Sold to my crush

Unfamiliar surroundings

The stench of dried blood, dirt and death filled my nostrils immediately we entered into the warehouse. It sent chills down my spine and I involuntarily gripped Alex’s hand tighter.

There were a few men and woman in the warehouse who bowed curtly as we passed them.

The men were huge, bulk, even the word gigantic would do no justice to what they looked like. They had tattoos all over, even on some of their faces. They looked really dangerous.

The women were dressed in what you would see only in strip clubs. They had big boobs which were very bare to my eyes with their nipple covered with piercings and their vagina covered with a tiny string. They looked very sexy and confident.

It made me jealous just thinking of Alex looking at them and appreciating them as I have done. The worst would be him fucking them. I would rather not think of that though.

I took a peak at him to find him looking straight ahead without focusing on anyone, except when he stole small glances at me and it made my insides tingles.

I continued looking around again and if I had not just walked in with a clear head I would think I walked into a strip club. Was this a hidden strip club?. Certainly not though. I only have this thought because of the sexy women, the warehouse as a whole was not giving that vibe.

It was giving mafia underground where they kill people. The place was practically empty except for the some boxes and machines that seemed to not be in use.

Why would Alex even have this place and have these kind men and woman hanging around.

Regardless I walked with my head high as though I had been in similar or worse situations countless times.

We walked further into the warehouse until we got to a door.

Alex halted his movement as pulled me into a hug. We stayed like a that for a while before he released me and planted a kiss on my forehead. “You’re so brave my love.” I smiled at his words. It was one of the nicest things anyone had said to me. It meant a lot to me coming from him because even I did not it see myself that way.

The door was pulled open from inside by a bald headed huge man. He was by far the biggest man I had seen since I walked through those doors.

He gave a curt nod to Alex who returned the gesture. His eyes finally landed me and I swear I almost ducked down. He looked even more scary as his green eyes watched me like a hawk.

He seemed to be scrutinizing and analyzing my features and even beyond to my soul. Perhaps he was trying to figure out who I was since he had not seen me around here before. That should be it.

“Quit staring at my wife and let us through”. Alex snapped at him clearly irritated.

The huge bald man chuckled deeply causing the whole room to vibrate under my feet.

Maybe that was an exaggeration but still…

“I guess she’s the one, judging from the ‘I’ll kill anyone who even looks at my wife’ vibe you’ve got going on. I guess that answers my questions.”He gave me a once over and moved to side to let us through.

“It’s nice to finally put a face to the one behind his sneaky smiles on his phone.” He said to me and flashed me a small smile as he blocked my path and I did not have any other option then to engage in the conversation. “Pablo”. He extended his hands towards me. “Lily”. I shook his hands and flashed him a shy smile.

“Stop trying to flirt with my wife and let her through!!”. Alex barked out from inside.

Pablo laughter vibrated through the place again as he moved out of the way for me to pass through.

As I walked into the place my eyes met with someone else who had a stone cold expression on his face but his eyes held a twinkle of mischief and amusement. He was seated on a stool not so far from Alex.

I allowed my eyes to roam around the room. It looked plain and simple. It did not look like it belonged in this warehouse cause it looked well put together. It looked more like an office if you asked me.

The guy with the stone cold expression stood up from his seat and approached. He was about to say something to me when Alex’s deep voice cut him off.

“Don’t even dare”. He barked out. “Can’t you all just stay on your fucking lane!.” Alex growled as he eyed the man down.

He turned to me and looked at me softly. “Come here”. Alex gestured for me to join him on the couch where he was seated.

Pablo and the other man just stared at each other like they had just seen a ghost. I wondered what was going on.

They both whispered between each other and laughed like high school girls. It was hilarious to watch except for the fact that they were talking about me and they did nothing to hide that fact.

“Hey love, I’m Mitch. I would love to come over and welcome you cordially but as you well know, your husband here would have my neck”. He straightened himself on his chair as he finally decided to speak to me directly with a small smile.

I observed his features closely and I came to the conclusion that he rarely smiled and this was just one of the few occasions he did.

He had his hair cut low. He also had tattoos all over his very masculine body. I’m pretty sure there is a gym here seeing as everyone looked so bulky.

He had brown beautiful eyes . It seemed that he loved wearing a lot jewelry. He had two piercings on each ear, he wore silver earrings, some silver chains, silver wrist watch and so many rings on his hands.

If someone were to ask me if he was handsome, my response would be ‘he’s alright’. My point is, you wouldn’t say that he was not good looking. I mean most girls would want him but I couldn’t possibly say so because I have seen better. I would just say he is okay as any man should be.

I flashed him a polite smile and shook my head in understanding.

I jerked in shock as Alex abruptly pulled me impossibly closer to him. I turned over to him and flashed him a questioning look.

He just rolled his eyes at me and continued sending daggers at Mitch.

“He definitely whipped.” Mitch whispered chuckled but was loud enough for us to hear. I’m guessing that was his intention.

“Shut the fuck up”. Alex barked out. Yeah, that’s it. I guess he just wanted to get on Alex’s nerves and he did.

I smiled at their interaction as they continued teasing Alex and he just sat close to me blushing. That was a sight!. He refused to make eyes contact with me all through.

As time went by I started getting anxious and Alex seemed to notice the shift in my mood as he turned to look at me. “Are you okay?”. He asked softly.

“Yeah.” I responded quietly. He stared at me for a while as if contemplating his next words. “Are you ready?, we could always go back.” He asked.

I sighed dropping my shoulders. I had come all the way and I needed to. The more I waited was the more my nerves were eating me out and I couldn’t bear it any longer. “Yes”. I responded.

He planted a kiss on my cheek and turned to Pablo. “Get him”.

The atmosphere in the room changed and the place felt so tense. Everybody’s expression had returned back to the cold expression they had earlier.

Pablo responded with a nod and stood up from his seat. He glanced at me for a second before walking out of the room.

We all sat in silence and in before I could get lost in my thoughts, the sound of chain rattling kept me wide awake in my reality.

The door was pulled open to reveal Pablo dragging in a man who had his hands and legs chained.

He was pulled to the center of the room and tied to a chair.

The man made no move or attempt to escape or resist Pablo. It seemed that he had accepted his fate.

Once Pablo had successfully tied him to the chair, he went back to his seat.

“You brought me out here today, are you moving me again?”. He asked weakly as his eyes looked around the room. It seemed he had not been let out of his cell or wherever he was kept for a while.

“That would be too much of a luxury, don’t you think?.” Alex tsked at him.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“I suppose so”. The man laughed hoarsely and soon enough he had gone into a fit of cough. He couched until blood was splatter all over him.

I just stared at him just like every one else. I did not know what or how to react to the situation.

When the man had calmed down, he brought up his head again to look around and this time his eyes met with mine.

My breath hitched and I stared back at him wide eyed. He had a look of surprise on his face before he quickly masked it with irritation. “I guess the clutch slut has finally come to play”. He said with a deep chuckle.

Alex abruptly jumped up and threw a punch at him, startling me. “If I’m remembering correctly, I asked you never to speak to her that way”. Alex roared at him.

His face fell to the side and more blood gushed out of his nose and mouth. I was sure that he was in a lot of pain and that chuckle was more of a mask but I’d be crazy to be fooled.

I observed his features and I’m certain he was not having a good time here.

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