Stolen Virtue

Chapter 14: Queen Bs

It was Monday, the day for me to return to my own house, and sleep in my own bed. No more curling up in bed with Clyde, no more late-night kisses. It was time to return to my own life. What could possibly go wrong, right?

“So, have you heard?”

I stared blankly at Sanity. What was it that I’m supposed to have heard? She looked at me waiting for an answer, I dropped my half-eaten sandwich back onto the plate and decided to play her game.

“Ok, I give up. What should I have heard?”

If it was another rumour about Clyde supposedly cheating, I was seriously going to scream.

For two weeks I’ve had to endure gossip, rumours and bitchy comments. I really didn’t think I could have taken anymore. Every time I walked the halls without Clyde by my side, all the vultures came out and attack. I’ve been called, a bitch, a slut, easy, an attention-seeking whore and my all-time favourite, Clyde’s newest piece of ass. So original right?

At first, it was the girls that would come up to me, claiming that Clyde was sleeping with them. Saying that they were just concern that I was in over my head, and a guy like Clyde needs a little fun in his life, and someone like me simply can’t satisfy him.

Then there were the ones, who put their underwear in his locker or his car. I mean, come on. Get a life, people. Why would anyone want to do something so dumb? And they call me an attention-seeking whore.

At first, I was hurt by it all. I wanted to know why they would go that far, as to want to break up my relationship. Clyde showed no interest in them what so ever, so why throw yourself at a guy who clearly didn’t want you. I didn’t get it. Now I’m not hurt, I’m just pissed and mad as hell. I was tired of it all, so forgive me if I didn’t want to hear about the newest rumour.

“The murders?”

Sanity stared at me like I’ve been living under a rock. My eyebrows knitted in confusion.

“Uh, what murders? What are you talking about?”

Sanity rolled her eyes and sighed in frustration.

“Seriously Juliet, what have you and Clyde been doing together?” She looked at the blush on my face and rolled her eyes again.

“Ugh! Please don’t answer that. Anyway, two girls have been murdered in the last two weeks.”

My eyes went wide. “Ohmygod! That terrible. How did they die? Did they catch the person who did it?”

I felt really horrible, here I was feeling sorry for myself and bitching about my life when those poor girls don’t even have a life anymore. Sanity looked around the cafeteria, then leaned in and whispered.

“They were raped and beaten to death. The police are still looking for the killer.”


They were raped. Memories from that night started to flood my mind. Memories I’ve tried very hard to bury. Clyde and I’ve been trying to find out from people who were at the party if they saw or heard anything strange. However, everyone was too wasted to remember. I was still scared to be alone and I still have nightmares, but I’ve been trying to put it behind me and not let it rule my life. Now girls being raped and murder on the news was bringing it all back.

“Juliet, are you listening? Did you hear what I just said?”

Sanity waited patiently for me to answer. I was still a little overwhelmed, but I tried to clear my head and listen to what she was saying.

“Sorry San, what were you saying?”

Sanity grunted. “Can you not think about Clyde for one second, this is important? Anyway, like I was saying, the girls who were killed, were teenagers. One was 16 and the other was 18. And get this, they were both named Juliet.”

“Wait, what?”

Ok, I am officially freaked out. Young girls are being raped and murdered and both were named Juliet. Can this just be coincident? It had to be, right? Sanity continued.

“Yeah, weird right? But that’s not the only thing, the cops are calling the murderer, the letters to Juliet killer. Because both girls were clutching a letter, on the envelope it said, To Juliet and inside on a pink piece of paper, was written, Sa oled nii kaunis. I looked it up it means, you are so beautiful.”

My face had gone pale white, the memory of that night came back to me. Those word being whispered to me. I felt like I couldn’t breathe, I needed air. I needed to get the hell out of there. I needed Clyde.

I jumped from my seat, knocking over my half-eaten lunch. Causing everyone to look my way. I didn’t care I just had to get the hell out. I knew that it wasn’t a coincidence, the same words that were said to me, being left on those dead girls. What if this psycho comes after me? And why did he not kill me like he did those girls?

