Stepbrother Desire (Erotica)


Breakfast started normally enough. Sarah was up, as usual, when he came downstairs in his customary blue jeans and t-shirt. She was making some bacon and eggs, for him he knew. She turned as he reached the bottom step and came over looking concerned.

“I heard you tossing and turning last night, everything okay sweetie?” she said, reaching up and rubbing a hand on his cheek with genuine concern on her face. His gaze drifted lower, settling on her ample rack, her breasts tensed, moving beneath her customary apron, so large and inviting, Just look at that cleavage, it’s the Rocky Mountains in there, Oh my god she’s not wearing a bra…”


“Fine,” he said a little too quickly and sat down with a thunk.

“Nightmare?” she said, trying not to let on that she knew he’d been ogling her.


“Wanna talk about it?”


“Eggs and bacon?” she asked, looking at him, still concerned.

Beth was there as well, sitting down and enjoying the smoothie she’d just finishing making. Mike cast a glance at it, and determined that it looked pretty damn good. It was a marvel at how well Beth could cook. She made some marvelous dishes when she could be bothered to. Normal nights, Sarah would do the cooking, but it was always Mike’s favorite when Beth volunteered. Beth didn’t notice him, or was pointedly ignoring him. Was it her? Oh god she knows and she’s going to tell Danni. ‘Oh shit oh fuck oh god oh no,’ he thought.

Beth slurped a bit of the purple frothy drink. Mike forced himself to calm down.

“Do you want some of these or not, sweetie?”

“Sorry, yeah.”

“You sure you’re ok?”

“Uh… yeah sure, just… bad dreams again.”

“Yeah, I know, we established that earlier,” she said. She felt a twinge of sympathy for her younger brother. He was obviously horny, a blind woman would be able to sense that. It was positively oozing from him. It was obviously turning him into a drooling idiot, unable to concentrate. She’d have to start wearing a bra in the mornings, maybe encourage the other girls to do the same so it wasn’t so hard, on him. She chuckled, ‘hard on him’ and amended the last part of that thought in her mind, ‘difficult’ on him.

“Yeah, I um… yeah.”

She was looking at him with genuine concern again. “I’m here if you wanna talk about it.” She slid a plate heaping with eggs and bacon on it in front of him. “Eat up.”

“Nah, I’m fine,” he said, diving into the heaping plate of warm yummy goodness. Danni came bouncing down the stairs. He glanced up at her. She was wearing a sports bra and some work out shorts. Looked like she was gonna go running again and make all the men rushing to work sweat. Mike couldn’t help blushing as she came downstairs and he felt his eyes drawn to her breasts as well. Her sports bra definitely wasn’t helping, and he wondered why it wouldn’t quit slacking and do its damn job. God those jiggling boobs looked so nice, why isn’t she yelling at me yet, ‘oh god she knows, oh fuck fuck…,’ he thought again.

“Grab her tits and run, she’ll never catch you,”

As she bounced down the stairs, Mike saw Emma coming down behind him. Danni rounded the table and reached for the blender, still full of Beth’s smoothie. She reached for a large glass, inspecting the bottom to see if it was clean.

“Save some for Em,” Sarah admonished, seeing Danni start to pour some into the glass. Danni rolled her eyes at her sister. She turned at looked at Mike, shoveling runny eggs, bacon, and toast into his mouth.

“You’re gonna start looking like a plate of eggs if you keep eating that many every morning, pigfucker,” Danni said, smacking Mike on the back of the head.

“Knock it off, Danni,” he warned, not in the mood. “Or, you’ll what?”

“I’ll knock you off,” he said under his breath. She was facing away from him, taking a long swallow of her smoothie. His eyes drifted downwards towards her perfectly toned ass. It was so damn perfect and round, like an apple. A nice, warm, fleshy apple.

“Bite it”

‘I thought we took care of this earlier,’ he grumbled internally, and forced his gaze back to his plate of eggs. He inevitably looked back at her, his eyes cold and hateful. At least he hoped that’s the look he was conveying. She had such smooth looking skin, it looked like she had spent hours rubbing lotion on it, which she probably had. A thin rivulet of pink froth ran out of her mouth and sped for the finish line down her neck and towards her cleavage.

“What did you say, Michelle?” That was another of her nicknames for him. Michelle, Mickey, Mikeypoo, shitbag. Oh yeah, she was hilarious. He rolled his eyes at her.

“Be nice,” Sarah said.

He glanced over at Emma. She didn’t return his look, and was almost pointedly ignoring him for some reason. “Fuck,” he thought. That’s who walked in on him. Great, it had to be her. He was already dreading the inevitable questions followed by the realization that she could blackmail him. He’d be washing her car by the end of the week, he just knew it.

“You guys wanna do anything today?” Sarah said, looking at the clock.

“I’ve gotta get the pool and hot tub cleaned and ready to swim in, and mow the lawn,” he said, suddenly deciding to work out all his mental issues with some good old hard labor. There was nothing to like taking the edge off a rampaging sex drive like working out in the sun. At least he hoped it would help.

“There’s a party tonight at the frat house. I’m gonna go lay out and get nice and bronzed. See if I can’t meet a stud tonight.” Danni said.

“Or three,” Mike said.

Emma giggled across the room, pouring herself some smoothie.

“Fuck you, Mickey.”

“No but thanks for the offer, Hoover,” he said, but wasn’t quick enough to duck the salt shaker she had grabbed and hurled at him. He groaned as it thunked into his chest. She hated it when he called her Hoover, for her tendency to suck on things like a vacuum would. “Strike a little too close to home?” he said, not looking at her.

“At least I can get a date and don’t have to try and hide porn in my room,” she said, her voice rising to a yell.”

Mike turned red. “Try not to fuck anyone on the way to the party,” he yelled at her.

Beth and Em couldn’t contain themselves any longer and burst out laughing, Sarah though, had her hands crossed and was giving both Danni and Mike that knock it off look.

“Why don’t you go jerk off, you little shit,” Danni yelled loudly.

Emma sprayed her smoothie out of her mouth in laughter after hearing her and started to cough wildly. Mike was deep crimson, but knew better than to push his luck and turned to go upstairs. Beth was cackling loudly and even Sarah couldn’t help as she cracked a smile and began giggling, though she kept saying “Stop laughing, it’s not funny!”NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

Danni, however, knew when she had him on the ropes. “Maybe if you go with me tonight you can get a little bit of play, see if there are any guys that like you,” she yelled at his quickly diminishing form.

After she stopped laughing at Emma, Sarah turned and admonished her sister. “When will you stop being so damned mean to him? Jesus Danni. Sometimes you go too far.”

Beth was still laughing, clutching her sides as they began to ache. She always laughed a long time and it didn’t look like it was stopping any time soon. She could barely breathe she was laughing so hard. Emma had finally stopped choking on smoothie but she wasn’t even close to being finished laughing. Beth had a very infectious laugh and before long all three of her sisters were rolling along with her.

Beth had her head down on the table and her shoulders were rolling with sobs of laughter. Raising her head to inhale deeply, she accidently snorted, drawing more laughter from her three sisters than before. “It wasn’t that funny,” Sarah said, finally, able to regain her normal mask of composure after several minutes had passed.

Mike trudged upstairs to get some work clothes on.

“Bitch,” the voice said again.

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