Sold to my crush

The Function

Alexander’s POV

You know that moment when you beat yourself up and feel great regret when you suddenly realize that you did not do enough. When you suddenly think about all the things you could have said and all the things you could have done. You hate yourself for it.

That’s exactly what’s happening to me now. I hate myself. I hate myself so much for not telling Martin expressly of how much of a joker he is. A clown should be better.

How dumb is he to think he could take what’s mine. I hate myself for not breaking his dirty hands and beating him up so badly that he would end up in the hospital and would remain unrecognizable even by his own mother.

He had the audacity to touch my wife, right in front of me without fear of whatsoever. His sudden interest in my wife baffled me as well as agitated me.

I’ve known Martin for so long and ever since we’ve known Lily, he had never shown any sort of interest in Lily. He had always avoided her like a plague, refusing to at least discuss her whenever she came up. But now all of a sudden he acts as though he has been madly in love with her and I’m just standing in his way. She’s my wife for fucks sake.

I’m sure Lily is not yet aware of this, she can be so naive at times. But only a blind ram would be oblivious to his feelings for her at this point.

I do not think our relationship would survive this fight that Martin has started. I do not think we could ever be friends again even if he decides to let my wife be. It’s just that I would have never thought that Martin would do such a thing or even harbor such a thought. I am indeed really surprised.

“I wonder what is taking her so long”. My mother hissed while adjusting herself in her seat.

Everyone was currently prepared for the function and waiting in the car for Queen Lily.

My father had left a while ago and I was leaning on my mother’s car, waiting for Lily.

My mother and Tiffany were already seated in her car and they would go to the function together while I and Lily would leave in my red Mercedes. Although I had pleaded with them to just go, she had insisted that we all left together.

Tiffany and my mother’s continuous hissing and fussing irritated me, so I moved away from her car to where mine was parked. I was about to get into my Car when I saw Lily’s approaching figure that caused everything around us to freeze.

She walked elegantly towards me with a trail of the emerald green dress behind her. It had a square shaped neckline adorned with intricate lace and shiny beads. The sleeves of the dress were long, transparent and also adorned with shiny beads.

The dress had a cinched waist that accentuated her beautiful curves and a long slit that was also adorned with shiny beads exposing her beautiful legs. Her make up was done minimal and her hair curled to frame her pretty face. She had on shiny silver jewelry that made her eyes appear more brighter.

In her hands was a silver shiny purse and on her feet were silver heels.

She was so beautiful and she was literally glistening in the dark.

“I’m ready”. She said shyly as she stood close to the car.

“Well, about time!!”. My mum shouted from her car while rolling her eyes.

“Get in”. I said as I struggled to get my eyes off her before getting behind the wheel. I don’t think I would be able to control myself if I continue looking at her.

She entered in to the car quietly and I waited for my Mum’s car to go first before we drove off to the function.


Lily’s POV

Grey had been surprised I walked into Brew cloud early today. I was a bit hurt I won’t lie. I told him before that me being late was a one time thing but I guess he wanted to see for himself before believing me.

I was Grey’s first employee to be at work today before Gina and the rest of the other employees came a while later.

We got the place ready and soon enough the day fully began.

“Was that your boyfriend?”. Gina asked with a teasing smile. The placed had died down a bit at noon and so we decided to seat for minute.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Who?”. I asked feigning ignorance as I took a sip of my drink.

“Oh don’t you dare play with me like that. The Greek god that came to pick you up last night”. She said wiggling her brows.

“No. He is not my boyfriend”. I responded while laughing at her antics.

“Okayyy, then?”. She asked with raised brows.

“Then what?”. I asked confused.

“Pssst ” she sighed dramatically “Who is he then?”. She leaned back causally on her chair, observing me.

“He.. He I.. is just a friend”. I struggled to find my words. He wasn’t technically my friend but a friend of Alex, but explaining all that would definitely lead to telling her that I’m married and then certainly the circumstances that led to the marriage. That would also lead to talking about my family and my fucked up life. So yes, Martin is my friend.

“Are you sure?, cause from the way he was looking you it doesn’t seem like you’re just friends”. She said skeptically.

“We’re just friends Gina”. I said almost immediately. I was really hoping she would just drop it and thankfully the universe heard my plea and she just stopped talking.

“So I can Fuck him and we’d still be good?”. She blurted out after a while, disrupting the beautiful peace we had as we drank in silence.

“Gina!!!”. I shrieked.

“What!!?, a girl has got to ask.” She exclaimed.

“Well you don’t have to expressly put it that way.” I said while rolling my eyes.

“Fine!, sorry. So can I have him?” She asked again.

“Yeah, whatever.” I waved her off.

“Thank you”. She squealed like a little girl who had just been handed a bucket full of candies.

We continued chatting about everything and nothing for a while until the place got busy again so we got back to work.

“Grey do you have a minute “. As soon as it was five pm, I went into Grey’s office to see him.

“Yeah, sure. Have a seat. Is there a problem?”. He asked putting aside a file he had in front of him.

“I just received a call and I was informed that there is an emergency at home that I need to attend to as soon as possible”. I said trying to sound frustrated and as sad as possible.

“Oh, is everything alright?”. He asked worriedly.

“Yeah, I guess. I just need to go now. I promise I’ll be back early tomorrow”. I pleaded as I forced out tears from my eyes.