I run into the hall, searching up and down for Clyde. I saw him standing at his locker, talking to Amy. I rushed to him, calling his name. When he saw me, he left Amy and run to meet me halfway. I threw myself into his arms, I was crying and talking, but Clyde wasn’t getting what I was saying. He led me away into an empty classroom when I started to cause a scene.

When we were alone, he asked.

“Ok, Juliet, tell me what happened? Did the guys say anything to you? Was it the triplet? Please talk to me.”

I tried to calm myself, taking deep breaths and focusing on Clyde. I was not alone, no one was coming to kill me. Maybe I’m overreacting. But deep down I knew I wasn’t. When I got back some of my bearings, I took a deep breath and said.

“There’ve been two murders. Two teenage girls Clyde, both name Juliet. They were both raped.”

I started to freak out again. What if this person was watching me, stalking me? Could it be someone I’ve seen before or even someone I knew? Clyde held me close, soothing my tears. He tilted my face, looking into my eyes.

“It could just be a coincidence, maybe it has nothing to do with you.”

I shook my head furiously. “No! It’s not Clyde. Sanity said both girls were found with a letter and in the letter the words, Sa oled nii kaunis was written. I heard those same words that night. Whoever drugged me that night, kill those girls. I’m scared Clyde, I’m really scared.”

“Are you sure Juliet? You were really out of it that night, can you be sure of what you heard.”

I pulled back to look at him. My face showing the hurt I felt. Did he think I made it up?

“Yes, I’m sure Clyde, I know what I heard.” I started shaking. What was I supposed to do? Would this person come after me to finish what he started?

Clyde held me close, stroking my hair as I cried. I was so scared, just the thought of some psycho killer out there waiting to catch me alone, terrified me. What was I supposed to do, should I tell someone? Would that make it better or would that make the killer mad?

“We’ll get through this Juliet, I promise. No one is going to hurt you, once we catch this psycho, you’ll be able to put this all behind you.”

The rest of the week went along unhinged, there were no more murders and Clyde hadn’t left my side. I was back home and Clyde would pick me up in the mornings and drop me back off after school. I started to feel less uneasy. Maybe this guy just forgot about me.

Clyde, Henry, Sanity and I started to eat lunch together. Henry and Sanity were getting pretty close. He seems to have changed since being around her. He was not so much of a dick anymore. As we were eating lunch, I started to check my pocket for my phone. Then I remember I left it in my locker. Sighing I said.

“I left my phone in my locker, I’m gonna go get it. Be back in a sec.”

I got up and so did Clyde. “No baby, you stay. I’ll just be a sec, I promise.” I told his frowning face. He sat back down, and I ran into the hall to get my phone.

I had my phone in my hand, making my way back to the cafeteria when I saw Dillon coming out of the science room.


I yelled, making him turned around. I made my way to him, with a smile on my face. I missed my best friend, I didn’t understand why he couldn’t forgive me for what happened.

When I was standing in front of him, he asked.

“What do you want, Juliet?”

My smile slipped from my face and was replaced with sadness.

“Dillon please, you have to forgive me. I need you in my life, we’ve been best friend since forever. I love you like a brother.”

Dillon looked at me then started laughing. “I don’t wanna be your best friend or your brother Juliet. I want what you’re giving to him, I want all of you or none of you.”

Tears settled in my eyes. “Dillon, please.” I pleaded. “Please understand, I don’t love you that way and I never will. You deserve someone who will love you back, the way you love them and I’m not that someone.”

Dillon looked at something over my shoulders, then said. “You would have been if he didn’t steal you away from me. Look, Juliet, just keep away from me ok, I don’t wanna be your bitch anymore. You’ve got him, you don’t need me.”

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving me standing there, feeling like I’ve lost a part of me.

I felt Clyde slipped his hands around me and I turned and buried my face in his chest, sobbing.

“Shh Juliet, it’s ok. He’ll come around in time.”

I looked up at him with my grief-stricken face and asked, “Why would he want to?”

