Taming Faye

Chapter 125

Chapter 125

"Mummy and I have some good news to share with you"

The kids sat down there looking from one parent to the other.

Daylan put his arm around her shoulder " Your mom is having a baby, you two are going to have a young brother or sister"

"I want a sister" Tania said, jumping up she went an hugged her mother.

"What about you son? Do you also want a baby sister?" Daylan asked going over to sit beside his son.

Faye went over and got down on her knees in front of Alex " Are you not happy about the baby?"

Daylan hand stroked his son's hand as Faye looked up at him.

Alex lowered his eyes " You won't have anytime for us once the baby comes"

She lifted up his chin and looked straight into her son eyes " sweetheart you don't have to worry about that, nothing is going to change and I will always have time for you and Tania. I could have dozen of children and still have more than enough time for you"

Alex threw his arm around his mother neck hugging her " I love you Mom and iam happy about the baby" he said.

Later that night she laid in bed waiting for daylan, the event of the last past few days were slowly starting to fade, she knew that from now on their lives were going to be perfect and no one would hurt them again, moving her hand over her stomach she felt so blessed knowing a baby was growing inside her, one they thought was impossible according to the doctor. A smile appeared on her beautiful face when Daylan came out of the bathroom and getting into the bed, he was naked as usual.

"Now, what is that smile for?" He asked, climbing in next to her.

"Iam so happy to be home, in our bed"

"Oh, and here I was thinking it was because you saw me naked and you like what you are seeing" he said towering over her.

She laughed " well, I do like what iam seeing infact iam very much aroused"

"Are you now? Well just let me check" he said moving his hand down between her legs and finding she was wet, " oh yes you are and I can take care of that for you" he said, lowering his head to kiss her, using his finger to get her more excited. She ran her hand through his hair loving the way he was kissing her and how his finger were playing inside her.

Later they laid in each other arm.

"I have made the doctor's appointment for tomorrow,I wanted you to have full examination including blood test"

He held her as she drifted to sleep, he was still worried about her, the last birth was hard on her and he had almost lost her, so he was bout to make sure it never happened again. He would have the best doctor on standby and would make sure she went ok weekly appointment.

The next day after having breakfast with the family Stefan drove them to her doctor appointment and waited for them in the car.

Daylan went with her in the examination room, he insisted on being with her through everything, after the doctor welcomed the two he checked her out, before leaving the room he told her she could get dressed and wait in his office, ten minutes later the doctor came out with her chart in his hand.

The doctor sat down behind his desk and gave them both a smile, "of course you know you are pregnant Mrs sage, iam really surprised after reading your medical history according to all of the doctor reports it Should be impossible for you to get pregnant but you are close to four weeks long" NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

Daylan leaned forward " that is what we were told, now I want to know how safe this pregnancy is going to be on my wife"

"There are never any guarantee on any pregnancy, but after reading the chart and seeing that the virus your wife had as a child which affected her immune system seems to have gone away" he looked at faye " I see no problem ahead due to your husband request we will keep an eye on you, but as far as I can tell, you are in perfect health Mrs sage"

They Left the doctor office with Daylan feeling relieved.

"See, you have nothing to worry about my love" Faye said, stopping to give him a kiss.

"This baby is truly a miracle" he said, kissing her back.

After dinner and some family time, Daylan and Faye took the children upstairs for their bath and bedtime, once they were fast asleep she went downstairs with him and joined Stefan and viola for a drink, she only took a glass of juice.

A couple of hours later she excused herself to go to bed telling Daylan he could stay and talk a bit longer, when they two decided to turn in for the night Daylan and went up to check on Faye, seeing she was already fast asleep he figured he might as well go to bed too.

Removing his clothes he got into bed, pulling her into his arm he smiled when she moaned placing her head on his chest and her arm across his stomach.

As the day went by she still get tired easily even though her blood test came back normal, when she got to thirteen weeks in her pregnancy she went for her first ultrasound scan, everything came out Normal and the doctor could not find anything wrong and had no answer for her getting tired quickly.

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