Second Assault — Bond And Treason —

Chapter 15 - Insistence

Chapter 15 - Insistence

Wednesday, April 10th. Angelo Dalaras' Country House, 7:25 a.m.


—Rosé, hurry up, please. I need to get out as soon as possible.

—The car is already on its way, Mr. Dalaras — she gives me a briefcase full of papers —. And here's

everything you asked for.

—Good. I'll see Xander before I go. Let me know when the car's here.

—Yes, sir.

It's a little early, so I hope I'm not disturbing or upsetting him in any way. I'm knocking on the door three

times and hoping to get an answer. To my relief and surprise, Xander opens the door, wearing a new

outfit and his wet hair.

He steps aside, letting me in. The bathroom door is open and I can see the clouds of steam rising from

the inside.

—Good thing you're awake, I didn't want to bother you — He watches me for a few seconds, then turns

around and quickly goes for the notebook that's on the bedside table. He holds the pencil and

scribbles, placing it in front of my face once he's finished.

—"You're not bad timing. I've always woken up early" —I smile, although he doesn't return the gesture.

I don't try to pressure him, so I keep talking.

—Well, your breakfast will be brought in shortly. Will you eat this time? — He nods and gives me an

anxious look —. Do you want to ask me something?

Turns the page when there's no more space and quickly writes something on the back. He raises it so

quickly and so close to my face that it almost hits my nose.

—Calm down, Xander — I laugh without being able to stop myself, he frowned and waved the

notebook in front of me again —. Okay, all right. I'll read it — I assure him, raising my hands as if I were

giving up and looking at the note.

—"Will you bring Magnus? I ate everything last night and I'll do it again today. I took the pills I was

given without complaining. Last night I didn't make a sound that would disturb you. I've done my part.

Will you?".

By the time I finish reading and look up at him again, he seems quite upset, though cautious and

prudent too. I sigh before answering.

—I swear I'll try— a smile lights up his face and even though I don't want his joy to dissipate, I raise the

hands again and hurry to continue —.Don't get excited yet. I said I'll try, but that doesn't mean that

Magnus accepts my invitation just like that— he looks down and returns:

—"I'll use our bond to tell him to come. Can you give me the address?".

—It's not that simple, Xander. Among the pills we've been giving you, there were suppressors... I don't

have to tell you what that means, do I?— his face suddenly turns red, forming the hands into fists,

crumpling up the pages of the notebook.

Fuck, he's pissed off. However, it was doctor's orders to give him suppressors, I had no idea that he

still had contact with Magnus through the bond, otherwise, I would never have given them to him.

—Xander, take it easy. Let me explain— he turns around and walks around the bedroom like a caged

lion. Then suddenly stops, putting a hand on his back and grimacing.

He almost fell to the ground, so I rushed over to try to help him, but he slapped my hand away and

walked back away from me, as if the contact of my skin with his was toxic, with a terrified expression on

the face. I place my hands quickly behind the back and take a few steps apart from him.

—I'm sorry — I offer him in a low voice —. I wanted to help you, I didn't mean to hurt you. Just lie down

on the bed, okay? — I point to the object for emphasis —. We don't want to make your injuries worse—

his breathing is fast, gasping in agony and low moaning trying to endure the pain.

Slowly, he sits on the edge of the bed, leaning on one side, in an attempt to take the pressure off his

lower back. Sweat drops slide down his forehead and neck.

—Rub the area in circular movements, Xander— I instruct him, still in a cautious voice —. That should

help ease the pain a little— he gives me a look that I'm sure if he had the power to produce laser

beams, I'd be a pile of ashes by now. Yet he slowly does as I tell him.

After a few minutes of silence, the discomfort seems to have dissipated. His breathing has normalized

and the hands have stopped massaging the back. But I can see that he is still angry. Taking the

notebook and scribbling again:

—"You should have told me. No wonder I can't feel him since yesterday and that had me seriously

scared. I'm so mad at you! Magnus told me not to break the bond, he must be worried to death".

—I know, Xander. I'm sorry — resigned, I nod —.It was the doctor's orders because you were... Well,

you know— I end up uncomfortable, the fire in his eyes reveals to me that he knows exactly what I

mean —. I swear, if I'd known you were still in contact with him, I never would have allowed it— I run a

hand through my hair, frustrated —. Listen, today he was supposed to help me transport some of my

merchandise. All the arrangements have been made, but I could try to convince him to come using that

pretext. Okay?

Stares at me for a long moment, until he finally nods. He looks down and writes again. He hesitates a

bit before showing me the message.

