So who want to get smoked first?” Caroline asked. They all looked at her funny. I just watched,

amused. Nick wrinkled up his nose.

“You can’t play Call of Duty,” Nick said. I wanted to warn him to be nice but Caroline put this innocent

look on her face that told me that she was up to something.

“It can’t be that hard right? Just hit the x-button and move the stick-thing,” she said innocently. Nick


“I’ll play you,” he said. Gregg handed her a controller.

“Let’s make this interesting. Loser gives winner 30 bucks,” Caroline suggested. I smiled. I knew she

was nothing what she appeared to me.

“Deal,” Nick said confidently, starting the game. Thirty minutes later, Nick was thirty bucks lighter.

Caroline laughed over-dramatically in his face before she hopped up and did a small victory dance. The

guys all looked at her with their jaws on the ground. I only smiled proudly. That’s my girl.

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