Strings of Fate

Chapter 66

66- Promises and photos

I can’t help but smile and I tuck the note from Bellamy into a drawer I have in my kitchen. The one everyone seems to have that is full of random stationary, tea towels and other odds and ends. I tap Aaron on the arm to get his attention, he is preoccupied opening the packaging on my new microfibre cleaning cloths.

“Bellamy says we should negotiate a schedule or something for you. I work mostly evenings. and sometimes the lunch shift, but I never really start before eleven. Maybe we could make your start time nine and just take each day as it comes until we figure it out in more detail?” i suggest. Aaron nods. I already traded numbers with him and all the other guards I’ve had ages ago so that’s not a problem. I’m still not thrilled with having to have security in the first place, but this probably won’t be so bad. I pull out my phone and text Bellamy.

Ryann- Got your note. Of course I’m happy to have Aaron here. We’ve made a temporary plan until we work out our schedules a bit better. Thankyou for compromising and trying to see my side of things, I really do appreciate it.

I hesitate briefly before adding:

XO Ryann.

I hit send before I can overthink it too much. Blushing and hiding my face behind my slightly damp hair so that none of the guys will comment. Bellamy replies quickly.

Bellamy- Is that a promise?

Bellamy- Because this is. XOXOXO

I drop my phone and excuse myself to my room for a few minutes to get my laundry together. I need a second to compose myself. Bellamy’s blatant flirting is completely embarrassing. But I think, despite that, I do actually like it. It makes me feel wanted. Once I feel like I can face everyone without making a total fool of myself, I strip my bed and stack my blankets and sheets on top of my half full laundry hamper. It’s heavy and awkward and I stumble out of my room carrying it and doing my best not to tip it everywhere. Aaron takes it from me.


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“You don’t have to do that. I can carry it myself.” I point out. He shrugs.

“Of course miss Gale.” he responds but doesn’t give it back. Well, whatever. I pause a moment for Shaun to move out of the doorway and lead Aaron to the laundry room. Maggie installed two of those fancy washer/dryer machines. I usually try not to use both at once because someone else might want to use one, but I really want to get my bedding clean, it’s a big clean up day so screw it. I load them up and we head back to my home where I start scrubbing the kitchen. Aaron grabs a cloth and starts helping.

“Okay,you really, really don’t need to help me clean.” I insist, my arms crossed across my chest. Aaron just continues working. Seriously, he’s making me feel so guilty. He’s not here to


my work for me! He’s not done this before. But to be fair I’ve been making him stay outside for the last few months, and before that I wasn’t home much. Well whatever, he can. help out today if he wants to. I guess that it would probably get boring following someone around all day. I don’t think I could stand around and watch someone clean and not help. Once the kitchen is finished we all discuss lunch and decide to all throw in for pizza. Alex orders online from a laptop he brought with him. He mentions

something about needing it to check the cameras later. While we wait for the delivery I finish cleaning my bedroom and bathroom. Tired, but satisfied with my work, I collapse onto my couch with a plate of pizza when it arrives. All three guys join me for lunch, Aaron takes the couch beside me while. Shaun and Alex drag the chairs from my tiny table over so that we can all sit together.

“So how is it that you guys know how to change doors and install security cameras and stuff? Don’t you need licences and things? Like actual qualifications?” I question. Shaun looks at me.


“You’re only asking this now? We’ve been around for months! Alpha Kane manages several businesses that he inherited as Alpha. Most of them he delegates to others. The biggest one is a security company. Us Shifters do have an obsession with protecting and we’re all naturally paranoid. It’s a good fit for us. Alex runs the surveillance department. Aaron and I are usually assigned to more of the bodyguard roles, but we’ve all had practice setting up a site.” he explains. My jaw drops.

“Oh, I honestly had no idea. Thanks.” I resolve to ask Bellamy about these businesses he’s apparently responsible for later. I know he’s the Alpha but I didn’t realise there were actual official businesses. No wonder he’s so busy. I suppose his money has to come from somewhere, he and Megan certainly have never appeared to be hurting for cash.


66- Promises and photos This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

After lunch Aaron and I grab my laundry and at my direction he dumps it all in the corner of my room by my bed.

“I’ll sort it out later. I don’t really feel like it right now.” Okay so really I just hate folding laundry. It’s pretty much my least favourite household chore. Procrastinating, I decide to watch a movie in the living room

instead. I consider picking something everyone will enjoy but none of the guys are paying any attention to me at all. Shaun is on a step ladder hooking up some kind of wire to my windows. Alex is showing Aaron something on his laptop that looks like some kind of digital sketch. A plan of some kind? I throw on a romcom that I’ve

up on the couch. probably watched a dozen times, grab one of my clean blankets and curl up Alex and Shaun bicker about the best placement for the wiring and I take the time to check in on Megan. I contemplate the best way to ask how she is holding up without seeming like I’m checking in on her. Since she’s all about avoidance and distractions right now. I lean back on the couch and take a selfie where the guys are visible in the background, although they all

have their backs to me.

Ryann – Contemplating if your brother is completely overdoing it with the whole security thing or if I’m getting out of this easy. Thoughts? -IMG 002-

It doesn’t take her long at all to answer.

Megan- Depends, what exactly have you guys agreed to?

Megan- And tell everyone I said hi!

I pass on her message. Shaun and Alex both enthusiastically call out greetings. Aaron waves. I can’t help but giggle at his silent response.

Ryann- They said hi back, well Aaron waved but same thing. XD And I agreed to a guard during the day and a new security system at my place.

Ryann- Also Aaron volunteered to become my permanent guard. Any ideas why he would do that??? It can’t be that interesting a job…

Megan- You got out of that easy. I bet my brother lasts one night leaving you alone. And Aaron obviously volunteered because you’re going to be Alpha with my brother one day and the job is considered an honour. If you went public with my brother I’m pretty sure you would


66- Promises and photos

have dozens of volunteers. He’s being sneaky and getting in early. Smart guy!

Ryann- I have no idea how I am meant to respond to that so I am going to just gloss over it. Anyway, how’s your day going?

When my phone goes off next I expect it to be a message from Megan but I’m surprised to see that it’s Harrison.

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