Scarred Alphas

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

The assassin comes back to

me–it is obvious to me that

I am his target. I don’t have time to worry about anyone else but I do hear fighting

and see what seems like a

mess happening around

Warrick and over at Colt’s © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.


The assassin lunges at me

and I notice the other

assassin trying to get to me too but Victor and Serge immediately intervene.

I dodge but this time I also

deflect the knife and then

immediately throw a punch, hitting him in the the jaw.

He stumbles back but

quickly recovers. I scoot back trying to get away from his oncoming grip but hit a table with a vase and without

thinking, I grab the vase and

smash it on the assassin’s

head. It staggers the man and

I take that moment to kick

the man in the stomach. He

doubles over in pain and then I knee him straight on

his face. The man falls on the

floor holding his nose and

that’s when Victor appears

and kicks the man on his

face again but this time it

knocks him out.

Taking a deep breath, I look

around and see that Colt is

fine and so is my father. We

were the targets.

“Are you okay!?” Colt asks me from the opposite side of the

table. I can see how much he

wants to jump over it and come to me but he doesn’t.

He realizes how concerned he sounds then he repeats in

a more subtle manner. “Are you okay, princess?”

I give him a nod. “Yes.”

I inspect him and see that he

is not hurt which makes me

feel relief. Then I look at my father. “Are you okay?”

“Of course I am. But I am

angry. These men infiltrated

us so easily…”

Two of the assassins are

dead. The other three are

subdued or unconscious.

“He’s bold that Alpha Ezra.” Alpha Oliver says

pating–cleaning his clothes.

“I was not the target but I was

caught in the middle of it, and that is unacceptable.”

Warrick nods. “Let’s go talk


The three assassins are taken

to the dungeon and five

minutes later, we are in the

war room. The men discuss

war and alliances while I am

throwing ogling eyes at Colt

and he does the same back. It

is so hard to be in the same

room and not be able to

touch him or to be near him.

I can also feel Warrick

watching us from time to

time. Maybe we are being

too obvious?

“You see…I like your terms

but…I am sure you can

sweeten the deal.” Oliver


The man is a businessman at

heart. Even I can tell that.

Suddenly, Warrick looks back at me before he speaks

again. “Let’s go talk in a more private area.” He tells Oliver.

I narrow my eyes at Warrick and with just my stare I am telling him that he better not

sell me to this man.

Warrick instructed us to stay here for the time being so

everyone lingers around

talking and waiting. Unable

to resist it, I scoot over to


“This is so hard.” I whisper.

He looks out the window, pretending not to have an

interest in me. Some of

Oliver’s men are still here.

“I f**king hate it. I hate how he looks at you. I hate when he talks to you. I hate how he calls you.” I can see his jaw tensing up. “He likes you and I f**king hate it.”

“But I want you. I want you and no one else.” I tell him.

He finally glances at me. He still doesn’t look happy but his eyes soften. “Are you

okay? Did you get hurt at


I give a small smile. “I am


He nods but we both quickly scoot away when the door opens and Warric walks in

with Oliver.

“Meeting is over. We’ll pick it back up again later.” Warrick


Hmh…what is he up to?

We all start walking out

while he watches us. As I

walk past him, Warrick

speaks to me. “You, stay.

I lift a brow. “Stay?”


When everyone is out and

the doors are closed, he

finally speaks.

I had a talk with Alpha


“And?! What did you tell

him?” I ask with warning.

“Drop the attitude first of all.

We came to an agreement on

a few things and as I had

anticipated, he asked about

you. I told him you were

available but I could make

no promises. I told him that the choice would be yours.


I nod feeling okay with this. “Alright. So now what?”

“I want you to escort Alpha

Oliver. Show him around the

pack. Be nice to him. That is


“And… that is it?”

He sighs. “Alpha Oliver is the Alpha of his own pack. I am not stupid. If you were to be

his mate, this man would

make you his Luna, not his

equal and that is

unacceptable. You are not meant to be just a Luna, Casseopea. You are meant to be the queen of a pack. You

are meant to be a ruler, not a follower. All I want you to do is to just keep him

interested. Don’t give him

any promises.”

I slowly nod weighng what he just said. For all this man’s flaws–and he has many–I

am impressed that he can

see a woman as his equal, he

can see a woman as an



“Good. Now go…and keep

away from Colt. I mean it.”

That’s when I grunt. “Yeah, yeah.”

I had every intention to go secretly see him but it is like he can read my mind.

With a huge sigh, I start to

walk out but have to stop when he peaks again though it seems that he is speaking to himself and not really me.

“You were born fighting and your mother said once that you were meant to be great.”

He stares out the window as

he says this. “She was right.”

Sometimes I wish that we

had a relationship where I could just ask him about my


Before I do what my father wants to show Alpha Oliver around–I head to see James.

He is in the same state I left

him. I hate seeing him like

this. A man who used to

radiate joy now sits almost


I kiss him on the head before

I leave. “I will get revenge for her,” I whisper. “And for you.”


Colt’s POV.

My fists hurt. My nails dig

into my skin, unable to relax my hands.

