sex-me boss.

chapter 292

When the news of Virginia’s death came over the TV, Betty was no longer at all serene, and she knew that if the authorities got to Richard, they were sure to get to her too, and there was no way something like that was going to happen. She needed money, it was the only thing keeping her in Russia, and afterwards she was going to be able to walk away as if nothing had ever happened. When she saw Richard coming into the living room, she didn’t understand what he was still doing there as the weather held them by the throat.

-You were supposed to pick up the money earlier Richard, what are you still doing here?Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

-but you don’t understand what’s going on, Betty. I’m sure they’ve already started investigating Virginia’s death and just imagine what will happen if they get to me. I can’t get out and you didn’t even have to kill her for God’s sake Betty.

-I already did and there was no turning back. If you don’t get out of the way, I think the police will have every chance of catching you without you being able to do anything, and yet if you do get out of the way, you’ll still be able to get money to leave the country before they arrive. Richard, we need that money to get us out of here, and that’s what we agreed to. You go now. I’m going back to my apartment to put some things away.

Richard was caught in a dilemma. He didn’t think that doing such a thing was the best thing, because apart from the police, he knew that Dimitri would do everything to find him, and yet he could still leave very quickly, and in the end, he told himself that Betty was right. He hadn’t made all that sacrifice for nothing, so there was still time for him to benefit from something since he hadn’t been able to take over the mafia as he’d always wanted.

-All right, I’ll think about it. Just be ready when I get back and we’ll be on our way. I’ll meet you at your apartment.

Betty smiled to let him know she fully supported him and Richard left. He was scared to death, but he couldn’t lose this money when he still had the chance to start over somewhere else with Betty.

-Do you think we should nail him or ask the bank not to give him the money?” Finn asked Dimitri.

The two of them had gone a few yards to Richard’s house and were watching. By the time they saw him coming out, they already knew where he was going, and even if they had a chance of catching him, they’d leave the job to the police and also give Richard the chance to run into the bag, because no matter what he might do, he certainly wasn’t going to leave the country, and even worse with that money. A few minutes later, Betty came out in one of Richard’s cars.

-And to think that this girl is Vlad’s biological mother, when I think about it, I want to send her six feet under.

-and I think at the rate things are going, you’re going to get the chance to do it. I think we should follow her, because she’s one of those pushy girls who’ll do anything to get what she wants.

Finn nodded and Dimitri turned on the ignition. They followed her discreetly like professionals, and half an hour later found that she had parked in front of her apartment building. They came to the conclusion that she wanted to put her things away while waiting for Richard.

-If Richard’s going to pick her up here, then we’d better make the car disappear, because that man is good at recognizing everything that belongs to us,” Finn suggested to Dimitri.

Dimitri agreed, and they parked the car far away so as not to arouse suspicion.

Richard had received the money and was very happy. He hadn’t thought it was going to be so easy about it, thinking that something was wrong because such a large sum of money couldn’t be withdrawn without proof, but after all, he thought, maybe it was his lucky day and he didn’t gain by overthinking things as he did. He got into his car and headed for Betty’s apartment. When he arrived in front of the building, he hurriedly parked and got out. When he got to the door, he knocked and the door opened.

-That was quick, wasn’t it?

-And tell me you’re ready, because my survival instinct is to get out of here as soon as possible.

Betty smiled and walked slowly towards Richard. When she was face to face with him, she took the bag of money from him and threw it on the floor, looking straight into his eyes as if she wanted to capture his gaze and never forget it, which in turn made Richard smile. Betty nibbled his bottom lip without taking her eyes off him. Richard began kissing her and knocked her back onto the sofa. He was ready to postpone their trip for a few hours because right now, he still wanted her. Richard began removing her clothes quickly and Betty was already panting. She decided to take the upper hand because she liked to see Richard shaken with Spasms. When she pushed his wrinkled cock inside her, she heard him grunt with pleasure. At that moment, her pleasure didn’t count, but Richard’s did.

Richard had never taken so much pleasure in his life during a romp, and even in all the sessions he’d had with Betty, she’d never outdone herself so much. When he sensed he was about to spill, he urged her to go very fast, which she did, but only at the last minute, when he was really coming, did he feel the cold barrel of a pistol on his forehead. He didn’t understand at all as it tickled in his cock and he needed to…

Betty stood up abruptly as he sighed in frustration. She didn’t seem to be joking and he didn’t understand what was going on. In his head, it could only be a joke and nothing serious.

-But what are you doing, Betty?

-I didn’t think you’d be so stupid as to come back, Richard. You should have run, but thanks for all the money. I know in the next world you’ll be watching me spend that money like a queen and don’t worry, when I get a chance I’ll come and put flowers on your grave to thank you for all that sacrifice. I want you to die with your dick hanging out, waiting to cum. It’s certainly been a beautiful adventure with you, but this was the end, darling. Virginia will be happy to see you in the next life.

-You’re joking, aren’t you, Betty? Tell me you’re joking because it can’t be true, you can’t…

She was sick of hearing his complaints, so she shot him once in the head and once in the heart. She didn’t need to take anything for fear it would be cumbersome. She just took the bag of money and the car keys. She’d planned it all when she’d entered, she was going to slide against a rope and end up at the back of the building, she’d parked a car there and was going to escape to start a new life. A life full of wealth, because with this fortune, she was sure she wouldn’t die poor.

-Did you hear that?” Finn asked Dimitri.

-Two shots, yes.

They ran into the building and soon spotted Betty’s apartment. When they entered, they saw Richard’s lifeless body lying on the sofa, naked by the way. It was the worst humiliation they’d ever seen in their lives. Dimitri pulled on his shirt and hid his member with it while Finn called the police while inspecting the apartment.

-It looks like he’s been refused a share of the loot. This is how Richard dies, because of a woman, a woman coldly murdered him for money he risked stealing. Seriously, what a shame.

When the police finally arrived, Richard’s body was brought in as they searched the apartment for any clues as to how she’d managed to disappear, until Dimitri noticed the rope she’d slipped on.

They all left the apartment and set off in pursuit, having quickly spotted the car in which she had fled.

Elena kept calling Finn to find out more about what was going on, but he wasn’t answering. He didn’t know what he was going to tell her over the phone, since Betty was about to go to prison for everything she’d done.

She’d been seeing police cars following her for a while, but getting arrested was out of the question. She hadn’t shed blood twice for nothing. At a certain level, the traffic was beginning to slow her down and they were getting closer and closer. She still managed to free herself, only she hadn’t checked the amount of petrol, and now it was starting to plant her, even though they weren’t far off. A tear fell from her eye because, yes, she could only see the worst coming. It was either go to jail or die. She knew that if she went to prison, she would be haunted by Virginia’s naked lifeless body and that of Richard, whom she had coldly murdered. Before her lay a bridge. Prison or death, her choice was made, so she revved the engine and once on the bridge, everything happened very quickly and the others only saw the car going down into the water.

-Oh shit, what courage!” exclaimed a policeman.

Finn and Dimitri had no idea what they were doing there. The best thing to do was go home and wait for the car to be found so they could be sure it was dead. Finn felt so bad for Vlad because he was orphaned, even if it was by irresponsible parents.

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