—"Just... Do whatever it takes. Please, I'm begging you to bring him. I'll pay you if I have to. I need

Magnus with me".

—I'm not doing this for the money, Xander — my voice sounds a little harsh, so I'll quickly change it —.

It's just that... — I'm shaking off the thoughts that I consider unnecessary at the moment —. It doesn't

matter. I promise I'll do everything in my power, Xander. I'll get Magnus, even if I have to kidnap him


Magnus Mansion. Meeting room, 8:49 a.m.


—I thought you said you were able to communicate with him through the bond.

—Yes, goddamn it! — I hit the big desk hard, Yaakov's sudden inhalation is the only evidence that he's

been disturbed by my rage —. But now I can't! Fuck, since yesterday it's been useless no matter how

much I try. I know he's alive, at least I can feel that — I snort with indignation —. But I haven't been

able to talk to him. Every time I try, it's as if static is sneaking into my brain. I get nothing, not a fucking


—Do you think it's intentional?— Adrik questions confused.

—Absolutely not!— I protest immediately and sharply —. I told him very clearly not to block me, to be

sure to keep me informed.

—Maybe they're forcing him to do it — Nikon insinuates. It's true and that's what makes me psychotic,

hysterical. The worry is spreading fast through my guts and the desperation for not having heard from

him is driving me crazy.

—Or maybe he's been given something that makes it impossible for him to complete the bond — Lev


—What do you mean? — my cousin asked in confusion and I share the sentiment.

—Well, that there are certain types of stimulants or hormone suppressors that make it impossible to

connect through the bond — he leans over a little and places the elbows on the desk —. You say you

feel static and you're sure he's still alive. If it was an intentional blockage, you couldn't feel neither one.

—Is there any way that it can be reversed?— Derek adds and hearing his voice bothers me deeply.

After our fight, I thought about sending him to a cell and never letting him see the light of day again.

But Yaakov insisted, considering the delicate situation the organization is in, that the more help we get,

the better.

But if he dares to insult me again, to meddle in my relationship with Xander, to make some other

inappropriate comment about my partner... Hell, if he even breathes near him, he'll know who Alexei

Magnus is.

—No — Lev responds —. The only solution is for Xander to stop taking whatever is causing that effect.

—Can't you hear anything, Alexei? — My brother is demanding with hope —. Have you kept trying? —

The worry in his voice only makes my mood worse.

—No, Fred — I tilt my head back and close the eyes, the headache is killing me and I don't have my

Omega to help me calm down —. I told you, I tried and I couldn't.

—Shit — Yaakov grunts —. Who the hell is that guy? The intrigue is killing me — carries the cigarette

he's holding to the lips and takes a puff —. If he saved Xander, I find it hard to believe that is now his


—Yes, Yaak, but we still don't know who he is and why he saved him — Lev quickly intervenes —. It

could be someone who's trying to use him to blackmail us or get some benefit — he gets abruptly quiet

when he sees me open the eyes and analyze my expression —. I'm sorry, Alex, but it's a possibility,

you know.

—Yes, but that doesn't make it sound pretty — Nikon ironizes, dropping an arm over Adrik's shoulders.

—At this point, we can only wait for Xander or whoever his new captor is to communicate with us—

Adrik raises a hand and pulls Nikon's arm away, receiving a pout in return —. By the way. What do you

expect us to do with Reiji?

—Kill him— I answer without hesitation.

—Wait, Alexei. You can't just do that — Fred gets up and walks towards me —. You can't order

something like that lightly, you have to think through what you're doing.

—Oh, yeah? — I snort —. Why not? — I demand, already quite upset —. I remind you that because of

him, Xander was kidnapped, several of my men were injured and one is now dead. Dead, Fredek!— I

hit the desk again —. Not on a bloody holiday, not at a fucking party, certainly not at a nice reunion with

his family. Fucking dead!

—I understand, Alexei. But simply...

—Do you? — I insist, interrupting his speech halfway through. My wolf scratches his dominance to the

surface, my fangs growing as well as my claws —. Give me one damn reason why I shouldn't go down

there myself this instant and shoot him between the eyes.

—Alexei, I...

My phone rings and vibrates inside my vest pocket. I gesture my hand so that he stops talking while I

confirm the caller.

—Did you discuss everything with Angelo Dalaras about the transport of the merchandise? — I ask

Yaakov, puzzled.

—Yes, why? — He scowls and turns off the cigarette in the ashtray on the desk.

—He's calling me — I quickly show him the phone screen —. Is something wrong?

