Shadows In Durango

Chapter 5

*****Sofia's POV*****

I wandered around town after school, scoping out the different stores to find anywhere that could potentially be hiring.

The bustling streets were filled with a mix of trendy boutiques, cozy cafes, and the occasional dive bar as my stomach tightened with anxiety after each rejection.

The first place I tried was a quaint coffee shop with a warm, inviting atmosphere that unfortunately would have been the perfect fit for me. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and pastries filled the air as I stepped inside, hopeful at first. I approached the counter, where a barista with a friendly smile greeted me, only before my prayers were quickly crushed.

"Hi, are you hiring by any chance?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady and positive.

"Sorry, we're fully staffed at the moment we just hired two new girls," she replied kindly, though her words felt like another punch to my gut. "You can leave your resume though, and we'll keep it on file just in case anything changes." She suggested, as I nodded and forced out yet another disappointed smile.

I thanked her quickly and left, feeling a bit defeated but determined to keep going knowing that I had no choice but to find something - anything at this rate.

I continued on down the street, checking out every store window for 'Help Wanted' signs that didn't exist and even proceeding to ask a few more shop owners directly.

But the results were all the same no one was hiring.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

As the evening approached, I found myself on a less busy street, one I hadn't explored before. The neon lights of a bar called "Intensity" caught my eye almost immediately as I swallowed hard and huffed out a breath.

It was a stark contrast to the serene coffee shop and cute stores I had tried earlier on that was for certain... but maybe this place was my last hope?

The sign flickered, giving off a slightly seedy vibe, but I was desperate at this point. Perhaps I would be too young to work in there... or perhaps they would overlook it and give me something small like a cleaning job at least? There was only one way to find out...

I took a deep breath and crossed the road towards the bright light, pushing open the heavy door with my elbow.

The dim lighting inside made it difficult to see at first, but as my eyes adjusted, I noticed the bar area was relatively quiet at this time which helped to ease my nerves.

"Hey Missy! We ain't open yet!" A stalky guy from behind the bar hollered over at me as I quickened my pace to approach him, watching him dry empty glasses with a cloth.

I reached the bar, where the man with a shaved head and a tight black t-shirt eyed me intensely, giving me a stern look.

"Can I help you? Or can you not hear?" he asked, his voice deep and gravelly as I swallowed the thick lump which was quickly forming in the back of my throat.

"Hi, um, yes, I was wondering if you were hiring anybody? I really need a job, and I'm new to town so it's pretty hard finding something." I asked gently, my voice almost drowned out by the soft music due to how quiet I was speaking. He studied me for a moment, his expression unreadable.

"What age are you?" He raised a questioning brow, as I diverted my gaze nervously.

Do I lie? But what if he finds out and the bar gets in to serious trouble? Maybe I'm better just being honest about it...

"I'm seventeen, but almost eighteen!" I add the last part out of desperation, as he shocks me with a deep chuckle.

"So what position are you wanting exactly?" He seems to continue our conversation out of boredom, as I shuffle from foot to foot and watch him wipe down the bar countertops next.

"Anything, really. I can clean, serve drinks, take orders.... what would you be looking for?" I rush out, feeling the weight of desperation in my words as I was grateful for the man even giving me a chance to speak with him. "When young and pretty girls come in here it's usually to dance for dollars." He shrugs and scoffs.


Confused, I slowly crank my head around to take in the entirety of the large room around me for the first time - instantly spotting a number of platforms and poles.


"I see, uh... well I did take dance lessons for years, I could maybe make it work?" I wet my drying lips, my mind racing to comprehend what I had just said.

Was I agreeing to work as a pole dancer? Would I have to remove clothes like a stripper?

The guy shakes his head, seeming amused with my pleading, as he places his two hands on the bar and leans forward.

"You are too young to dance. I could maybe have you behind the VIP bar upstairs, if you don't tell anybody your real age, that way you won't be serving the majority of freaks that come in here either. I'll pay you in cash to keep it on the low though, yeah?" He rushes the words out at me, as my eyes widen when realising he was actually giving me a chance.

I did it! It may not be my first choice, but it's something!

"I'll need you to work nights on a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday and I'll pay you weekly... we open at 8pm and close at 2am and I'll pay you three hundred dollars every week and you can keep any tips that you make on top of that." He explains, as I open and close my mouth like a guppy.

"Thank you so much! Seriously! I needed this job way more than you even know! Uh... sorry what is your name? Are you the owner?" I rush out, reaching across to shake his hand as he laughs and returns the gesture.

"Tito. I'm not the owner but I'm the manager so I'm in charge of the staff." He nods, as I smile - appreciating that one of the scarier guys in town turned out to be the one to offer me a job. Ironic!

Three hundred dollars every week was perfect too! That would be twelve hundred dollars every month - more than enough for my rent! I could get back on my feet in no time with that! "Come by tomorrow at six and I'll show you the ropes, then you should be set to start on Wednesday this week. Does that suit?" He explains, turning to reach down in search of something.

He quickly retrieves a notepad and pen, biting off the lid with his mouth and spitting it aside before twisting the pad to open a fresh blank page.

"Yeah that's perfect. Thank you!" I respond, before he continues.

"I need your name and contact number." He waves the pen as though I was supposed to know he wanted that before he said it, as I furrow my brows in fear.


"I don't own a phone... sorry... but my name is Sofia Isabella." I tell him truthfully in embarrassment, as he pauses in thought, staring at me as though I was an alien out of space, before moving again to write down my name. "You don't own a phone? At your age? That's unheard of!" Tito raises a questioning brow, as I nod in agreement with him.

I know it sounds odd... what seventeen year old girl has no contact phone?

"I lost it, but I'll get a new one as soon as I start getting paid!" I offer, hopefully helping to make the situation sound a little better as he nods and sighs.

"I'll see you tomorrow for your training - thanks for coming in and don't be late." He waves me off with a short smile, as I thank him briefly and take the hint that he was now bored and wanted me to leave. I did it! I landed a job in town! Now I don't need to worry about my rent...

I can stay here!

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