Sweet Revenge: Jace & Emerald

Chapter 16

Jace lives in the penthouse of his company building. After Emerald left, he couldn’t bear to live in the mansion since he only remembered his wife there. But after what happened in the mall, he decided to go to the house where he lived with the woman he loved for a year.

“Do you want me to set the table for you, sir?” the butler asked as he sat on the couch in the living room, but Jace shook his head.

“Get me a bottle of whiskey and a glass.” He said before he leaned back and closed his eyes.

“But you haven’t eaten yet. It would be good if you put something in your stomach first,” the butler insisted. He was confident he could remind Jace since he had been working for their family for a long time. After Emerald left, Jessica asked him to look after her son, but young Higginson didn’t like it.

“Can’t you just do as I say? I’m not hungry, you can call Jack and ask him. We eat before we go our separate ways.” Jace replied, annoyed. Although he knew that the butler was just concerned about him, he still didn’t like the idea that he didn’t do what he wanted him to do.

“As you wish, sir.” The butler replied and left. After a few minutes, he returned with Jace’s request in his hands and put it on the center table in front of his master.

“Thank you.” Young Higginson said before the butler left him again.

Jace drank the whole bottle after a couple of hours, but he could still feel the pain of missing his wife. He got up from the couch and went upstairs to Emerald’s room. He opened the door and got in. Young Higginson smiled when his eyes landed on the bed and remembered how his wife looked in her sleep.

He sat on the bed and felt it before he lay down and closed his eyes as he imagined Emerald lying beside him. His tears roll down when reality hits him: his wife is gone and doesn’t love him anymore.

Jace got up and walked to the closet. He opened it and found the clothes that he had asked Nolan to buy for Emerald after their marriage. ‘She didn’t bring anything besides her things,’ he told himself. ‘I didn’t even see her wearing one of these,’ he continued as he slowly ran his fingers on the clothes hanging.

He averted his eyes, looked in the vanity mirror, and found the cosmetics that he had also asked Nolan to buy. He remembered how plain and simple Emerald was because she had never worn makeup except when he asked her to attend a party with him. ‘It was a very light makeup, but she looked beautiful.’ A smile appears on his lips when he remembers the dress he bought for him. He thought Emerald would look like nothing but an assistant after she wore it, but to his surprise, she still looked stunning. It was also the same clothes she wore on their 1st wedding anniversary and when she left the mansion. ‘Did you keep that dress, my wife?’ he asked himself. Hoping against hope that Emerald does because that only means she still cares for him, even for a bit.Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

In Emerald’s mansion, they had just got home, and Ace was already sleeping. “Thankfully, we ate out. If not, he won’t be able to have his dinner now.” Creep said as he walked up the stairs with little Ace in his arms, followed by Emerald and nanny Keng while Elise was left in the living room and waiting for them.

“You can put him here,” she told his friend while nanny Keng got Ace a change of clothes.

“He looks happy even in his sleep,” Creep commented as they looked at the boy.

“After everything he did earlier, who wouldn’t be so happy?” Emerald agreed and started changing the boy’s clothes, which Keng had handed her. After securing her son, she left the room with Creep and returned to Elise as the nanny stayed with the boy.

“Are you ready?” her friend asked when they were sitting on the couch.

“For what?” Emerald asked, confused.

“Seeing Jace again.” Young Morgan sighs heavily. She didn’t want to meet her ex-husband.

“I told Daryl to meet him in my stead.”

“You’re still angry at him?” Elise asked. Although she knew what had happened to her and Jace, she still didn’t like the idea of their divorce. It was not just them; she believed in the sanctity of marriage and that if a married couple could work things out and talk about their problems, separation wouldn’t happen, and it was unnecessary.

“I don’t know. After all that happens, I’m happy with my son now. I couldn’t ask for more besides finding nanny Lucy. I just hope Jace is not the one behind her disappearance.”

“You have a son. What are you going to do if he sees Ace? You can’t hide the fact that the boy is his. They look the same.” Creep said, and she nodded.

“I know that. Even if I want to tell Jace about our son, I don’t think he will accept him. What if he only hurt my boy? Ace is happy now, even without or not knowing him.”

“You know you can’t hide that fact forever, especially when you’re going to start working together. One way or another, Jace and Ace will eventually meet, whether you like it or not.” Elise reminded her of her worry. She couldn’t understand why she had agreed to collaborate.

“There’s still a chance that we won’t work together,” Emerald said,

“What is it?” the couple asked in unison.

“If I reject his proposal.”

“Are you sure? I mean, I’ve seen their initial offer, and I liked it. That’s why I told you about it.” Creep said.

“So, you’re planning on letting Daryl do the rejection?” Elise asked with curiosity,

“What if it didn’t go according to your plan? What if Jace insisted on meeting you? Surely, he will ask why it was rejected when we had already shown our interest in the project. He will surely ask for you.” Creep said.

“I’ll cross the bridge when I get there.” Elise and Creep roll their eyes at her while she laughs, trying to appear relaxed.

They discussed other company matters before Daryl arrived. “I didn’t know we had a meeting,” he commented after seeing them.

“You will be having a meeting with your boss on Monday, and you better be ready for what she asks you to do,” Creep said as he and his wife got up from the couch and prepared to leave.

“Wait, what was that about?” Daryl asked worriedly, but the couple and Emerald laughed at him, making him more worried. He knew how crazy his boss was and didn’t want to be part of her craziness.

“Goodnight, Daryl. I’ll go to my room”, Emerald said, walking her way to the stairs after the couple left.

“Wait, M. Tell me about it first,” Daryl said as he followed her.

“On Monday. I will tell you about it at work. For now, rest.” Emerald replied and continued walking until he reached her bedroom.

When she was alone, young Morgan couldn’t help but think about what they had talked about. She was worried that Jace would not accept Ace, so she didn’t want them to meet. But she also wanted her son to meet his father, and she couldn’t help but remember what happened after she left the mansion.

Creep destroyed all CCTV footage that captured her after she left the mansion. She didn’t want to be found and wanted to start anew in a place where no one would ever find her. With the help of Dr. Sanders, who managed to get her plane ticket and leave the country while Creep faked all her documents, Emerald went to Europe without sweat. She couldn’t believe it herself, but what could she do? Creep is the best when it comes to hacking.

When Emerald met Creep and Elise, she stayed in their apartment unit. The two were doing illegal things at the time but never got caught. But after she arrived, the couple decided to start anew and let young Morgan lead them.

Just like Creep suggested, they developed a game that they never thought would be welcomed by gamers around the world. It was a lucky strike, as they called it. But it wasn’t easy when they started it. They spent restless nights, especially Emerald’s, coding the game. After two months, they found out that she was pregnant.

They almost lost their hope because Emerald was having a hard time with her pregnancy. They had no money then, but Creep and Elise did everything they could to help her. Months passed, but young Morgan continued coding until she finalized it before giving birth.

Thanks to Liam, Emerald’s new friend, who knew about them but didn’t tell the government. He was also the one who helped them stay legally in Europe six months after they launched their game.

They treated Ace as their lucky charm because everything happened according to their plan after he was born. That’s why their company was named ACEGame-they ace the online game community. It’s Emerald’s one and only son’s name, which she never realized was after his father as well.

Emerald sighed after she remembered those times. Although she didn’t want to see her ex-husband anymore, she wanted to see him and tell him that she had become successful without him and that she didn’t need his money, which he thought she was after when they got married. Until now, she didn’t know where Jace got the idea that she was some sort of a gold digger. She wanted to know, but she never had a chance to ask him.

‘What if? What if I ask him now?’ she thought before she closed her eyes and slept.

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