Soon my teeth will be dust with the way I keep grinding them. It is pure torture to watch Cass prance around

with that man. Four times I

tried to walk away from the

window but I couldn’t. I am

glued here watching her

show that man around the


Cass is not for him. She is an

untamable goddess. She is

not for any man that wishes

to tame her.

I almost can’t believe what I

see. He moves his hand to her back as he urges her to go in front and it lingers.

I dig my claws into the ledge of the window denting the

wood with holes and scratch


“You are about to pop,” Dash says from behind me.

He puts a hand on my

shoulder. “Damn.

Dude…chill. How tense are

you? Your shoulder is like a


“You are very close to getting

your face mauled.” It comes

out without any emotion.

He puts his hands up and

backs away. “Chiiiilll. Shit,


I point out of the window.

“That’s MY woman. This

f**ker thinks he can just

touch her like that.”

“Well…in his defense, he

doesn’t know she is your


That does not make me feel

any different.

“Look, you know you are the one she wants. Just back away from the window and

trust her.”

I close my eyes and try to think with my head instead of my emotions. He is right.

She wants me. She said it.

“Come. Have a drink with


I reluctantly follow him out

as he leads me to the bar

room. It is empty at this time of day so it is just the two of


“Let’s forget about

everything man.” He goes behind the bar and starts

serving us. He then sits next to me and we carefully clash our glasses together and get

lost in conversation.

“So, you really are telling me that that man changed so much just because of Cass?”

“I don’t know why and I don’t know how but yes. I am not joking, Alpha Warrick has surprised us all.”

“Wow. I would probably be

dead right now if not for

Curls then.”

“Yes, yes you would.”

“Well, she’s a good one, so don’t worry so much. That girl is crazy about you.”

A smile creeps onto my lips.

“So you and Curls really

know each other since you

were kids?”

“Yeah. I was about seven or

eight when she arrived at the

pack. I have known her ever


“And to think that asshole

brother of yours ended up

her mate.”

“Uh, let’s not talk about that


“Can I speak with you?”

We are interrupted. Dash

and I both turn and see


I’m surprised to see her

because I completely forgot

that she was still part of this pack.

She has casual clothes on

which is a bit odd to see her

1. in. Since she has been with

Warrick, she always wore dresses and

expensive–looking things.

She always had her hair and

nails done as well

accompanied by a pound of

makeup on her face. She

almost looks like a

completely different person


“I don’t think you are supposed to be here at the

main house,” I tell her.

“I am if I am cleaning.” She

looks between me and Dash and then wiggles the dirty rag on her hand.

With an exhale, I give Dash a nod. He chugs his drink, taps the glass on the bar, and

walks out.

“Let me talk. Don’t say

anything.” She immediately

says and I allow it giving her a nod.

“First of all, I don’t expect anything. I know what I did. And I know it was wrong. I

am sorry for it. I am sorry for what I did and I am sorry for hurting you. Yes, I am paying for it now and I know I deserve it. I don’t expect your forgiveness and that is okay. You have every right to be angry at me.” She pauses

and then continues. “I make

no excuses, I did it for two

reasons. The first one is that

I am a selfish person. I

wanted more. I

wanted…power and what

that power brought me. The second reason was that I was

afraid. I was afraid of the

uncertainty, of the position

that we were in at that

moment. I didn’t think

rationally and I was selfish. I

am sorry for the pain I

caused you. That… is all I wanted to say.”

I stay quiet pondering what

she just said.

I can’t say that I forgive her. But I do understand being afraid. She was tortured just

as I was. She has the scars to

prove that too. She made a

choice based on fear but also


I give her a nod telling her that I understand but by no

means does that mean I

forgive what she did. She

nods back and then I watch

her walk away.

I was not expecting that at

all. It is also nice to know

that she is remorseful now

that she is in the position she

is in.

I take a sip of my drink with

a smile on my face.

Karma is definitely real.

I walk up to the window but can’t see Cass anywhere anymore. I grunt and finish my drink before I walk out.

Stopping my way through the halls, not really knowing what to do with myself, I stumble on Julia who I have not seen in several days.

She looks like she just woke

up, completely unkempt

which is not like her. Her

eyes are red and puffy.

“Ale–Colt…” She wraps her

tiny arms around my neck

and hides her face.

“Julia…what is wrong?” I ask

her but I have a feeling that I


“You. I can’t do it. All I want

is you.”

I pull her hands away, pushing her gently from me.

“Julia, how much more clear can I make it?”

The last thing I ever want to

do is hurt her but I have to

be direct. I can’t give her any

thought that there is any


“I am in love with Cass and

even if she wasn’t around, I do not have feelings for you.

I never have and I am sure

never gave you that idea.”

“If it’s not you then there is

no one else for me.”

“You have a mate

somewhere, you know that.

You just haven’t met him yet.”

She vigorously shakes her

head and latches on to me


“Enough, Julia!” With a stern voice, I grab her arms and pull her away.

“I won’t! You are not mated

to her just yet so there is still

a chance!”

How delusional is she?

This is when I realize that

she is unstable. This is not


I decide that it’s a good idea

to have a talk with her father.

Maybe he can get some

sense into her and if all

fails…Warrick might be my

answer but I’m not sure if

he’d even care to help.

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