The King of all Dark Genie slumped to the floor and let out a peal of painful laughter, not minding that Axion had stabbed him again in intense rage. He was giving his last happy laugh seeing as Corbin was lying dead on the floor next to Glinda and Phoenix who were crying.

He was going to die for sure but yes, he made sure to ruin their happiness before doing so, at least now he can go in peace. Axion yelled in anger and jabbed him continually with the dagger, his tears rolling down without control.

Even in his last breath, this beast ruined the chance he had with his elder brother. He is just bent on ruining him! They both were supposed to live happily ever after together and make up for those 27 years they were apart.

Corbin deserved a second chance. He shouldn’t have stood in his place! Now his elder brother died because of him and because of this heartless Devil. Who is going to call him little brother now?

With all the rage in him, Axion stabbed him until he made sure he had disfigured his face despite though the Devil was dead a long time. It was Phoenix who came and held his hand to stop him.

” It’s of no use Axion, he’s dead ” She mumbled the bitter truth and the dagger fell from Axion’s hand. Phoenix immediately hugged and he broke down in uncontrollable tears. His heart was aching, it was bleeding in agony. Corbin should be with him, not leave him.

What did he do to deserve death? Didn’t he suffer enough?

Even Phoenix too couldn’t hold back her tears. She knew Corbin didn’t deserve to die. He should be given a second chance to live the life he wasted for 27 years because of Medusa.

But she guesses, it was too late. He is dead and never coming back.


Axion and Phoenix can be seen in a bathtub with Axion scrubbing Phoenix’s hair with a shampoo who was backing him and playing an interesting game on her tablet. She was so focused on the game that she didn’t even realize when Axion stopped massaging her hair and watched her play instead.

The game was indeed interesting and watching Phoenix play and win was indeed satisfying to Axion. He wanted to play too.

” Yes! ” Phoenix exclaimed happily when she scored the level and Axion chuckled. He held her arms and placed a kiss on her shoulder.

” Love ” He called but Phoenix didn’t answer him.

” Give me to play ” He requested.

” No, scrub my hair ” Phoenix humped and hid the tablet from him.

” Please, love ” He pleaded, kissing her neck. Phoenix almost fell to his seduction but got herself and shrugged.

” No, leave me alone ” She hissed and resumed playing. Axion frowned with a sad pout. Why is she being unfair to him?

” Axion continue massaging my hair ” Phoenix pouted unhappily making him scoff.

” No, I won’t. Not until you give me to play a little bit ” He humped looking away. Phoenix turned to face, her big belly bump coming into view.

Yep, she’s five months pregnant now and she has become quite annoying and have been acting spoilt lately. She will always throw a tantrum over petty issues and always emotionally blackmail Axion with her tears.

Well, you don’t blame her, do you?

Axion have been spoiling her a lot, relatively doing everything for her. Buy her whatever she needs, bath her, cook for her and even feed her. He would dress her up, give her massages, carry her around, and assist her in her pregnancy exercises while she does nothing but became lazy and spoilt.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

And yep, she was going to throw a tantrum right about… now.

She looked at Axion and her eyes flooded with tears. Seeing her tears, Axion’s heart panged in guilt. He hates glimpsing even an atom of tears in her eyes and she always uses it to get him.

” Why don’t you want to scrub my hair? You don’t love me anymore, right? ” She pouted unhappily and a strand of tears rolled down. Axion’s eyes widened immediately.

Oh no! She’s going to throw a tantrum. What has he gotten himself into?

” No, no, don’t say that momma. You know I love you so much ” He tried cupping her face but she slapped his hand off.

” Lies! You don’t love me anymore that’s why you don’t want to scrub my hair. I hate you now! ” She started crying.

” Oh heavens. Why the fuck did I just say that? ” Axion mumbled in regret.

” Ok I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say that. I’d continue scrubbing your hair perfectly while you continue with your games, ok? ”

” No! I don’t want to play anymore. You… you don’t love me again. Is it because I’m now too fat and ugly because I’m pregnant? You don’t find me pretty again, right? ”

” No that’s a lie, momma. You know I love you so much and nothing is going to change that. And you’re still the most beautiful woman to me. You even look more beautiful now you’re pregnant ” Axion cupped her face and assured her. Phoenix huffed and looked away.

