What is inherited is not stolen.


Later, almost to conclude the event, I was called by Reyner, to introduce myself to the Naviera’s owners, as what I was, the owner of Hacienda Los Rincones and one of his best clients in the City.

When Sofia’s mother stood in front of me, she apparently received a strong impression. She opened her eyes with such astonishment that they looked like two plates. She really looked shocked and I don’t know why. Because of this, she hesitated and introduced herself with a trembling voice.

-It’s-It’s-Estefania Bor-Bourbon, widow of Morales -I’m sorry! -she replied.

-It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Estefania,” I replied very politely, standing between Martin Elias and Reyner, “I thought it was you, the CEO of Naviera, being the widow of its owner.

-No, not at all! -She smiled, already recovered from her initial reaction, “It is a position that did not call me, nor does it call my attention. I prefer to do what I did in my husband’s lifetime, support him in every vote, election and decision, only now it is with my daughter.

“Besides, I am the first one interested in making my husband’s will be fulfilled, in his will,” she assured me, directing a withering look at Jose David, with whom she does not seem to get along well.

-How nice! -I congratulate them because it has been a wise decision. And proof of this is the success that the shipping company has achieved in recent years.

“Perhaps it is due in large part to your daughter’s work as CEO! -I said enthusiastically, ignoring Jose David’s icy stare at me.

-Thank you! -She said, “Fortunately, we have done extraordinarily well,” showing great pride in her daughter, who was approaching at that very moment.

-There is a saying that “what is inherited is not stolen” and I say this both for the fact that her daughter is an excellent Executive Director, as well as for being the owner of such extraordinary beauty, just like hers,” I said, contemplating mother and daughter.

-Thank you, Rafael! -She replied, blushing at my compliment, “May I call you Rafael? -she asked.

-Of course you can! -I answered with a smile.

-Mr. Rafael, have you been to our group of promoters to learn about our new projects and routes? -Sofia asked me, making me want to get to know her better.

-No! But I would find it much more interesting if the CEO of the shipping company herself would take the trouble to give me all the information,” I asked boldly and determined to approach her, because I was more interested in getting to know her personally than commercially.

As soon as I mentioned this, Jose David and Reyner exchanged complicit glances, which I did not like at all. Without paying attention to their looks, I offered my arm to Sofia and walked with her to where the posters and collage, allusive to the same, were located.

-Thank you! -I gloated, reveling in her company and feeling my heart turn into a runaway horse, unbridled, about to explode in my chest.


I regretted approaching the group where our best client in the City was located. I agreed to go on his arm, just to make Reyner and Jose David burst with rage and anger. They were very upset by the request made by their friend or their client, I really don’t know what relationship they have.

“I really don’t know what their relationship is. My legs are flagging, my feet seem to be treading quicksand and my traitorous heart is about to burst out of my mouth!”

“Damn!”, I thought regretfully, because I’m still not clear about the links between them.

I got the impression that Rafael was more friends with Reyner’s other son, whom I’m sure, I saw somewhere. Once we reached the publications area, I let go of his arm and slowly, orderly and coherently began my brief dissertation.

He showed interest in everything, asking the right questions, which I immediately clarified. In this dissertation process, he made some suggestions and observations seeking to negotiate with me.

For this, I called again the Broker and Shayla. They were the ones in charge of negotiating, always in order to meet the client’s needs. That same day and exclusively, I signed a new contract with Rafael Corner.

This covered the transfer of his products and even the acquisition of these for the use of the personnel on our own ships. Once the agreement was formalized, he invited me to dinner, but I declined the invitation, claiming to have another previous commitment.

-I am willing to wait for you to finalize that commitment and wherever you ask me to go, I will come for you,” he replied, insistent and smiling.

-I’m really sorry, Rafael! It’s impossible for me,” I said, remembering that I couldn’t leave my mother with the triplets, because they exhaust her, in spite of having lullabies for each one of them.

-And tomorrow? I’m not leaving for my ranch until next weekend,” he insisted.

-We leave early tomorrow morning for Paradise Island,” I answered, opening up to him, “I have several commitments, which as CEO of the shipping company I can’t avoid,” I said, losing myself in those beautiful eyes that make me think of my children.

-Oh, gee! Well, some other time. Can I invite you and your whole family? So you can get to know my hacienda and get to know better who you are negotiating with,” he proposed, kindly and with a seductive smile.

-Great! -I answered, “Call me so we can make an agreement.

-Perfect! I’ll call you so we can get together,” he finished.

Since I was requested by other clients, I asked for permission and went to where I was requested.



While Sofia was attending to Rafael, her mother, Shayla and Sheyli, speculated about this man’s resemblance to the triplets.

-He is a man who besides being super beautiful, is powerful,” exclaimed Shayla, without stopping watching him, “I don’t think he is capable of taking over the honor of a woman! And even less, taking advantage of the condition Sofia was in at that moment -she assured.From NôvelDrama.Org.

-I don’t think he’s that kind of man either. He has no need to use drink or drugs to have the woman he wants at his feet,” she replied.

“The one he asks for it, he’ll give it to her! -Sheyli said with certainty, causing the three of them to laugh.

-I agree with you! He doesn’t seem like the type,” affirmed Estefania.

“However, there is a big gap between what he looks like and what he is, and we don’t know him. It’s the first time we’ve seen him, and you know with whom? God! -she exclaimed worriedly.

-That’s true too, Estefania! -Shayla said, “Being with or hanging out with Reyner and Jose David, gives him a very bad reputation,” she said.

Estefania did not take her eyes off him, impressed by the enormous resemblance of this man with her grandchildren. Having him so close a few minutes ago made her realize that not only physically, but in his gestures, movements and the way he speaks, they are very similar.

“Something inside me, tells me that he could be the father of my grandchildren. I must investigate this. Because, this condition of single mother, is the only thing that overshadows the total and resounding success of my daughter as CEO”, thought Estefania with determination…

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