Axion blinked repeatedly, his brain spinning in confusion as Phoenix kissed him. She finally pulled out, looking down shyly. It was then that Axion’s brain started working once again.

He pushed her off him and sprang up from the bed.

” You pervert! ” He wanted to yell in disgust but swallowed back the words. Staring at Phoenix, who pouted cutely, he lost count of what to say.

Tightening his fist in anger, he just left without saying anything. Phoenix went after him immediately.

” Axion ” She called, hugging him from the back.

” You are leaving me again,” She mumbled, and that made him stop on his track. Closing his eyes, he exhaled deeply before turning to face her.

” I wasn’t leaving, I just wanted to go grab some water ” He said with gritting teeth, forcing a smile on his lips. Phoenix smiled back at him.

” Ok. Let’s go brush and bath together instead ” She suggested, and Axion shot her a glare almost immediately.

” You…” He swallowed back the remaining words yet again.

” Sure ” He faked a smile.

” You are the best boyfriend in the world ” What Phoenix said made his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

” Boyfriend?! ” He half yelled and Phoenix only nodded firmly.

” Oh heavens. Does she seriously think I’m her boyfriend? Since when? ” He asked himself.

” Aunt Glinda, please come, I can’t take this anymore ” He moaned lightly.

” What did you say? ” Phoenix asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

” Nothing. Let’s go ” He forced a smile on his lips.

×. ×. ×

A knock came on the door and Axion headed to answer it.

” Open ” He said, and the door opened by itself. Seeing none other than Kelsey and Gianna standing by the door, his eyes broadened a bit.

” Mom, what are you doing here? ” He asked, rushing up to them. Kelsey pulled him to a hug immediately.

” I came to check on you, my dear ” She muttered. A smile formed on Axion’s lips on hearing that. He pulled out of the hug.

” Aren’t you still recovering? Do you seriously have to? ” He asked, keeping a straight face.

” Is this how to welcome your own Mom, you jerk? ” Kelsey snarled, hitting him on his torso and Axion let out a slight laugh.

” Come on inside then ” He ushered and they two stepped in. All this while, Gianna was staring at Axion dreamily.

” Have a seat ” Axion offered, and they both sat down.

” What would you like to drink, Gianna? ” He asked and Gianna’s heart skipped in warmth.

” Finally, he noticed me ” She smiled to herself.

” Juice ” She replied and, almost immediately, the fridge in the kitchen opened by itself and a bottle of pineapple juice flew out, followed by a glass cup. The juice and the cup placed themselves on the table before her.

” Your favorite ” Axion said.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

” Thank you ” Gianna smiled at him.

” Gianna told me you haven’t gone to the office for 4 days now. Is everything ok, Axion? ” Kelsey spoke up.

” Yes. I just don’t feel like ” Axion replied plainly.

” He’s the CEO aunt. Of course he can decide when to come to work or not ” Gianna joked, making Kelsey laugh slightly. Just then,

” Axion ” A voice called.

” Must it be now? ” Axion grunted, knowing who was calling him.

” Who is calling you Axion? ” Kelsey asked.

” I thought you lived alone, Axion. Who’s voice was that? ” Gianna asked, too.

Their questions were answered as Phoenix appeared before them, making both their eyes broaden.

Phoenix, on seeing Kelsey, frowned her brows in confusion. But immediately her eyes landed on Gianna, her heart skipped in fear. Goosebumps filled up her skin, making fear engulf her. And to worsen the matter, she and Gianna’s eyes locked.

” Why do her eyes look so familiar? Have I met her before? ” She thought to herself. Axion stood up and walked up to her and she quickly clinged to him.

” Axion, who are they? ” She asked in a frightened voice.

” You don’t have to know. Go back upstairs ” Axion replied coldly and she nodded sideways.

” I’m scared, Axion. I don’t want to be alone ” She pouted.

” I have some visitors to attend to. I’ll join you after I’m done with them, ok? ” Axion tried explaining.

” No ”

” Phoenix, don’t be stubborn now ” He eyed her.

” No ”

Axion was already losing it but tried hard to hold back his anger.