” I don’t believe you, I’m still angry with you ” She folded her arms.

” Won’t you forgive your Honey Bunny this one time? ” Axion pouted and she blushed. It was the nickname she gave him and this was the first to hear it from him. He looked too cute for her to remain angry with him. But she wasn’t going to let him go that easily. She wrapped her hands around his neck and tugged him close.

” Bribe me ” She shrugged and Axion beamed.

” I’d buy you an Ice Cream and lots and lots of teddy bears ” That was all Axion needed to bribe her.

” Really? Promise? ” She giggled in excitement and Axion nodded firmly.

” Pinky promise ”

” Yeppi! ” Phoenix exclaimed, giggling. She looked down and placed her hand on her big belly with a broad smile.

” Baby, Daddy is going to buy us ice cream and more teddy bears. Aren’t you excited? ” She squeaked and Axion chuckled. He placed his hand on her belly and rubbed it gently.

” Of course, she will be excited. She loves ice cream just like her mother ” Phoenix was surprised.

” She? ” She raised a brow at Axion who nodded, chuckling while rubbing her belly.

So he wants a girl, not a boy.

” But the baby’s gender isn’t determined yet. We’d only find out today, remember? ”

” I know but I’m confident it’s a girl. Right baby? ” Axion said and Phoenix felt a slight kick under her abdomen making her jerk a bit. It felt like a flutter making her eyes widen and she glanced at Axion.

” What happened? Are you ok? ” A happy chuckle left Phoenix’s lips.

” The baby just kicked! ”

” Really?! ” Excitement rushed down Axion and Phoenix nodded. He lowered his head to her stomach and kissed it.

” Baby, can you hear me? ” He whispered asked and after some seconds… kick!

Phoenix felt another flutter and she jerked. Axion heard it and beamed greatly. This was their baby’s first kick and it felt so amazing to hear it respond to Axion’s voice which means it recognizes him even while inside the womb.

He was more than happy.


Soon they were done bathing and dressed up. Axion was combing Phoenix’s hair while she giggled still thinking of their baby’s first kick.

A knock came on their door just then.

” I’ll go answer it ” Axion volunteered and left for the door. He opened it and there was Glinda with a tray of food and a smile on her face.

” Good morning aunt ” Axion greeted.

” Good morning my dear. I made breakfast for you two ” Glinda replied and walked in.

” Tamara and Lola are back from the holiday I sent them. When I figured out who Medusa was, I had to send them away so she won’t use them for her evil plan in any way. You can go visit them now ” She strode up to Phoenix and placed the tray on the table.

” Aunt ” Phoenix beamed on seeing her.

” How are you doing my dear? And the baby? ” Glinda cupped her face. She has become a mother to Phoenix these past months.

” We’re both fine. It’s just Axion. He has been acting like a dick head these days” She teasingly pouted and Axion glared at her on hearing that.

” What did he do? ”

” He said I’ve become ugly and fat just because I’m pregnant ” Phoenix sniffed back her pretentious tears and Glinda scowled at Axion whose eyes widened.

” That’s a lie, aunt…

” How can you say such a thing to your pregnant wife, you jerk! ” Glinda snapped him off.

” But… but…

” Try to be considerate for once, she’s pregnant! ”

” Tell me aunt, have I become ugly? ” Phoenix asked.

” Of course not. You’re still as beautiful as always, that is never going to change. Don’t listen to all the nonsense Axion is saying ” Glinda assured and hugged her.

” But that’s exactly what I said ”

” Shut up, Axion! ”

Phoenix stocked out a tongue to Axion who was already glaring at her angrily. Indeed, he was spoiling her too much. That’s why she’s becoming too mischievous these days.

He was going to teach her a lesson.

× × ×

Phoenix lay in the hospital bed as the doctor scan her belly. She was nervous as hell and so was Axion. The gender of their baby was about to be discovered and it was making them excited and scared at the same time.

Phoenix bit on her lip looking at Axion who flashed her an assuring smile, squeezing her hand lovingly. She breathed out, staring at the monitor’s screen.

The doctor turned to them with a smile.

” Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Rivera, it’s a healthy baby… girl ”

Happiness scourge down Axion and Phoenix who stared at each other.

