Strings of Fate

Chapter 54

54- Return and relax

“Hello?” I’m surprised to hear Megan on the line instead of Darrien.

“Ry! Are you okay? You’ve been gone a while. You aren’t off crying again or something are you? Are you still with Bellamy?” She blurts out her questions one after the other, not giving

me a chance to answer.

“Woah, woah, Megan. Calm down. I’m fine. I’m with Bellamy right now. I should be asking if you’re okay?” I turn the question back to her. She is quiet for a moment.

“I’m okay. Today clearly did not go how I had planned. But I’m okay. Tomorrow I’ll be a little more okay. I- I didn’t want to kill him Ry, but I couldn’t let him hurt Darrien.” Megan is crying now. Shoot, I didn’t mean to make her cry. I can hear Darrien attempting to soothe her. He takes the phone from her..

“She’s okay, just in shock. I’m taking her home. Aaron and Shaun are seeing to Tristan.” he explains.

“Should I come look after her?” I ask. I can hear him repeat my question for Megan.

“She says

if things are going okay with her brother then she definitely does not want you to come. I’ll take care of her Ryann. I promise. She won’t be alone.” He adds, I know he’s sincere. No one worries about Megan more than Darrien does. I actually feel sort of guilty for ditching her, I probably should have picked a better time to talk to Bellamy, but I’m pretty sure if I didn’t say it right away I’d have chickened out.

“Okay then, if that’s what you both want.” I notice Bellamy gesturing that he wants the phone. I hand it to him.

“She’s okay?” His expression shows relief when Darrien answers.

“Good, don’t leave her alone.” Another pause.

“That’s good, thank them for their help for me. I’m going to take Ryann home.” He smiles.


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“Yes. Alright I’ll tell her. Okay, bye.” Bellamy hangs up and hands the phone back to me.

“Darrien said to tell you I told you so.” He chuckles and I roll my eyes. Bellamy offers me his


“Can I take you home Ryann?” I smile at him and take his arm.

“Please take me home. I’m so tired.” He leads me to his car and pulls keys out of his pocket to

let me into his car.

“My bag, it’s still in Megan’s room. My key is in it.” I suddenly realise.

“I’ll grab it, wait here.” Bellamy dashes off and into his home. He returns quickly and hops into the driver’s seat. He hands me my bag and we head off. The adrenaline must be wearing off, because I find it more and more difficult to stay awake. When I’m home I let us in, Bellamy trailing awkwardly behind me, and I kick off my heels. Bellamy raises an eyebrow at the chaos that is my living area.

“You built a fort?” he questions. I shrug.

“I was sad.” I give as an explanation. Bellamy makes a face. He steps closer to examine my

handiwork then freezes.

“The Incubus?” he questions, his posture is stiff again. I roll my eyes. Shifters sense of smell seems to cause more drama than it prevents.


my friend. He helped me build the fort. Then we watched cartoons together.” I remind him. I have no doubt that Aaron passed on the story earlier. Bellamy sighs.

“And that’s all?” he confirms. I shrug.

“Well he did do one other thing…” Bellamy’s eyes shoot up to mine, a look of pure fear and horror on his expression that makes me feel bad for teasing him.

“He told me to talk to you and to be honest even if I’m not sure what to say.” Bellamy visibly



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“Actually, I probably need to call Harry, I promised to keep him updated.” Bellamy makes a face and I poke his arm.

“Don’t be a baby. I’ll put him on speaker so you can listen if it makes you feel better.” Bellamy shrugs but inches closer to me. I make the call. Harry picks up after only a couple of rings and I immediately put the phone to speaker. All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

“Hi Harry, you’re on speaker. Bellamy is here too.” I tell him cheerfully

“Well that’s a good sign. Hey Alpha, did your sister pass on my message to you?” Bellamy

looks confused.

“I’m thinking that’s a no Harry.” I tell him.

“I asked her earlier to tell you to stand down, we were just kids when Ryann made it very clear that she was waiting for her fate and that no one else would do. You have nothing to worry about from me, or anyone else really.” I roll my eyes, but Bellamy actually looks. pleased.

“I’m glad to hear it.” Bellamy’s response is smu

I groan out loud. Boys are stupid.

“Okay, well I just wanted to call and tell you that you can stop worrying about me. We’ll have to get lunch in the next couple days alright?” I wrap up the phone call. I am so ready to just go to bed. Harry says goodbye and hangs up. I grab an armful of my blankets and pillows. from the fort and Bellamy does the same. I hesitate when I reach the doorway to my room though. Didn’t I promise I wouldn’t just let Bellamy come and go here as he pleases? I glance back at him. He seems happy, and exhausted. Practically dead on his feet. Maybe I can let it slide. I dump everything on the half–stripped bed and begin laying out the blankets. It doesn’t need to be tidy, just comfy. Up until now, I thought it was pretty clear that I just wanted to go home and sleep, but I’m suddenly uncomfortable. What if Bellamy is expecting something else? I grab my unicorn pyjamas and flee to the bathroom to change. Pyjamas make a clear point, right? When I emerge, Bellamy is standing awkwardly by my bed. His face is red.

“Can I sleep with you?” he blurts out. I flush red and stare at him in shock. He realises how that sounds and quickly backtracks.

“That’s not what I meant. I promise! It came out wrong. I mean sleep, actual sleep. I haven’t


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slept well in months. Not since the last time I stayed here. I can’t sleep well without you anymore.” He seems completely embarrassed at the admission.

“Megan said something about that… what do you mean?” I ask. Bellamy shrugs.

“I relax around you, more than I do with anyone else. It was only a couple days but I got used to that feeling. Now I can’t seem to sleep well without it. You’ve spoiled me.” He gives me a half smile, but I can tell it isn’t really a joke. Not sure how else to respond, I give him a nod. If all he wants is sleep, I can give him that.

“I haven’t been sleeping well either.” I admit. I climb onto my bed and crawl to the far side that goes up against the wall. Bellamy yanks his tie off and throws it on the ground, then undoes his top two buttons. I never opened my curtains but there’s a crack in them from when I was too lazy to fix it a couple nights back. Bellamy quickly yanks it so it blocks out the bright light. It’s hard to believe that it’s only just about midday. It feels much later. I slip under the blankets and try to stay calm as Bellamy slips in next to me. He moves quickly and settles awkwardly on the edge of the bed, like he’s worried I’m going to kick him off any second. He flicks off my lamp. We both stay still, lying awkwardly and stiffly for a minute or two, then Bellamy groans and I can hear him moving next to me. My heart almost leaps out of my chest when he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close against him. My back to his front. He whispers in my ear.

“Is this okay?” Is it okay? I was fine sharing my bed with him before, but it feels kind of different now. He has to be able to feel my heartbeat racing, how embarrassing.

“It’s okay right now.” I whisper back. I freeze up a little as I feel Bellamy place a light kiss in my hair, but as I feel him relax behind me, I eventually do the same. All my stress and frustration from the last few

months drains out of me and I find myself drifting off into blissful sleep.

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