Sold to the mafia



I walk up the stairs, each step feeling heavier than the last, my breathing labored. I’m feeling an array of emotions; anger, sadness and rage. Unspeakable rage. I want to hit someone, preferably Zane.

I knew it! I rage, holding on to the anger and ignoring the pain in my chest. I knew he was no good for me. Why did I have to be so stupid?

I tried to fight him. I can’t deny I knew this was bad. I brush the tears away and hold on to the railing as I slowly walk up the stairs.

He’s a drug dealer! I want to scream, but if I open my mouth, I know I’ll just cry. A fucking drug dealer! A shudder runs through my body. That man was no good. My heart freezes remembering the way he looked at me. I nearly fall on the step remembering the man from a few weeks ago. Fuck! The signs were there. I’m so stupid. He lied to me! How could he?

If my father only knew. He’d be fucking furious. He all but warned me not to trust Zane, but even with my misgivings, I went along with the bad boy anyway. How stupid am I? How stupid could I have been to not see what was in front of me this whole time?

I make it up the stairs and to the window of my bedroom. I peer out and see Zane’s car still parked by the sidewalk. He’s sitting there, staring straight ahead. A part of me wants to run back out there and scream at him, accuse him of lying to me, but another part of me just wants to remain away from him. Far away. It doesn’t matter what I do though. No matter what, I’ll be hurt. And if I run to him, he’ll only hold me and try to make me feel better. And then what will I do? When I’m in his arms, I’m a fucking idiot. I’m weak and stupid when I’m with him. I slam the curtain closed and turn my back on him. I put my hand over my mouth and try to stop crying. It just hurts so much.

My bedroom door opens and my heart stops, thinking it’s Zane.

“Maddy?” Katie asks with astonishment. “Maddy, what’s wrong with you?” She’s quick to run to my side and I lose all composure.

I collapse in her arms, sobbing like a baby. “Zane,” I wail. I try to tell her what happened. About the drugs, the man, the breakup. I try, but even I can’t understand my words.

“Huh?” Katie asks in bewilderment. “Maddy, stop crying, you’re babbling and not making sense.”

It takes great effort to get a hold of myself. I sit up, wipe at my teary eyes and focus on Katie. She’s looking at me with shock, probably wondering what the hell is going on. “It’s Zane,” I manage to choke out over a sob.

“Zane? What did he do? Cheat on you?” Katie scowls darkly. “If he hurt you in any way Maddy, I swear to God, I’ll twist his dick until it’s curved.”

“No, not that,” I say and gulp back another sob. “At least I don’t think so.” But he’s a fucking liar. What else did he lie about? Even as I think the nasty thought, I know it’s not true.

“Then what? What did he do that was so bad that you’re in here acting like a maniac?”

“He’s a drug dealer. Or at least he deals with people that deal drugs.” It’s the second one. It has to be the second one. I refuse to believe he’s any more involved than just owning the place. A million ideas run through my head.

Katie’s jaw drops. “A drug dealer? Are you serious?” she squeaks.

Sniffling, I nod. “I saw these guys unloading it at his shop.”

“Holy shit!” Katie exclaims. She pauses and then asks, “Are you absolutely sure?”Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes! I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m sure they’re using the parlor as a front. Zane’s reaction after confirmed it.” I rub my eyes. They feel swollen and tired. I feel exhausted. And most of all, broken.

Katie shakes her head. “I can’t believe it. He even brought us by there and let us meet Needles.”

“I know, right?” I sniffle and try to hold on to that anger. “What a fucking fraud.” I give her a pleading look. “What do I do, Katie?”

Katie takes a long time to respond, but she finally says, “The only thing you can do. Stay away from Zane. Far, far away.”

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