Clyde kissed the top of my head then answered, “Because no one can resist your charms for long. You make everyone’s life a little brighter.” I hugged him close, telling him, thank you. We then made our way back to join the others.

It was Friday, so Clyde was coming over to spend the weekend with me. My Mom was ok with it since she met Clyde and was very impressed with him. She called him a perfect gentleman. She said she wished more young men had his ambition and loyalty and have a direct approach to life the way he does. Her words, not mine. My Mom was in love with my boyfriend.

Sanity was getting suspicious, she knew something was going on because Clyde wouldn’t let me out of his sight. He walked me to every class and waited after ever class for me.


I was waiting for Clyde to finish his Glee practice. Sitting in the hallway, listening to him sing with a smile on my face. A shadow was cast over me and I looked up to see who it was. Standing above me looking down were the three Bs.

I rolled my eyes and looked away from them, I so didn’t have time to deal with their bullshit. A ping came through to my phone and I smiled when I saw it was Clyde.

Upset because I was ignoring them, Brenda grabbed my phone out of my hands forcefully. I jumped up trying to get my phone away from her. However, Brittany and Brianna held me back. They were laughing and grabbing my hand very hard. Brenda started reading my text out loud and I got really pissed.

“Ooh, listen to this, girls. Sorry to have you waiting baby, will be out soon to take care of you.”

Whilst Brittany and Brianna held me, Brenda came up into my face. She forcefully held my jaw, squeezing. I tried to turn my face away from, but I was overpowered by them. The hatred I saw in her eyes was frightening. Her voice was venom-filled when she spoke.

“Listen to me Bitch, Clyde’s just using you, and you’re even more pathetic than I thought you were if you think he has any feelings for you.”

She paused, increased the pressure on my jaw then continued. “You think you’re special because you’re with Clyde, but you’re not special, you just an invisible nobody, who Clyde feels sorry for. He’s just being sweet because he realised that your life was not worth living. He probably saved you from killing yourself just like your pathetic sister.”

When she was finished insulting me, Brittany and Brianna let go of me, walking over to Brenda. I rubbed at the spot they were holding, glaring at them. Brenda dropped my phone, then stepped on it. She forged shock saying.

“Oops, sorry about, I guess you’ll have to get a new one.”

They laughed turning to walk away. Brenda turned back. “Oh, and Juliet, have you heard about the murders? You should watch your back and be very careful. We wouldn’t want anything to happen to you now, would we girls?”

Brittany and Brianna both wore a look of fake concern. Brittany said, “No we wouldn’t that would be terrible.” Then Brianna said, “Definitely not, you should really take care of yourself.” The Queen Bs walked off after that. Leaving me there to ponder over what they said.

“So, are you going to tell me what’s bothering you?”

Clyde and I were sitting on the sofa in front of the T. V. I was snuggled up against him under my favourite blanket. My mother was working late again and Jenny was up in her room talking to her boyfriend. My mom has been working late a lot lately and she did look a bit stressed, it was starting to worry me. However, that wasn’t the reason for my sad mood.

I just couldn’t stop thinking about what the Bs said. Did they know something about the killings and what happened to me? Would they really go that far for revenge? Or was it all just air talk, to get me worked up and scared? I felt confused and scared, really scared. I wanted to tell Clyde my fears, but I was also scared he’d want to eliminate the threat.

Clyde stopped drawing circles on my hip and pulled us both into a sitting position. He tilted my chin up so that I was looking at him.

“Juliet baby, please tell me what’s bothering you.”

I shook my head, “I can’t.”

He frowned, confused. “Why?”

“Because I’m scared you’re gonna wanna kill them,” I said softly.

Clyde’s face got really serious. “Did someone say something to you? Who was it, Juliet?”

I jumped from the sofa and threw my hands up in the air. “This is what I mean.”

I started pacing. “I love that you feel the need to protect me and you’re always there to make me feel safe. But I don’t like that you want to” I lowered my voice, looking towards the steps, making sure my sister didn’t hear what we were saying. “kill everyone who upsets me. Because that would be a lot of people and not all of them deserves to die.”

