Stuck between two bad boys


It’s not a nice place but since I would have my rest of mind there, I would surely prefer to stay there.

As I left it before, the place is at the back of the school’s cafeteria, you can hear whatever that is been said from inside.

It looks like an abandoned basketball pitch, well it is, but just that it has green lemon grass. The blocks to seats were still there same as an old kiosk.

“Better to be alone and peaceful than with people and not peaceful” I shrugged as I sat down on one of the blocks under the shade and began to eat.

I really haven’t eaten half of my bacon when I noticed someone seating at the opposite end of my direction. The person was staring straight in my direction and it freaks me out.

“Not now!!” I muttered.

I was about to ignore the person until I strain to see a familiar face. The scariest face I have ever seen and the next thing that came to my mind was to run.

“Devin Johnson?” I gasped.

My brows connected as I wondered why he would be having the same surname as me. Slowly as if I don’t want to get noticed, I held my tray and stop up slowly to leave the pitch.

His gaze was still fixed on mine and I was sure something was going on in his mind. I stood up and hurried away, I could not contain how freaked out I was until I reached somewhere far from him and sighed.

Well, I won’t lie to you all, I am scared of him but at the same time, I want to know him better. It’s the first time I am actually feeling like this for a person so I don’t mind taking the risk of getting my neck snapped on an abandoned Basketball pitch.

‘Who knows if we can really get along since we are both nerds’ I thought aloud as I contemplated what to do next.

Slowly as if my legs could not carry me well, I walked back to the pitch. I first popped out my head but when I found out that he was no longer staring in my direction, I increased my pace and head toward him.

His back was to me and I could not help but notice how broad his shoulders are. His arms were big just like Xavier’s own, without even bothering to touch or ask, I know they would be strong and he will always be doing fine in gym classes.

As I got a few steps closer, I noticed he stirred but didn’t turn back. It could be that he doesn’t want me to bother him or he doesn’t want to even talk to me.

What happened last week when Xavier entered the library flashed back. It was almost like it just happened and I had no choice but to feel embarrassed. I start to get every possible reason why it would not be advisable to start any Interaction with the weird loner.

It didn’t take much more time for me to start moving backward as quietly as possible. Immediately I was far enough, I turned and increased my pace until I convinced myself to just take one last peep at his back.

His dull grey eyes were staring into mine like they were something interesting he was watching. It was not really much of a surprise to see his face free of bruises. His neck had a slight bruise that you would not notice until you look well. His clenched fist had bruises, if possible, I can vouch that this Devin of a boy punches the wall every morning.

Over a minute has passed and I am still there, staring at his grey eyes while he just kept moving his eyes all over my body like checking me out. His shoulders dropped slowly as he turned away and tapped the space next to him.

“Come” He tapped the place again “Seat here”

It sounded more like an order and I was beginning to get pissed. I held my lunch to my chest and clenched my fist, the only thing stopping me from yelling at him and walking out us the sparkles in his charming eyes that kept luring me to my doom.

“Please join me” a small smile appeared on the left side of his cheek “Emily?” Devin said unsure as I moved closer.

With a weird smile on my face, I nodded. I sat beside him expecting something else to happen but nothing happened. We were just staring at the pitch, for me, I was enjoying the emptiness and void.

For Devin, I might say he has something else going on in his mind as his jaw bone kept moving. He kept cracking his knuckles, it appeared that the pop and bone-cracking sounds give him pleasure.

His gaze was fixed as if he forgot to blink. From the corner of his eyes, I know he was watching me drool over him.


What was I thinking?

Frankly, I know he is handsome but that doesn’t mean I should be checking him out. From what I observe so far, he seems to be the bad type. Not just bad, I mean literally bad and that alone is not a good idea.

He always has bruises and that means either he is a fighter or he is always picked at. Mere looking at him, I don’t think he might be bullied.

Even the bullies would not be able to focus on his handsome face and deadly-looking grey eye. I have not seen him for long but I can tell that he hardly smiles, his face is always in a thin line and I am sure it would scare every one away from him.

I stared at my bacon instead to keep staring at his face and making everything weird. Immediately I took a bite from it, I raised my head to see him staring at me. His face was clueless and I don’t know what he wants, I might not even know especially now that he raised one of his eyebrows.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Bacon,” I said as I gave some to him.

For a succinct moment, he stared at my face then the bacon. His untrusting eyes stopped on my lips as if trying to see if I truly are it or was just using it to make him eat it.

“It’s not poisoned” I muffled as I chew the bacon and swallowed “If you don’t want, I can eat it all” I began to eat my bacon again “I love a few things but I don’t joke with food,” I said in a matter of fact manner.

Well, I won’t lie, I love food, A lot. I like writing, K-pop, k-drama, Animies, and horror but I love food. Sometimes I wonder why I don’t get fat and why people end up staring at me as if they have not seen a teenager that loves to eat just like the way Devin stare at me with his mouth open.

For the first few seconds, I didn’t get what he was starting at until he raised his hand and touched the side of my mouth.

My cheeks grew hot and I began to blush badly. His warm thumb wiped the side of my mouth name I was sure that he was wiping away food particles.

I was hoping that his hand would leave my face but it didn’t. His fingertips brushed my lower lips as his gaze remain cold and clueless. He swallowed and licked his lower lips before lifting his gaze from my parted lips to my face.

“Uh?” I looked away from his luring eyes “Hi?” I said not sure of what else to say

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