Melinoe held Axion’s hand and they vanished, reappearing in a room. The room was decorated beautifully with countless roses, spread out on the floor and the bed. Seeing as everything was well arranged and with a smile of fulfillment, Melinoe turned to face Axion, cupping his cheeks.

” Oh, my Axion. How long I’ve waited and craved for this day ” She fondles his face.

” Now it’s finally the two of us all to ourselves ” She placed a kiss on his nose before encircling his hands around her waist. Axion merely stood there without moving.

” Now that you’re under my control, you’ll have to do and say whatever I tell you to, understood? ” Axiom nodded.

” Repeat after me ‘ I belong to Melinoe and nobody else’ ”

” I belong to Melinoe and nobody else ” Axion mouthed and Melinoe’s grin grew wider.

She crashed his lips on Axion’s, kissing him but Axion only stood stagnant, not even kissing her back. That angered Melinoe and she drew out.

” Kiss me Axion. Kiss me like your life depends on it. Touch me like I’m yours alone ” She whispered seductively, nibbling on his earlobe, her hands running through his chest. Axion nodded in agreement and took her lips in.

The kiss was intense and demanding as Axion’s hand caresses every part of her body. He traced down to her neck before placing kisses on her exposed b**bs. Melinoe moaned out a bit, her fingers digging into Axion’s hair and ruffling it.

Kissing her neck, Axion pulled down her gown, leaving her naked. And without hesitation, he carried her off the ground to the bed and laid her gently on it before resuming kissing her neck.

× × ×

Phoenix rushed back home to see if Melinoe and Axion were there. After searching for them and not seeing them,

” Axion! ” She yelled in frustration, not knowing what else to do. She was dead confused right now and wasn’t even thinking straight.

Where will she start looking for him? How is she going to know what has happened to him since the necklace is no longer with him? What has Melinoe done to him?

Not finding answers to all these questions, she broke down in tears. She felt an agonizing pain in her heart making her moan.

” Axion please where are you? ” She whimpered.

While still crying, she heard footsteps approaching making her look up swiftly. Bewildering happiness went down her seeing Axion standing not so far from her. She rushed to him and pulled him into a tight embrace. Axion didn’t even react to the hug.

” Where did you go? ” She mumbled ask while still hugging him. She pulled out and held his face.

” Tell me, where did she take you to? What did she do to you? Did she harm you in any way? ” She rasped in worry but Axion only stared at her blankly. Noticing the change in his eye color, Phoenix frowned deeply.

” What happened to your eyes Axion, what did she do to you? ” Axion didn’t give any reply to her making her groan a bit. His silence was killing her and making her nervous and restless.

” Why aren’t you saying anything?! ” She snapped, frustrated at Axion’s silence.

” Because he isn’t in the position to say anything till I say so ” A voice answered prompting Phoenix to look over to the door only to see Melinoe stepping in, her head up in arrogance. Phoenix glared at her with every hate inside, clutching closer to Axion.

” What did you do my Axion? ” She demanded and Melinoe snorted loudly.

” Your Axion? ” She puffed with an eye roll.

” Love ” She called and Axion turned to her immediately.

” Come here ” Axion without hesitation, pushed Phoenix off and walked up to Melinoe.

” Kiss me ” She whispered to him.

Phoenix helplessly watched with parted lips as Axion devours Melinoe’s lips. The same pain from earlier pierced into her heart making her tears roll down. Pulling out from the kiss, Melinoe glanced at her with a broad smirk.

” Whose Axion is he now, mine or yours? ”

” You animal, what did you do to him?! ” Phoenix flared up and made to drag Melinoe away from Axion but Axion stood in her way, gripping her hand and glaring at her.

” Stay away from my Melinoe ” He warned and another pain cut through Phoenix’s heart.

” Axion, don’t you recognize me? It’s your Phoenix remember? ” She muttered and made to hug him but Axion pushed her away and she landed with her butt on the floor, letting out a loud wimp.

” Stay away from me,” He said before turning to Melinoe who flashed him a proud smile.

” That was a good one, love. Now to end this whole thing, throw her out of this house. She doesn’t belong here ” She commanded.

” Anything for you, my Melinoe ” Axion replied and earned a peck on the lips making him smile.

He glared at Phoenix on the floor with disgust and clenched her hand, jerking her up.

” Axi…” He didn’t let Phoenix be through with her words when he started dragging her to the door.

” Axion, please stop ” Phoenix pleaded in tears but he paid a deaf ear. Getting to the door, he tossed her out.

” Stay away from me and my mate ” He snarled before slamming the door close to her face.

” No, Axion ” Phoenix called, banging on the door.

” Please open the door, I’m your mate, not Melinoe, please hear me out ”

” Please ” She broke down in tears.

Gianna appeared just then, nodding negatively with folded arms while faking empathy.

