Phoenix unexpectedly saw herself in an unfamiliar place. Everywhere looked shady making it impossible for her to see clearly. Well except for the luminous light which shone making everywhere bright up. Looking up Phoenix saw an incredibly huge Fire Bird discerning from the clouds. It emitted so much light that Phoenix had to shade her eyes with her hand. She knew immediately that the bird was Bedelia.

” Phoenix ” The Fire Bird called and Phoenix immediately bowed in respect.

” Yes,” She responded.

” You’ve appeared before me. Tell me what your desires are and I’ll grant them for you ” Bedelia said.

With her head still bowed,

” All I want is the power of a Phoenix ”

” My mate is in danger and needs me. I desire for you to bestow to me the power to protect him and all those I care about ” Phoenix answered.

” Your wish… shall be fulfilled ” Phoenix’s face beamed on hearing that.

” Stretch out your hand and look at your palm. Tell me what you see in it, Phoenix ” Bedelia instructed and Phoenix complied. She looked at her palm but frowned deeply upon seeing nothing.

” I can’t see anything ” She admitted.

” Open your eyes Phoenix. Awaken the bird in you to see the things not opened to the literal eye ” Bedelia gingered. Phoenix nodded, gazing at her palm intensely. Her eyes turned red and instantly, she saw a necklace in it.

” I can see it. I can see a necklace ” She gleamed in happiness.

” Good Phoenix. Now go, tie that necklace on your mate’s neck. It is meant to protect him even when you aren’t around him. That necklace is bonded to your hair tie. It will alert you if your mate is in danger. It is an invisible necklace and not everyone can see it ” Phoenix chuckled heartily.

” Thank you, Bedelia, thank you ” She smiled at her.

” But always remember one thing Phoenix, never take that necklace off his neck… never ” Bedelia warned and started rising back to the cloud.

” Never take that necklace off his neck… never ”

Her words echoed continually as she ascended back into the cloud.

Phoenix gasped and jerked up immediately, panting heavily. She was sweating profusely.

Her eyes dilated when she looked around only to see herself in Axion’s room, Axion still snoring peacefully on the bed and her lying on the floor. Her face dropped in disappointment.

” Was all this just a dream? ” She mumbled, grunting lightly. Drawing her hand close to her face, she opened it and happiness surged through her on seeing the necklace Bedelia gave her.

” It wasn’t a dream, it was real ” She chuckled in joy.

Standing up, she sat down on the bed, gently fastening the necklace around his neck so as not to wake him up. She decided to study his face for a while. Her heart skipped suddenly as she stared at him and a broad smile crept up her lips.

One thing became obvious to her… Axion was handsome. His long eyelashes, slightly big but pointy nose, and plump lips are enough to drive any lady crazy.

” But why are you so mean and cold-hearted on the outside? ” She pouted sadly, sighing. But then, she smiled.

” You look so cute ” She giggled, touching his nose with her finger.

” What are you doing, Phoenix? ” She slapped herself out of her fantasy. She stood up a made to leave when Axion reached out and held her wrist. Phoenix swiftly turned and Axion tugged her to himself, pinning her to the bed with him on top and her under. A gasp escaped Phoenix’s lips as her eyes widened.

” You think I’m cute, huh? ” Axion smirked, staring intently into her eyes. To his surprise, his heart jumped and his pupil dilated greatly making his smirk disappear.

His heart started skipping faster than usual and his lips slowly parted. For the first time, he got lost staring into Phoenix’s big eyes and he couldn’t lie to himself that they were beautiful.

Phoenix’s eyes drifted to Axion’s parted lips and she gulped. She could feel a sweat knotting in her stomach as the thought of Axion’s lips on hers flashed through her mind.

Axion’s eyes too landed on her pouted cute lips and his already throbbing heart increased. A strong urge to take those lips in came making him gulp. He quickly looked away, pushing Phoenix off before he does something stupid.

He stood up from the bed and turned his back on her, letting out a slight cough. Phoenix’s face flushed in embarrassment.

” Get out! ” Axion snapped.

” Huh? ” Phoenix stared at him in confusion.

” You heard me, get out ”

Phoenix stood up from the bed and hurried out of the room without hesitating. On getting outside, she heaved in relief.

” That was close ”

” Damn you ” Axion bit on his lower lip, swearing at himself for almost embarrassing himself.

× × ×

Gianna can be seen talking to Axion who was paying abrupt attention to her. Well, that was what she thought.

The truth of the matter was that Axion wasn’t even paying attention to her. Rather, his eyes were fixed on her lips.

Don’t misunderstand.

He wasn’t staring at Gianna’s lips. Instead, the image of Phoenix’s cute lips couldn’t stop playing in his head. His inner being was yelling and cussing at him for not kissing those lips.