Kelsey and Gianna only stared at the two with lips parted in confusion.

” Axion, who is this lady? ” Kelsey spoke up, turning Axion’s and Phoenix’s attention to her.

” My girlfriend ” Axion lied without delay.

” Girlfriend?! ” Gianna exclaimed in shock, standing up and that startled Phoenix. She held on to Axion tighter, her heart already skipping in beats.

” Axion, why is she yelling at you? ” She asked with a sad pout.

” She is not, don’t worry ” Axion assured before looking at Gianna, who’s eyes were widened in great shock. Kelsey was shocked too.

” You have a girlfriend?! ” Gianna exclaimed yet again. Phoenix hugged Axion, burying her face on his chest in fear.

” Tell her to stop yelling Axion, I’m scared ” She mumbled, already crying.

” Glinda, can you lower your voice? ” Axion said to Gianna, who let out a scoff in disbelief. Kelsey stood up.

” Axion, how and why is she your girlfriend? ” She demanded.

” You know what mom? I’ll explain everything to you two later. Can you please leave, you are scaring her ” Axion answered, and Kelsey’s face grew pale in shock.

” Are you chasing me out of your house because of her? ”

” It’s not like that mom. Can you two please leave? I will explain everything to you later, please ” Axion requested.

” What? ” Kelsey scoffed in disbelief

” Mom, please ”

Gianna’s head, on the other hand, was spinning in confusion.

” Axion has a girlfriend? When? How? Why? ” Were the questions going on in her mind. She felt betrayed and cheated on.

” Gianna, can you take mom back? I’l visit tomorrow and explain everything ” Axion snapped her out. She looked at him and tears flooded her eyes. Not knowing what to say,

” Let’s leave, aunt ” She said to Kelsey before yanking her bag. Kelsey sent Axion one last glare before she and Gianna left.

Immediately the two left, Axion pulled Phoenix away from him, groaning in frustration. Heavens knows how much he wanted to yell at her and scold her, but staring at Phoenix’s innocent big teary eyes, he grew soft.

” Aunt Glinda, I can’t take this anymore ” He whined, his head bowed down.

” Did I do anything wrong, Axion? ” Phoenix’s teary voice made him look up.

” No, no, you didn’t ” He replied sharply.

” Then, why did they leave? ”

” They had something to handle, that’s why they left. It has nothing to do with you ” He lied with a faint fake smile. Phoenix sniffed back her tears, smiling broadly.

” I believe you ” She hugged him tightly.

Gianna and Kelsey were already inside their car, Kelsey’s blood boiling hot. Her face was already red with anger. Gianna, on the other hand, was trying hard to hold back her tears as her heart arched.

” This must be the reason why he hasn’t been to the office for days now. How could he do something like this to you? ” Kelsey spoke up.

” Aunt, I swear, I never knew he had a girlfriend. He never mentioned anything like that to me before ” Gianna replied and couldn’t hold back her tears. Kelsey hugged her, stroking her back to calm her.

” Don’t cry my dear, don’t cry ” She shushed, but Gianna just couldn’t stop crying.

” It hurts aunt. You know how much I love Axion. I can stand him not wanting to propose yet, but having a girlfriend… I can’t, aunt ” She sobbed.

” Shush, don’t cry, my dear. This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have fallen into a coma for that long ” Kelsey muttered.

” No, aun. This is my fault. I just kept my hopes too high. Maybe he just regards me as a friend. ”

” Don’t say that, Gianna. Axion loves you, I’m sure of that. Something must be wrong here. ”

” Why does he have a girlfriend, if he loves me? ”

” Axion can never have a girlfriend apart from you, Gianna. I’ll make sure of that ” Gianna pulled out from the hug.

” What’s the point, aunt? He loves someone else already. ”

” He doesn’t, ok? ” Kelsey snapped in anger. Exhaling,

” Listen to me Gianna, just let me fix this. I’ll make sure Axion comes back to you. You are the woman he loves and should be with and I’ll make sure of it ” She guaranteed in a calmer tone.

” And how are you going to do that? ” Gianna sniffed back her tears.

” I have a plan but you’ll have to help me carry it out…

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