sex-me boss.

chapter 298

Finn had been in New Orleans for a few hours already and had wasted no time in finding Elena’s apartment, but unfortunately she wasn’t there. He wasn’t really the patient type, and not seeing her made him angry. He was forced to rummage around, remembering that she had told him she had an uncle. It seemed her uncle was a vodou doll who haunted her every time it was time to go back to New Orleans, and it was time he saw what this man looked like, rusting her like that. Perhaps he could also provide him with some information on his whereabouts.

“Doctor Johns, Director of General Hospital”. So Finn understood that the man’s aim was to carry on the family tradition. He got into the car he’d rented once in N. O., and a quarter of an hour later he was on his way. A quarter of an hour later, he parked. He hoped he wouldn’t have to look anywhere else in the absence of the latter. When he got out of the car, all eyes were on him. Not surprisingly, he had Russian blood in his veins, and that blood was intimidating by nature. When he reached the receptionist, who hadn’t seen him yet, he cleared his throat and she looked up. Fear could be read in her eyes and Finn huffed. He didn’t have a gun on him.

-Hello sir, can I help you?

-I’d like to see Doctor Jones, if I may, Miss.

-Do you have an appointment with him? -I mean…Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

-where’s his office, miss?

She swallowed hard and stood up. Finn didn’t like to assert his authority over others, but not knowing how Elena and Vlad were doing drove him crazy, and knowing he had an opportunity to find them was better, but this kid was wasting his time and really wasn’t helping matters. He followed her down the corridor and saw her knocking on a door. No answer came and she raised her head to look at him as if to let him know it was impossible to see him. Finn didn’t want to accept this. He wanted to see the man before he left, so he walked past the young woman and knocked himself. The answer was not long in coming. It was certain that, with her tremors, she hadn’t been able to strike properly.

He dismissed her and turned down the knob. When the door was opened, he saw a man in his fifties sitting in his armchair, his catechist’s glasses on his nose and his eyes plunged into a stack of documents. Little did he know that being a doctor also involved paperwork.

-Doctor Jones,” Finn said as he entered.

He finally looked up and removed his glasses. He looked him up and down, sizing him up without embarrassment. Finn didn’t like that kind of look at all, but out of respect, he said nothing. He sat down in the armchair opposite his desk, clearing his throat.

-Generally, men this important tend to have private clinics because they’ve already gotten it into their heads that public hospitals are dangerous. Are you the exception?

-No, I’m not here on a health matter, but on a personal one. I’m looking for a young woman and I think you’re the only one who can help me.

-As you can see, we’re in a health center here, sir. All you have to do is report this to the police, because I’m not in the service business.

-I never said the young lady was missing, Mr. Jones. I’m asking you because she’s your niece and I know you know where she is.

John crossed his arms on his desk and lowered his head. He had no idea how he was going to answer, because he’d never seen a man like that. It was certain he wouldn’t need the time to turn the whole city upside down to find his niece, and he didn’t even know why he was asking about her.

-Listen, sir. I imagine you’re the kind of man you don’t fool around with, and I’d like to apologize for anything my niece may have done to you. She’s just a young woman who doesn’t really know what she wants in life and I think that if she’d stayed on with her medical studies, she wouldn’t have gone to any trouble for you. Sir, I really beg you to forgive her for her mistake. You can assess all that it has cost you and I’ll be able to reimburse you.

Finn was amused. It was certain that Elena had a reputation for giving this man a hard time, and he was already used to rescuing her whenever she did something stupid. It made her happy to know she had someone who would do anything to protect her. It was good enough for her safety, even if a man like him would have stopped at nothing if she’d really done him any harm.

-I appreciate what you want to do for her, Mr. Jones, but tell me something. Would you be willing to give your daughter in marriage?

-to pay off her debt? -No, I can’t. Elena is very clumsy and, as I’ve just told you, I’m quite capable of paying you for everything she’s done to you. You just have to tell me how much it’s going to cost. My daughter is still very small, very small indeed, and I don’t think she’s right for a man like you. You’re rich and yet she’s just her.

Finn could have taken all day to listen to this man try to find excuses not to answer his question, but it was time he talked to her seriously. He didn’t want to give her his trust and he had to earn it.

-You know, Doctor Jones, love doesn’t have the eyes to look at another’s fortune. It’s just blind and unconditionally loves the person its heart has chosen. A man like me wouldn’t have left his country to chase after a young woman just for the fun of it. I repeat my question, will you be ready to give your daughter in marriage?

-That’s not for me to answer, but for her, and I don’t understand why you’ve set your sights on her: she’s in love with someone else and is even sad about it. I assure you that I’ll do anything to heal this grief.

Instead of hurting, Finn smiled. This answer reassured him again, and he knew she’d be happy to see him again. Who wouldn’t be in her place, anyway. He took the box out of his pocket and placed it on the desk, staring at John. The latter opened his mouth in surprise.

-I’m the one who can heal his heart.

-And how do you know?

-Because Elena’s in love with me. She left because of a misunderstanding, and if I left Russia to come here, it’s simply because I’ve realized that she’s the woman of my life and I can’t live without her. will you take her as your wife?

John was stunned and confused. He couldn’t understand how his niece could have attracted the attention of a man like the one in front of him. It wasn’t possible and he thought he was in a dream.

-I’m Finn Martinov. Please tell me where to find her. I don’t want to waste time.

-I’m sure it’s at Maggie’s, but most of the time it’s at Olivia Turner’s, so you’ll just have to look at Damon Dixon’s.

Dixon… Finn didn’t understand how a man could have that name. It was his father’s name and although it was his, he hardly ever used it. His father may have been from New Orleans, but he was dead.

-Are you all right, Monsieur Martinov?

-Call me Finn and yes, I’m fine. I’ll be leaving now. Thank you and I promise you won’t regret it.

He could have asked her for more information about this Damon Dixon, but he didn’t have enough time. When he was outside, he put in the address and hit the road.

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