Secret Billionaire’s Contract Bride: Marrying My Enemy’s Lover

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“Whichever couple gives birth first will get our combined inheritances.”

A cold heavy stone settled at the bottom of my stomach like I’d swallowed a ten-pound block of ice.

I stared blankly at my grandmother’s little smug smile as she watched the chaos unfold around her. A child. That’s what she’d said, wasn’t it?

No matter how many times I fed the word to my brain, I couldn’t comprehend it. Like trying to read Latin or ancient hieroglyphs, my brain refused to process the very thought.

Amidst my Damon.

father’s gaping mouth and Corinna’s stunned look, I snuck a glance at the statue that was

Completely stiff and rigid, he moved not a single muscle, fists clenched on the table with his dark eyes wide in shock and locked onto the clock ticking away behind my grandma’s head.

“Grandmother, you can’t be serious!” Corinna’s screech burst through my thoughts.

“If you truly love him as you say, then it shouldn’t be a problem should it?” Grandmother retorted smugly. “I hope to see my great-grandchildren before I retire,”

The screech of my chair on the floorboards was damningly loud but not as loud as my pulsing brain. “Addie, dear?” my Grandmother asked.

I sucked in a breath, hiding my hands behind my back as I forced a smile onto my face.

“I should get going, Grandma. I live on the other side of town,” I said as calmly as could be in this situation.

“Of course, dear,” Grandma eyed Damon slyly. “You’ll take her home, won’t you, Damon?”

Damon swiftly stood up from his seat beside me, an impassive look covering his shock.

“Of course, Grandmother,” he said smoothly right at the same time that I said, “That won’t be necessary, Grandma.”

I glared at him as he sent me a cool look.

“Oh? Why not? You are engaged, aren’t you?” Grandma raised an eyebrow knowingly.

“I thought you had that thing.” I hinted to Damon, firmly. “That you couldn’t miss.”

“Don’t worry, dear,” he said exaggeratedly, “Did you forget it was rescheduled for tomorrow already? You must be getting forgetful, Addie.”

He smirked, fingers grasping my hand before I could shake him off and leaned over to whisper possessively into my ear, “I’d never let my fiance go home alone.”

“Of course. How could I forget,” I said through gritted teeth, trying to ignore the goosebumps his voice left along my arms.

I ignored the rest of the table as I kissed my grandmother’s cheek.

“Goodnight, Grandma,” I told her.

“You too, darling,” Grandma chuckled.

Right as Damon handed over my jacket, a pair of dainty hands latched onto my other arm, pulling

Chapter 4

me down to meet Corinna’s sugary-sweet smile.

“I just need to say goodbye to my sister, would you mind, Damon?” she batted her eyelashes like a master, acting the part of the loving sister.

Damon paid her no mind as he threw on his jacket and leaned back against the wall.

Corinna’s smile was a little too forced when it became clear he wasn’t going to leave.

I smirked at the hateful glare she sent me until she practically threw her arms around me. What looked like a sisterly hug on the outside was anything but.

My skin crawled at the feeling of her arms on me, like any moment she might shove a knife through. my back.

“What’d you have to threaten him with to marry a loser like you?” Corinna spat into my ear viciously.

A strange calmness washed over me as I pulled out of the hug and faced Corinna. I stepped back, hand outstretched until I felt the calloused hand I was looking for.

His hand was more familiar than my own and the disgust of Corinna’s touch washed away.

“Thank you for your blessing, sister,” I said confidently, “We will live happily forever, just as you said. Now, if you don’t mind, we are going home.”

Corinna reeled back, wide eyes falling to our combined hands. I could practically see the question in her eyes. What home?

I smiled as I raised our combined hands so the light hit the rings just perfectly, glittering into her


“Our home.”

Corinna’s face crumpled in fury and disbelief. Oh, I wished I had a camera.

I grasped Damon’s hand tighter and took a step out the door, breathing in the fresh air as I could finally breathe again.

