Sold to my crush

Twenty questions

Lily’s PoV

In my very few years of living on this earth, i can testify that i have been in numerous awkward and tense situations. If i wanted to count them it would surpass my age by far.

However the situation i was in now would top my list. It could be the most akward and tense situation ever.

Presently i was seated in the passenger seat of Alex’s car with so many things on my mind. Alex had asked Mark to go, insisted on driving me home.

His knuckles were so white because of how hard he was clenching the wheel. He glanced at me every once in a while and it was making me nervous.

He had loosened his tie and he looked so stressed. If it were not Alex sitting in front of me i would have concluded that he was nervous about something, But it was Alex Dankworth we were talking about and i don’t think he got nervous.

He was always so confident and his behaviour now only made me more anxious than i already was.

I had so many questions that i wanted to ask him. Like why he beat Chase up and how he even got there in the first place. Nothing was adding up at the moment.

I glanced at Alex to find him already looking at me. He cleared his throat and looked forward again. I decided to adress the elephant in the room.

“Alex, can i ask you a question?”. I shifted in my seat and looked towards him, fondling my seat belt.

“Yeah, sure”. He glanced at me before focusing back on the road.

“How did you know that i was at the hospital”. I bit my lip and looked down at my very interesting finger nails as i asked.

“Mark called me”. He said with his eyes still on the road.

“Oh okay.” I wanted to ask when and why mark just decided to do that but i knew better than to bombard Alex with all of those questions. At least now i knew he wasn’t some sort of wizard.

I imagined Alex wearing a long hat, sitting on a broom like the wizards in movies. I chuckled at the image of him in my head.

“What’s so funny?.” Alex asked , his grey eyes on me. I looked at him and noticed how relaxed he look now. There was not a trace of the tense or cold Alex. It was just calm Alex.

“Nothing.” I replied with a smile on my face. He shrugged and returned his focus on the road and instantly i recalled the other question and the most important one at that. I needed to know if he beat Chase up and if so why he did it.

Before now Alex and Chase did not have any close relationship or anything like that.

They did not have anything binding them together. Unless it was business related, not that they worked together but what else could it be?.

“Alex did you really beat Chase up?.” I finally summoned the courage to ask him.

“If you were actually listening to me instead of checking me out in the hospital you would have heard me admitting to it. It’s no secret wifey.” I looked outside the window so as to hide my tomato face. He always had a way with his words.

“Well, i wasn’t doing that”. I responded to him as i stole a glance at him. “Yeah, right.” He said with with his signature smirk on his face.

“Why? I blurted out. We had continued the ride in silence but i was itching to know why he did it, hence the question.

The question wiped the smirk off his face and he clenched the wheel tighter. His expression had

turned cold once again.

“Why what?”. He asked feigning ignorance.

“Why did you beat Chase up?”. I asked again, ignoring his careless attempt to feign being clueless.

“What are we doing now?, playing 20 questions?”. He scoffed.

The more he was trying to avoid the question the more i wanted to know why. Because if it were about business or just something stupid that chase did, i don’t see why he would try to hide it.

“Can you just answer the question Alex?”. I was getting exasperated by the moment. It had began raining profusely and the sound of the rain hitting the car got me more agitated.

“Or what Lily?”. He said taunting me.

That was the final straw and i couldn’t bear not knowing anymore. “Just answer the damn question Alex”. I practically screamed at him.

The screeching sound of the car could be heard before Alex abruptly stopped the car by the road. The force of the impact caused me to jerk forward despite the protection of the seat belt.

I screamed as i almost hit something before strong hands held me in place. “I’m sorry, Are you okay?.” I heard Alex ask, his hands still on me.

I shrugged his hands away. Still upset about our current discussion and his attempt to end my life. I couldn’t believe that he would try to kill me just so he could keep his reason a secret.

Alright, i know he wasn’t trying to kill me but whatever.

He furrowed his eyebrows and adjusted himself on his seat while i folded my arms glaring at him.

“Do you care about him?”. He asked suddenly, his cold eyes matching my glare sending chills down my spine.

“What?!” I asked confused as i readjusted myself on the seat. I did not understand the basis of this question and how relevant it was to my initial question.

” I SAID, DO YOU FUCKING CARE ABOUT HIM!!!”. He screamed at me.

I jumped in my seat in shock. Was the screaming really necessary. He didn’t have to blow off my ears.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“I fucking heard you the first time, I’m not deaf”. I snapped at him, not bothering to watch my tone either.

“So?” His eyes were completely on me now as he asked.

“Obviously i do, he’s my brother. So now will you tell me why you almost beat him to death”.

“He touched what’s mine.” He said in almost a whisper. His eyes staring directly at me, his expression neutral.

“He touched what’s yours?.” I asked to ensure i heard him correctly.

“Yes Lily, are you hard of hearing?.” He snapped at me obviously irritated.

“Jeez, sorry. You don’t need to be so annoying. I just wanted to be sure i heard correctly.” He had turned his focus back to the road. Staring at god knows what.

“What was so important to you that he ‘touched’ that made you beat him that way”. I asked curiously.

“None of your business Lily. I have answered your question so drop it”. He snapped .

“Why can’t just tell me the complete truth. You do know that half truth can not be classified as truth.” The look he gave me made me gulp and it was enough to make me drop the issue.

I decided to let him be as i was a bit satisfied that he gave me an answer even if it was not complete.

“Okay.” I responded to him even if he did not ask any question.

After that we both sat in silence for a while with me processing all that had happened just this morning and Alex staring out of the window. I wonder what he running through his mind.

I thought about the way my family treated me especially my father. The names he called me and how he almost hit me for the very time in my life.

Could it be that he had always thought about me that way? Or was it just because of the situation?

I remembered the look on his face. The anger and hate in his eyes. I shivered at the memory.

Even Rena had the same look on her face. Why did none of them try to believe me?

I wonder what would become of our relationship now that things were like this. Despite all, i hoped that Chase would be okay. Even if he was a huge dick.

The sound of the reviving engine brought me back to my current surrounding. The rain had come to a stop leaving a fog on the windows.

It was just like life. Things would happen and it might eventually go away. But the scars would remain as a reminder that it happened and it was not just a dream but reality.

Alex glanced at me, he looked like he had an inner battle comtemplating whether or not he should say what he had on his mind.

After a while he took a deep breathe and sighed before focusing on the road as he drove off.

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