—Not at all, the train should be arriving in Newcastle by now — he says, looking at the clock on his

wrist —. The men haven't called to report any problems.

«So what the fuck does he want now?», I think with irritation. I like Angelo, but the guy's pretty pushy

and he's already driving me nuts.

—Will you answer? — my cousin gestures at the phone in my hand that doesn't stop ringing.

—Yes— I end up agreeing —. Leave, we'll continue this another time — everyone gets up and rushes

to the exit —. Not you, Yaak, stay— I press the accept call button the moment Yaakov sits down again

—. Dalaras.

—"Hello, Magnus. Wow, I was just about to hang up, I thought you wouldn't answer".

—I'm sorry I gave you that impression — though he's not wrong —. I was just a little busy. What can I

do for you?

—"Quite a lot, actually. I'd like to have some of your time this afternoon if possible".

—What for?"

—"I am grateful that we have finally reached an agreement. So I was thinking we could move forward

with our business relationship a little more".

—And for that you need me for a whole afternoon?

—"Well, it just so happens that I need to show you something that might be of interest to you. But it's in

a country house that I have on the outskirts of town, so it would take us a couple of hours to get there".

—What is it about?.

There's a silence on the other side of the line, I hear a long sigh before he replies.

—"I'd prefer if you saw for yourself, Magnus".

—Why can't you tell me what this is all about?

—"Because I don't think it's safe to have this conversation on the phone".

—Well, Dalaras. I don't mean to be rude, but I don't have time right now. You're already aware of the

reason, I can tell Yaakov that...

—"No!"— he interrupts me quickly, I can sense the slight tone of nervousness in his voice, which puts

me on my guard. I hear him clearing up his throat before continuing —. "I mean, it's something I need

YOU to see for yourself, Magnus".

—Angelo, I assure you it will be practically the same if Yaakov goes in my place. He's my right-hand

man and he's perfectly capable of representing me and the interests of the organization — Another


—"I understand, Magnus. But I'd prefer it if it were you. I can pick you up and he can accompany you if

you wish, but I need your presence. It's... Important".

This time I'm the one who's sighing. His insistence does not surprise me at all, it is not the first time he

has done it and I am sure it will not be the last. But that doesn't mean I have to be patient right now

when I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown because I haven't heard from Xander.

—"Please, Magnus. Believe me, I wouldn't be so persistent if it wasn't extremely important. I assure

you... I give you my word, you won't regret it".

—Can you give me even a hint of what I'm going to face? — I ask a little sharp, the headache has only

worsened since the beginning of this absurd conversation —. I don't like surprises, Dalaras.

—"I'm sorry, Magnus. I can't. I can only assure you that this is something that is very, very important. Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

It's... Invaluable".

—All right — I finally accept, albeit reluctantly —.Tell me the time and we'll be ready because I'm going

with Yaakov and maybe a few other men.

—"No problem at all, Magnus. I'll pick you up at 1 p.m".

—Fine — I hang up.

—What did he want?

—To fuck with my patience again — I sigh, leaning my head back over the chair and squeezing the

bridge of my nose —. He wants me to accompany him to one of his country houses on the outskirts of


—What for?

—Shit, I've no idea — fucking headache —. He wouldn't tell me.

—And you're going?— he asks in astonishment.

—I don't want to, but he was so fucking stubborn... — I sigh and open my eyes to see my cousin —.

You'll go with me, get a few men to join us.

—Okay — he gets up and he stands there watching me —. Maybe you want to take a bath and get

cleaned up a bit. You look disgusting.

—Fuck off — I replied without energy, pulling my middle finger out —. I'm still more handsome than

you, even now.

—You wish— he smiles smugly, gets behind me and starts pushing my shoulders, forcing me to get up

—. Now go, take a bath, shave off that awful beard of yours, and I'll send some food to your bedroom

for you to eat before we go. It's time to stop feeling sorry for your miserable ass, so move.

I can't help but laugh, although I immediately regret it after feeling a twinge in my head from the fucking

migraine. He's right, plus a bath would help me relax a bit. So, without any fuss, I go out on my way to

my bedroom. I can't stop thinking about what Angelo Dalaras has to show me while I'm bathing, getting

ready and making sure I have food in my stomach.

I keep trying to communicate with Xander, failing miserably. For God's sake, how long will this go on?

The only thing I dream of is having him in my arms again. With me and safe. Time passes and by the

time it's 1:00 p.m., I get a call from Vasily, indicating that Angelo has arrived.

Okay, time to go.

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