A few steps out, though, I couldn’t help myself.

I turned around with a bright smile..

Corinna stood at the doorway, glowering as she watched us leave.

“Having a baby is a big deal for a model, but you would do it for love, right?” I sent the finishing blow,

I smirked as Corinna gritted her teeth with a nasty look at me.

That smirk fell when I noticed a large figure standing behind her.

Ashton’s blue eyes had been locked on me the entire time.

All my strength vanished under the gaze of the man I once swore I’d love forever. But all that love vanished the moment he kissed my sister.

He’d made his choice and I’d made mine. I couldn’t muster even one more fake smile as I tightened my grip on Damon’s hand.

“Let’s go,” I said quietly, dragging him away from the house. At that moment all I could think about was getting away from everyone. I thought I saw an exchange of glances between Damon and Ashton, but I couldn’t be sure.

Chapter 4

He tightened his hand around mine as I led us back to Damon’s car.

I settled in the front, leaning my head against the cold window as the car rumbled beneath us.

Until I heard the clink of the doors locking.

Confused. I pulled on the door latch, but like I expected, it did nothing.

“You don’t have to lock the doors,” I glared at Damon, “I’m not going to jump out of a moving car.”

“I won’t be taking that chance. Besides, you have a past,” he said, the passing streetlights illuminating

his face.

I flushed. “It was one time! And we were at a stoplight!” 1 protested in my defense.

“You did it once. You’ll do it again.”

“This is so stupid! You probably don’t even know my address!” I threw my hands into the air.

“Meadows Heights,” he retorted immediately.

I paused, looking at him in surprise. “How did you know that?”

My father didn’t even know where I lived.

He gave me a familiar disgusting “guess why” smirk and then said, “I live nearby.”

Meadows wasn’t exactly a nice neighborhood. I didn’t know what Damon did for a living, but I always assumed he was wealthy.

He was a Steyn, after all. The money came with the name.

If he was living near Meadows like me, then obviously I’d assumed wrong. And if he needed the money like I did, we needed to discuss the condition Grandmother had put on it..

It took twenty minutes to pull into my apartment driveway. The car rumbled to a halt and I looked out the window.

He did know my address.

“What’s our plan?” Damon asked before I could open my mouth.

I swallowed, uncomfortable but knowing we needed to be on the same page.

“We have to consider it,” I said honestly, wringing my hands in my lap. “Even though the idea of having a… baby just for money feels wrong. I don’t see any other way out of this.”

I snuck a look at him, but just like always, he held no expression.

I almost missed the nod he gave as an answer. Without another word, the doors clicked open, and I stepped out of the vehicle.

My exhaustion hit me all at once, and I slumped forward.

His headlights blinded me as he pulled out of the driveway and onto the street. Before I entered my building, I saw his black car in the distance pull into an apartment complex just down the street.

How did I not know he lived there before this mess?

He’d always been so close. I just hadn’t taken the time to notice.


Chapter 4

‘Damon Steyn. Know your position and play your role. Father didn’t expect you to run a company or benefit our family. Just be a happy rich hobo and thank God to let you be a Steyn

He recalled the phone call he’d just had with Ashton. It’s quite pleasant to talk to him, though it seemed that his brother didn’t think so.

“Pity.” He sadly sighed and made another phone call.

“Boss?” his assistant answered, tiredly, “It’s really late.”

“Surprise holiday. Cancel all my trips for the next month at least.”

“What?” she screeched into his ear. “Boss, I really have to protest! You have that meeting with Mr. Danvers about-”

“Enjoy your vacation, Miss,” Damon’s eyes followed the girl’s back as she went upstairs, “Something interesting is finally going on.” He’s smiling, while his eyes were cold.

Adelaide was smart, but she was wrong. He didn’t need the inheritance at all.

The light came on. She’s at home now.

What he wanted was something else.

And always something else.

Another sudden ring tone dragged his mind back. The third phone call this busy night.

The name that popped up was familiar.

Corinna Hildebrand.

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