Strings of Fate

Chapter 34

Strings of Fate

34- Crumbs and compromise

I immediately feel guilty.

“Sorry, I know my eyes make people feel awkward, I shouldn’t have asked I-” he stops me.

“Miss Gale, I submitted. I wasn’t uncomfortable. You’re just more dominant than I am. Alpha Kane must be correct about you. At the very least you’re more dominant than I am.” he explains. I frown.

“I don’t know, I’m not even a Shifter. This doesn’t make any sense to me.” Shaun shrugs.

“It makes sense to me. It explains how you talk back to the Alpha the way you do. I could never manage it. Not unless he allowed me to.”

“Which really ruins the whole point of talking back.” I comment. Shaun shrugs. I feel awkward again, I don’t want to participate in another conversation about my interactions with Bellamy. I decide to avoid further conversation by heading back inside. I grab the empty

plate from the windowsill where Shaun placed it.

“Well, thanks for your help. I should put this inside and attempt to get some sleep…” I trail off when I realise that Shaun isn’t actually listening. He’s tense and seems to be looking for

something in the street.

“Shaun?” I question. I place a hand on his arm to get his attention.

“Go back inside. I think someone might be out here. They left when they saw me but I think. it might have been Shifters, not feline though. Go in and lock the door until we know it’s safe.” He gently, but

firmly pushes me inside and closes the door. I lock it and then stand there in shock. Still holding the crumb covered plate. I quickly put it in the kitchen before heading back to my room. I curl up under my blankets where I feel safe. About five minutes later, although it feels like an hour, my phone rings. Caller ID says it’s Bellamy. In my sort of out–of–it state, all I can think is that I need to take a photo of him for the caller I.D. I already set the one of Megan in her new dress as her photo. Oh shoot, the phone is still ringing. I should probably answer. I answer the call. Content bel0ngs to Nôvel(D)r/a/ma.Org.


“Ryann! Are you okay? Why did you take so long to answer?” Bellamy sounds like he is freaking out a little.

“I’m fine. I was just distracted is all. I’ve literally just been sitting here.” When Bellamy responds his voice is much calmer.

“Shaun called and said he thinks there were other Shifters around. They’re definitely gone now and he will keep an eye out in case they come back so everything should be okay.” He pauses for a moment then groans.

“I wish I could come and check everything out for myself but there’s no time, I’ll have to just trust Shaun. He doesn’t recognise the Shifter’s scents, but he knows they aren’t feline. I’ll have to look into it immediately.”

“Okay.” I respond shortly. I’m still annoyed with Bellamy. I answered his call because it would be kind of cruel to leave him hanging, but I still don’t really feel like chatting. I glance at the time, it’s already past ten at night. Bellamy is quiet on the other end. After a few moments waiting I break the silence.

“Well… if that’s the only reason you called… it’s kinda late…”

“No, wait. Uh… I want to talk about what happened earlier.” I have to fight not to groan. Bellamy must be the only guy on the planet that actually WANTS to talk after an argument. I think I liked it better when he just gave me food and ignored me. Okay, maybe not since that

was part of the issue to start with.

“I don’t know what you want me to say Bellamy.” I try and keep my voice calm. No need to act like a cranky toddler who missed an afternoon nap. Although I kind of feel like one right


“I don’t know what to say either. I just… I don’t want to go to sleep tonight knowing that you’re mad at me. I want to fix it but the more I think about it the less sure I am of why you’re mad and the more confused I get.” I sigh.

“Bellamy, you won’t let me invite people into my own home.” I say, like it’s obvious.

“I didn’t say people, I said men.” His response sounds like he is sulking.


“It doesn’t matter, the point is that you can’t just tell me what to do and expect me to obey you. Why shouldn’t I invite a man over? What do you know about my intentions?” Bellamy is quiet for a moment. I would think he hung up but I can still hear him breathing on the other end and… growling? Did I go too far? No he needs to understand this. I’m not some toy he can play with and put away when he doesn’t need me. I’m a person with my own opinions

and will.

“Nothing.” He finally grunts.

“Sorry?” I ask a little confused.

“I said nothing okay! I know nothing about your intentions or what want from people, I know nothing about anyone’s intentions! That’s what makes this so frustrating!” We both fall silent. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to say in response to his outburst. He seems uncomfortable with the quiet.

“What about dinner?” he suddenly blurts out. I’m confused.


“Dinner. You threw money at me for dinner. Why? Why is it such a big deal if I pay for the food?” he sounds genuinely confused.

“Because I can take care of myself!” I insist.

“I never said you couldn’t”

“It’s implied.”

But I don’t mean for it to be. I just wanted to pay and I can afford it so why shouldn’t I, particularly if I’m the one inviting you for dinner.” He caus it like it’s a logical conclusion. I groan out loud this time.

“But that’s not how it works! It’s… unbalanced if you pay all the time. I’ll owe you. I won’t be able to pay you back.”

“But I’m not asking you to pay me back. It’s a gift. You don’t owe me when I feed you.” He


now sounds beyond confused. How is he not getting this?

“Bellamy, we’re friends right?” I state bluntly. He pauses slightly before responding.

“Uh… yes?”

“So, if you pay for everything, and go out of your way to take care of me, and do me favours all the time, the entire friendship will be unbalanced. Because what am I bringing to the table? If I don’t contribute then I’m not a friend so much as a responsibility.” I try and explain. Bellamy protests.

“But that’s not how it works! You contribute other things. You make me laugh, you try and understand and put up with my different culture I don’t think you realise how valuable that is. You treat me like a friend rather than just an Alpha. People spend all day following my orders and doing things for me. Can’t you let me have this one bit of chivalry?” I suddenly really wish I could see his face. It’s hard to judge over the phone, but I actually think he

means it.

“Look, Bellamy. I’m still not really sure about your logic here. But I’ll drop the dinner thing for now. It annoyed me, but I’m probably being a little dramatic about it too. I’m not used to

people trying to take care of me. Other than Maggie, and even that bothers me a bit. Not to mention I’m a bit sensitive about money.”

“What about the other thing?” he questions.

“Look, I won’t just do as I’m told. It’s not your choice who I invite into my home. You have no

say over it, even if you are trying to protect me. You need to trust my judgement.” Bellamy


“I do trust your judgement, when you know what you’re judging. But you don’t know much

about Shifters.” he reminds me.

“So explain.”

“I… I’m not sure how, and if I do explain I’m sure to miss things that I just take for granted.”

“So you won’t even try?” My tone is annoyed again now.


“How about a compromise?” Bellamy offers.

“I’ll explain as best I can when we have a chance to talk properly. In the meantime, text me if you’re inviting people into your home and promise me you won’t invite any other men into your room?” 1 frown to myself at the phrase, other men. It’s like it still hasn’t even occurred to him that I might want to invite a guy into my room, even after all his growling earlier. I mean, I don’t. But still. I also don’t miss that he has excluded himself from the blanket ban

on guys. I decide that I can agree to his requests, but since he and I are not together, then he should be banned as much as any other guy.

“Fine, it’s not like your minions wouldn’t tell you if I were to invite people over anyway, and from now on, no men are allowed into my room.”

“Thank you.” He sounds pleased. I’m fairly sure it hasn’t occurred to him that the ‘no men‘ rule extends to him as well. I wonder if it will annoy him. Probably not, I doubt he will actually notice. The last two nights where he stayed over were a complete fluke. I was scared at first and then I got carried away. There’s no reason why he should be staying the night again. Except for our red thread I remind myself. No, that means that we WILL be together, not that already. Our argument tonight just proves that we aren’t ready for any kind of

we are

relationship like that.

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