” Oh, what a shame Phoenix, what a shame. He doesn’t even recognize you anymore. My heart aches for you ” She jested and Phoenix bowed her head in shame, disappointed in herself and crying. Seeing her tears made Gianna satisfied.

” I promised you to make you pay, didn’t I? How do you see my comeback? ”

” Oh, I forgot. You can’t even answer my question. Your heart must be bleeding badly. Oh my, it hurts ” She mocked, feigning tears.

Her eyes grew dark immediately and she glared at Phoenix with a stern face.

” This is just the beginning Phoenix. Your heart is going to bleed till death. Your mate was just taken forcefully from you, without you even rejecting him yet. And you know what happens to any Phoenix whose mate was taken from her? She… dies! ” She spat, letting out a peal of evil laughter before vanishing.

Phoenix held her chest as she felt another cut in her heart. She writhed in exuding pain as it felt as though someone was cutting the veins in her heart and peeling its walls. Breathing became difficult for her as she gasped for air. Everywhere became blurry as her eyes and whole body grew weak. And when she couldn’t handle the pain, she slumped to the floor and blackout…

× × ×

Phoenix can be seen lying on a bed, unconscious. Sitting beside her was Glinda whose face was clouded with worry and sadness.

Phoenix started turning her head on the bed and kicking aimlessly, her breath rasped and unsteady like she was having a nightmare. Well, it’s obvious she was. The worry Glinda was feeling doubled.

” Axion! ” Phoenix exclaimed, finally jerking up. She was panting heavily, her forehead covered in sweats. Glinda beamed seeing she was awake.

” Thank goodness you’re awake, Phoenix ”

It was then Phoenix saw she was beside her making her shoot her a hard glare.

” You…” She clenched her fist and got down from the bed.

” You’re working with them aren’t you? Why did you bring me here?! ” She yelled at Glinda who was more than shocked by her outburst. She stood up.

” Phoenix, what are you talking about? ” She couldn’t help but ask.

” Stop with the pretense aunt, I already know everything. Gianna told me everything. You’re nothing but a backstabber aunt, you betrayed me! ”From NôvelDrama.Org.

” What? What do you mean, Phoenix? ” Glinda grimaced in confusion.

” Weren’t you the one who told Melinoe about the necklace, huh?! Why did you do it?! ” Phoenix couldn’t hold back her tears. Her heart was aching badly. Glinda’s eyes broadened in great horror.

” Melinoe is alive?! ” She exclaimed in shock but only received a scowl from Phoenix who wiped her tears.

” Listen to me aunt. You, Melinoe, and Gianna must have gotten what you all wanted. But I’m not going to let any of you take Axion away from me or harm him in any way. He is my mate and my responsibility and that isn’t going to change no matter what! ” She spat in anger before storming out.

Glenda only stood there, transfixed on the spot as the name Melinoe kept ringing in her head.

× × ×

It was night already and Phoenix was standing outside of Axion’s house. She was thinking of a way to sneak into Axion’s room without going through the entrance and risk getting caught.

Axion might be possessed but that doesn’t mean she won’t check on him or try to protect him. She might not know how to unbind him from Melinoe for now but she still wants to see him, to see if he’s ok.

An idea entered her head and she ran over to the window of his room. Thankfully, it was open making it easy for her to climb in. Discerning Melinoe wasn’t in the room, she entered.

She tiptoed to the bed where Axion was lying, snoring peacefully, and sat down. She took his hand and placed a kiss on it, her other hand on his face and stroking it gently. Axion reacted to her touch as a tiny smile can be seen forming on his lips. Seeing his smile, Phoenix couldn’t help but smile too.

” I’m sorry ” She mumbled, bringing her lips closer and placing a kiss on his forehead. Axion slowly opened his eyes and their eyes locked. Phoenix’s heart skipped in fear when his darkened eyes met with hers.

She stood up and made to leave but Axion held her hand and pulled her back to himself, glaring at her.

” What are you doing here? ” Axion’s hot and rasp breath hit her face and Phoenix gulped down hard.

” I…” Axion made to grab her by the neck but Phoenix as if she knew what he wanted to do, held his hand, interlocking her fo fingers with his before slamming her lips to his.

Axion’s pupils dilated greatly and he froze on the spot. It was as if someone pressed a pause on his brain as Phoenix kisses him.

He frowned his brows as if felt as though, he has tasted those lips before but couldn’t fathom where and whose lips it was. Then slowly, he started reciprocating the kiss.

He closed his eyes and pulled Phoenix closer, making her sit on his lap as they devoured each other’s lips. The kiss was gentle and sweet and they both were already enjoying it. They pulled out to catch their breath, slowly gazing into each other’s eyes.

And seeing those round, big, and cute brown eyes, Axion’s pupil dilated once again as he recalled who’s eyes they were.

” Phoenix…” He mumbled and Phoenix’s eyes widened…

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