Strings of Fate

Chapter 24

Strings of Fate

24- Heels and hugs

I read the note, then re–read it again. Hellamy apologised? To me? I am in complete shock. But why? Not to mention, I was never upset with him. I hadn’t even considered that the attack was any fault of his or that I should blame him for it. He must have been feeling really guilty if he actually decided he needed to apologise. I collapse into a nearby chair at a currently unoccupied table and drop my head into my hands. I can’t believe he apologised, True, it was via a note. But I have no problem with that. Direct or not, the apology was sincere and that’s all I care about. I’m struck by the desire to see him and to give him a hug. For now, I content myself with writing him a text.

Ryann- There was never anything you needed to apologise for. If I did anything to make you feel that there was then I’m sorry, I accept your apology as unnecessary as it may be. Your gesture was also unnecessary and a little nosy, but it was sweet and I am grateful for it. I have to start work now, but it will be a pleasure knowing that when I take these shoes off at the end of the evening, I won’t ever have to wear them again.

Thanks again!

I hesitate for a few seconds before I hit send. The phone vibrates with a response only seconds after I send it.

Bellamy Have a good shift. Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

I smile as I stick my phone back into my pocket and ready myself to work.

My shift felt like it lasted forever. Still, it’s finally over and I can go home. My feet are killing me, I am really not looking forward to the walk home. On the bright side, I can ditch the shoes. Maybe I should

walk home barefoot… It would probably be easier. I remember that Bellamy said he would send someone to keep me safe tonight. I wonder who, and when. I’m just cleaning the dishes off of one last table when I notice Bellamy entering Borderline. I immediately drop the dishes back on to the table and dash to meet him. He seems surprised. But his look of shock is nothing compared to how he totally freezes when I throw caution to the wind. I hurl myself at him in a hug. I desperately wanted to hug him after I read his note earlier and that desire hadn’t faded as I worked. In fact, the more my feet began to suffer the more I began to appreciate what he had done for me. Because of this, by the end of my shift, I don’t think I have ever appreciated anything or anyone as much as I appreciate Bellamy


Emergency calls only

24- Heels and hugs





right now. After a few seconds, he breaks through his shock and wraps his arms around me, hugging me back. I sink into the hug.

“Is something wrong?” he sounds nervous. I laugh as I pull away from the hug. He seems

st reluctant to let go.

“Nope, everything is just fine.” I smile at him. He looks even more nervous. I suppose I’ve never greeted him in such a friendly manner before.

“I was just thinking, my feet hurt.” Bellamy gives me a relieved grin.

“Ahh, well. That’s why I’m here. I thought I should protect you from those evil shoes and save you the walk home.” He explains. I nod.

“Thanks, I’ve just gotta take these last dishes. I’ll be back in two seconds.” With that, I dash off to return the dishes I abandoned when Bellamy entered. It takes less than a minute for me. to return to where he still stands waiting for me. He offers me his arm.

“Shall we?” I laugh.

“We shall.” I declare, taking his arm. He leads me outside to where his car waits and opens the door for me. I hop in and he takes the driver’s seat and pulls away from the curb, driving towards my home..

“So, I thought you said you would send someone to get me, although honestly I had totally forgotten until a few minutes ago.” I admit. Bellamy shrugs.

“My evening opened up unexpectedly. I decided I may as well just come check on you myself. Plus, I sort of wanted to confirm that you really weren’t mad at me or anything. I mean, you said you weren’t, but…” he trails off. 1 roll my eyes dramatically.

“Have I ever hesitated to tell you when you’re irritating me before?” I question. Bellamy

shakes his head no.

“Then you can assume that I wouldn’t hesitate now. Don’t worry about it okay” Bellamy looks pleased.


24 Heels and hugs

It only takes a couple minutes to reach my home. As seems to be usual now, Bellamy rushes. to get my door for me and offers me his arm. I don’t miss his wary demeanour. He is alert and clearly ready for any surprises that might come our way. I pause at the bottom of the stairs and use Bellamy’s arm to steady myself as I yank my heels off. I am not climbing to the third Bloor in heels. We head up and I unlock the door. I don’t hesitate, I walk straight in and chuck my heels straight in the rubbish bin by the counter, Bellamy laughs as he closes and locks the door behind us.

“So, are you staying for dinner? I was just planning to order pizza.” I offer. Bellamy looks. uncomfortable.

“Well, actually. I told the guy 1 originally arranged to keep an eye on your place tonight that he could take the night off. So I’m technically planning to stick around all night. But I’ll stay. outside and out of your way if it’s an issue.” He offers. I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow. I want to be annoyed at him, but he’s been so sweet today and I know he’s just worried about

1. me.

“You really don’t need to babysit me. I seriously doubt anyone is going to come after me or anything.” I point out. Bellamy shakes his head.

“They came after us before because I was there, but they attacked at your home. They know where you live and that I’ve offered you protection. It’s my fault that they could be targeting you. Please let me at least take responsibility for that.” He states seriously. I consider for a


“Do you actually think I could be in danger?” I ask. Bellamy nods.

“In that case I suppose you can stay. I don’t particularly want to be attacked by Vampires again. But I’m not going to send you outside, that’s just silly. Now, what kind of pizza do you want?” I pull my phone out and start dialling the closest pizza joint.

Thirty minutes later we’re sprawled out on my bedroom floor with the pizza which Bellamy somehow managed to pay for before I got a chance to grab my purse. I’ve changed into my unicorn pyjamas and Bellamy is currently scrolling through Netflix on my laptop trying to pick something for us to watch. He settles on a superhero movie. I’ve seen it before but I don’t mind watching it again. Halfway through the movie I pause and take the leftover pizza to the fridge. I should really say my leftover pizza because Bellamy finished all his. I head


24- Heels and hugs

back and shift the laptop up onto my bed and settle in. I pat beside me for Bellamy to sit. He looks unsure.

“I don’t want to accidentally fall asleep again.” He admits. I shrug. Does it really matter? He already slept here once, another time won’t make all that much difference. Mostly I just don’t want to stay sitting on the floor.

“Just sit.” I demand. Bellamy caves, kicks his shoes off and takes the spot beside me. When the movie finishes I look over and realise that Bellamy has in fact fallen asleep again.

I stifle a giggle. I carefully close the laptop and try to move it off the bed without waking him but I fail. His eyes flash open and he glances around. He immediately realises what happened and swears under his breath as he sits up.

“Damn it. I did it again. I’ll move.” He grumbles. I shake my head.

“Don’t bother. I don’t really have a spare mattress for you or anything. One more night won’t make a difference. You’ve been a gentleman thus far, I don’t see any reason why that would change.” Okay so I’m actually testing a theory here. Bellamy has been a little wound up and antsy since he picked me up. Not in a way that makes me think he’s being a jerk. More in a ‘stressed out and having trouble relaxing‘ type way. He always seems to be in a better mood after spending time with me which makes sense based on what I’ve been told about Shifters. I really want to know if I’m just imagining it, but mostly I’m hoping it will help him relax a little. I might be hiding the fact that I’m supposed to be his mate from him but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to help him if I can.

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