“No, it’s alright. Please don’t cry Lily”. He handed me a tissue.

“Thank you so much Grey. I should be on my way now. Thank you again”. I said while sniffling.

“It’s alright”. He said before I walked out of the office.

I informed Gina also of the emergency and she panicked before I assured her that it wasn’t anyone major. After that I packed up and rushed out of the office to The Dankworth’s house.


I heard a squeal and I was thrown into a bone crushing hug as soon as i rushed into my room.

“Honey you look great”. Iris said

“Thank you”. I responded shyly

When Iris finally released me from the bone crushing hug, I looked around to find the rest of her crew already waiting for me.

“Hello. Uhm, give me a minute please “. I greeted them shyly before jumping into the shower.

“Oh take your time honey.” Iris brushed me off.

I got into the bathroom and did my business and after I was convinced I was clean, I got out wearing just loose shorts and a tank top.

“We’re going to have so much fun”. Iris squealed again as soon as she saw me. She put me in a chair before her crew began their magic.

When Alex called me earlier when I was at work that a make up artist was already waiting for me at home I wasn’t expecting Iris.

But I was glad that Alex had called for Iris and her crew as I already felt comfortable around them.

Technically the call was an emergency and I did not completely lie to my boss. I had an emergency at home. I needed to be ready before 8 and I know how long it would take for my hair, make up, nails to be done.

I chatted with Iris and her crew while they dolled me up. I felt so relaxed talking to them and by the time they were done with my make up, hair and nails it was already a few minutes past eight.

Luckily no one had come to scold me but I knew I was late.

I got into the closet with Gina who helped me with my dress and thankfully this time, I didn’t have bruises on my body.

As soon as I had the dress on, I walked to the full length mirror and I was so satisfied with the outcome. I looked so beautiful and the dress was just out of this world.

“Thank you Iris”. I appreciated her efforts cause I looked incredible.

“You’re so beautiful Lily. Your husband wouldn’t know what hit him” She said excitedly. I couldn’t help the blush that creeped on my cheeks.

“You should go now, your husband would be waiting for you”. She gestured for me to leave.

I thanked her and her crew again before I walked out of the door.

I got down from the stairs and made my way through the quiet house and out the main door. I stepped through the doors and immediately my eyes met with Alex’s. He was about to get in to his car but he halted his movement as soon as our eyes met.

He looked so sexy in his emerald green suit that matched my outfit . He had a white button down shirt that had the first few buttons open, revealing his sexy and hard chest.

I walked confidently towards his car with our eyes locked. I felt so hot and shy under his hot gaze. His state made me feel a lot of things and had me almost melting.

“I’m ready”. I announced as soon as I had reached his car.

“Well about time!!”. Susan shouted from her car. I simply ignored her and focused on Alex. I wasn’t going to lie, I was enjoying the way he looked at me. He looked at me as though I was the only person here and I was all that mattered to him.

“Get in”. He finally said in his deep sexy voice and his eyes finally looked away from me as he entered into the car for this first time since I walked out the main door.

He waited for his mother’s car to move first before we drove off.


“We’re here”. Alex said as the car came to a stop in front of a huge building.

The clinking sound of cameras and blinding lights were all I could see from here.

“Are you ready?”. He asked turning towards me.

“Yes”. I responded but i wasn’t so sure of that. I was very nervous. I think this is my first function and the prospect of attending it with my husband who was a well known person seemed to be a quite a task.

“You remember that we have to act like a real couple here”. He asked with raised brows, in which I responded with a firm nod.

“So you know that means I could just kiss you or touch you whenever, even if you’re unprepared and you have to act like it’s normal”. He said with a smug smile.

“Ki.. kiss ?”. I stuttered. I so wasn’t ready for this. I thought I just had to attend a function filled with thousands of rich people but now I have to kiss Alex in front of them too?. Kill me already.

“Yes darling. So get those sexy lips ready for me”. He said with a smug grin and got out of the car.

As soon as the reporters caught a glimpse of Alex they flocked around him, taking numerous pictures of him.

He walked over to my side and opened the door for me like a true gentleman. He was very good at this acting thing. He should reconsider his career choice.

I got down with his help and he kissed me gently on my cheek. My cheeks flared up immediately and the reporters would be crazy to not capture that moment.

They threw so many questions at us as we walked hand in hand into the hall.







Jeez the questions were so annoying. These reporters don’t know when to stop.

I heaved a sigh a relief when we hand gotten into the hall. The place was a true definition of elegance. The hall was decorated beautifully in a gold and black theme and numerous waiters moved around with expensive looking wine serving people. There were numerous Men and woman dressed elegantly in expensive suits and dresses.

I shrunk as I tried to hide behind Alex from the stares we received as soon as we entered. All eyes were on us. I was beginning to think that we were the host of the gathering.

There were so many beautiful women who gawked at Alex and eyed me bitterly as I was by his side. My heart twisted in pure jealousy while Alex continued walking casually as though he was oblivious to his surrounding.

We walked further into the hall and I tripped and almost fell when my eyes met with someone.

“Hey, take it easy”. Alex whispered in my ear as he helped me steady myself . I nodded hastily as a response.

I straightened myself and was about to drag Alex to the opposite direction when a familiar voice halted my movement.

“Mr. Dankworth”. He said a with a grin.

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