” Really, doctor? ” Phoenix chuckled in disbelief.

” Yes. She’s also perfectly fine and healthy so don’t worry ”

Axion kissed Phoenix’s hand deeply.

” I told you it was going to a girl, didn’t I? ” He laughed happily and Phoenix nodded with tears of joy.

” She’s is going to be our little Phoenix ”

” Is that going to be her name? ” Phoenix chuckled.

” Maybe but to me, that’s what it’s going to be ”

Phoenix was more than happy. If not for one thing the fact that even if the King of all Dark Genie was still alive, she wouldn’t have fulfilled her deal with him because the baby was a Phoenix and not a Dark Genie.

She wouldn’t have to worry about giving her baby out.

Happy, Axion and Phoenix drove back home to tell Glinda the good news. They entered the house and were surprised to see Glinda with a visitor. It was a guy with something very familiar about him… his blue hair. He stood up and turned to face the two who beamed immediately on seeing him.

” Little brother ” He called with a wide smile and Axion chuckled happily.

” So you finally decided to visit after God knows how long, ay? ” He scoffed and walked up to him.

” Been busy with a lot of things but just decide to drop by anyway. Did you miss me that much? ”

” Corbin, have you forgotten about me so easily? ” Phoenix spoke up, turning Corbin’s attention to her. He let out a slight laugh.

” Of course not. How can I do something that despicable? Anyway, wow, you’re getting more pretty each passing day ” He complimented and Phoenix blushed.

” Oh thank you ” She eyed Axion who rolled his eyes.

Yes, Corbin survived. Surprising isn’t it?

Normally he was supposed to die after getting stabbed with the Golden Dagger but nope he didn’t. Luckily for him, the dagger didn’t get to his heart. Due to everything happened too fast, the Devil missed and stabbed his collar bone instead of his chest.

In exchange for his life, he lost his powers as a Dark Genie. After that day, he decided to live on his own and start up afresh. He wanted to enjoy living a normal human life and has been doing quite well. He also makes sure to pay Axion, Phoenix, and Glinda a visit once every week.

× × ×

After having lunch with Corbin who already left, Phoenix went back upstairs. She stood by the balcony, gazing at the quiet environment, her hand on her belly, rubbing it while smiling sheepishly.

She was thinking about everything that has happened up until now. How she first met Axion. Actually, how she was kidnapped by him and forced to sign a contract with him for 1 million.

She thought about Lilly and Monica and she snorted. She doesn’t even remember the last time she saw them and how they were fairing and neither does she care to know. They are her past now and she was grateful to them, especially Lilly. If not for her faking being sick, she wouldn’t have met her mate.

She remembered those times Axion hated her so much. Those times he treated her badly and hated her sight. But now, he reminds her every fucking minute how much he loves her deeply.

And also, she’s pregnant with his child, their baby who is going to be a Phoenix just like her. She has never been grateful as she was now.

She finally has the bakery of her dreams, thanks to him too.

A hand wrapped around her waist firmly, jolting her out of her thoughts. When she felt his head on her shoulder and a kiss on her cheek, she smiled.

” What are you thinking about? ” Axion asked and she turned to face him.

” Nothing really. Just how grateful I am that I met you ” She answered and Axion chuckled, holding her waist firmly. He nuzzled her and kissed her nose.

” No, I am the one who should be grateful for having you, Phoenix. My life was meaningless and hopeless before you came. I was nothing but a mere beast who had no redemption, who hated himself for who he was. A man who was cursed and dark ”

” But you came and showed me what it’s like to be loved despite being a beast. You tamed me and gave me hope and now, I want to live for your sake and the sake of our child. I want to shower you with all the love I have for you ” Phoenix’s eyes clouded with tears and they rolled down. Axion leaned and kissed her tears off.

” Thank you so much for coming into my life, Phoenix. Thank you so much for being my Red Phoenix. I love so fucking much ”

” I love you too, Axion, so much ” Phoenix replied and Axion claimed her lips in a deep kiss. She returned it, wrapping her hands around his neck.

All that mattered to the both of them as they kissed were each other. Having each other by their sides was all they needed.

And one thing is for sure. Their love will continue till eternity. She will continue being his Red Phoenix who was able to TAME THE BEAST IN HIM…

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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