” At least, you should have tasted them, even if for some seconds ” He regretted. He didn’t even realize he was drooling over the thought.

Gianna noticed making her grimace at him.

” Axion ” She called, snapping him out.

” Huh? ” Axion let out a cough.

” What were you saying? ” He asked, adjusting on his chair.

” Were you even listening to me? ” Gianna rolled her eyes in disbelief.


Axion and Phoenix were already fast asleep. Meanwhile, Gianna was still awake. She was waiting for Axion to fall asleep and when she sensed he already did, she climbed down from her bed.

” Axion, here I come ” She grinned, turning into the Princess of Terror. She vanished and reappeared in Axion’s room.

Walking up to the bed, she smiled to herself.

” Oh my Axion, I can wait to make you mine ” She confessed, staring dreamily at him.

” I won’t that slutty Phoenix take you away from me. You’re mine ”

She tried getting closer to Axion and gnawing her fangs into his neck when she felt a force bounce her away from Axion.

” What the? ” She frowned in surprise.

She tried again for the second time but the same force darted her away.

” Why can’t I get close to Axion? ” She uttered in confusion.

Yet again, she tried but then a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the bed.

Seeing it was Phoenix, she tried disappearing but Phoenix quickly clenched her neck, preventing her.

” Where do you think you’re going? ” Phoenix glared at her in rage.

” Let me go Phoenix ” Gianna struggled to break free from her grip but to her dismay, Phoenix was ten times stronger than her. Instead, she tightened her grip on her neck, choking her.

” Didn’t I tell you to stay away from my Axion? ” Phoenix demanded, shooting her a terrifying glare as her eyes changed to burning red.

Fear consumed Gianna seeing Phoenix’s fiery eyes.

” When… did… you… become… this… powerful? ” She stammered and a satisfactory smirk crept up Phoenix’s lips.

” I told you I was ready to protect my mate, didn’t I? ”

Gianna’s neck started burning up making her wince out in pain. Phoenix’s fiery eyes peered deep into hers making her whole body start shrinking. She yelled out in anguish as it felt as though she was on fire and that her bones were squashing.

” No, stop, please! ” She pleaded.

” Stop!!! ” She yelled at the top of her voice. Phoenix immediately let go of her neck and she collapsed to the floor lifelessly, gasping for air.

” Stay away from Axion, Gianna. This will be my last buzzer to you ” Phoenix warned. Gianna looked at her with eyes filled with hatred.

” I will make you pay for this Phoenix, I promise you ” She growled weakly before vanishing.


Gianna still hasn’t recovered from Phoenix’s attack. Even in her human form, she could still feel her body agonizing in pain. Her phone rang and she answered.

” Hello aunt ”

” Oh, Gianna. Why haven’t you contacted me for some time now, huh? I’ve been waiting for your update about Axion and that bitch, still, nothing ” Kelsey complained and Gianna almost hissed, rolling her eyes.

” This woman is just being a pain in my ass lately. I’ll soon get rid of her ” She hissed to herself.

” Don’t be angry aunt, I was just busy scheming an amazing plan that will make Axion throw Phoenix out of his life once and for all ” She replied.

” Really? ” Kelsey beamed.

” Yes aunt ”

” Oh my, tell me what it is Gianna? ” She demanded impatiently.

” Relax aunt, you’ll find out soon ” Gianna smirked.

” Oh come on, tell me what it is, my dear ”

” Aunt, calm down. I promise you, you’re gonna love it ”

” Are you sure? ”

” 100% sure. This plan of mine will surely ruin Phoenix for good ” Gianna revealed.

” Or more like, make Axion mine, forever ” She grinned to herself.

× × ×NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

Axion was done preparing and he and Gianna left, heading to the car. Soon, he hit the road.

” Erm… Axion there is something I want to tell you ” Gianna spoke up.

” Sure, what is it? ”

” It’s about a new apartment I found ”

” Oh wow, you’ve found one? ” Axion beamed a bit.

” Yeah, and I was planning on going to check it out today. I wanted you to come along ”

” Oh sure, of course. Why don’t we go check it out now? My schedule for today is pretty occupied ” Axion suggested and Gianna was already grinning ear to ear.

” That will be great, Axion. Thanks a lot ” She smiled.

” Address? ”

” Oh yeah ” Gianna took out her phone and stretched it forward to Axion. Axion whose eyes had been focused on the road had to remove it and take a glance at Gianna’s phone to see the address.

Just then, a big truck can be seen driving at full speed towards Axion’s car. Gianna saw the truck and her eyes widened in horror.

” Axion, look out! ” She exclaimed and Axion looked up. His eyes almost popped out of their sockets seeing the truck. And just when the truck was about to hit them, Axion reversed to the left with force, thereby steering toward a tree.

Sighting the tree, he tried pulling a brake but it was already too late as the car wrecked right into the tree…

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