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath then let it go. By doing that I expelled some of my pent up frustration. I returned to the sofa, with Clyde. The expression on his face was a blank canvas, I couldn’t seem to read him.

Taking hold of his hands, I squeezed them. I watched him swallow and his gripped on my hands tightened.

“What if I can’t Juliet, what if I can’t?” He looked like he was having an internal battle with himself, and he wasn’t winning.

I squeezed his hands harder. I didn’t quite understand why he was so protective of me. I knew he loved me, I felt it in his touch, his words and the way he looked at me. I just didn’t understand why he felt the need to end anyone who made me frown.

“Talk to me, please?” I begged

He nodded then began. “Before you, the only other person I have ever loved was my mother. Then she died and I couldn’t protect her, because what killed her wasn’t something I could kill.” He paused and muscle in his jaw contracted as he fought for control.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

I squeezed his hand, letting him know that I was there and he wasn’t alone. He held tight on my hand as if it was a lifeline then he continued.

“I never thought that I’d ever love another person, I thought I wasn’t capable of loving another human being. Even if I was I didn’t want to, because having to lose someone you love, kills a person inside. But then I saw you and I had no control over my feelings. I started feeling things I have never felt for a woman before. I loved my mother as a son should. However, with you, it was something much more intense. Even though I’ve never spoken to you, I felt complete just knowing you were there. The heart that I thought was too cold to love, warmed at the sight of you.”

I lifted his hand and kissed it. My heart broke from the pain I heard in his voice when he spoke about his mother and filled with joy from the absolute love when he spoke about me.

“I can’t lose you, Juliet. I won’t lose you.” The raw emotion I heard in his voice tore at my very core.

I wish I could ease his pain and wipe away his worries. I wanted to make it all better for him. Letting go of his hands I moved closer. I put my legs across him, sitting on his lap. My hands went to his face just as his hands came up to hold my waist. Both my hands were on his face caressing it.

I held his eyes captive as I spoke. “You won’t lose me, I promise you won’t,” I whispered.

Pressing my lips to his, I kissed him. It was only meant to be a short kiss of reassurance, but the moment our lips touched it turned into something else. Something more.

Clyde’s hands moved under my shirt and onto my skin. I gasped when his hands made contact. His grip was slightly painful, but I wasn’t complaining.

His hand moved up into my hair twisting my head to the side. He started trailing kissed down my neck and over my shoulder. My eyes were closed and my lips were parted. His hand made contact with my breast and I started heaving.

I knew we had to stop for fear of my sister catching us. However, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. The fire that ignites in my body whenever Clyde’s hands or lips touches me, heightens my arousal.

“We. Have. To.”

I couldn’t string a whole sentence together because my brain was otherwise occupied. Clyde grabbed my hips, pulling me closer. A moan escaped my mouth and I forgot what I was about to say. His hands started to roam all over my body inciting heat with every touch.

I knew there was something I should be telling him. However, every time I tried to think Clyde’s hand would touch somewhere new. Causing me to lose all brainpower.

Clyde pulled away, his hands were still on my body. We were both breathing hard. He looked me in the eyes and slowly lifted the hem of my shirt. I never broke eye contact even as my shirt hit the floor.

Slowly. Ever so slowly, Clyde moved his hands from my hips to the dip in my waist, up under the curve of my breast then to the bare skin on my back. With every touch my breath caught in my throat, leaving me gasping for air.

His eyes were still on me and mine were still on him. I wanted him so badly, I felt like begging. However, I didn’t dare speak, because what was being conveyed with our eyes and hands warranted no words.

I saw in his eyes that he needed to know that I was his. The way he touched me was like he wasn’t sure I truly belong to him. His touch was desperate and needy.

I stroke my fingers down the side of his face. Then and only then, did he break eye contact. He leaned into my touch, closing his eyes. When he opened back his eyes, they held a question, ‘Are you really mine?’

I took his face into my hands and kissed him. First on the tip of his nose then fully on his lips. My kiss answering his question. ‘Yours, always and only yours.’

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